tv [untitled] January 1, 2012 4:01pm-4:31pm PST
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supervisor kim: thank you. >> i am a member of castro after dark and a bar owner. i have come to speak for tim. castro after dark is supporting his bid for the appointment. it is a collection of the venues and nighttime stick owners. we formed two and half for three years ago to promote a more vibrant and safe nightlife. tim was instrumental in forming that group. i have been impressed with him working with him in that group. it -- he has done a good job in out reach to the neighborhood and working with the other business owners. it has been said a couple of times, he has done a good job of building consensus and getting people to agree, groups of people who have divergent points of view.
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he is forward thinking and solution-oriented. he would do a great job in this position. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon. i am president of castro-eureka valley neighborhood association. i am on the chief of police's lgbt forum and i've been ought -- involved in the neighborhood for four years. so, do you want me to stop? supervisor kim: no. i called you by the wrong name. >> i have known tim for four years, i met him when he joined evna and he has been involved with the organization for four years and he has taken a
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leadership role in the neighborhood and i have been impressed with his ability to take others ideas and put them into effect in the neighborhood. for example, castro after dark was formed working with another bar that was a nuisance. i talked to him about it when he joined and he took the leadership role on trying to get it underway. the first bar he bought in the neighborhood had been a major nuisance to residents on harford street. he did outrage when he took it over to their residence and neighborhood association to find out what the issues were and how he could work with the neighborhood. he is collaborative and takes a strong leadership role in have been impressed with him and involved with a lot of people over four years. i support his nomination. supervisor kim: thank you. >> ♪ said the entertainment,
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entertainment seat ♪ ♪ good luck to them ♪ christmas is coming, they will bring entertainment back ♪ ♪ please pick steve lee and that is a fact ♪ ♪ he can do the job very well ♪ ♪ you can see the resume and you can tell ♪ ♪ goodluck. -- good luck. >> good afternoon. thank you, i enjoyed that. i am the producer and production staff of -- productions.
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i hope you consider steven lee for this position. he is incredible. he took my first party we did, it was sold out and we have been doing it for years. i worked very closely with him. there is not anything he cannot handle or attack and attack -- talk on the phone and handle. he has his fingers all over town. the thing that have been most was i was a member, one of these off of the transfer in the day in we were able to bring back deerow -- trocadero. we have people flying in to attend this party once a year. the funds come under one roof. a couple of those are charities
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and we hired the original staff. steven lee has taken the time to not only welcome all of us but people that are handicapped into the situation. they have a job and have something to do again. there are a lot of older and younger people. he works, he knows the area. he taught me incredible things. thank you and please consider him. supervisor kim: thank you. >> i am here in support of steven lee. i am the president of a tech company. and a community volunteer. their basic things are wired to emphasize, not add to the wonderful bling some have been said. with my volunteering i have met parents to know st -- who know steven lee.
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colleagues and corporations to know him as well. also restaurant owners and then you owners. he truly has a passion for the issues of the city. without passion, people can make changes and do powerful things -- with that passion, people can make changes and do powerful thing spread it will be beneficial for everything -- everybody for his commissions -- connections and his ability to talk to people on a personal level and allow them to work through issues together. supervisor kim: thank you very much. >> i am a resident of the castro, i have lived there for about 20 years. i became a number -- member of the eureka valley neighborhood association and serving on the board. i am speaking in support of tim eicher. tim has worked with the
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neighbors. you heard allen and dennis talk about his average to neighbors for issues about the parking lot and noise. he has done this on his own. tim has been willing to help the neighbors and work with the neighbors to the point of the other nights coming over to a random meeting of neighbors that were talking about issues in the neighborhood. tim showed up and said, what can i do? i find him accessible and have worked with him on the board of evna and find him helpful and it would be a great choice for the commission. supervisor campos: thank you -- supervisor kim: thank you. >> i am the board president of the apa families services and active in a number of organizations. i strongly support steven lee. i have known him for 30 years as
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an intrapreneur with it can do attitude. he works well with many groups and very generous to nonprofit organizations. the events held in his club are well-managed and enjoyable. i must appreciate -- most appreciate him on a personal level for providing young people with leadership as he did for me 30 years ago when i was a young, timid, shy young lady. he has made a significant impact in our community and these are few of the reasons i think he would make a great commissioner. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon. i am not going to say what i do
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because we would be here forever. just like mr. paulson sang, he supports steven lee and i support him. he supports the community. in all diversity. he is perfect for this position. if you see how many supporters he got, he pretty much has tons and tons of supporters. not only in the entertainment business, but the community and san francisco. i think he is perfectly fit for this job and i believe that he will be at the commissioner. thank you. supervisor kim: is there any other public comment at this time on this item? sing in public comment is closed.
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-- seeing none,, public comment is closed. we have so many qualified candidates. i am sure colleagues have some discussion are questions. supervisor farrell: i have been on the rules committee for about a year. there has been a handful of times where i think i could have said we could appoint anyone who comes before us. whoever comes out of here, and whoever does not, please do not take it as anything but the fact that we would support you going forward in other seats. i would say i know the mayor has a few appointments to this commission as well. we are happy for the names here. amie, for running the fillmore is not here today.
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i would say i would challenge for being here given she is not here today. mr. lippman, who is a constituent of mine and friends of lafayette park, i did like his background. i wish i would have known more about what he is doing in the entertainment industry before today. i will -- i do like his background and what he brought to the table. mr. lee, you and tim had the most support. you had mr. paulson supporting it. i do not think i have heard mr. paulson advocate for one candidate. i have been to a number of your venues. i -- having been to a number of your venues, i know of your work and it is incredibly impressive. mr. eicher, you had a ton of
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folks here as well. one of the things i have realized on the board, i have seen in district 2 is a lot between the neighborhoods and the commercial corridors. that is an inherent tension in our great neighbor kids in the city. it has come through for what people have said and what you have said about your desire to integrate and work through those issues. that is so important and especially our technology background, it is very fascinating for me personally. i will indicate where i am thinking right now and i will let my colleagues talk. amie, i will have difficulty considering her today given that she is not here. this may seem not fair. it has been consistent with what i've done all year. when we have all lot of -- even though your recently moved out, when we have a residency waiver requirements, i have a difficult
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time and i have been this way all year with people i like. it is something i have done all year and it is a principal thing i would feel difficulty sticking with. with that, that being said, if you come back, please let me know. i would be happy to work with you and push you through on that. that is purely my reasoning. i would be happy to support mr. eichman, mr. lippman, and would leave it to my colleagues to discuss. supervisor mar:supervisor farre committee has a lot of qualified
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and dedicated people coming forward. you have to pick. it is painful sometimes and this is one of those days that in particular, they are two extra very candid it spread we're lucky to have an abundance of riches. i do support to my career -- tim eicher. he i think 0-00-- you are an extraordinary candidate and an extraordinary contributor to the night live sector. it is important for me and i thank you for your incredible work for many years. i am supporting tim eicher for a few reasons. you have heard about his experience in the industry. but also at a neighborhood
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level. i know as a supervisor who represents the castro, even though -- before was supervisor, the tensions that form between the neighborhood and some of the entertainment venues have been a real problem in the neighborhood and a very destructive kind of thing in terms of having this tensions. it is not the only neighborhood where that happens but it has been along time issue -- a long time issues. some respond in different ways. some incredibly unproductive and in the case of mr. eicher, incredibly productive and going beyond. the fact that the presidents of the two major neighborhood gos>> these are to neighborhood association presidents that have had issues with other venue operators. i also want to emphasize tim's
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background and technology. one of the challenges that the entertainment commission has working with some of the commissioners, when of the one of the challenges is a route technology. -- a rounround technologies . that is one thing that we worked on last year. although these receipts are never geographic in nature, i don't know that we have never had a commissioner from the castro. i might be wrong about that. i think that given that the castro is one of the major nightlife entertainment zones in the city, having a venue
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operators from the castro would be appropriate. i'll be supporting tim eicher. >> it looks like we all have different favorites. i do want to thank again of the applicants for being here today, it was really sad to see that amie wasn't here today. i think it is really important to have women voices around nightlife entertainment as well. there are multiple perspectives that we would like to see on the commission. i am also a dance hall fan, i appreciate the things that you had to say. and the work you have done around music in the recording industry, with tim, i appreciate the time you have taken to talk to me about issues.
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i think it is great that they will have someone that as a venue owner and a resident which is another area where we have entertainment and residential. i appreciate the work you have done with neighbors and i guess we'll have potentially another mit grad on the commission. and also your work around technology, i think you will be a fresh voice on the commission given some of your work and some of your more recent -- i have known mr. lee for a very long time. i did go to your venue quite frequently in the days, and i know your history of working in the south of market and the asian-american community. and much of your experience in general with entertainment, you have a ton of expertise and an incredible amount of energy. i have a hard time keeping up
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with you when we speak about entertainment issues. there was actually a homicide shooting that happened last year at an unsupervised parking lot in the south of market. i parked in that lot and left 45 minutes or an hour before the shooting had occurred. when i got there, they're working security guards there, and when they went back, i was surprised to find out that there were not guards there anymore. i usually don't drive in the south of market but that night, i had to. i know you have worked extensively on it. i know you have come to many of the neighborhood association meetings, you try to work actively with our residents around the multiple conflicts that happen when you live in this city such as san francisco. how will be supporting -- i will be supporting mr. lee today.
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it is unfortunate that you don't live in san francisco currently, but i am willing to do a residency waiver for you. i think we have to send someone with recommendation. >> i move to forward tim eicher. >> i will second that and support that. mr. lee, i hope you understand my reasoning even if you don't agree with it. mr. lippman, we have a lot of work to do in lafayette park as well. if there is desired work on this commission and the future, i would be more than happy to discuss it in detail. i'll second that motion. supervisor kim: we have a motion
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to move for mr. tim eicher. i would like to take roll call for this vote. >> on the motion to force mr. eicher's appointment to the entertainment commission with the recommendation. supervisor wiener: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: no. >> madam chair, two ayes and one no. supervisor kim: the motion passes to move forward tim eicher. i want to thank all the applicants, and you have done a tremendous amount of work and i look forward to working with you. we have a lot of entertainment venues and we have quite a lot coming up next year. it is definitely a dedication of love. thanks to the members of the public that came out to speak and members of the entertainment commission.
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and -- it speaks to your interests and dedication to have some many commissioners and staff your -- so many commissioners and staff here. the item moves forward with recommendations. can you please call item no. 3? >> hearing to consider appointing six members, terms ending december 16, 2012, to the market and octavia community advisory committee. supervisor kim: thank you. we have a number of applicants, six seats and now 11 applicants. i will be calling you in the order you are listed in the agenda. i'm not sure if the applicants are all here today, so i will call krute singa and marius
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starkey. >> thank you. shall i go ahead? thank you, committee members, for the opportunity to speak today. my name is -- yeah. supervisor kim: we can take a moment to let folks filter in and filter out. >> thank you again for the opportunity to speak today, my name is kurte singa, -- krute singa, and i am interested in becoming a member of the market indicate the the community advisory committee. -- market and octavia community advisory committee. i am interested in involving and
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prioritizing community involvement projects. and in particular, multi-modal access projects. creating housing stock that is affordable, and funding strategies for community improvement. what i bring to the community is over 10 years' professional experience in urban planning and multi-modal transportation. establishing projects that improve pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access closely tied to land use and economic development. i am currently a working for the san francisco department of the environment where i manage to commute transportation programs and outreach. my experience isn't limited to transportation -- including access to basic amenities,
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services, schools, and open spaces. on a personal level, i grew up in san francisco and lived in the neighborhood for the past seven years. i am committed to providing improvement to san francisco and my neighborhood in particular. i don't own a car and rely on the network of transit by pedestrians and cars sharing. lastly, my office is located adjacent to the planning area and i am familiar with the multi-modal access issues. just to conclude, i am committed to continuing improvement in the planning area that is sustainable, cohesive, and provide a long-term positive impact. supervisor kim: thank you. questions? supervisor wiener: you're a renter, correct? >> yes, i am a renter.
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supervisor kim: next, marius starkey and karen knowles-p earce. ." >> mr. starkey had to leave, so he provided me with his comments that i would like to read into the record. to whom it may concern. serving the past few years has provided me with a certain civic pride and the like to continue my work. i live within visual sight and it would be my pleasure to see projects become reality. as an individual living in the mlp area for the last 20 years,
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i have firsthand experience in recognizing the importance of improving our neighborhoods with respect to pedestrian and bicycle safety. the improvement of area parks and the regulation of traffic flow regarding parking issues. the current members have developed an environment that works effectively with various neighborhood groups and development. this includes working with city agencies like the ipic to make recommendations to offset the influx of new people moving into the mlp area due to the construction of new buildings and businesses. currently, i am also serving on the board of the mdna. the mdna and the cac have good working relationships with each other. i want the best of features for all the burdens and the people
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that live there. i would very much like to continue working with the cac mlp. i won't take questions for him. [laughter] supervisor kim: i can call your name next. >> i am karen knowles-pearce. i have lived in the neighborhood for many years. i became active with boards around the city and the search for 10 years on the mission bay cac. i serve for four years and was the vice chair of transbay transit center. since 2001, i have been a member and the chair of the treasure island yerba buena island advisory board. this year, after the world when
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