tv [untitled] January 9, 2012 7:31pm-8:01pm PST
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crack or break. there are lots of other opportunities that you can use. >> unlike the styrofoam and the change where there wasn't a charge to the consumer, what we have heard from businesses is the fact that they don't want to be in the position of educating the consumer at the register on what this new regulation is. i know that there has been a lot of discussion about the outreach to small businesses and those that will be impacted by the legislation. can you speak to the department's plans on education for the consumer? so that when this is enacted, the consumer is informed and the
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business is not. >> part of the approach that we are taking with consumers is working with the small business owners so that they can comply with the legislation, ultimately, we don't expect them to have to interpret on behalf of the city, every single requirement that the city has for them at a point of sale. anywhere from if you purchase -- our department is really looking at working with businesses to try to identify. we have contemplated putting together posters that can be available at a point sale, they know why there is a charge associated with this. we talked a lot about really working with media to try to get
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the message out and get behind his message out. and they will indicate there is a charge specifically required by the city and county of san francisco. we are exploring the broader range of what the department can do to educate the consumer so that the store owner doesn't fall disproportionately ha. the ideas generated on their part, what they would like to see and some of the traditional ideas that have been very effective, previous changes like what we have done with styrofoam and other activities associated with that. we make sure that all three bands are available, helping
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consumers understand what the changes are and why they are important. it affects partnership so that it is not burdensome on the store owner, that we collectively share that response. >> in the messaging, i think what would be good it is that like the three bands, they are part of what the president is required to do. the business is sort of helping in this. it is changing the consumer behavior so that the messaging is really directed toward a target -- targeting the behavioral change. >> really need more people to walk around the reusable bags. i think this commission for the continued support, and we certainly welcome the opportunity. this country last time will be constantly engaged in this effort, engaged in the
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partnership. president o'brien: i thought it might have been commissioner clyde, but i thought we have suggested a lesser charge -- was that just -- instead of having tiered? and will open it up for public comment. no public comment? public comment is closed. >> this is an informational discussion item with the department as we move forward with this matter.
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>> commissioners, item 8. presentation from the department of public health on an upcoming business case for lactation accommodation. from the san francisco breast- feeding promotion coalition. >> my name is jackie and i am he been working with the breast feeding coalition. this kind of stems from the surgeon general's action to support breast-feeding. one of the items she mentions as a barrier to breast feeding the way the american academy of pediatrics recommend exclusively for the first six months and continued for the first 12
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months is going back to work. the research has shown that when employers provide accommodations, they continue to breast feed. we are recognizing a free community forum for businesses and it will be on march 28 and it will be in the morning at the federal building. it is really geared toward the business professional to help them better employment the laws that are in place and provide better lactation accommodations. we will be discussing the health benefits of breast-feeding, what laws are in place, and various strategies to implement these accommodations. and information on how to create policies. we will be providing a tool kit for those in attendance, breakfast and continuing education credits for a tour professionals.
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i wanted to inform me that this forum is coming out in march, and also, if any of you are interested, we are having a discussion tomorrow with business professionals to get some feedback on what we are planning to offer as long as it meets the needs of businessees in the area. it will be tomorrow from 1:30 until 3:00. it will help us provide effective tools. we brought some say vashti -- save-the-date flyers. that and i have some cards for the meeting tomorrow. i am open for questions now. commissioner clyde: i just want
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to thank you for your presentation, it will be great if when you develop these materials, make them available both on the department website as well as on the office of small business. thank you for your advocacy for new mothers. this is a really important piece of advocacy. >> this is an example of the work we're doing to help businesses provide accommodations. commissioner clyde: think you, it's important. president o'brien: i am curious, a community forum to help implement the laws regarding accommodation, and i understand that currently there are laws that are in place that are not being adhered to? >> there are various levels of the appearance that are in place -- of adherence that are in place.
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there is some confusion because there are federal laws and state laws. there are also some businesses that are doing above and beyond, meeting the gold standard of accommodating the breast-feeding employees. there are others that are doing the bare minimum. president o'brien: director? >> chris schillman will be attending this. if there are lots of ideas, he will be able to report back as well. with anything like this, the larger an entity is, the easier it is to facilitate an accommodation.
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i am just informing you that chris will be attending, who and he will be able to bring more information to the commission as well. president o'brien: i will open it up for public comment. any public comment on this matter? public comment is closed. thank you for the presentation. >> thank you for waiting to the meeting. -- through the meeting. >> commissioners, i will call item nine, presentation of b lab on b corporations in the staete of california. in due to a scheduling error, they were not able to make it
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today and made a request to present at the next meeting which i will discuss with the director and the president. for procedural reasons, it puts us on items 10 and 11. the director would like to go through the procedures for the election of officers. >> can we take a couple minute recess and check on the commissioners that had to step out for a moment? mr. president, can we please take -- president o'brien: i would like to take a recess for five minutes. we will reconvene again. >> very well, we'll take a five-minute recess.
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gosh we are back at the small business commission meeting. we are about to call items 10 and 11. i believe the director would like to review the election procedures with the commission? >> we call each position separately, so we do the president first, the vice president. for each position, an individual may nominate themselves are have another individual nominate them. and in the order of
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nominations, the commission secretary will invite the nominee to be able to say a few words. and in by the nominee to say a few words. at that particular time, we take public comment on that particular item. excuse me, we take public comment on the individual nominees when that individual goes up for the vote. >> commissioner comments and then the nomination? >> and then public comment. what it is, each commissioner is able to make their statement of why they are interested in this position, and in the order of which the nominations are made leave the -- will be the roll call for a vote. prior to the roll call, we
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have public comment. >> commissioner comments come in where? >> prior to the vote. commissioner comment, public comment, vote. this allows the nominee to be able to make their statement before each nominee is voted on. it does require four votes for an individual to be selected and elected as president or vice- president. we have six commissioners, it should be a tie. there will be the discussion of whether you want to carry over the decision and the election to the february meeting.
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>> thank you, director. commissioner, item 10 is a election of president to the small business commission. this allows a member of the commission to -- but it requires a motion and a vote. it is an action item. the first thing we will do now, we will: nominations -- we will call nominations by members of the commission. commissioner clyde: i would like to nominate steve adams for president next year. or this year. >> do we need a second? >> no, are there any other nominees? president o'brien: seeing non, we go to the nominee's statement.
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>> we will ask the nominee to make a statement. commissioner adams: i would like to thank commissioner clyde for the nomination. it means quite a bit to me. i am a huge advocate for small business. with the merchant associations in san francisco, i learned a lot in my five years. we will focus more on this commission. with the lot of the legislation that has come through this year, i want to take that into this year and be an advocate for jobs and to see that we don't lose any. i am very passionate about it and i enjoy working with each and every one of you.
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>> we will take commissioner comments, it will be at your discretion. president o'brien: commissioner dooley? commissioner dooley: i agree with janet clyde that mr. adams will make an excellent president. he has great leadership qualities, one that we can all work with. i heartily endorse him in this position also. p commissioner clyde: -- president o'brien: commissioner clyde? commissioner clyde: the basis of my nomination is based on your strong work ethic, your ability to really judge things with a good, independent mind. i don't believe you come to the
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meetings with your mind made up and you do your research very well. i am actually very proud that it is the advocacy of myself and other commissioners for a strong commissioner to sit in your seat that brought you to the commission. i am very proud to nominate you because this commission worked very hard to put you here. thank you very much. president o'brien: i would like to say that being the president this year, steve has been on my side all the way as the vice president . we tried very hard to be very proactive with the director and a staff, discussing the agendas for the meetings. and to be heavily involved in the issues, especially those that are very important.
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it was appreciated that steve was always there for the discussions were we had a conference call which we did more than once. i have absolutely no hesitation in banking on him to be a fine president of the small business commission. that concludes my comment. commissioner riley? commissioner riley: i will also support you as the president, i think that you have done a lot of good work for the commission. for the community for small business -- president o'brien: seeing no further comments from the commissioners, i will open it up for public comment. do we have public comment?
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public comment is closed. we shall bring it to roll call. >> commissioner janet clyde nominated commissioner steve adams. commissioner adams: aye. commissioner clyde: aye. commissioner dooley: aye. president o'brien: aye. commissioner o'connor: aye. commissioner riley: aye. >> that motion passes 6-0. congratulations, commissioner adams. president o'brien: next item, please. >> commissioners, you warare now on ite 11, election of the vice- president to the small business commission. it requires a motion and vote. the same procedures will be
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followed. president o'brien: do we have any other nominations? commissioner clyde? commissioner clyde: i would like to nominate kathleen dooley for vice president. president o'brien: commissioner o'connoriley? commissioner riley: i like to nominate commissioner o'brien to vice president. >president o'brien: nominee statements. commissioner dooley: i think my record is quite clear. i began my experience with this commission, i worked to bring the problems of ada lawsuits to this commission.
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i hope to continue further in any way i can to help small businesses to maintain themselves as a strong force. i have also worked very hard with small business corridors to help protect them from outside interests that would not allow them to continue in their strong role as community leaders. that is something i am very proud of. i have been planning to work further on extending the occupancy of business corridors, and recently met with supervisor mar's office to begin a pilot program to fill some of those vacant spaces. i am also very active in terms of attending outside meetings. i go to all of the council district merchant meetings. i am very available to any merchant anywhere in this town
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to discuss what their needs are. i feel i would be a very good balance. president o'brien: it is time for my statement. for the last 12 months, i have been presiding as president, and i have enjoyed the role very much. i believe that it has been a productive year for the small business commission. it has pretty much been a year in which we have been able to steer legislation through to the board of supervisors, to the mayor's office in such a way that we have been able to almost have a unanimous vote most of the time. not always.
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