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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2011 9:31pm-10:01pm PST

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complaints about the parkinglot. worries you won't be able to contain the drunks falling out of your doors. how will you contain them? and whta you -- what you will do around the parking lot? all the activities used to occur with parked cars.
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>> here are the patrons now and they understand what we have gone through. i explaine d you have to be quiet. i think the biggest change will be to explain that. we have a plan. we will create a contract so they understand and are given a copy of the policy. they will understand what we are held to. there will be consequences. they may forfeit getting
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paid. we thought that was fair. musicians or performers might not get paid. that will send a message home. >> do you have a sign, please respect the neighbors? >> we do. >> can we have a show of hands? we are limited to two minutes per person.
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>> i have lived in different neighborhoods. that is how i met lisa. i would like to address the people hwwho objected. i have seen lisa where she is taking on jobs and dealing with problems.
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knowing in her work as a manager where she put on events, she will be able to address any concerns. i -- the neighbors should know they have a good team. president newlin: thank you. next? >> i moved to san francisco in june. i am the person who doesn't like bars. i dont' like to go out to eat. the first time i went i had the feeling that it was a person -- where a person felt safe.
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she is a kind woman who creates an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome. there is a great deal of interracial comfort. everyone makes friends. the music gives people another reason to be there. that is what we want. commisioner josepnewlin: thank . >> i was going for a walk and what is there along the street was music.
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there was an indie band. it added to the liveliness. not because it was a holiday but it made it more special. i have never been when it was skip's. i never felt intimidated. there is recorded music. it is live music. last time i went in i heard "new york, new york" being played there. hardly gangster rap or death
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metal. there is a synthesis of music. music is the soundtrack of the arts. president newlin: thank you. >> i think live music is important. nightlife and music is a big reason people live in neighborhoods. the new owners have involved willing neighbors. live music would be a great asset. i urge you to grant the
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permit. >> i am a musician and being followed by others who played there. that reputation will be swept out and we have two new people bringing in a spot for musicians to exchange ideas. most of the entertainers are not famous. they are expressing through music. i am in support and i hope you grant the license. >> i have lived in bernal
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heights and i am acquanted with skips. the horseshoe has transformed the ambience. president newlin: you want to explain the intimacy? >> i live in bernal heights. i am happy i am going to the horseshoe.
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>> i concur with everything said so far. it would be a shame if there was no music on cortland. i played there and there is no resemblance between what it was then and now. i mean music is vital to the life of a community. i urge you to grant this permit.
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>> i never parked in that parking lot. i made lots of friends. when they no longer had a license, i missed it. i want to go back to the neighborhood. there i get a lot of
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entertainment and made friends. i support them. >> moved -- i moved out here and i think keeping live music live is what makes neighborhoods flourish and what keeps people coming out. i think that is what the city has. i>> good evening. i am a small business.
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i have been the jobs, as a small business. so i am glad we gave her an opportunity. a small business can. to give her a chance. we are losing it. and thank you for that.
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>> i am a longtime resident of brunell heights, and i am excited about going to the lucky horseshoe in hearing some really good live music. i know there is a lot that i have never had a chance to hear. i am hoping i will be able to hear those, and i promise i will be very respectful, and i need the bar. [laughter] >> somehow i do not think we have to worry about that. i have lived in brunell heights since the mid-1970s, and lisa and erik taking this over and turning it into a very nice and then you, they are very inclusive where they have taken in the whole neighborhood. i support them and hope you do, too. president newliln: thank you.
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>> i am a longtime resident of san francisco, and i have been patronizing the lucky horseshoe, and lisa is doing a good job as owner, and i fully support the application. president newlin: thank you. >> my name is -- i live about two blocks, away, and my daughter is there. i just want to echo what everyone else is saying, but i think it is clear, they really made an effort to reach out, and it is a model for how these types of entertainment businesses can engage with the community, and i support it. president newlin: i agree with you. it is a very good outreach. >> i am a neighbor and a new resident of brunell heights, and
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i have had the opportunity to meet the new proprietors -- and a new resident of brunell heights. -- vernal heights. where none of the bond occurs or attachments in my profession or my upbringing matter, and i think it is demonstrated by the passion of the new proprietors that the new bar, lucky horseshoe, it is not a venue of entertainment but a venue of community, and that is what i have found in the last six months, and i urge you to approve their permit. president newlin: thank you. >> my name is -- i am a musician from vernal heights. born in san francisco. i really like what has happened since the chain of -- change of
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ownership. they have done a tremendous job of turning things around, bringing together the musicians and supporting them and understanding what the problems are, dealing with the club itself, and having dialogue with those people, with the detractors, and actually trying to solve these problems and the caring that they have for it. they have spent a lot of time reaching out, like other peo noe people who support them but also reaching out to people who are the detractors and trying to understand and solve these problems that they have with the the musicians and with the club itself. i have never met two people who are so responsible and committed to doing exactly what they say they want to do and have a
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really nice place for people to see music, be safe, and be responsible to the community. a benefit to the neighborhood. president newlin: thank you. >> hi, my name is -- i am currently a musician in the city, and i have been going back and forth since before i lived here, since before it became the music center that it has been. prior to living in vernal heights, i would never go into a bar. in never appealed to me that way, but what i will say is, this is a community place. they have done what they have done to strengthen that. they have also made a venue fully realizable now from what i can see.
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with the owners being there, ok, and staying in touch with the community, for me, this happens. this is about diversity and communication. as an artist now, i would say that they have brought it to a level -- i have no doubt as to how successful it will be, so i would ask personally said the we have a venue so we can keep cultivating the talent that is already in san francisco, with room with which to grow. that they be allowed to move to the next level. i have no doubt of their success. president newlin: one of our
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commissioners has to leave by 8:30, and if she leaves, we will not have a quorum or be able to vote on the issues. if you are going to speak in support, i do not think it is necessary at this time and just ask if there is anybody who remains that is in opposition and give them the opportunity to speak. like i said, you have got five minutes. >> i am in total support of this. the gentleman earlier who said he wants a family-friendly environment and a place where grown-ups can go, parents want the lucky horseshoe as well. president newlin: thank you. >> commissioners, my name is jim hall. i live on and overstreet and have lived there for over 20 years. -- i live on andover street.
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i wrote a letter in opposition, and i stand here before you in opposition of the application. i have been one of the ones who have been most affected by what went on at skype's tavern -- sk ip's tavern before the ownership change. i have been over to supervisor campos' office, the vernal heights office, businesses on bortlan -- cortland, and you are hearing a lot of support. i have no doubt that they are the best intentions to turn this around. but when i hear such a wonderful
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job on community outreach has been taken, on him perplexed that knowing that my wife and i are among the most affected, the ones who have been in the trenches for all of these years, the new ownership never once approached us personally to try to explain what they are doing and try to hear our concerns. president newlin: ok. thank you. >> i am the other voice of opposition. i have lived there for 23 years. most of the problems we have started when the previous bar got its permit, and every year that they had a permit as it became more and more popular, the problems intensified. one of the concerns of the previous owner was that he could not control his patrons once they've left the bar, and we are
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not sure how the new applicants will be able to do that either, because nobody has the resources to police this once it closes and people are on the streets. the sfpd does not, and i do not think you do either. whenever on social activity goes on, it lands directly on our doorstep. we are right there. one of the major reasons the problems have lessened is because of our efforts. we managed after years to get the parking area closed off, and that is the only reason. this has been a constant effort with all of the businesses in the neighborhood, particularly the grocery store owner. there was a lot of opposition from the bar owner. it is great for the musicians, but we do live there. it is a very small residential neighborhood, and we are right there to bear the brunt of it.
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there is plenty of evidence that this does not fit the neighborhood. president newlin: thank you. appreciate your comments. the matter is at the commission, and since we are in expedited mode, i would like to ask the commissioners to make an amendment to the hours so that they are allowed, if this is approved, that if the holiday falls on a monday that they can use the normal -- normal weekend hours on a sunday. >> i move to make a motion to -- is this a conditional one? is this a conditional permit? or is this a permanent one? conditional on. i make a motion to approve the conditional permit, where the hours of operation would be new in bam 12:30 -- would been noon to 12:30 sunday through
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wednesday. noon to 1:30 thursday and saturday, and it would apply when a holiday falls on a monday. i would strike all of the police conditions except the following. they were using an outside promoter. a permanent officer at the ingalls side station. that is my motion. i do not particularly care -- is
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a privacy issue on the indoor camera. i do not know if they can keep that footage or not. that is my motion. president newlin: any comment or a second? do you want to call the roll? clerk: [reading roll] president newlin: i would like to say that if you have as good a job as everyone is saying, you will be a success -- if you have -- if you do have as good a job -- do half as good a job. we might as well finish the meeting. item number seven, commissioner comments and questions. anything?
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commissioner: yes, i have something. >> can you guys leave quietly? we are not done yet. thank you. commissioner -- >> i have cards for the numbers on andover street, and in the past couple of weeks, i have attended a voice of broadway meeting and also in north beach business association meeting and there is something else, but it is not coming to me now. president newling: you have the phone call. item number 8. i am sorry. >> i also wanted to say that i attended the outreach meeting in district 11, and out of that, i was able to meet some community groups and went to the district
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11 council meeting last weekend, so i was able to reach out to them talking about our work with the commission. president newling: -- newlin: item 8, any new business? seeing none, this is the end of -- >> can i say happy holiday? president newlin: you are out of order. thank you very much. the same to meet -- from me to everybody. thank you for the good work from the real backbone of this crew, said this concludes the tuesday, december 13 meeting of the entertainment commission for the city and county of san francisco. ok.
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