tv [untitled] January 14, 2012 9:31pm-10:01pm PST
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supervisor to answer a very simple yes or no question, which city attorney herrera still refuses to do anything. if he's done anything, i don't know about it and i should. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. happy new year and welcome to the new supervisors. i'm executive director of library users association. the san francisco public library, if you could show the flyer, is planning very soon to eliminate the historic multicultural community created murel on the library. this murel was painted by arch williams, a gay man, and carlos
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in 1980 to 1982 with the help of many neighborhood adults and kids. the existing missourial covers three sides of the building with the front facing side including the historically important chilean musician, victor hara. if they could focus in on that. victor harrah playing the guitar with his names and words from one of his songs. he was tortured and killed by the chilean military when they seized power in 1973. the stadium where it happened in the capital is now named after him. the military also destroyed tapes of his recordings. nonetheless, according to "the new york times," relatively recently, chile is experiencing a full-fledged victor harrah revival. a documentary about harrah has recently been completed and the trailer is available online at the destruction of this mural is wrong.
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and we ask you, supervisors, to do -- and the public to do what you can to preserve this valuable asset. you should know that this destruction plan has happened without any discussion about the mural's important history of community creation, the specific images such as victor hara himself and without discussion of the words of victor hara or holly near who is also included, all of which will disappear. thank you. chiu tchue thank you. next speaker -- president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> my second hand is on 10. my name is steve lightfoot, world famous jon lennon murder evidence expose artist. author of and i'm here to tell the world, not just you, don't visit san francisco as a tourist destination and i'm going to try to jink the 49ers and every other team for the next year from winning and i'm going to go
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to cam la harris in sacramento who i know is on my side and do everything on my power to disbar judge michael beggart at the traffic court. i was just railroaded on a ticket i didn't deserve, a ticket that was set up for me months and months ago on 19th avenue and stern grove. at 3:30 in the morning. and my bumper is over the line. and before i even went through the intersection at 3:30 in the morning, the corrupt city of san francisco probably manually with a human being behind the controls stopped me four consecutive lights in a row to the point where me and the guy next to me were bolting off the next green to get out of that sequence. when the fifth light turned yellow, i went through it because i knew i had time and i knew if i stopped i'd have been rear ended and yet michael beggart, a corruptist judge as i've been before in my life and
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i've been hundreds of judges, as corrupt as they come, swatted down all my motions, admitted that they did not receive my motions for a change of venue that i timely submitted with proof of service two weeks ago, admitted that he did not receive my other motion to dismiss for discriminatory prosecution and he railroaded this entire trial through. i'm depg to use my website and talk radio to destroy your tourist industry and i have lots of fans internationally, to destroy your reputation and can your sports teams from winning because i can jink them. you guys are in for a rough ride. >> members of the task force, director of san francisco open government. i first want to sin veerl wish and hope that you each had a very pleasant holiday season. and i would like to wish you a happy new year or as the
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hawaiians say, [speaking in foreign language] i've come before the board on numerous occasions to talk about the issues of public access to records and public right to comment at meetings. and i will continue to do so. today i'm going to start out the first of this year acknowledging two people which i see ignored by this body and by the library commission and by the library commission treated on occasion very badly and that is an unanimous citizen who talks to you very frequently about the friends of the public library and mr. peter warfield, the president of the library users association, who has talked to you about the library murals. both of those gentlemen worked very, very hard on issues that apparently not too many other people seem to be interested in. but they persist. i have experienced some things with the public library and the
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library commission that show me that the unanimous citizen, when he talks about the friends, has some very valid points. in fact, recently mr. herrera, the city librarian, was found in violation of the sunshine ordinance, withholding public records having to do with the friends. mr. warfield has gone before the library commission to talk about their process in dealing with the mural which if you look at the actual process is a joke. it is something that is put up to make things go. at the arts commission meeting yesterday, the term was used, steam roller. and they were trying to appoint a new president and they didn't get it done. they didn't steam roll that one. president chiu: next speaker. >> hi, i'm the cheerleader at
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the medical marijuana cheerleader and i want to talk to you today about what is love. love this year has started with an inauguration of a new mayor and -- [inaudible] i also want to talk to you about love when it deals with violence, whether uruguay or lesbian in this country. this is what the heart says. hey, brain. what does love mean? the heart says, well, heart, love means different things to different people. it can be trust, respect, boundaries, safety, communication. what do some of these things do for us? so, you know, with this being martin luther king weekend, you know, holiday, we ask occupy 99, the occupy marijuana people who are going through great things,
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because you know, marijuana does not rape and molest young kids in playgrounds. criminals do that. corruption does that. and we need to come to our senses and know that medical marijuana place like laguna market where you can get a $3 gram to $50, everyone else's grams start at $25 a gram. you have people who need their medical marijuana medicine. so we're asking occupy medical marijuana and people for lgbt -- i mean, lgbt people to come out for martin luther king celebration this weekend. because, you know, the day that dr. king gave his message, the day before he died, we need to know our history about america. all of us are multicultural. thank you. and i hope you all come out for the king celebration. we'll see you back on the 24th. i promise. president chiu: thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none, general public
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comment is closed. could you please read the adoption. >> items 41 through 45 are being considered for immediate seeking unanimous adoption. these items will be acted on with a single roll call vote. president chiu: colleagues, would anyone like to sever any items? supervisor wiener: item 44. supervisor wiener: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor olague: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. president chiu: resolutions are adopted. item 44. >> item 44 is a motion directing the clerk to work with kpoo radio on a plan to enable the radio station to broadcast
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weekly board of supervisors meetings and to implement the plan for such broadcasts. supervisor wiener: yes. so, this was introduced by supervisor now sheriff mirkarimi at his last meeting. while i am completely supportive of it, it would be great to get back on the kpoo radio, i'm informed it will cost us money to do that. and in the past that used to be paid for by redevelopment apparently which of course is not going to exist anymore. and so this directs the motion that directs the clerk to work out a plan and to implement it and so i just don't think -- i think it's premature. i move to table this matter. president chiu: motion to table. second to that? seconded by supervisor chu. without objection? without objection, this item is tabled. and with that, madam clerk, could you read the memoriams? >> yes. today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the
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following individuals. on behalf of supervisor campos for the late mr. arnold ellis. on behalf of supervisor elsbernd for the late miss lillian francis david clark and miss cheryly ahern. on behalf of the full board for the late mr. john buchanan. president chiu: and, madam clerk, do we have any more business in front of this body? >> that concludes the business. president chiu: at this time we're adjourned -- we're adjourned. thank you, everyone. >> we're going to get started before everybody freezes.
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we want to welcome everybody to the groundbreaking of cayuga playground. is an important milestone for us. it was built in the 1950's and renovated almost 30 years ago. we are long overdue for the next renovation of this park. this particular neighborhood has become a family neighborhood. it is so important that we keep our playgrounds clean, safe, and fun. we're so grateful to the voters for supporting the 2008 neighborhoods park fund. the project is a $9.3 million project. about $8 million is from the bond. we're thrilled we received an $800,000 grant from the state to cultivate the open space.
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it has been a team effort. i want to acknowledge some folks who are here. this is in no particular order. i really want to thank barbara, josie, and all the folks from the cayuga improvement group. mohammed will speak and make some introductions. i want to thank lizzie hirsch, richard yee, marvin yee, our capital planning director. i want to thank courtney representing the parks alliance. steve courier is here. thank you for being here. i want to thank the rec and park staff, bill o'brien, our new
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gardner. perhaps the biggest thank you and acknowledgment is to our beloved retired gardener at the cayuga playground, demnny. he immigrated to the country in 1973. he worked in the law firm became a gardener and singlehandedly took over the park. you can see some of his work scattered throughout the trails and beautiful urban landscape. he crafted about 350 beautiful sculptures and characters. some of them have been safely tucked away for the renovation project. he will still see about 100.
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-- you will still see about 100 of them out here. you are a demigod to this park. thank you for being here. when the project is done, you will see a beautiful new clubhouse with a living roof. there will be landscape improvements. the street behind you will be part of the park. pavement to park. i want to introduce the park champion in chief who will say a few words, mayor ed lee. >> phil has gone through virtually all of the details that need to be mentioned. i feel safer being here with the cia. [laughter] i know the cayuga improvement association was born back in the 1930's, 1937. it has been a stalwart group of
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volunteers in the community. i do not live far away. 10 years ago, i met demi. we did some cleanups here with you. i recall all the wonderful sculptures. i have snuck in here with my kids and visitors to show them how great it is to have these parks with people volunteering to do special things. i want to thank you for your leadership and sacrifices, all of your wonderful years of work. the park's alliance for your wonderful relationship and support, and our arts commission. they will be commencing another great piece of our work here. it just goes to show all the city agencies working together and that we honor our parks in this city. this is a wonderful commitment.
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we are not leaving this district alone. you know that. we're coming out your for a great purpose. we want to show and demonstrate that every part of the city is worth every investment that we do, a special building strong neighborhoods. we have done that correctly here. this is well worth $9.3 million. it is a good investment. we will do more. phil will make sure that the commitment carries on. we do that by finishing the things we have committed to in the future. i know the staff is excited to be out here making commitments. we are shovel ready with jobs. i want to thank mohammad for making sure that they work closely with the parks and a
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neighborhood association to do this. i am here to announce this but also to make sure that this is part of the long term commitment to every neighborhood in the city. we will continue this -- doing this and doing it well. >> you talked about the importance of jobs. there will be about 50 local jobs as a result of this construction project. you also talked about the importance of art in the parks. i want to recognize the president of the arts commission. there is a profoundly between art and our parks. that is probably no better exhibited than in this park thanks to demi's great work. i want to call up susan to talk about that. >> this is a very unique opportunity for us here at cayuga park. we were called in to help preserve the unique sculptures.
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my colleague came out and catalog, photographed and catalog all 375 sculptures. within selected 130 to be taken and stored -- we then selected 130 to be taken and stored and stabilize to be reinstalled on the park is reopened. it is no small feat to stabilize wooden structures in a damp park. they have to be cleaned out, debugged, and then a protective coat is put on them so they will be able to be in the park for years to come. it will continue the landmark status of this park.
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in addition to the conservation work, there is the new public art commission. eric was inspired by demi's work and has created these gateways sculptures that feature vignettes drawn from these works. the design echoes of how the plant life enhances the sculptures overtime. crowning the opening day, it will have the name of cayuga on it. it will announce the injury to the park. it will be adorned with birds and wings. we're pleased to be part of a
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new park, new public commission, and preserving the work that came before us. thank you. >> thank you, susan. projects like this are all about partnership. i want to call up the director of public works. we work closely with them. we are incredibly grateful to you and your staff for all of your support, the engineering work, and your assistance with the construction management of the project. thank you. >> it is always a pleasure to join the parks department, arts commission, cayuga improvement association, and community to celebrate this ground-breaking. we did relocate the street that leads into the park. as part of the design, there are
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a number of unique features. the first one is the living rooftop garden similar to ortega. dole be adding more green space and areas for butterflies and other creatures to enjoy. when i was raising my children, i came to the spark -- this part many time with the kids. we watched demi carve many of the sculptures. there are many hidden trails along the hillside and all- around. those will continue. tdx will be the builder. it is a contractor we have worked together on a number of projects. they just finished the library at bernal and another library.
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they are a very good contractor. they work very well with the community. we have our team of architects, landscape architects, and the whole team along with our construction management team they will all make sure the project is finished on time and on budget. thank you for being here today. i am looking forward to the construction to start. >> last but certainly not least, i want to bring up chris dillon , the president of the cayuga improvement association. they have been involved in the design and planning process from the outset. this is a neighborhood park. we will engage in our best efforts to make it what you want it to be. >> i wish i had the mayor's ability to speak so beautifully.
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i am going to lead. my comments are getting in thankfulness. this is testimony to the fact that collaboration among all stakeholders is possible and of the greatest value to the community. i am thankful that demi share his philosophy of life with the community. he transformed our failing part into a beautiful sanctuary full of amazing art. he has renewed our committee and created a beautiful community in our park is treasured by the residents of the neighborhood. it is recognized throughout the world as a uniquely sacred site. his powerful design and philosophy are validated by the fact that there are many stakeholders that come to the park seeking peace, renewal, fun, exercise. it cannot be categorized. as a volunteer, i have witnessed the community to flourish. i am thankful for marvin yee's
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leadership. he embodies the best qualities of a civil servant. he has put together an expert team to focus on our shared vision. as a former leader, i know it is an almost impossible task. he has done it successfully. he has made this work appear easy. he is not only a consummate professional, he is a friend in our community. because of his leadership, every aspect of the project has been blessed by a spurt of respectful collaboration. he has never wavered from the mission of enhancing our sanctuary well-respected and protecting demi's vision. i also want to acknowledge others for their many years of advocacy on the behalf of the park and playground. i am profoundly thankful to barbara and jesse -- josie the
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hours of hard work on this project. they have listened to committee members, they have mastered and grasp technical material. they've gone to meetings and hearings. they have made reports for our members and the committee. they've stretched far outside their comfort zone at times. as demi's chose an apprentice, josie has provided a vision for our team to work with. barb's communication has been indispensable to the project. if they had not volunteered for the project, it would have been diminished. our community is a special part of the city. words cannot capture the magic of our part. it is a park in unique sanctuary. our community has been blessed by demi's vision, spirit, and
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artwork. we're blessed by community volunteers and residents. we're blessed to be served by our great city prepare to the park is at the heart of our city. -- request to be served by our great city. cayuga cairo the park is at the heart of our city. >> let's break some ground and cut the ribbon. marvin? [unintelligible] the shovel. [laughter] are we ready? all right. [applause]
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