tv [untitled] December 25, 2011 3:31pm-4:01pm PST
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transferree, we lost that. we finally got after-hours and is working out. for the public safety in the neighbors, the after-hours extension has worked out really well. -- and the neighbors, the after hours extension has worked out really well. i went to college here and move to the marina to supervisor farrell's district and i have been here all the way to last year. i lived in my grandfather's apartment building as a resident manager there. on the corner of filbert and buchanan. one block from union street. believe me, being next to union street and all the things that go on, i know what it is like to be next to a club and to be a neighbor. that helped me a lot to mitigate a lot of the issues with the glass cat and the neighbors
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there. when the palms came up, i had to do extra work there and so far we seem to be ok with that. ok? supervisor kim: we have your resume. it is extensive and we appreciate your extensive history. if you could talk more about your interest on the commission, what you would like to accomplish with your priorities. >> the commission first of all, i want to come in there and boost the morale. the commission seems after the problems with some of our brother sister clubs as we say, we have some issues. the entertainment commission has been attacked and we changed and reformed -- re-cangehanged and
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reformed. giving them rights to suspend is a good thing. i would like to streamline that a little more to get the due process. i want to go out -- i go out every week and still. i live in san mateo, i am still on the board of cmac, i still come to meetings for cmac. i want to go out and see the other owners and talk to them more. i am more of a city-wide guy. i do not just hang out in soma, i party and dine in all districts. i have business owners in all districts. why not go out with the permit officer and just go? i have no problems with that. i think the main thing is to
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make the commission something proud that not only that they are promoting entertainment, they're making sure responsible owners own bars and clubs. at the same time, we have to do something to bring business back to san francisco and also to protect the tourists that come here. and because i have relationships with a lot of the venue owners, i could make headway to get some compromise or to get some things going like i did with the neighbors. that is basically it. supervisor kim: thank you. we will open up for questions. i do not know if you remember the questions i asked before. i know that you worked on the policy. if you could speak about the unmonitored parking policy and why you think is important. and talking about staggered permits for closing time for venues.
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>> the parking lot legislation has been my idea for many years. we have a parking lot that is one block away from our nightclub that has no fans, no gate. people can come from all directions. it is something that has been bothering me and also with the palms coming out, it has been an issue. we go out to my -- we go out and make sure people are gone. there is no one to take responsibility for someone else's property. i was able to talk to the supervisor -- supervisor chiu and mention the situation. if we could control the lots, not only will we help them, at the same time, people do not get their cars broken into and their keys are lost and they are crying in the parking lot, making even more noise or there is fights. not even the club goers. these are people that come off the bridge and go into the
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parking lot at 2:00 a.m. to engage our customers. they fight, why are we even dealing with them when they're not even my customer? this is something that is important. thanks to supervisor wiener for cochairing that. no matter what i did in the city, that is the one thing that i am happy i was able to bring that up. supervisor kim: thank you. and the staggered system? >> ramiya works. like i told you, we turn in our after-hours permit and everybody had to be pushed out at 2:00 a.m. and the police would come and we had to shut the door and all these people are in the street. we have a series of eight security guards to 15, depending on what the event is. can you imagine if a big cattle call at 2:00 a.m. and the
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sidewalks are only so big. they end up in the street. we finally got approved, we had music off at 2:30 a.m. and everybody out at 3:00 a.m., people filter out. people drink water. they ask for water. we give free water to people, if you have an intoxicated person you are supposed to take care of them. it did not put them in the street and let them sit there. we give them water or coffee or juice. they have an opportunity to sober up. i still have staff inside but the rest of the team is following the month -- them out to the parking lots and making sure there are obeying the law, not disturbing the neighbors. the rest of the people go in there is less drum in the parking lot and less stress in
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the street. the police hardly come when we could take care of it. especially nowadays when there is six officers at night. patrolling all the areas of the market. supervisor kim: thank you. are there any follow-ups? thank you. next we will call up the last applicant, steffen lippman. >> good afternoon, supervisors. thank you for taking your time to hear from us. my name is steffen lippman, i have been a resident for 20 years. in the sitting member in -- i am the sitting member in district 2. i come to you today feeling uniquely qualified for the entertainment commission simply because i have spent the last 25
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years in the nightclub business. that said, i have worked pretty much in a wide variety of club rules -- roles, including production, marketing, running clubs, day-to-day management. i did that in new york for probably 10 years, here in san francisco now about 16 or 17 years. i also feel i am uniquely qualified because i currently own a cd and dvd distribution company that represents 500 independent labels. i have run this business from the ground up starting in 2003 with 7 labels now representing close to 500 labels. that said, i am an artist myself, a poor farmer myself.
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in fact, -- i am an artist myself, a performer myself. in the night club industry, dealing with the venues or artists as well as dealing with the police, dealing with enforcement agencies. specifically to that point, i was basically appointed to create an album in 2000 between greek cypriots and turkish cypriots, proving that conflict resolution through music can be achieved. that said, here in san francisco, i have spent quite a bit of time getting to know various members of the entertainment community. including current members of the
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commission and current owners of many clubs in the city. entertainment is my life. i basically live and breathe it. as an entrepreneur in the work with -- work 90 hours -- i work 90 hours a week to keep my business going. for me it is an ability to get involved without necessarily a huge amount of, let's call it vested interest in any party. i will say i come to this from an independent standpoint and knowing that independent musicians have a hard time in the booking aspect, in making enough money to be sustainable here in the city, and i would see myself in a role tha tcould -- that could liase between artists and the community. i feel like we are in a time where the industry is changing so much.
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my company has gone from a distribution company to a marketing company and in that way i interact with press all the time and social media. i bring i feel all level of youth to this. the reason i am successful in my day job is because i am an artist, i am involved in creation. that said, san francisco has a vibrant entertainment scene. it continues to grow, it continues to bring people to the city. i believe that there are a lot of ways that this commission can positively impact the scene as it is now. i would say one of the first things i would bring to the table ideally would be the way to book local and by that, i mean to have venue owners to have successful venues whether they be corporately owned or independently owned. book artists on weekends to open up for established artists with
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the hope of growing those artists to fill their venues on monday or tuesday and wednesday. this was an idea i discussed a long time ago with boots houston who owned the maritime hall. i asked why do not book on a local opener and he said they do not drive people -- drug people. -- draw people. if you do it would add to the revenue. that is why would like to see happen. i cannot say anything more than willing to encourage the current lackluster book local. supervisor campos: thank you. -- supervisor kim: thank you. have you attended an entertainment commission meeting? >> i have attended a couple of them. supervisor kim: how do you
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see your role as a commissioner in working with them? >> i spent time with independent artists. supervisor kim: how do you view the commission's role in doing that? is that part of the role of the entertainment commission? >> i feel like it is part of the role of the entertainment commission as they are the only governing body that can get the ear of the community. the owners of the clubs. but also from the standpoint of there must be 10,000 independent acts that are based here. they do not have a voice and i feel like the commission could give those independents and not to say that what is going on currently in legislation with trying to make it easier for been used to book acts, that was a great step in the right direction. there is still a disconnect between these artists who want to get into these been used but
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they do not know how. supervisor kim: in terms of your time commitment. do you feel you have the time to attend community meetings as well? >> yes i do. i would perhaps upon being appointed i would resign my prose that commission. supervisor kim: there [unintelligible] >> there is a need nowadays. i tend to be there sometimes late at night. there is absolutely a need for some type of legislation to protect the innocent. people who are not involved in what is going on. supervisor kim: thank you. also your position or thoughts on the staggered system of
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pernice -- permits. >> 4:00 a.m. was an early by our standards. i support the idea of having a staggered system. it would relate for me, it having its place in the committee. certain communities could go as long as 6:00 a.m. but i feel like there are certain communities that would be a hindrance to the community or-to the community to allow the venue to stay open late. supervisor kim: thank you. any follow-up questions or comments? thank you so much. at this time we will open up for public comment. i have a number of cards. i will call those names first. first i will call up seven names at a time. dennis juarez, gregory chu,
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is always there. despite the fact the has his hands in five or six different businesses. part of the most important things of the commissioner is to be here and i think steven is someone who will do that. here is the awkward part. i did not realize until i got here that my good friend amie bailey-knobler is here. i can vouch for her. also steffen, steffen is h ere. -- here. steven is a great guy. amie is a great girl. steffen, great duedde too. >> i have been a resident of san
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francisco for 40 years and lagrone appear in different parts of the city. now resident of san francisco. i have great pride in the city and volunteered for different events. i will be at the commonwealth club for the events they have there. i volunteered for the san francisco public library. i am speaking on behalf of steven lee. volunteering for the san francisco aids foundation for the lgbt society. i recommend steven lee. i have met him through friends. it isno not just about getting one group inside. i have been there and a guy who
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likes to enjoy the nightlife and has traveled. there are great names out there. when i step into one of his events, it is a sense of community, it is what he does outside of that community. many different things. it brings people inside to his events. it is not just about that. getting people in the door and promoting and selling alcohol and so on. it is about his sense of community that i admire and would recommend to the city. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon. i did not realize, i never had a burrito at chavo's. i am speaking here on behalf of mr. steven lee. i served on the san francisco
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film commission to revitalize the film community. and to the immigrant rights commission to speak out on their rights about our divorce said -- a diverdiverse city. i also serve on various committees. yesterday's meeting, i chaired a community meeting at the last minute. i would like to talk to you about about -- about mr. lee. i would like to talk about a positive aspect of his fine character. when i first came to these
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advertising agencies i helped found and establish a full service communications firm to target the burgeoning asian americans and the greater part of asia. i had an office space in san francisco. everyone here knows -- the idea being that he did one and two color print jobs. i hired him one day and h iis pressman was sick. he rolled up his sleeves and operating the printing press to get the job done. one of his fine qualities is he made a good-faith effort and his can-do spirit of rolling up his sleeves which would make him a fine entertainment commissioner
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to the city. supervisor kim: thank you. thank you for being here. there is no particular order. >> i am a native san franciscan. i am here today to speak in support of steven lee. i have known him for many years. i have enjoyed his party's which he hosted as a promoter. as a business owner i know he is a great supporter of many community organizations, providing space at no cost to support young up-and-coming artists. other things that support the community and nightlife. i am an event planner so i know the value of what he has given us. i am here to speak about that. i am on the board of oca san francisco and a member of other boards and organizations and he
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has been of great partner. steve understands my life needs to be balanced with the needs of the neighbors, concerns of business owners and other stakeholders. he is a problem solver who thinks creatively about how to satisfy all concerned and he thinks clearly and proposes solutions that make sense and he knows how to work with others to make these happen. i hope you will support his appointment to the entertainment commission. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon. i am a lifelong resident of san francisco. raising my family here. i am also honored to be a retired san francisco police sgt. after 33 years of working tirelessly for the city, i have also worked, known steven lee
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for 20 of those years professionally. i have worked with him, he has come to me and revealed information to me on how to make a club run, make a dance run, try to avoid all the problems the police would get into. he is knowledgeable. i have worked with him for 20 years. i have known him for 30. he has abundant expertise in all facets of the entertainment business. i have been to over at least 100 of these events as a police officer. i have helped him, he has helped me. he has helped the police department. -- stop incidents by happening -- from happening by calling us
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or warning as. he is not afraid to step up to the plate. and that is what i like about him. he will do the right thing for the clubs and to the right thing for the patrons. i have a vested interest. i have two kids that are club age and they're going to the clubs, too. i live in the city and i have a vested interest. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you and thank you for being here today and for your service to the city. i appreciate your comments. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am here to support tim eicher. i have known tim for over 20 years. we worked together in oracle, a technology background. i am one of his partners in two of the bars that we own together in the castro.
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in terms of that, working with tim at the bars, one of the things i would emphasize he spoke to is his ability to work together with a lot of different views. in terms of problem-solving not just talking about the problem, but coming to the solution, one of the areas that he has taken to is the parking lot that exists across the street from one of our forests. it is not monitored and often a source of ne'er-do-wells that come to be blamed on our patrons. we have used our security to manage it but working with supervisor wiener and other business groups, tim has been critical in moving forward and getting that area monitored by patrol special police force as well as working toward getting a gate installed to have it closed at one in which has prevented and reduced the number of neighbor complains in the area. it is this type of action that
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tim brings to the table, as much about bringing together multiple viewpoints to come to a compromise as well as moving forward on the actions that are necessary to implement that compromise and come to resolution that satisfies the needs at hand. i support him -- for this nomination. >> good afternoon. i own a bar in the castro. tim has been my friend for many years. i met him when he bought about buying a bar in the castro -- he thought about buying a bar in the castro. he has proven himself to be thorough and thoughtful and reflective. he went and trained at a local bar before a purchased it to see what it was like on the front lines. that was one of the first things that impressed me. working with him on some of the different organizations, he has been gracious, helpful, and
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personally a good friend to me. and fabulous. thank you. supervisor kim: i have dennis richards, allen beach, chris hastings, and if you want to speak on this item, please line up. >> i am dennis richards. we -- we have many bars and some clubs, we are not foreign to working on -- with bar owners. we worked with cafe floor to expand their alcohol service as well as their opening and closing time. we also worked with the cafe on an enforcement issue we have. one of the things i wanted to say is the issues and spilling into the neighborhood and creates an adversarial situation
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with the bar owners and the bars. fortunately for two of the three, they are passed resolved and there is one we're working through currently. the thing that amazes me is i am the the board of the eureka valley castro neighborhood association. there was this bar owner there. are owners are supposed to be adversaries. they have their agenda and we have our agenda. tim comes in and wants to work with the neighborhood. this has been an incredible experience. i'm one the police department lgbt form. we talked at one meeting. -- i am on the police department lgbt forum. i talked with tim and he had developed a plan with mission state option
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