tv [untitled] January 5, 2012 10:01am-10:31am PST
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>> mr. chair, you have a quorum. >> let me welcome the staff this afternoon, think you very much. >> announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices. the use of telephones, pagers, and other -- get the tape recorder on so that every precious word is remembered out of austerity. other sound producing electronics are prohibited at the meeting. if you're responsible for one going off, you may be removed for the meeting. the board respectfully request they be placed in the off position. is there a motion for approval
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and a second of the mets for the last meeting? >> so ordered -- of the minutes for the last meeting? >> so ordered. >> i like to ask the department to take a look at the citation report. we haven't seen those in several months. >> will work and get something on the calendar for you. >> other directors? >> the directors' report. >> i am sitting in for the director of transportation. since this is the first meeting of the month, we will start with the special recognition award from the transit division.
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he has been with the mta for eight years and is an operator of the green division. while traveling in the subway, he spotted an unidentified object on the track. he notified central control immediately and when an inspector was dispatched, had turned out to be a 23-year-old female heavily intoxicated and passed out lying near the tracks. due to his village inns, actions, he did the right thing and prevented a tragic accident. he saved this young woman's life. and due to the zeroth efforts, -- those heroic efforts, he is here today. >> my being here in and of itself is not a heroic effort. i know the importance to be
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placed on safety. i think this was one of those instances where we count on the employee's and the continued vigilance. also on the same time when we are in automatic train operation in the subway, his actions, truly extraordinary. it is my pleasure to have the opportunity to introduce him to you. congratulations and thank you on behalf of the board of directors. [applause] >> you don't want to give a speech? >> he declines to speak respectfully. >> our next caller is from the
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transit division. he is an electronic maintenance technician also from the green light rail division and is a 34- year veteran. he has clearly demonstrated that he is a hard-working and dedicated employee that takes pride in all that he does. he works at troubleshooting all systems, including advanced train controls. that is always paramount for us. we have the director of the transit division once again to present the award. >> again, we are on the verge of the one hundredth anniversary. we run one of the most of the
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verse fleets in the country as well as having a complex operation. he is a second-generation employee that started with what is now the grignard. they have worked on the variety of vehicles as well as taking care of the automatic train control systems. is the kind of effort from people like henry that allow us to provide service to thousands of people. >> thank you for all these years of great work. [applause] >> i'll like to say a few words. it has been 34 years now, and i can't say another 34 years although i really enjoy my job.
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elector urge you to consider the fact of a lot of us are going to retire in the next five years horse sooner. it is difficult to train personnel on the automated train control system. it takes time to learn it. the worst possible scenario is that if we have a lot of people retire at the same time, we get a bunch of people coming in that don't know the system. please consider that and i appreciate this award. [applause] >> of the next award goes to kim walten with the sustainable street's commission. she serves as a transportation planner and has been with the organization since 1998. she serves as the project manager for the glen park
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environmental impact report in the transportation feasibility analysis. she has taken the initiative to better understand one of the primary concerns of the community, which is parking. she became knowledgeable about management tools, processes for changing parking regulations, and getting the community involved with the process. she has also partnered with the park came to organize successful community meetings. they have discussed survey findings, discussed where neighbors can take action, listen to concerns and ideas and have mutual respect and trust in the committee that will improve the transportation system. we want to honor today, and i see before us the director of the --
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>> the afternoon. -- good afternoon. a lot of streets out there. [laughter] i am honored to be here to recognize can, because i had a hand in bringing her on board 13 years ago and she has been a great colleague to work alongside with. i know that he would like to say a few words, age unknown and that has never met a microphone that he did not like. >> i will be very brief. she is one of the star players on our team and she has done an amazing job with the stationary project, it has been a lot of work and a lot of coordination.
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it comes down the personality, i just want to honor and a garrison of grateful to have people like her on our team. >> on behalf of the board of directors, thank you. >> i would like to thank the following people. my parents for raising the in chicago where my transportation of interest began. there was public transit for 75 years, taking her last bus trip at the age of 96 years old. and of like to thank my co- workers and bosses at the mta where i have been fortunate to work with great alliance, and with incredibly talented people that worked in a sustainable streets division.
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[applause] >> our final recognition award goes to the capital program and construction division. if you can step to the microphone, she served as an associate engineer and has been with the agency since 2007. she is a project engineer for the radio replacement project and has done a fabulous job with consultants to develop the radio system. extensive coordination has been done with property owners, other projects and agencies to ensure all needs are understood and addressed. she is a very enthusiastic individual and dedicated to what she does a day in and day out. let me introduce my colleague, the acting director of capital
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programs and construction. >> in the afternoon, members of the board. today is especially gratifying for me to introduce to you another one of our young engineers. during these four years, she has demonstrated not only her talent but also of great enthusiasm for doing the awards. -- but for doing the work. i like to congratulate her and i am sure that we'll be looking forward to seeing her here again. >> on behalf of the entire agency, thank you for your outstanding work. [applause] >> i feel very honored to have this award, and it was very
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unexpected. i like to thank my boss for being supportive and since i am a newcomer, there are lots of things that i don't know, i am still in the learning curve. i would like to thank my husband. because of him, i have the opportunity to move to san francisco and that don't quite let with the city. i feel very honored to work for the government and the society. [applause] >> continuing with the report, the next item is the track replacement project. work continues on the project
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where we are replacing the realm in both directions. it takes place every weekend. during the week, it is welded into long sections for installation over the weekend. as of december 31, will be halfway through the project. both inbound and outbound will be completed by the end of june of next year. the staff has started to discuss the steps currently in place in the twin peaks tunnel. and we will ensure that we report back to the board as we make a decision on updating within the tunnel. >> thank you for that report and
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got a busy schedule. i understand you say that we haven't determined how when the rails and the tunnel speed will increase again? we think the project will be done by june, but the speed might increase before then? >> will want to make sure there is testing done before we can make a determination as to what the increased speed will be. keeping that in mind, we will have a better idea after we bring the consultants. >> we're not anticipating a speed increase until at least june or may be later? >> i would say that is accurate. >> and a ticket there is nothing we can do to expedite the process? it was a few months project that was never committed.
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but i appreciate the definitive answer, handley of those trains in june along, and if june is what it needs to be to be done safely, so be it. >> we can check back with you and inform the board accordingly, but we're trying to put the rail in a safe and efficient manner. safety is first and foremost with your quite aware of. >> i just had a question that was raised by one of the awards, and we don't have to get into this year, but the first award recipient is to be especially commended because he may be tracked observation while an automatic train control. that is a time when a driver could perhaps be less attentive because the computer is driving the train and he was paying very close attention and noticed a thing that turned out to be a
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person. do we have automated systems to detect and track obstructions'? or is that the primary line of defense? i would be happy to receive this offline. >> we can do that, then. continuing on, and want to provide an update. we have public workshops in the summer as well as a survey that we disseminated. we received input regarding conceptual design options. based on the information we receive, including meetings held at the california academy of sciences, information received by recreation and parks staff and other groups, other interested individuals stakeholders. we received unanimous approval,
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and these efforts were supported by the pedestrian safety advisory committee. what we are planning to do would be a first, to feature by claims physically separated from moving traffic by parked cars. other cities currently used bicycle road works like new york city, washington d.c.. we want 20% of trips by bicycle in 2020. this will enable folks to be comfortable riding alongside cars since there will be a physical barrier protecting them. will to increase bicycle trips, reduce cycle and on sidewalks, and reducing collision. the next item i would like to provide an update on -- >> have we addressed the
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concerns that may have come from this and the community leaders and the disability community? >> yes, sir. it has indicated in the report, we have been working in tandem and we're looking at -- or working collaborative lisa that we don't sidestep -- working collaborative lead so that we don't sides that -- working collaboratively so that we don't sidestep. >> [inaudible] >> mr. lee? >> this is the rec and park jurisdiction, so they will take the lead on this matter.
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>> the afternoon, members of the board. -- good afternoon, members of the board. we are going to the committee for consultation on december 14. >> continuing on with the status of transit and the environmental impact report, we reached a major milestone with the notice of preparation, and that of as the public scoping meeting by the department of planning. the planning department is leading with out reach. the past participant community groups and the libraries, we are encouraging the public to comment by attending either meeting.
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we're hosting one tonight and tomorrow. you can also send comments through e-mail or written to the mta. as we approach the end of the calendar year, i wanted to announce that we will be offering free muni on new year's eve. all muni service of the free -- or will be free. i want to provide an update on america's cup. the final draft plan that encompasses the plan revolving around how we are going to move these people about that are here to take part. that plan was accepted by the event authority on september 30
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complying with the agreement deadline. that reflects extensive input from staff and including the accessibility advisory committee and hundreds of community and advocacy meetings. it provides mitigation measures that go before the city planning commission in december. we plan to present that to all of you early in 2012. the last item is in direct -- i know that chairman nolan was on this trip to the district of columbia as we talk about the advocacy efforts. there has been significant activity over the last month. more or less, meetings were conducted with the san francisco congressional delegation and key
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committee staff. as well as the fda being the federal transit administrator. the meetings all of firma strong and continued support for the subway project. for fiscal year 2012, the department of transportation appropriations bill was passed during the same week includes hughes start spending for projects that will receive funding grant agreements. chairman, i did not know if you wanted to add anything else. >> it was a very positive trend for san francisco. -- a very positive trenip for sn francisco. what has to happen is that the administrator has to make a
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decision whether to grant us the full funding agreement and it goes to the office of budget and management, then congress for 60 days. we're not looking at any real news on that until march or april. but there were meetings with congresswoman pelosi. it was very encouraging to the entire agency. we are happy to report that the others were making bond issues. >> i have one more item before i conclude my report. i wanted to say publicly that we are greatly excited about the generous support of the mta employees the pledged during the charities campaign. we set the bar high, 25% participation. we were able to get 25.2% which
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came to 1128 individuals contributing. we raised for come by the charities in excess of $130,000. the city overall was excess of $1 million. i want to thank all of those per year precipitation. that concludes the directors' report. >> numbers of the public has indicated their interest in addressing you. -- no members of the public have indicated their interest in addressing you on this. >> let's see if we can adjust this. good afternoon, mr. chairman and directors. i am a chair of the citizen's advisory council.
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i have a a couple things to talk to you about today, in terms of our recommendations passed at the last meeting. the first and biggest is the recommendations regarding the draft of why 20132018 strategic plan. this is something that we participated in the workshops where i represented in the workshops. however, on the final plan, there are a number of areas where we think the plan could be improved. about the plan as it was presented to us. we have a couple things that are sort of applied to the whole plan, then i will talk a little
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bit about problems we have with various objectives. we think the plan should refer to the voter adopted transit first policy in the other policy objectives of the agency. it has been adopted twice by voters of san francisco and we believe it serves as an important guidepost for the agency. when we talk about the objectives of the agency, we have to remember that some of those objectives have been set by the voters. we think of the transit first policy and was adopted by the voters should be incorporated in this plan. we think is very important to understand that that is the genesis of this agency.
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with regard to specific recommendations, with the conduct of 1.1 should specifically include bicycle and pedestrian safety, and that we should add an objective to improve safety for pedestrians, people with disabilities, cyclists, and with the key performance indicator of a reduction of injury and death on dangerous pedestrian and bicycle facilities to make sure that we are measuring the number and making sure that we are considering a in a goal of the agency to reduce that number. we think that if we are going to talk about it does for the agency, which should be talking about that. holly think which includes goals for disabled passengers, particularly hearing and sight impaired passengers. this is an area where we may
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investments going forward, have opportunities for improvement. we have seen some of that on things like the new buses that have are reporting that tells you where the stock is and also displays it on the screen that is helpful if you're hearing- impaired or sight impaired. we believe it should be a major objective of the agency to continue that. communication the passengers is key for us. objective to point to which delivers -- deals with focusing on measuring and headway adherents, we think it is a good thing and, in fact, we recommended. i t. it. when it comes to less frequent buses, the community service that connects major
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neighborhoods to the lions, it is still a way to measure those. we think it is fine to measure things like munching. not many people got their holding a schedule and there have been going where is the 327? when it comes to a line that runs every half hour of in the hills, we think schedule of hearings is so important. we think that change should be made. subject of 2.3 should be framed as a motive shifted because that is how we talk about it. -- mode shift because that is how we talk bouabout it. it is a key measure of whether or not we were successful with or not we were successful with that enterprise or not.
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