tv [untitled] January 11, 2012 11:01am-11:31am PST
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the total appropriation in the parks department will be reduced in the corresponding to $62 million. the total, not to exceed an amount for the city park appropriation will be reduced from $76 million to $75 million. in all cases, it is a reduction of that $95 million. we recommend that you amend the file 345 not to exceed the sale of aggregate principal amount in these bonds, consistent with these recommendations that i just stated, which accounts for that $995,000 reduction. recommendation #three is to approve file 11334, not to exceed $11,939, as recommended, and we recommend that you
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approve file 111364, to release $164,000 in park bonds, also previously placed on budget community reserve for the bay trail lake. supervisor chu: thank you. if i could ask wreck park -- rec park to come up and speak about the reserves? sorry, the port. >> good morning. item 13 -- 14111364 is $130,000 request for a release of reserves for the bailey waterfront project. this project will restore public access of over 550 linear feet of long neglected waterfront in the heart of fisherman's wharf, to create a new public, not with very good use of the day,
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alcatraz landing, and the historic bayview arch. currently, most of it recently used for parking. it will protect the shoreline by replacing a failing timbers the wall between pier 43 and the san princess in westport -- restaurant. -- san francisco restaurant. this reserve was placed in the first issuance of the clean and safe bonds in october of 2008. at that time, the project totalled $6.8 million. the scope of the budget was increased to $9.6 million to address the bay conservation development commission requirements for adjacent public access. the court added $2.8 million in port funds and -- the port added $2.8 million in funds. in fiscal year 2010, the port
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appropriated bonds to provide $7.5 million for this project. we have a total appropriation of 7.65. the release of the reserve funds today of $130,000. and the small allocation sale that you will continue to complete funding for this project. i would be remiss, the executive director would not like it if i did not acknowledge that the 2008 gl bond was the first time that we received a voter support in tax dollars for park improvement. we're very excited to deliver the first set of these improvements to link the city with the waterfront in a continuous, positive, walkable environment. supervisor chu: thank you. >> madam chair, i fail to report on 15, 16, 17. for the record, according to the 2012 letter, not to exceed
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$76 million of general obligation bonds to have an annual interest rate of 6% over approximately 20 years. the bonds would result in debt service payments of $137 million, including 3767035 in the $5,000 of principal, with an estimated average debt service payment of $6 million. single-family residence would be assessed with an assessed value of [unintelligible] including the homeowner's exemption paying annual property taxes to the city of $14.30. we recommend you -- approved the proposed ordinance for resolutions files 11, 13, 43, in 46. >> -- supervisor chu: in terms of a life that this will be amortized over, 20 years, is that tied to the life of the
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asset? generally it is 20? >> generally it is 30, but the city won the 30 years. the time that we took it to the voters, we recommended 25 years because that is what we could amortize over to meet the threshold of the capital plan. the first issuance was 20 years, so that we could accommodate the 20 year plan. the idea was to review it again and reduce it to 20, to conform. supervisor chu: thank you. i am not sure if you can speak to the department recommendations for the rec park item. >> supervisor, we're happy to sit -- accept the recommendation. supervisor chu: why don't i
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invite supervisor wiener's office forward for the recommendations to the amendment. >> good morning, chairman, supervisors. in the legislative aide for supervisors got wiener, who is offering up -- authorized -- supervisor scott wiener, who is authorizing the amendment, specifically among the needs of the as 78 position. when considering the timing of the first bond issuance, the priority was to secure funds for the project and the date of rhett -- readiness repaid in the projects. before the amendments went before the capital plan committee, though, it made sense in proposition be to maximize coordination between departments and to take advantage of efficiencies and complete street improvement paving and other complementary street infrastructure
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improvements, such as signals. instead of waiting to make these improvements, the asset m.t.a. decided to take advantage of -- s f mta decided to take advantage of the first issuance. it sometimes requires planning and legislation, but there were a number of critical projects that could proceed now. the pri -- proposed issuance could be completed through paving projects, bringing benefits to the public sooner rather than later. so, that is what resulted in the change from $74 million to $76,500,000 in the appropriation ordinance no. 15, and also won 17. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. colleagues, we have the amendment in hole in front of us. i believe that we have received a copy for the clerk as well. why don't we go to public comment, first, before we take action? are there members of the public
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that wish to speak on these items? 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, or 17? we will have an opportunity for public comments in future meetings. seeing no one, public comment is closed. the couple of items. in terms of the recommendation, can we entertain a motion to accept budget analyst recommendation on those items? the supervisor made the motion, we will do that without objection. in terms of the amendment offered by supervisor wiener in terms of items 15 and 17, which have been submitted for the record, can we take those amendments without objection? bill do that. colleagues, on items 10, lebron, 12, 15, 16, and 17, can we entertain a motion to continue those items into next week? supervisor kim has made the motion. we will do that without objection. finally, item number 14, the
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release of reserves for the page rail link, pier 43, we have a motion by supervisor avalos to route -- release those reserves and we will do that without objection. thank you very much. mr. young, do we have many other items before us? >> that includes the agenda. supervisor chu: thank you. we are adjourned.
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there are a lot of different artists that come here to work, mostly doing aerial work. kindred spirits, so to speak. there is a circus company that i have been fortunate enough to work with the last couple of years. i use elements of dance and choreography and combine that with theater techniques. a lot of the work is content- based, has a strong narrative. the dancers have more of a theatrical feel. i think we are best known for our specific work. in the last 15 years, spending a lot of time focusing on issues that affect us and are related to the african-american experience, here in the united states. i had heard of marcus shelby and had been in join his work but
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never had the opportunity to meet him. we were brought together by the equal justice society specifically for this project. we were charged with beginning work. marquez and i spent a lot of time addressing our own position on the death penalty, our experiences with people who had been incarcerated, family members, friends of friends. pulling our information. beyond that, we did our own research. to create a picture that resonated with humanity. it is the shape of a house. in this context, it is also small and acts like a cell. i thought that was an interesting play on how these
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people make these adjustments, half to create home. what is home for these people? the home is their cell. people talk a lot about noise -- very noisy in prisons. that is interesting to me. looking at the communication level, the rise of frustration of being caged, wondering, where does redemption fit into the equation here? [singing] i think both of us really believe the death penalty is wrong, and is flawed for many
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>> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. secretary lt. falvey: thank you. we will be taking a roll call of the positioners. -- commissioners. president mazzucco, vice president marshall, commissioner dejesus is an excuse, -- is excused, commissioner chan, commissioner kingsley, commissioner slaughter is en
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route, and commissioner turman. mr. president, you have a quorum. we have someone from the office of citizen complaints and someone on behalf of chief suhr. president mazzucco: that is the last time we will be saying lieutenant falvey, as the next time, it will be capt. >> one person has been selected to take captain falvey's place as secretary. he is very recommended. he is very professional and has been with the department 29 plus years, and he has worked at a number of stations, northern,
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park, and mission. for many years, he worked on the muni task force. he was a very well-respected. he became an expert in gangs. he became an inspector, and he worked for a number of police chiefs, including cheap sanders -- chief sanders, and we are pleased to give them a try as commission secretary. i am sure that you will like him, but if you do not, let me know. he is an asset to the police department. president mazzucco: thank you very much, commander, and thank you, inspector, for wanting to do this. would you like to say something to the commission? >> i just appreciate the
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opportunity. chief suhr talked to me yesterday and offered for me to try out, and i thought it was very nice of them to do that, and i will do my best to fill the big shoes of capt. falvey. i guess he is on monday, and then we will have lieutenant reilly come back to train me. thank you very much. president mazzucco: could you please call item no. 1? secretary lt. falvey: to accept a donation of $200 from maloney security, inc. president mazzucco: commissioners, you have this in your packet. commissioners, is there anything you want to say about this? i see we have two members of the
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mounted unit with us. any public comment regarding the $200 donation to the police mounted unit? seeing none -- [gavel] any public comment? thank you very much. call line item number two, please. secretary lt. falvey: item number two, the adoption of the minutes for the meetings of october 12, 19, november 2, 16, 30, and december 7. president mazzucco: do you have any changes you would like to make? commissioner chan? commissioner chan: november 16, 2011, michael, who presented,
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his name is spelled differently. and then on december 7, 2011, there is someone named heidi who spoke. she is with iplo, the pacific islander outreach. president mazzucco: commissioners, in the amendments? any public comment on the adoption of the minutes? hearing none, do i have a motion for adopting the minutes? and before we do that, i want to thank lieutenant falvey and another for putting this together. it takes a lot of work, and it is greatly appreciated. all in favor? adopted. please call line item number three. secretary lt. falvey: i number three is general public comment. the public is now welcome to address the commission on items
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that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction. speakers set -- shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to the commissioners or department or occ personnel. commissioners may provide a brief response. individuals should refrain from entering into any debate or discussion with speakers during public comment. please limit your comments to 3 minutes. president mazzucco: public comment. first speaker. >> the kit, commissioners, i will try to be respectful, -- ok, commissioners. i have got two issues. when i call the police commission office, i do not expect the secretary, who is leaving, to tell me i do not get along with nobody. that is my problem.
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that is unacceptable. and i do have a problem with the captain, a big problem. i emailed the chief about it to see if he could rectify the problem. i do not get follow-ups. i do get no response is. i get nothing. i do have a problem. i have a big problem with bad chiefs and bad captains, and when you have a cheat and a captain that is not doing well, the station will not do well -- when you have a chief and a captain that is not doing well. i do not think that the police advisory board -- somebody who has a burglary every second. i do not think -- is really qualified to be on the police
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advisory board, in my opinion. thank you, commissioners. president mazzucco: thank you. next speaker. >> chief, commissioners, welcome dammit 2012. there was an interview -- welcome to 2012. there was an interview. i may run over for about one minute or so, but i would like to do it without being cut off. on the second of this year, and i bring it to your attention that i was approached by two sfpd officers and almost beat up. on january 2, i was approached by two police officers that wanted to know if i had ripped off a computer one week earlier,
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and i said, "i did not rip off any computer. i picked up a pamphlet and gave it to a woman." they grabbed me. i said, "hold it, hold it. this is undue procedure." i was jack-booted. to this day, i go to the veterans administration and have myself checked out, i am numb. they had two sets of handcuffs on me. when i was delivered to the police station, my feet were numb. they pulled me out and dropped me out on the handcuffs and said, "you are out now."
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i said, "is this a school for bruts?" he smiled and walked away. i was there for two hours. i said, "you have not asked any questions." i was told to shut up. later, they made me sign some documents that i would be in jail for another couple of hours. a notice of theft of lost property. i said, "you have got to be kidding me." and then, badge 124 took my documents and literally threw them in the street, like that, and said, "you are out of here." this is based on something that happened earlier, not on that night. i want to bring it up that i have seven copies of a letter to the captain that i want to give to you. president mazzucco: you have run
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out of time. >> i have got 15 seconds. president mazzucco: ok. >> this is no reflection on the chief of police suhr. i see the crime rate going down, etc., but i of a letter also for the minutes under the brown act and the sunshine ordinance -- but i have a letter also for the minutes. i see that crime is going down. this is not the basis for creating more work for police officers. i thank you for your time. president mazzucco: thank you. and, mr. lawrence, i am sure you are aware, being a frequent visitor, you can take your complaints to the sec -- occ. >> yes, and i went to state for the record that i do not trust the -- i want to state for the
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record that i do not trust the occ investigations. president mazzucco: ok. >> i just want to share -- where i was jack-booted. president mazzucco: next speaker. >> i am normally very positive, but tonight, i am going to be very negative about the sfpd. i did not like one remarked. put that aside. number two, there was one in the bayview with someone who shot at one of our officers. his name was public within 12 hours. we have a guy in northern who was shot at one of our officers -- who shot at one of our officers, but it was quiet for seven days. no one says a word.
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calling the capt. he is white. and i was asked, "how do you know?" "the way you are handling it." the guy in the bayview, wait a minute. he is from seattle. who knew that guy? no one. only the cops. front page on "the chronicle" the next day. chief suhr told me, "in the interest of family." wrong answer. this is perceived as racist. next topic. what are we doing here? i mean, come on, people. we talk about this, we talk
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about that, we play all of these games. i read the occ. the quarterly report. i read every page of it, every page. police misconduct. but we also have police on our force who are bigots. right to my face, he walked up to me and said, "like chi cken." that is bigoted. have a good day. president mazzucco: next speaker. >> my name is marie bailey. there was an article in "the examiner," a man shot. i am really proud of those officers. not only did they
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