tv [untitled] December 29, 2011 5:31pm-6:01pm PST
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industries that either brought in from materials -- raw materials by boats or products for the mining industry. that was a major production in this area. this is the northeast end of the project area where different industries were and so forth. that's the end is what we're most interested in. further inland, a block between first and second, which is the new transit center area. there is more of a residential area with various businesses scattered through, and we are using the historic maps and insurance maps along with the senses and city directors to identify people that live in this area. the maps show there are houses where the back yards were, and
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those of the areas we're most interested in. that is where there would be the outhouses, and that is where people had pits to bury their trash. and that is the best evidence we will find. this is part of the evidence we use to figure out where we need to work. using the historic maps we can look at parcels and determine where there is likely to be finds. we do not want to work in area where there were disturbances that would destroy any archaeological evidence. this tells us where basements were. if you have a basement, it would have destroyed the historical archaeology alevidence in this area. the buildings that were built then had a lot of basements and
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destroyed a lot of the basements. we used that to narrow down the areas to areas where we are likely to find evidence of the past. the 1906 earthquake devastated this area and completely rem old the neighborhood. it is hard to see. down the middle of this is basically wiped out. those basements from the previous houses were filled with earthquake rubble and debris. they basically cleared everything so the layer of earthquake debris that celebrates what was before 1906 from what is after 1906. then we have a different sort of development. we can see and to parcels. it is a different neighborhood.
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it is not the crowd of houses that come in at the time. then we have construction of the old terminal. so we use the as-built terminals from that to determine where the areas of historic deposit might survive. it had a basement in very deep pilings driven a very close intervals. a lot of archaeology and the old terminal was destroyed by that. we really end up looking at areas by the size of the old terminal. by implementing the old plan you see that outline of the new terminal and the areas in which we have done archeologist research. there are three phases of this. the terminal as a base today. those are in orange. -- the terminal is in phase
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today. this is where they are testing new designs for the terminal. those are in blue. primarily we helped pick out those areas where there was not likely to be anything because of previous construction that has gone on. the areas in green, which were done to the demolition of the old terminal in construction of the new terminal. the areas of the bottom left in green, the southwest and of the terminal, those are areas use in the exhibit and will be featured in the second part of this. those are areas where we know we had a good chance of finding evidence of san francisco's past. in the future we still have the bus storage facility and the bus ramps and a storage facility down here.
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we're working on the testing plans for that right now and about to start working on the plan for the ramps. methods. basically we use mechanical excavation to remove overlaying areas to find features of interest for prehistoric archaeology. for deep down we use scorincori foresight's bettefor areas deep when we find something, we find a team of excavators that can reveal the features and recover artifacts. we record everything, photograph of a drop its and recall the locations. from the locations we can go back to the historic maps and identified whose backyard we're digging in. then we can start to put together the story of the past.
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i will turn it over to my colleague, amy [unintelligible] >> name is amy origamony. just to finish up to show you what we found so far. to give you an idea, these are all features that we had and former and future transit center locations. this is what the features look like out there. the one in the top left is a pretty you're looking at pier did you are looking at it in profile. -- the privy you are looking at in profile. you could see the dark and soil on top. that is before we have excavated. eon the top right you are lookig down into the privy before we
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excavate it. we do this intend t 10-12 20 centimeter increments. the bottom right, this is on the north side of that thomanotomas. these are what the old structures look like. this is what they look like when we see them. also we included a photograph. you are really seeing the boy on the bottom left of where of would beryl had been buried here. you can see where the remnants of the wood around the outside and the hoops that would have held it together.
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we have removed the artifacts. you could see were the feature was located. these are primarily in santa. that is what it looks like in the field for us as we are excavating. all of these items are in the exhibit at to a one mission right now. this is what is coming out of those features that we just showed you. these are all from the historic address of 47 mina. this was a historic laundromat. the workers also lived at the laundry where they worked. these are things that we are recovering from the rear yard. these are pretty utilitarianism stone where and porcelain storage vessels and a bowlbowls.
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typical kitchen type of items. we also had an opium pipes bowl that is broken. you are looking at it from the bottom and that photograph. then a sample of -- this is just a couple of houses over. these are personal items that people costs. we can recreate a bit of their life when they were not normally recorded. these are things like a toothbrush, which at the time would have been made out of bone. a coma. this is right after vulcanized rubber had been invented essentially. a chamber pot.
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various remedies. lots of medicinal -- medicinal bottles. these apothecary jars. the small ceramic jars would have held the medicinal items we are used to but in a different packaging. the large one in the center. a local drug who was a san francisco apothecary who has his name on the goods he is selling. then also a perfume. i think that one is imported from philadelphia. and these are also from the ministry addresses between first and second. some of the personal items will remind you of the people that lived at these addresses in the 19th century. a child's doll. we usually just fine small pieces of the doll. they're not told by the time we find them.
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then smoke and pipe wade -- made out of white clay. kids marbles. a dog collar that has the number of the san francisco dog license for that particular dog. decorative items, which had been somewhat fancy for a woman to wear with a nicer about it. then this figurine with what we're calling a hunting scene. this would have been sitting in someone's parlor or front room. paul mentioned there is obviously the industrial component to the waterfront. these are some of the things that reflect the past industry going on there. simple items like this chisel. the handle is no longer there, but also this pulley wheel. the pulley wheel in the casting
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pattern, these are things that -- and also iron crucible. these are things that came out of the former with d rifton iron works, which was a very productive iron company. that is the site of the temporary terminal now. these are the kind of items that we were getting at of the former industrial area. these are small crucibles that would have been used for melting different metals in making molds and pouring cass. -- casts. just to show you, this is the exhibit right now. it has been up a week. there are four cases and
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interpretive banners describing the future transit center, and also talking about archaeology showing a lot of historic photographs and documents. we got very good reception and the press, so we were really happy. that is it. we're happy to answer any questions. supervisor kim: thank you. i would like to have cerebral come up and give the construction update -- steve rule come up and give the construction update. >> good morning, directors. steve ruhle, with turner construction. just a couple of highlights. we have over 200,000 hours going without major incident or within the transit center construction. our executive director mentioned 55,000 hours. now we are into the transit centers that have over 200,000
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hours without incident. some of the highlights of the last 30-45 days, up retrenching has been completed, as has the cdsm wall. this is the graphic i used before to show you where it was in progress or were the pre- tragic was in progress. you will notice there is only one color. there are four gaps remaining. half ofe street still needs to be crossed when -- one of the final utility areas are finished. that will be done and the first half of next year. there is a scene in somzone four where we're doing work. they are planning to for the 27 tomorrow. the weekly average from the time we started in early september is just over two as a production
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rate. we want to get that up to 2.5. those yellow circles were the ones that were completed this week. i put the slide together last week. those are now complete, and they are working on the right-hand line. they're working on the last one in line, and the second to last one on 13 line. some shots of the work going on, the production is increasing. the final depths of the shaft are varying a little bit more than a prediction, so that is causing a few more hours. the contractor has worked of the last two saturdays on their own to keep the production rate up, and we anticipate continuing to work to keep up on that and working with the whole team to increase productivity over the
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next 14 months to get the desired goal in april of 2013. we started with some of the reinforced buttresses last month. those we barred cages and it being over 200 feet long. -- rebarr cages and that being over 200 feet long. quality control aspects. we are currently doing cores to determine the quality of the interface that is created between the shaft. we work closely with the design engineers and our testing lab, and they're working through the results right now. down in what we call don't read, the middle son, between fremont and first-rate, there is a comparison of the progress that has been made again. the cdsm work was completed at
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the end of november. they are finishing up the final operation. of course, hard to show you but it is being taken apart. that rate will come back in february and march to finish the street. -- rig will come back in february and march to finish the street. down at the west end they have started with exposing the remaining foundations of the existing transit center and some of the other known underground obstructions in the west end as the start excavation. some pictures of that. you can see the completed cdsm wall which is the north side of the project. we call this zone two just west of first street and the excavation to the side of it where it the remaining transgendered the wall is. they are down 12-14 feet at that
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point. some other shots of the excavations out of the west end and the demolition of the remaining transit center walls. the utility relocation is basically complete out in the field. street restoration continued on notomas street around the project as we put everything back together. the only package that remains to be worked on it is the of sillery water system, and that will still work in the first part of next year, the first quarter of next year. it is still the plan there. we're still working on having the contractor that is during the infrastructure portion of the remaining pg&e work of first-rate that will be completed in the next couple of weeks in december and allow them
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to pull cables into the new location, which will allow us to complete the shoring wall of crossing for street, and they will do the same on fremont' street. wanted to include this slide. this is the construction budget and read. it indicates we are tracking the budget plan for the transit center. this comes from the month we report that we receive, and the same with the schedule update. aero -- tehe arrow points to the buttress shoring wind. the next up will be the short great package, which will start the foundation as the excavation completes the next package to come out and go to work. on the local trade had come
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over 2000 hours concludes management time and the other management team, but the craft hours are up over 155,000, and today we're trending as 67% in the local area. as you asked about previously, they included the labor breakdown by the region. east bay-north bay, and county of san francisco. we have great numbers there with 25 percent of the labor for the entire project. i would be happy to answer any questions. supervisor kim: any questions? >> that concludes my report. the canoe to the next item. -- we can move to the next item. any public comment? seeing none, moving on to
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item number seven. an architectural update by pellie clarke pelli architects. this is a benefit for the new members said they can see the work that has gone into what up until now. >> my name is fred clark. i am a senior design principal. some of you have seen me before, in some of you have not. i am going to go back a little bit into the history of the design just to reach familiarize -- refamiliarize you with the building and how it functions and looks. i can say that we have completed all of the design phases. we are deeply into the construction document days, which is a very critical phase. we are poised to finish that
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phase quite soon. just to reorient you as to what the project is and where it is, this is the ground floor. in reading from right to left on the far right side, which is the east side, is the concentration of wbussed facilities. golden gate bus plaza is a highly functional threaded part of the building. a great deal of time has been spent on that part of the project. immediately to the west is the grant col. this is the main entrance lobby to the building, and also the main article circulation for the passengers up and down, and i will go into detail with that in a few minutes. going further west, two blocks that are devoted to retail. in the center just above the grand hall is the site of the future transbay center tower. at the lower part of the slide
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is in the middle is noatoma strees. t. the next slide is the lower retail. the upper image is the best deck level it fell. at the very top of the building is the 5.5 acre public park, which has become a key feature in characteristics of the project, and i will also go into details in a few minutes. the two levels below grade is the level concourse. this is the location for people that are waiting to use the trains. they will wait at this location and move down to the train with their train is called. the lower concourse is the site of a significant amount of retail. the low were supplied is the train platforms themselves. -- lower concourse is the train
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platforms themselves. starting at the very lowest level are the train platforms. you will see, trained in california high-speed rail tracks at this level. immediately above that is lower concourse. then you get to the street level, which happens to be cut through the ground hall lobby. the ground hall lobby in the plan dimensions and vertical dimensions are very similar to grand central station. there will be an enormous amount of presence and identity given to the building by the size and scope of public space. the next level above that is the best that level. above that is the park level. the very critical aspect of design has been a structural engineering. structural engineering is driven by three critical components. the first seismic engineering.
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second, ct. third is to be sure that this can withstand any kind of event we can imagine in the future. -- second, safetyl. in addition we have a park on top of the building. -- second, safety. one good thing about having the park on top of the building is it causes us to reinforce the structure and a very robust way. what you are seeing, which is the heart and core of the structural engineering is very large tresses. each is 4 feet in diameter. this is good to be the safest building in san francisco, and practically any place else i imagine because of the very robust structure. that structure is in clad in a class caglass skin, which we can
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awning. that has a substructure, and the cglass is applied panel by a panel. i will go into more detail in the future. both of these aspects are really the key to the support and expression of the building. here you see it from the streets. again another view on first street. the transbay transit center tower is on your left. you are looking south on first street. on beale street, which will be an extraordinary view of the building, you will be an entrance, the park above, activities of the buses at the street level and the best bet. -- the bus deck. there will be own access to their floor, a tenant space, and critical identity and future of the building. this is looking back towards the building looking at the building
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from mission street. this is mission plaza which is the main entrance, and a little bit in the distance to see the future transbay transit center tower. inside the grand hall itself is a structural element called the like column. that is bringing light, they light from the park all the way down to the train platform level. it is being designed also as one of the key identities of the building. if any of you are familiar with grand central station, you know there is a large clock at the center of the main hall. it is the place to meet your friends in new york. it is the place that one always refers to as the point at the center of the activity of the city and the grand light column will serve exactly the same purpose. another view of the light column that shows from the street level you have a view all the way up to the park above. you're always aware the park is
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above you, the weather conditions. it is very transparent and open, and the very welcoming space. as you go up the escalators and look back toward the ground floor of the grand hall, you have a view of the park, a view of the outside, as well as a view of all the activity in the building. looking back toward the set of escalators, if you are standing next to the light column. once again, you're always oriented to the sky and park above. at the bus on deck level there will be a very comfortable protected leading space. the buses are circulating around you. we are bringing natural daylight from the park down to the level, as well as used to and from the city in all sides of the building. at the park itself, and i will go into some detail in a few
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more minutes, you will be surrounded not only by greenery but public sculpture, amenities such as restaurants and cafes, and a very wonderful relaxed environment for the city to use whether you are using transit or not, you're welcome to be in the park. the lower concourse level is primarily the waiting call for trains. just below this as well as a very important concentration of retail, and the train platform level itself is one level below that connected by elevators and escalators. a good bit of work has been done on a critical aspect of the program, which is retail. it is right in the center. retail is going to be critical to the support and livelihood of this new community. two
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