tv [untitled] January 22, 2012 7:18am-7:48am PST
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regardless of what kind of business our residents to have and we will address it and see what is going on. president newlin: thank you. anybody from the public wish to respond to the application of 400 geary? seeing none, do we have a motion? >> motion to approve. >> second. >> commissioner press, aye. commissioner newlin, aye. president newlin: extended hours permits, no issues. >> bayview station has let us know they support this. >> you have no further issues. any questions? seeing none, anyone from the public wish to comment on the application for 366 bayshore? the issue is with the commission. do we have a motion? >> a move to approve.
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>> second. >> same house, same call? president newlin: ok. item h. dane, dba sloane, amendment to existing place of entertainment permit. >> you have a lot of paper in front of you on this. it is only a fraction of what we have. >> they expand their footprint. you're here to consider if there is any concerns or conditions you'd like to place. one of the reasons there is so much paper is our residential units behind sloane. the applicant has been good about communicating with the people there.
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wthat is where we have so many letters. i will let mr. zaccaro sum up what steps he has taken. last thing is sfpd has anot asked -- has not asked you to add specific conditions but this is what i would like you to consider. -- what they would like you to consider. there is a back door. i suppose that is where the trouble comes from. whether it is conversational noise or trash been emptied or whatever. that is the main concern. i do not know how the applicant plans to address that. >> good evening.
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i am here seeking an amendment to an existing place of entertainment. we have had issues with sound mitigation and use of our rear doors which are three in number. we have agreed with the neighborhood to use those for only emergencies. we have also alarmed this exit. so they may be possible if they are used. as far as noise mitigation, i have -- we have invested over $300,000 in noise mitigation measurements. we're trying to become a successful part of our neighborhood. and so what nicklaus was speaking of is there is a communication with ourselves and our neighbors. this is a thread with myself and one neighbor. he happens to be somewhat of a liaison between myself and the
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lmn. president newlin: thank you. nothing? i can't believe it. >> is a new year. -- is the new year. -- it is a new year. president newlin: commissioners, do you have questions? >> you have been having problems with people going out the back door and looks like a long history of problems with neighbors on the street. can i ask you how that is mitigated, what you do at night, what it is like when you close down, could you go through that with me? >> mostly it was being direct exits were being used during the day by contractors performing sound mitigation and there were employees that were using the rear exits in hopes of creating a safe escape from the nightclub
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to their respective vehicles. what we have done is we have disallowed the use and as i said, there is a push bar for panic hardware and that has an alarm. that thwarts any use. we have until 10:30 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. a posted security guard at the exits. president newlin: anybody else? members of the public? >> i did have one more question. do you accept party bosses? >> we do not. -- do except partyou accept par? >> we do not. >> i live nearby. we are not about trying to kill
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fund. we're not trying to make it hard on sloan partners, we want to make it right. it has been a long story. you know the background. you know where they have been and where they are now. we are real close. they have invested a lot. dane said $300,000. i wish i had not had to invest. the have to invest it, that is the way it is. that is the cost of doing business there. the noise issues are a lot better. thanks to the measurements. there are some labors -- neighbors here who are still hearing stuff and they will want to chat with you. the last thing we have to work on if it -- they could have their maintenance team do a sweep around the neighborhood. pick up stuff that neighbors
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would have to pick up. you know what it is. also having a hose in front of their place. they do wash down. -- it down. pick it up and put it in the trash can. we love sloan. they are trying to rebuild trust. we will reserve the right to come back any issues pop up. that is the way it is. thank you guys . you know what i like about you guys? everything. >> i am another neighbor. we are directly next to them and our bedroom overlooks the intersecting parking lot. we get a history -- we get noise
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from patrons on mission street. there is other activity in the parking lot. they have done a lot of work. it is much better. we do not think it is fixed quite yet. they are still working on that and we think that is getting better. we do -- it is a quiet family residential area. we have concerns about patrons of being in that area. being on mission street, it is a quiet stretch. it is empty. they are still working on that. president newlin: thank you. >> i live nearby. to give you background. once sloan expanded, we get
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woken of every friday night and saturday night with the noise. to the point where the walls were vibrating. we're working with dane and the club. we want to work with them. we want to voice our concerns that in a month for two months that this issue is not fixed but we can come back and try to do something about it. we do appreciate what sloan has done. i cannot sleep on friday and saturday nights due to the noise that comes directly into our apartment. thank you. >> can i have a point of clarification? is it people noise or music? >> mixed. our walls vibrate. the inspector has been over twice. we had noise consultants come over and do noise ratings at our
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house and think twice. >> thank you. president newlin: anybody else? seeing none the matter is with the commission. yes? >> i have a question. two questions. with regard to the place and the vibration, what have you done to mitigate it? >> we have had some measurements with the inspector and also a consultant to set a decibels global maximum so we have a limiter in place. it is set at two below the level. we have spent a lot of money on mitigation processes which include no less than lifting up the building from the post to separate and place i saw later -- isolaters.
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also isolation clips. i do have my general contractor if you'd like more detail. >> i appreciate the fact you have isolated your building. what have you done with your speakers? where are your speakers? >> the bass speakers -- >> are they on the floor? >> they are in the air. >> you have set a danceable on the high end? have you set one on low-end? it matters how low it is. >> i would defer to the inspector. >> they could have any decibels at 160 or 140 that enough?
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>you do not know. >> i am trying to remember. >> i would like you to do something. i would like you to go back to your club and i would like you to cut out all the frequency below 160. and see on the bass level of your equalizer and see if that does not cut the preparation. unless you are really out there, your customers will not really notice it. i guarantee you all that dosub- bass will be gone. >> the technique the commissioner is referring to is known as frequency clipping. salters and associates did do
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frequency clipping. i believe there was some frequency clipping done. that is something i can look into to check my notes to see. commisioner joseph: if that was done, can you tell me the size of your bass drivers? >> they are 15 men's. commisioner joseph: how many do you have? >> four. commisioner joseph: that should work and if they are on seismic isolaters, and they still vibrate, that is on. the other thing is the cleanup on the outside. when i had my nightclub, fires and everything went ever were. there is a service you could look into. they come along and you can have them come in on sunday night, sunday morning or whenever. they pick up everything and steamed the street. it really makes good neighbors.
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>> we have agreed to do that. >> my wife has a restaurant in that area. a lot of times i find myself walking up that alley in the morning. i can spot a lot of the problems are not coming from the club. they're coming from homeless people. i see them there in the morning. and whether -- it may be a mixture. i do not want to ruin the evaluation we got earlier. it sounds like you are prepared to respond to the problem no matter who is creating it. that is the bottom line. it is with the commission. commisioner joseph: i move to approve. >> second. commisioner joseph: is there anything specific -- i made the
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suggestion he looks into it. it is not a commission -- a condition of the permit in my motion. >> i would like to make a comment that i am appreciative. i hardly have sat here and seen neighbors and the nightclub talking the same sort of language together. i really appreciate everyone who came here that you continue to work on it. it is refreshing to see. president newlin: is there a second? >> second. president newlin: same house, same call? ok. good luck. item i. 834 irving. >> the applicant has requested to continue this item for two
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weeks. i don't know if anyone has shown up for public comment. president newlin: anyone here to comment on the black farm permit -- blackthorne permit. a motion to continue? commisioner joseph: second. president newlin: same house, same call? ok. 287 street, place of entertainment permit. >> this is the second time you have seen this item before you. the first time you spoke with the applicant about the lack of detail and discuss the unique situation in this case where a building was used in the area for a long time as an entertainment venue and it has come perilously close to what
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the planning department might consider abandoning the use in that area where no new entertainment is permitted. the applicant can before you to obtain a conditional grant and at that time you felt somewhat confused and needed further clarification. they requested to come back before you again for the same purpose of receiving a conditional grant. at their request of the commission and i believe or somebody smart went to the city attorney's office and asked them for guidance on how to handle the situation such as this, given the fact that most of the time, you are looking at very specific business plans and security plans and are able to give a conditional grant based on specific information. you still do not have that kind
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of information. that is because this is a project that is in development. the guidance was based on 1060 points -- 106 no0, you have the ability to grant a conditional permit with wide latitude in terms of conditions and what they suggested is to consider emotion showing your intent and conditioning that with the requirement that the applicant come back before you with specific business plans and security and what ever else you feel is necessary by our capacity, whatever it is when they get closer to the point of development and operating this
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venue. this conditional grant or motion with your intentions with heavy conditions related to how much information you need going forward, and go through the demolition department. without the fear of losing this entertainment news in an area where zoning is very challenging. i hope those instructions are helpful. if there is any more clarification, you can provide -- that would be my suggestion. >> welcome. new commissioner tan. i represent the project
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sponsors. they are in thailand raising money. we have with us louis caputo, a manager of a cafe in the castro. mr. chadwick is the head of security and can answer security questions of maybe. we did khalil and present to the commission at your october 11 -- we did present to the commission that your october 11 meeting. i am prepared to go further into detail. i know it is late. we know what the project is. i handed out a handout. the present venue has been a nightclub for 40 years from early as the rawhide which was a noted a country-western nightclub. -- gay country-western
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nightclub. the building was in the extreme- repair. my client's wish to replace the building with a new one that can meet the modern test for some containment and public safety. this is a wood frame building. it cannot contain the new sound system and it has mold issues. this project will have a ground floor wheentertainment venue. also it has a late-night menu. it also has a 49-seat rooftop cafe which will have used from the bay bridge to twin peaks and oliver south of market. in addition there will be to adjoining residential units along the length of the street. i can go further if you want details. there has been significant outrage. the thing we handed out was a
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handout given at a public meeting we had on october 10. you have an invitation to that meeting. it was attended by 18 neighbors, two of which live next to the portion of this property and they signed a petition that they approve of the project. this project is a $9 million project. we estimate it will provide 90 jobs. full and part-time jobs as well as 70 building trades persons jobs in the bill out. we're not sure if we will be allowed by the planning department to demolish the present structure which is what we would like to do and maintain the current nighttime entertainment you status. we may be required to keep portions of the building.
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at this time until the entitlements are in, we cannot give you a lot of definition of what the final product will look like. it want to point out this project is important to us. -- we want to point out this project is important to us. it is important for the city to see that a mixed use development on a small-scale that includes entertainment, residential, restaurant, and commercial uses can be built successfully and that all the uses can coexist in one building. we will be happy to take any questions you might have. commisioner joseph: just for clarification for our new commissioner and the rest of the commissioners in the audience, this is the location of the former rawhide. this was a business for umpteen years. >> at least 35 years. commisioner joseph: it is the application's -- applicant's
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intend to reopen at that location. we don't have enough information about what the intended use is. and what the configuration is going to look like. the intention is there. to do that. >> it will be presidential, a rooftop garden, a 100 seat restaurant, and an entertainment venue in the 400 persons size. commisioner joseph: ok. so is mine understanding that by granting a conditional grant with possibly some extra conditions on it to you, you would be able to maintain your use. it is conditional. this is what i do not understand. if the three years is going to pass and the grant is conditional, and you're not
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operating, does this preserve your entertainment use? >> we believe as long as we're moving towards, we do dispatched toward reopening place. >> any conditional grant we give you will expire in nine months if you have not come pleaded construction. you'd have to renew that permanent. >> we will come back to the commission. commisioner joseph: thank you. >> how many square feet are you talking about? >> the entertainment facility will be 4500 to 500 square feet. -- 5000 square feet. >> does that include the restaurant? >> that is the ground floor and around mezzanine. the restaurant will be another 4000 square feet. the rooftop garden will be half of that, too thousand square feet.
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1800 square feet. >> you are changing the exit from the -- onto seventh street. >> that is correct. in order to provide a buffer, lankton is one of the most beautiful neighborhood enclaves. a lot of trees there and is mixed use. what we decided to do is there will be to side-by-side adjoining residential units that will face onto the street and have a garage onto the street. there will be an emergency exit that will be alarmed to have an exiting for the entertainment venue. it will never be used as an exit
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other than emergency. the front will have two exits and i have pictures if you would like to see them. all the residential -- entertainment usage and the restaurant usage will enter and exit onto seventh street. i want to make a few statements about this. i'm going to ask that we approve this. some of the reasons are i feel that in soma, it is a former entertainment capital that has lost a lot of its businesses. i have been doing work in that area. one of the things that many of the businesses have talked about is the fact that two years is often not soon enough for an entertainment venue to open, get its money together and to continue to lose these permits
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has destroyed the neighborhood and the vibrancy. we can see that clearly when you walk through their around christmas and there is no one on the streets and you go past 14th street and is booming. things like this, if you can come up with a way to mix residential and entertainment, i think my job will be easier. it would be something that would benefit the city. i hope that we as a commission can work with this permit and move forward with it. >> charlie salter is designing this new structure from the ground up. he wrote the original sound ordinance. he is the dean over at the sound engineering department at berkeley. he is the one who build the -- did the sound attenuation on the disney symphony hall in los angeles and a lot of major
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venues. he is the best sound engineer in america and he thinks it can be done. if he says it can be done, it can be done. >> how does this fit within the west soma plan that was introduced to us? >> it is the grandfathered use. the problem with soma in 1989, the entertainment was zoned out of the neighborhood. you have a number of bars, mostly gay bars down there. along the 11th straight corridor. a little bit on seventh street. there were turned into nonconforming uses and that is the issue here. we are about a year and a half into no entertainment. it is three years that you lose your right to do it again. it looks like any time soon. it is imperative that we pres
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