tv [untitled] January 20, 2012 8:01pm-8:31pm PST
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borden is here and will be back shortly. vice president miguel: i am going to have to step out of the meeting in about 40 minutes to consider confirmation of my appointment on the oversight board for redevelopment. i would like to take a moment out of order to introduce the commission to our new communications director, jo sag. she comes to us from victoria, british columbia, where she did similar work for the transit agency. she will be developing not only a communications protocol for the department, but will also be working on our public outreach programs and our website, and a slew of activities related to our communications. i am personally thrilled to have her here and am looking forward to working with her over the next few years.
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any words of wisdom to us? >> thank you for having me here. i look forward to working with you. president miguel: we are pleased to have you here also. this has been a position the department has attempted to place into active order for quite some time. between budgetary restrictions and a lot of other things, it has taken much longer than we had hoped, so we are pleased you are on board now. >> thank you. commissioners, with that, if we can go back to your regular order, the first item is items proposed for a continuance. item one is case for 1415 ocean
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avenue, called for a continuance to february 9, 2012. there is another case for eight washington, the certification of the final environmental impact report, proposed for a continuance. however, it is my understanding that supervisor chu is asking the continue this item further out, to the 23rd of february. president miguel: correct. that request was made hoping to have a full complement on the commission at that time. >> that would be for item 2 and all components of item three. president miguel: correct. >> also 48 washington street, for all the other entitlements, in addition to certification of the final eir. with that, i am not aware of any
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other item on this calendar for continuance. commissioner fong: i may have this out of order. we read an item may be continued for the benefit of having our seventh commissioner. i want to congratulate commissioner olague for her appointment to the board of supervisors. later in the calendar is an item to elect officers. >> can we take that up at the time we call the item? commissioner fong: we can, but i am going to ask that we consider continuing that item. i am not sure if that is the time to consider it. >> i have not called it yet for continuance. commissioner fong: sorry. >> let me just say, commissioners, i am going to reverse myself. it is item number four.
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since the commissioner is proposing continuance, do you have a date in mind? commissioner fong: for consideration, until we get our full column of commissioners -- president miguel: it could always be continued again. let us do it for the 23rd. commissioner fong: i would be fine with that. >> just for the record, item one to february 9, items 2 and item 3 to february 23, and item 4 also took a very 23rd for your consideration for a continuance. -- also for february 23 for your consideration for a continuance. commissioner antonini: second. >> public comment?
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president miguel: is there any public comment on this item? if not, public comment is closed. >> thank you, commissioners. the motion on the floor is for continuance of item one, as proposed. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner fong: aye. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. president miguel: aye. >> those items are continued as discussed. that takes you to commissioners questions and matters. are other matters to be discussed? commissioner antonini: i wanted to mention that i was fortunate to be at the forty-niner game. i think i saw a crowd that was
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the most passionate and focused that i have ever seen. some commentators on national television commented on the enthusiasm. there were a few fans wearing new orleans gear that work there. i think it is important that we are respectful to those from other cities and those rooting for other cities, because these bring revenue into our city. there is common kindness, but also we do not want to be bad hosts. there is another phenomenon that was mentioned, the fact that there is a collective identification with san francisco. we noticed this with the giants. it will happen again this sunday. people come into san francisco, even if they are not fortunate to have game tickets, because the want to be part of what is happening here. this is wonderful for business.
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it is particularly true in situations where games are played in the heart of cities. it is one of the reasons we have seen a number of franchises in major sports moving their facilities from suburban locations to urban locations, simply because of this phenomenon, where people identify with the city with the -- which the team represents. this certainly was the case when i drove out to be a 40 niner fan. we all think of ourselves, even when we are not san franciscans, as being san francisco. it is important that we collectively are enthusiastic, but we also are good hosts and good neighbors and good to anyone who can visit our city in all instances. commissioner borden: i support these comments. i wanted to ask staff a question. you have seen in the media about the gold dust lounge.
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in has been an institution since 1931 in its location. the reports have been that the new tenant is proposed to be a retail tenant. the existing use is a restaurant. the zoning on that spot -- would it be something we have to deal with? it might be something that is an over-the-counter permit. but i do not know if it is something we would have an ability to weigh in on. scott sanchez: i will research the matter. it is likely in a c-3 zoning district and principal permitted. we can research it further. commissioner borden: thank you. commissioner sugaya: i do not remember all the facts, but there was a recent article noting that the office vacancy rate in an area south of market is now 0.
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i think they are breaking it up -- south of market appeared to be broken into two parts, one further south toward the stadium, indicated as zero. then closer to market street, there were more high-rise developments. it was around 11% or so. the highest vacancy rates were toward civic center. it seemed to indicate from the article that there is a need for ongoing office space in the city. president miguel: during the past few weeks, i got a number of conversations regarding redistricting in the city. i also testified at the board of supervisors land use hearing on the mayor and david chiu's
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legislation regarding the 1% expansion. that item is being worked on, slowly getting together. i have had conversations with several neighborhood groups regarding liquor licenses on lower poke -- polk, and polk street in general. also the port. the market street advisory group that i chair -- i want to compliment department staff. they have been doing yeoman work on this, a fairly large group of both consultants and advisers that are not the easiest to deal with, because we
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are dealing with some well- earned egos, i think, in this case. they have been involved in city designed for many years. they are doing an excellent job on that. spur had an interesting noontime forum yesterday. steve wertheimer represented the department. it was about regional growth and transportation. it was extremely informative. i was at a meeting of urban habitat with the assistant city manager for oakland as the keynote speaker. the president of the oakland planning commission and a member of the richmond planning commission both were among the graduates of this training class for people to be involved in
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commissions and boards in the bay area, particularly minorities. it was a very good. >> thank you. commissioners, if that concludes your comments, we can move on to the directors' report, directors announcements. the historic preservation commission? >> i did not expect to be up so soon. i want to acknowledge a will be out of the office monday through wednesday of next week and bill will be in charge of this department. as i understand it, there is no report of a meeting this week. scott sanchez: the board of appeals did meet. they had an election of officers. president garcia was elevated to the position of president. commissioner fung was nominated
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to be vice president. there are two vacancies on the board of appeals. the mayoral appointee rich hill has been nominated. and there is a vacancy left from commissioner goh which is still vacant. there is no one nominated to fill that position. the next hearing will be on the eighth. there was an appeal on a variance decision letter i had granted at 995. that was upheld by the board of appeals. the interesting note about that -- there was a building at the rear of the lot that had been relocated from a property on vermont in order to accommodate the creation of the bayshore freeway. i said this was an extraordinary circumstance to grant the
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subdivision. there was also a jurisdiction request, and the person who requested it may be here to speak at public comment. the application was subject to section 312 about this, but she did not file d.r. during that period there was -- during that period. there was a question about the requirement to create mailing labels for the abutting properties. there is a question whether or not that is an appropriate requirement. i want to make the commission aware of that. that is all i have to report. >> the historic preservation commission did meet yesterday. prior to their mission, the arc committee did meet. the item of interest there was the boat house. the item had come before the
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commission prior. the commission gave a suggestion on how they could improve their product. they went back and pretty much inc. all the suggestions of the commission. they just brought it before the a.r.c. commission with their review and comment. the commission was pleased with what they have done so far with the boat house -- the boathouse. they also had a regular election of officers. the president and vice president kept their seats. they will be president and vice president for this current year. supervisor chiu's use of building features was before the commission for their actions. they continued it because they need to study it more.
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but finally approved the recommendation by staff. the proposed modifications to articles 10 and 11. in a two-hour hearing, they were able to get to article 10. the continued the matter to the next hearing so they can consider the proposals for article 11. president miguel: if i may introduce the distinguished supervisor of district 5. [applause] supervisor olague: everything happened so suddenly. i was shifted out of here and on to the board of supervisors. i never had the opportunity to thank all of you for teaching me so much about planning. i really enjoyed working with all of you. i worked with you for 7.5 years,
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secretary. commissioner antonini, we were serving the longest. then there was a different dynamic with commissioners miguel and borden. i want to express my gratitude for all the years we have been working together, and i am hoping i can continue engaging with my colleagues on the board at the same way we engaged here as commissioners, which was always to remember to treat each other with respect despite our political or different views on project. i just wanted to thank all of you and say goodbye, really. i am downstairs. harass me and but me and things. i have to put in my little plug. i have been working with commissioner gordon before leaving to have a hearing here
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in february about the connection between land-use and issues that reflect the out migration of african american populations in san francisco. i know that mayor newsom pulled together a task force and they created a report. i am hoping that if the calendar allows we can still have that hearing here. i will continue to work with you all and commissioner borden to see that that happens. i have been out in the community a lot, and it seems there is a strong desire to see that something comes out of that beyond the printed booklet. i am downstairs in room 256. please continue to harass me. it was a pleasure working with all of you. i want to say goodbye. president miguel: you have our congratulations, obviously. we will continue to work as we
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do with the supervisors. but this is a case where moving downstairs is moving up. [laughter] and i will work with linda to make sure we get that hearing and the report in front of us so we can consider it in public. supervisor olague: it is a start here, and we will have more work to do there, i guess. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> ok. commissioners, thank you. we can now move on to general public comment, a duration of 15 minutes. at this time, members of the public might address you on items of interest to the public that fall within the subject matter jurisdiction of this commission, with the exception of agenda items, which may only be discussed when those items meet the calendar.
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members of public may address you for up to 3 minutes, keeping in mind that the entire category is 15 minutes. president miguel: i only have one card. jackie? >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am not mystery -- that mystery requestor. the adventure continued as i appeared. in fact, it turns out that -- i am streamed alive? -- l ive? -- live? wow. you can dial it up, or whatever one does. what was intriguing -- i want to say what a pleasure it was for me to appear before these
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various commissions, because you listen. you are intelligent life forms. i do not have to hide what i am. i like that. i also like that you are internalizing when, like with his gorgeous person over here, we are watching this incredible juggling thing going on. because what we had here was a failure to communicate. apples, oranges -- we were talking about the same piece of property, but there was no notification of the neighborhood that there was the business of the address labels. i could not get my reasonable accommodation. i could not get the address labels done. i missed out on the d.r. that worked out well, because otherwise i would not have been able to appear before these other people, and they pointed
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out that the neighborhood needs to be notified. as far as these addresses are concerned, the information is already there. it would be easier on people like myself if we did not have to come up with address labels for addresses that are already in progress. with the notification, the planning commission had one set of notification requirements. with the department of building inspection, there was a reconfiguration on the inside of the building. the neighborhood did not need to be notified of what was going on. but the natives are restless. we are really upset. they are going to need to smooth some very ruffled feathers, starting with mine, because they did not do any neighborhood outreach. people on the building are going to move in without talking to
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jackie bryson and her crew. there needs to be notification of the neighborhoods. whatever can be done for the transparency needs to happen. it is going to save the city lawsuits. and i really believe we can teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. we just need to sing in our own keys and all be in the room at the same time. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> good afternoon. i wanted to talk about the washington project, which will be taken off before too long. we have heard alternative uses proposed for sea wall lot 351. this refers to the asian neighborhood design so-called community plan. one of the things that is striking to me is how amazingly
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closely the goals called up for in the a.n.d. plan are satisfied by the eight washington project. what they asked for, this delivers, with the exception of allowing change at the swimming and tennis club. we heard the plan calls for a bicycle transit center instead of a surface parking lot for cars. a great idea. who could possibly oppose that? but who is supposed to pay for that? there is not a business. there is not a bicycle transit center that runs as a business. conspicuously absent is the san francisco bicycle commission. is there a plan to pay the city rent? why not affordable housing at this location? what a great idea. who could possibly oppose affordable housing? we would not, except we know the city is broke. the state is broke. is the federal funding no one has heard about that could make
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it? the opponents on this -- would they accept low income housing for families of similar size and shape on the site as the eight washington project proposes? i think i know the answer. as part of this design, let it go. do not develop it. make it up on the northern lots. having been to dozens of those community hearings and meetings, i think those are mostly zone at 40 feet. those should not be developed possibly even at 40 feet. they are saying shift its somewhere else. let this slide. we will not use it at all. i guess the thing about these alternative uses is that, in effect, it gets down to the port -- that is, the people of san francisco -- shifting the land in some way to the opponents of the project, who will not
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tolerate any change ever at a private swimming and tennis club. i guess the thing that makes it so tough is that this represents a very significant economic subsidy by the city of san francisco to one of its most privileged neighborhoods. it seems like a real raw deal for the city of san francisco. president miguel: is there additional general public comment? if not, public comment is closed. >> thank you. commissioners, you can move forward to your regular calendar, with item 8a and b. as you consider the conditional use request, the zoning administrator will discuss a request for variance. >> diego sanchez.
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i present a request for a conditional use authorization for the demolition of one residential unit and the new construction of a four story, 2 unit multi-family business. there is a ground floor used as an eating and drinking establishment. the zoning administrator will hear a request for variance from the planning code section 145.14 funding requirement, because the project does not have a 14 foot height at a ground floor. the summit of the instructor will also consider relief from the rear yard -- the zoning in minister will also consider relief from the rear yard requirement. it is in the south park district and is immediately south of south park.
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the project sponsor and department have worked diligently over many months to reduce the number of inconsistencies with the planning code and on the over all mass and scale of the design. we believe this meets the requirements of section 303. it is crafted to meet the intent of the general plan. and it meets the criteria under section 317 for residential demolition. on this note, i would like to provide an amendment to the condition of approval number four. there will continue to work with department staff, producing a setback on the ground floor commercial space, and increasing its consistency with surrounding eligible historic district. i will shoot that amendment to you right now. further, as outlined in the case
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report, staff believes it is appropriate to maintain a 15 foot setback on the fourth floor, a standard modification for any proposal for which height exceeds those on adjacent structures. the department recommends approval of the conditional use authorization, for the following reasons. the structure is in a state of disrepair. it is uninhabitable. it was approved for demolition in 2003. the proposed project would remove a blighted structure and improve use of the property. it results in a net gain of a four-bedroom unit in a ground- floor space to identified as an eating and drinking establishment. this provides a development that is desirable, compatible, and compatible with the neighborhood. the project is desirable for and compatible with the neighborhood in its scale and proposed uses. the sponsor has diligently used
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