tv [untitled] January 14, 2012 11:01am-11:31am PST
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supervisor chiu: good morning and welcome to the budget and finance committee meeting of january 11. supervisor campbell joined us shortly. our court today is mr. victor young. we had jennifer low. do we have any announcements today? >> yes, please turn off all cell phones. if you wish to speak during public comment, please fill out a speaker card and turn them into myself. i also ask there will be a board of supervisor agenda -- items today will appear on january 12, 2012 unless otherwise stated. >> item 1, resolution to authorize public facilities commission to accept it expand the california department of public help administer grant in the amount of $1,098,202 for the sentences go public
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utilities commission share of an san francisco public utilities commission/east bay utility district project. >> good morning, supervisors a. bart brew. the san francisco public utilities commission and he spake utility district are major suppliers of water in the area. the facility provides right built -- reliability of the regional drinking water system in the event of an emergency or shut down. the east bay mud in cooperation with the city of hayward agreed to connect our respective water supply systems by jointly contracting -- constructing and operating a pumping system and lrelated water pipelines.
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the project was completed in 2007. after the commencement of construction, they applied for and won a grant in the amount of $2.5 million. the share of the 2.5 million was received in 2011, and is 1.1 million. this resolution retroactively authorizes the spfpcu to except and authorize the money from the san francisco department of public health from the east bay intertype project. the resolution also wait the requirement of indirect costs, because the grant requirements do not permit it. finally, the grant required matching funds, which came up
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from the water system improvement program. the work done in the project was weak reconstructed the station in the city of hayward. installed pipelines to connect the station to east bay mud and installed other pipeline improvements. the reason why this item is retroactive is because the grant was applied for and accepted and funded after the construction was approved. supervisor chiu: just to clarify, there are no new positions being created and the 1 million matching amount is in the fiscal year 2012 budget? >> that is correct. supervisor chiu: we do not have a budget analyst comment. i want to open this up for public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed.
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we have a motion by supervisor avalos to send a recommendation forward with recommendations. item two. >> resolution authorizing the recreation and parks department to retroactively except and extend a gift in place valued at up to $480,250 from the trust for public land for the glen canyon park improvement plan and other related art reached process. in good morning, supervisor my name is karen at their recreation and parks department. today before you is a grant that you'd add over $480,000 from trust for public land, which assisted in the glen park improvement plan. i think it was a really strong process and another example of the leveraging the plan was able to provide. a representative for trust for
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publicly and is here as well. they have generally provided assistance so we could have a larger, more robust conversation as we talk about the specific improvements that would be funded through the parks plan in a much larger part. ark. i have a presentation to go into more detail. it is up to you. power point. kugreat, so basically we worked with the trust for public land trust for the community to come up with the long-range goal for the park and work to identify the top priorities for improvement so we can move forward with the clean and safe park bond fund and to collaborate with other agencies and other potential funding
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partners in order to leverage additional future funds from the park. and just to tell you a little bit about the park, it is located in glen canyon at the center of the canyon along the creek. it has doubled immensities. that has a playground, recreation center, tennis courts, ball fields. it has these different components, and it was important to talk about these different needs and how to balance that. here are images of those features. we work with walt robinson todd and engineering team. through the assistance of supervisor wiener is office, we were also able to engage in a lot of departments to make sure the public utilities commission, mta and others could help assist
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and provide guidance on areas like the streets around the park, which some are very difficult and high speed. we had a community workshops, a trail walks, focus groups, on- line surveys to try to reach all of the different stakeholders that are very interested in this park. we also had a blog where we could notify people of progress. we're still using that as we go to the implementation of the progress. here is the pictures of the workshop. very hands-on. here is a picture of the crow waltrail walks. we have identified improvements for the park -- term, many of which are not yet funded, and improvements for the lower part. right now we're moving forward with the most important
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improvements identified by the community through the clean and safe neighborhood parks fund. here is more examples of the type of options we consider. right now we're moving forward with the improvements outlined in red, which are funded through the $5.8 million clean and safe parks' fund project. by bringing in these funds, we were able to preserve more of those funds to go into the physical improvements to the site, instead of putting a lot of funds on the outreach, which is really important, but let us do more with our dollars. we're going to be putting an end to playground that is much larger. it has pressure-treated lumber, which means it has substances in the wood that are not good and we will be removing the playground and putting in a much bigger one. relocating the tennis courts providing new access, open and clear access. let me show you a picture of
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that. this will be the new expanded interest -- entrance. there is a photograph later on where you can see how restricted it is to enter. we have $5.8 million from the clean and safe neighborhood for the playground, tennis courts, and providing a respite -- restroom when the gym is closed. that is a major priority for the community. the trails funding separate in the bond also provide trills fund for the park and innovation. and now with this process completed, we have had specific meanings for specific designs for the playground. should i go faster? supervisor avalos: i was going to wait until you were done, because my questions may sound a little bit frivolous. what will you do with the cool
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slide? >> our new design will have a really cool metal slide, which will also be steepened fund and have all of those elements and the correct state code. supervisor avalos: it is a really cool slide. it's a really great park, but it isn't pretty old condition and was excited to see we're going to be working on that. question about silver street site and glen ridge. >> i know the building is old and needs improvement as well. >> there are improvements needed as well. i have a letter of support from jane pack who is a parent or runs the cooperative preschool. they have been very involved in the process. they agreed the first priority was the playground and the parts
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of the park. we did talk about long-term we would want to see a silver tree, because there is a desire to have not just summer camps but weekend opportunities there to work more cooperatively with the tenants to share the space and provide better storage. there is a lot of needs for silver tree. it was included in the overall improvement plan, but this bond is focused on the front portion of the park and real improvements. supervisor chiu: would you like to finish your presentation? >> the last slide is think yoan. also, a letter of support from the glen park association board and others that have been very engaged in the process and
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really appreciate not only the gift, but also the time that many community members came to eight or more meetings about a very complicated project, evenings and weekends. it was great. supervisor chiu: thank you. of what to offer the opportunity for trust for public land if there's anything you wanted to add to the presentation. >> i would like to add that i would like to think recreation and park for being such a great partner. we are very proud of the outcome. >> thank you. there is no budget analyst report on this item, so if there are no committee questions at this time, i would like to open this item up for public comment.
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cnn, public comment is closed. we have a motion to move forward with recommendations. -- seeing none, , public comment is closed. item three, please. >> ordinance amending the administrative code by adding the section 10.100-190 to create a public guardian/public administrator gift fund to support the operations of the public guardian's office. supervisor chiu: we have a speaker on this item rumba human services department. >> good morning. kathleen mcfadden. this would create a gift fund.
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as you know, the public guardian is the official under california probate court -- court when no one else is willing or able to act. before the public guardian office can petition, our office has to conduct an investigation to find out whether the person has capacity or not. we also look into what kind of care plan the person would need an need to know assets to determine what benefits they would be eligible for, whether they have a house of that sort of thing. that process can be very time consuming. one of the issues we have had is we have not have the capacity to do this quickly. the house -- for the hospitals, this is a real problem, because that means they cannot move patients out of hospital care when what they need is long-term care. what we are proposing to do is
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create this gift fund. we have a tentative agreement with the hospital council of northern and central california where they could give money to this fund that would help enhance operations. i want to make clear that what that would do -- they would pay $8,000 for us for every filing we did within every 28 days. it does not have anything to do with whether the court determines guardianship or not. this would enhance operations. it would not mean specific patients would get different treatment from other patients. obviously that would cause an ethical problem for our office. what this would do is provide a quick and more efficient way for us to do these investigations. we already have four positions in our budget because we came
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before you last year on this. we did not have this in place for a mechanism to except the money. this would create that piece of it. supervisor chiu: just to clarify some of the way the funding would come through is it the agency sends over a case to the court for their determination for the month, we would receive eight belsen dollars. -- $8,000. thank you. why don't we go to the budget analyst report. >> madam chair, and members of the committee, on the bottom of page 4 we note the human services agent budget currently includes $327,000 in this gift fund from the hospital council, and includes four positions that were listed on the bottom of
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page 4 of the report. these positions are budgeted for a total cost of $307,000, although the funding in the positions are included in the budget. the department advises today the public guardian has not collected any additional revenues from the hospital council, so none of these positions have been filled as of today. we recommend you approve the proposed ordinance. supervisor chiu: think you for the report. why don't we open this up for public comment. i want to recognize ron smith from the hospital council. and >> we are very concerned about patients that are lingering in our hospitals when that is not a good and healthy place for them to be. they are not getting the care they should have because of the delays in the research ship process.
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-- we server ship process. we estimated and a three-year time, it cost the city and our hospitals $26 million in unnecessary costs because of delays. we think we can take care of patients better. the public guardian does a great job when they have the staff, and we would like to help fund that staff. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. public comment is closed. supervisor avalos: motion to approve with recommendation. supervisor chiu: motion to approve, and we will do that with recommendation. >> item number four, resolution approving the 36 amendment to the treasure island and structure master lease between
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the structure and united states navy. item number five, resolution authorizing the execution of the second amendment to the sublease between the treasure island development authority and swords to plowshares inc. for premises located at 1441 and 1443 generchinook court. item number six, resolution authorizing the execution of a third amendment to sublease and consent to a summit between the treasure island developer authority and haight ashbury free clinics. >> good morning. before you today 3 simple amendments to our arrangement with the navy today. as you well know, 14 years ago we entered into lease agreements
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with the u.s. navy for the interim use of land and structures and facilities of the former navy base, which generates revenue in support of operation of treasure island. there is no cost to use these facilities from the navy. in return, tida subleases the land. we receive no federal dollars in support of the island operation. it is self-sufficient in provision of services to some 3000 residents that call it home. the revenue generated from the sublease of the market rate housing, commercial and event space for the utilities, public works, and the community services on island. the first amendment simply adds another building to the master lease with the navy. we estimate we generate $75,000 annually with the use of this property.
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13 years ago tida entered into an agreement with non-profit. these non-profits do not pay rent, but to pay common meet its charges. members include catholic charities, rubicon, community housing partnership, and ashbury free clinic. recently, haight ashbury loss funding and returned eight units under the agreement. these units have been distributed to other non-profit housing providers. the second and third amendment we moralizes the debris distribution of these units. -- the second and third amendment memorializes the
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distribution of these units. the newly-configure non-profits housing provider known as haight ashbury/walden house. supervisor chiu: thank you for the presentation. why don't we go to the budget analyst report. >> on page 4 of the report we estimate that the commercial lease a building 449 will result in approximately $75,000 annually in revenues, and is shown on page 2 under the proposed second amendment, the common area of maintenance charges in utility charges would increase by a total of 3633 per month, and that is
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approximately 43,596 annually. again on table to come at the common area made its charges and facility charges paid by if walden house would increase by 1817 per month. we do recommend that you approve the three proposed resolutions. supervisor chiu: why don't we open up these three, at -- three items up for public comment? in the members of the public that wish to speak on these items? he and nunn, this item is closed. -- seeing none, this item is closed. supervisor kim: i want to thank mary for all your work with treasure island. i know we will go through changes, really appreciate all the partnership you have work
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to make such a strong community in treasure island. and supervisor chiu: the three items have been moved for recommendation out with it up -- with recommendation. can we call items number seven, eight, and nine, please? >> item number seven, ordinance appropriating 4,442,000, 514 consisting of 3,000,709630 in fund balance and $732,884 in interest earnings from the sale of the watermark land in condominiums to the port commissions in 2011-2012 to be used for the development of the brannan street wharf and the mixed-use cruise terminal at
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pier 27 and placing $614,000 on controller's reserve pending receipt of that projected interest earnings. i never a coming hearing to consider release of reserved funds, port commission, in the amount of $8 million $450,000.8942 from the pier 27 excuse cruise terminal project. -- 8,450,894. supervisor chiu: we may consider a motion to send it out without recommendation. item eight would likely be a motion to continue the item until after we have heard the sequel of appeals. item nine is a hearing to reserve funds that is not tied up with the process and can be acted upon. i wanted to set the stage for those three items. >> thank you.
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elaine of support staff. we of three items before the committee, one supplemental appropriation into reserved releases to make funding available for key waterfront projects, namely the cruise terminal at pier 27, and the street wharf project. the supplemental appropriation for 4.4 million is from interest earned from the water mark land in condominium sales that occurred in 2003. the ordinance passed in 2003 directed the proceeds and interest earnings from this transaction to the brannan street wharf project and crews and terminal project. the release of reserved requested
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