tv [untitled] January 11, 2012 5:01am-5:31am PST
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for families to figure out what to do next to be able to survive with a 180-day window, as opposed to 90, i appreciate the fact that there are obstacles with keeping individuals for that long, if there are individual -- issues that come up. i want to thank the labor union as well as supervisors for having the foresight to include exceptions when there is a layoff of some of the new employees. i think that is a strong provision of it. if there are issues of performance, making sure this does not apply when the contract is supposed be one time in nature. this makes sense and helps to ease my mind with regards to the retention time. i want to thank the labor union for agree to that, supervisor for adding that component. the third area where it was problematic for me, in terms of legislation, the issue about the
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nonprofit exemption issue. as we start to take a look at our budget and we look at what the impact on our departments will be, it is a potentially large impact, if there were certain nonprofits included in it. as some of the departments have articulated, our largest contractors departments go out with millions and millions of dollars for lots of services that we sometimes do not think of, but have ancillary services that include janitorial. if this would apply to all those contracts as well, the impact financially on the city would be a much larger one that we would have expected. whenever we ask these departments to cut even a million dollars from their budget, it is painful. to see how these amendments would actually play out, proposals, is something that we would not anticipate just yet. i want to appreciate very much supervisor wiener's two
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amendments, which would include janitorial services, disabled individuals. i also want to appreciate the clarification language that you are including. the intent of this was never to include organizations like larkin, homeless shelters, where we are providing residential service, contracting for residential service, whatever service it might be, mental health facilities. but there is an ancillary component that was janitorial. it was never meant to apply to that, but that was the intention of the law. i appreciate the clarification. i know our office will certainly work with you, supervisor, to make sure that the language included is tight, and i hope that the departments will help us make sure there is nothing we have overlooked in that regard.
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finally, the last component that was not clear in my mind was the issue about the definition of the employees. as i stated, the intent was to make sure individuals who were working were getting paid a prevailing wage. not necessarily which relationship is better, but the fact that they're getting paid that amount. it sounds like there are many reasons why we do have to indicate it is an employee relationship, as opposed to independent contractor. at this time, i am comfortable moving forward with the legislation as amended, but i do hope that we can work in the ensuing week to clarify the employee-employer relationship, so i can better understand the issue. i think it is incumbent upon us to see whether this is the best approach. many small businesses, minority individuals work through an independent contractor
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relationship. that is the crux of why i am concerned about it. who gets left out of the employment opportunities and who does not? i really want to understand that component. based on those comments, comments of my colleagues, why don't we go forward with the motion. there is a motion to accept the amendments that supervisor wiener move forward, recommendation to move to the full board. again, with the caveat that the employer works with the office to make sure that the languages all something that we intend. without objection. [applause] thank you again, supervisor mirkarimi. i wish everyone a happy new year. we have no other items before us. we are adjourned.>> hello.
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9 judge terri l. jackson. the court is now recruiting prospective civil grand jurors. our goal is to develop a pool of candidates that is inclusive of all segments of our city's population. >> the jury conducts investigations and publishes findings and recommendations. these reports them become a key part of the civic dialog on how we can make san francisco a better place to live and work. >> i want to encourage anyone that is on the fence, is considering participating as a grand jury member, to do so. >> so if you are interested in our local city government and would like to work with 18 other enthusiastic citizens committed
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to improving its operations, i encourage you to consider applying for service on the civil grand jury. >> for more information, visit the civil grand jury website at or call>> i ple flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
secretary lt. falvey: thank you. we will be taking a roll call of the positioners. -- commissioners. president mazzucco, vice president marshall, commissioner dejesus is an excuse, -- is excused, commissioner chan, commissioner kingsley, commissioner slaughter is en route, and commissioner turman. mr. president, you have a quorum. we have someone from the office of citizen complaints and someone on behalf of chief suhr. president mazzucco: that is the last time we will be saying
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chiefs, including cheap sanders -- chief sanders, and we are pleased to give them a try as commission secretary. i am sure that you will like him, but if you do not, let me know. he is an asset to the police department. president mazzucco: thank you very much, commander, and thank you, inspector, for wanting to do this. would you like to say something to the commission? >> i just appreciate the opportunity. chief suhr talked to me yesterday and offered for me to try out, and i thought it was very nice of them to do that, and i will do my best to fill the big shoes of capt. falvey. i guess he is on monday, and then we will have lieutenant reilly come back to train me.
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thank you very much. president mazzucco: could you please call item no. 1? secretary lt. falvey: to accept a donation of $200 from maloney security, inc. president mazzucco: commissioners, you have this in your packet. commissioners, is there anything you want to say about this? i see we have two members of the mounted unit with us. any public comment regarding the $200 donation to the police mounted unit? seeing none -- [gavel] any public comment? thank you very much. call line item number two,
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please. secretary lt. falvey: item number two, the adoption of the minutes for the meetings of october 12, 19, november 2, 16, 30, and december 7. president mazzucco: do you have any changes you would like to make? commissioner chan? commissioner chan: november 16, 2011, michael, who presented, his name is spelled differently. and then on december 7, 2011, there is someone named heidi who spoke. she is with iplo, the pacific islander outreach. president mazzucco: commissioners, in the amendments? any public comment on the
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adoption of the minutes? hearing none, do i have a motion for adopting the minutes? and before we do that, i want to thank lieutenant falvey and another for putting this together. it takes a lot of work, and it is greatly appreciated. all in favor? adopted. please call line item number three. secretary lt. falvey: i number three is general public comment. the public is now welcome to address the commission on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction. speakers set -- shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to the commissioners or department or occ personnel. commissioners may provide a brief response. individuals should refrain from entering into any debate or discussion with speakers during public comment.
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please limit your comments to 3 minutes. president mazzucco: public comment. first speaker. >> the kit, commissioners, i will try to be respectful, -- ok, commissioners. i have got two issues. when i call the police commission office, i do not expect the secretary, who is leaving, to tell me i do not get along with nobody. that is my problem. that is unacceptable. and i do have a problem with the captain, a big problem. i emailed the chief about it to see if he could rectify the problem. i do not get follow-ups. i do get no response is. i get nothing. i do have a problem. i have a big problem with bad
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chiefs and bad captains, and when you have a cheat and a captain that is not doing well, the station will not do well -- when you have a chief and a captain that is not doing well. i do not think that the police advisory board -- somebody who has a burglary every second. i do not think -- is really qualified to be on the police advisory board, in my opinion. thank you, commissioners. president mazzucco: thank you. next speaker. >> chief, commissioners, welcome dammit 2012. there was an interview -- welcome to 2012.
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there was an interview. i may run over for about one minute or so, but i would like to do it without being cut off. on the second of this year, and i bring it to your attention that i was approached by two sfpd officers and almost beat up. on january 2, i was approached by two police officers that wanted to know if i had ripped off a computer one week earlier, and i said, "i did not rip off any computer. i picked up a pamphlet and gave it to a woman." they grabbed me. i said, "hold it, hold it. this is undue procedure." i was jack-booted. to this day, i go to the
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veterans administration and have myself checked out, i am numb. they had two sets of handcuffs on me. when i was delivered to the police station, my feet were numb. they pulled me out and dropped me out on the handcuffs and said, "you are out now." i said, "is this a school for bruts?" he smiled and walked away. i was there for two hours. i said, "you have not asked any questions." i was told to shut up. later, they made me sign some documents that i would be in jail for another couple of hours. a notice of theft of lost
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property. i said, "you have got to be kidding me." and then, badge 124 took my documents and literally threw them in the street, like that, and said, "you are out of here." this is based on something that happened earlier, not on that night. i want to bring it up that i have seven copies of a letter to the captain that i want to give to you. president mazzucco: you have run out of time. >> i have got 15 seconds. president mazzucco: ok. >> this is no reflection on the chief of police suhr. i see the crime rate going down, etc., but i of a letter also for the minutes under the brown act and the sunshine ordinance -- but i have a letter also for the minutes.
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i see that crime is going down. this is not the basis for creating more work for police officers. i thank you for your time. president mazzucco: thank you. and, mr. lawrence, i am sure you are aware, being a frequent visitor, you can take your complaints to the sec -- occ. >> yes, and i went to state for the record that i do not trust the -- i want to state for the record that i do not trust the occ investigations. president mazzucco: ok. >> i just want to share -- where i was jack-booted. president mazzucco: next speaker. >> i am normally very positive, but tonight, i am going to be very negative about the sfpd.
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i did not like one remarked. put that aside. number two, there was one in the bayview with someone who shot at one of our officers. his name was public within 12 hours. we have a guy in northern who was shot at one of our officers -- who shot at one of our officers, but it was quiet for seven days. no one says a word. calling the capt. he is white. and i was asked, "how do you know?" "the way you are handling it." the guy in the bayview, wait a minute. he is from seattle. who knew that guy? no one.
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only the cops. front page on "the chronicle" the next day. chief suhr told me, "in the interest of family." wrong answer. this is perceived as racist. next topic. what are we doing here? i mean, come on, people. we talk about this, we talk about that, we play all of these games. i read the occ. the quarterly report. i read every page of it, every page. police misconduct. but we also have police on our force who are bigots. right to my face, he walked up
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to me and said, "like chi cken." that is bigoted. have a good day. president mazzucco: next speaker. >> my name is marie bailey. there was an article in "the examiner," a man shot. i am really proud of those officers. not only did they not get hurt, but i feel they did what was best in the line of duty, and they took the criminal down. i would like to see more cops addressing the issue of crime and having the guts to do what is right. i also want to submit this letter that i gave to the no. station. -- northern station. please address the crime in the tenderloin. president mazzucco: thank you.
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any further public comment? hearing none, please call the next line item. secretary lt. falvey: item number four, the chief's report. >> i hope everybody had a great new year. we have had a busy time since we last met. the event such as entertaining the ministry from the public security at the range, a conference that we will follow up, and it was actually great. the young kids can, with some great ideas about how they would like to have a mentor ship -- the young kids came, with some great ideas about how they would like to have a mentorship, if possible, a graduate from
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college. there was a benefit for special olympics. we did a giveaway for visitation valley. operation dream. we were all over the city. we did a santa claus event at the mission. we gathered funds and then bought toys at the 49ers' game. we were other places, and north beach place, christmases all over town. as far as public safety, the reason there was a mention that the name was not put out that quickly, i have to remind everybody that everything we have will be put out within 10 days or less, knowing that on this particular occasion on the shooting in northern, we were
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not 100% sure who the person was until we got a positive analysis because the injury from the gunshot was to be head, so we had to do it through other means. as soon as we knew that, we put that information out, and we had been in correspondence with the family since they explained to us a lot about what they thought had happened. we attended new year's eve, a 17-day crackdown for a campaign that attacks drunk driver is. -- drivers. it was a 29% increase over last year's totals of arrests. we had no alcohol-related drunk driving arrests. for the fourth straight year during the crackdown period. this was the award winning program from last year that we will continue again on super bowl sunday and st. patrick's day. our year-end statistics with
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violent crime, violent crime in 2011 ended down, which was a great year, but if you go back to 2008, our last high gear, we are down 18%. our homicide total -- but if you go back to 2008, our highest last year -- our last highest year, we are down 18%. aggravated assault was down 9% from last year, robbery down 2%, rate down 12%, burglary down 5%. -- rape down 12%, burberry down 5%. -- burglary down 5%. much of automotive burglary and spikes and theft is due to leading electronic devices in vehicles.
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there has been a lot of attention about a hill dwellers -- dweller. i think that's commissioner chan -- that commissioner chan would appreciate this low approach we have taken. nor for the fire department to be affected in any way. so far, what we are able to make of this situation is that this person is a prowler at best and a burglar at worst. we have people at the top of the hill and the bottom of the hill, and when he decides to go in either direction, we will talk to him again, so we will not push the envelope. sadly, and much more recently, the reason i was late, we had a suicide in the back of the hall of justice just before i got here. the gentleman was on a scooter. there was a call about a fireman on the street.
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officers arrived and actually spoke to the man. he said he did not know anything about it. when officers were part in their car, he walked behind a small wall there -- when officers were parked in their car, he walked behind a small wall and shot himself. they believed he was dead immediately. he had instruction on him that said do not resuscitate, and he left a suicide note for responding officers, so, obviously, when people get to that, keep them in your thoughts and prayers. that concludes my report. president mazzucco: thank you, chief. on a positive note, i want to thank the members of the police department for making christmas for all of the small children who live in our apartment complexes. i know the great effort that you and the officers from the various stations put in so that the children have a gift at christmas. it is one thing that people do
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not expect officers to do, but it brings good will to the community and more important is smile to a child's face. it is greatly appreciated. commissioners? commissioner marshall? vice president marshall: let me just say, first of all, i think that is three state -- three straight years that we have had homicides in the fifties? >> fifty or less. vice president marshall: 1 may be an aberration, but three years in a row, that is drastically down from we have it -- what we had since i've been on the commission, so i want to say kudos. that is cutting homicides in half. and also to hear
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