tv [untitled] January 22, 2012 5:48pm-6:18pm PST
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t, report of -- whoa, whoa, ok. moving too quickly. who's got it? commissioner fewer? i mean, commissioner maufas. commissioner maufas: thank you. just making an announcement that our -- on monday, january 16, is m.l.k. jr. national day of service and i wanted to let folks know that beginning at 8:45 a.m. there are volunteer opportunities to celebrate the day of service as promoted by martin luther king jr. but also by president obama and his wife, michelle obama. at the african-american arts and cultural center. which is at 762 fulton street and it will be upstairs. again, it starts at 8:30 in the morning. there -- they will be serving a light break breakfast and volunteer signup at 9:15 there's a rally and throughout
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the city they will provide transportation to volunteer destinations via shuttle bus and that's gardened projects, tree planting, cleaning up of parks and streets, participating in local food pantry, painting, writing letters for some of our troops, reading for seniors and there will be many, many more signup opportunities and again to remind everyone of this is an opportunity for us to participate in the national day of service here in san francisco and again it starts at 8:45 on monday, january 16, at the african-american arts and cultural center. they will be providing, again, shuttle transportation. for more information you may contact melanie green at mlknes and for direct access to all the day's events can you go to and just click
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on the complex special events and you will find out more information. thank you. commissioner murase: yes, i have two announcements. i'm sending down a program from the ucsf lincoln high school fifth celebration. many of you are aware that lincoln high school has a two-year biotechnology program under the direction of a man of jenentech. they oversee high school opportunities -- students in biotech. they have partnered with professor wendell wnyys' lab and while they have competing at the m.i.t. biotech olympics
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they have come home with two golds, one silver, one best new application and fifth place in their first year of competition. so it's really a great celebration. this is one of the reasons why lincoln is such a popular high school these days. there's no admission requirements to that two-year biotech program and really what the kids are doing is not just undergraduate level work but graduate level work. so i would love to invite them, some of the students are local still, to show us a presentation that won the gold in last year's olympics. my our announcement is january 27 is the application deadline for applying to sfusd kindergarten, middle school and high school. so i want to thank the hardworking staff of the educational placement center. it's going to be very busy in the coming weeks. and then i'm sorry, my last announcement is we are working on board policies and i know
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board members committed to submitting their suggestions and edit to our legal counsel coleman. so she's still waiting to hear from my colleagues. >> what's the deadline? >> it was monday. >> yeah, that's right. commissioner murase: so if people could spend time on that, it's a very important activity. commissioner fewer: i would just like to share with the board that on january 3 i went to the graduation of the charter school and it was the last graduation under sheriff hennessy who is our sheriff for three decades. three-plus decades. anyway, it was a wonderful event attended by many family members and very encouraging and also a stark reminder of the work that we still need to do here at san francisco unified and then i'd like to mention also the san francisco p.t.a. will be celebrating
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their 100th anniversary on february 10 and everyone is invited to come. it's $45 to come and celebrate that momentous occasion. at the next meeting i will not be present but commissioner maufas and i have both authored a resolution in commendation of them. so we look forward to that. and i just wanted to say thank you to all the past san francisco p.t.a. presidents, district presidents. it was a tremendous job. it is completely volunteer. and i have been a p.t.a. president myself for 12 terms so -- and that's just at my school so i can't even imagine what it might be -- what a big job it would be districtwide. so san francisco p.t.a., second district in the state of california to ever -- to charter a p.t.a. congratulations.
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i won't be here next week to congratulate them. mrs. wilson. >> should also acknowledge that there's the state p.t.a. president right now. this will be a big anniversary for them. we should all try to be present. president yee: ok. what i'd like to do is request information about committees. if people could send in their requests for what committees they would like to participate in for this year by friday, that way we could -- vice president norton and myself could go over them and put together the best assignment we could put. so did you cast them? the three of you who are not listening? committee assignment, so, send in your requests by friday.
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>> we should just write them down and send them snow president yee: yeah, email. email -- >> where they going to all be the same committees or are you talking about the four major ones? we have a fouad hocks. -- few ad hocs. president yee: give me your three committees that you would like to be on, the existing ones, and we'll make some decisions around which ones are -- we're going to move forward with. including ad hocs. ok. and that's due friday. friday. i know. ok. let's see. where am i? t. we're on t. report of closed session actions. for january 10, 2012, student
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>> this is holly lee knox. there are some proud pet owners in san francisco and they have brought all their pets here to strut their stuff. >> it's an annual event that we've had. this is our 18th year. we bring in rescue groupers, vendors, supporters, lots and lots of animals. it's a proud day for us and for the animals of san francisco.
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>> the costume contest is really fun. people get really creative. it's a really fun event. people go all out, create costumes, buy costumes, whatever it is. but there's some really fun ones. >> we're just celebrating the pets and just their companionship and how they are invaluable. so everybody's having fun. >> we're the city's open door shelter. that means we take in every animal that comes through our door regardless of age, condition, species, everything in the city comes through us that is in need. >> animal care control, it is such an important agency and is very understaffed, has very few resources. but we make
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animals don't have a home, that we get them a home and that we don't put the animals to sleep, that we're able to adopt them out. >> we have a huge number of volunteers who come in and they will walk our dogs, socialize our animals, play with cats, play with them, bring them to adoption events today. >> i volunteer with the animal control center and i do that every week. >> we're in an organization called friends of a.c.c. with that organization, you can donate money if you don't have time. if you do have time, you can come down to the shelter and volunteer to actually have one-on-one time with the animals. if you're like me and you don't have time to give to an animal, if you actually have one of your own, you can get your fix on the weekends, come in and pet them and love them and it's great. >> this has been pet pride 2011
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brought to you by san francisco animal care and control. to find out more, visit them on the web at sfgov >> with the secretary please call roll. [calling roll] commissioner levitan is on her way. we are on item number -- just as a reminder, if everyone could please turn off any electronic- sounding devices. if you would like to speak today, please fill out of blue card. it you could please take in the secondary conversations outside, we would appreciate that. when you speak on public -- public comment, please address
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them to the commission. neither staff nor the commission will respond during but they may be asked to respond after public comment is through. with that, we are on item number two, the president's report. >> i am going to refer that to later on. commissioner buell: i did want to announce that a good friend of the recreation and park department passed away. she is the late widow of gene friend, who was a friend of the commission for many years. they have been very generous to the recreation and parks department. i would hope that we would adjourn in her honor. with that, let's move on. >> any public comment on this item? public item is closed. item number three, general managers report.
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>> good morning, commissioners. happy new year. a few announcements this morning. this past monday, in honor of the martin luther king day of service, we partnered with the department of public works and the mayor's office to host volunteer day of service event in district 5. i had the pleasure of seeing commissioner borden at the kickoff. we have 45 volunteers who worked quite hard to pick up the mall, picking up leaves and sanitizing playground equipment. it was a very great tribute to dr. king and his legacy, and we want to thank the city partners, and the executive director of the of that -- of the african- american arts and complex director. i want to talk a little bit about our winter department.
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we are offering a wide department oa way of services fs and families. log on to discover what we have in store for you if your families. believe it or not, even though we're still in the middle of winter, it is not too early to start thinking about summer. we are currently taking signups for lottery. residents have until february 5 to register for one of the best camp experiences anywhere in america. also, they can't guides will be out on february 6, and registration will begin on march 17. we have a couple of exciting event happening at the randall museum that are worth noting. the young people theater musical
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group proudly presents "cabaret" beginning january 27. three shows on january 27, saturday, january 28, and sunday january 29 at 2:30. shows on friday night, february 3, saturday night february 4, and super bowl sunday, february. general admission tickets are $15. student tickets are $10. i have been to a couple of these productions, and they are truly spectacular. the kids are incredibly talented, and our own stuff that works with them does an amazing job. i highly encourage everyone to see "cabaret" at the rental museum. also, we want to invite everyone to join us on saturday, february
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4 at 10:00 in the morning for the dedication of windswept, a sculpture by charles showeauer. we want to think the san francisco arts commission for commissioning the work and the san francisco public utilities work for funding the project, which is out -- which is actually a wind chime. admission is free, and we would be happy to let everyone join us on that day. community meetings are moving ahead for the planning of the waterfront playground as to be urban park. the next meeting is tuesday, do you reach 24. -- at sue bierman park. children are welcomed. refreshments will be provided. we have a few staff acknowledgements today. it is our quarterly employee recognition award time. i would like to call our human-
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resources director to make this quarter's recognition award, which is an award given by staff. it is a peer award. >> good morning, commissioners. my name is kim gene, the human- resources director for the perks and wrecked apartment. i am proud to introduce the recipient of our quarterly recognition award. the award is megan tieman. she is been a project manager since january 2007. she has proven excellence with her ability to work proactively and internal operations divisions. having to manage and when competing interest is one of many strong interest. over the past several years his
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work diligently on numerous capital renovation projects, including bishop playground, sunnyside playground, mary's, lincoln pplayground, and many others. while working closely with the various community stakeholder groups, she completed the self park and self park projects. she worked diligently to secure regulatory approvals since the project reside within the coastal commission jurisdiction, as well as other sensitive natural resources. macon has shown tremendous poise and professionalism -- megan have shown tremendous poise and professionalism over her tenure with the program. she has demonstrated a strong and professional approach on conflict resolution and has been
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successful in delivering projects while meeting everyone's needs through compromise. on behalf of the san francisco recreation and park department, we want to thank you for your dedication, and we wish you continued success as a an employee. megan is getting this award for a few reasons. reason number one, her projects are always a ='s. +'s. she brings her project in on schedule. 3, she has a zero tolerance policy for excuses and b.s. and four, because there is no cash bonus for averting disaster, at the very least we would like to give you employee recognition. [applause]
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>> thank you. by the way, from did want to note -- i did want to know we are speaking macon and excellent work of her colleagues. we are well under way in our thinking about our 2012 bond. there will be more to come before this commission. i want to let you know we have been working with numerous community groups to give them updates on what has been happening with the 2008 parks
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bond and to begin to cultivate community input on what it should look like. we have had meetings in the excelsior. i think we have been in sunset and richmond. we have been before chinatown. you will hear much more about that in the months to come. employee recognition number two. i would like to bring up a very special person from our recreation staff that will be taking a trip of her life next month. raquel miller -is a boxing instructor with our department that will compete against seven other women in spokane, washington, next month for a spot on the u.s. olympic boxing -- boxing team headed to london this summer. [applause] this is the first time women boxing will be included in the
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olympics. her nickname is a rocrockie. without further without furtherd like to give you rocked txicksie miller. >> that is amazing. >> i just really want to thank everyone so much for the support and recognition, because it has been a really long jury in a short amount of time, and i am thankful to have the support of my city behind me. i am looking forward to this historical moment.
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i am very excited to be here with this opportunity and the support that i have. ed has been amazing. i'm really thankful. i want to thank everyone because it has been the energy that has been keeping me pushing. thank you for my great picture. [applause] maybe you could come to the board of supervisors with us when we are negotiating for the budget. [laughter] >> my last announcement is a little bittersweet. both very joyous and a little sad. i want to recognize nicole avrol. as she stands up, you will get a sense of why we are about to recognize her. we are very happy enjoyable she will be welcoming the newest addition to her family in a few short months. i am also somewhat sad to announce she will be leaving our department in her full-time
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capacity so she can focus on her newest endeavor. nicole, as you know, just a few months after i started we learned that we were facing historic budget cuts, and we created a new division under the theory that we did not want to cut services, we wanted to add revenue. that is how we wanted to solve the budget challenges. we tasked nicole with leading the effort. i could not be more proud of her work. he was truly a start up in every sense of the word. pro results and the team she has created will leave a legacy for the city and department for a long, long time she has helped this department focus on earned revenue and property management and stolen property support. we think nicole, through her
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leadership, of her team has added about $5 million in current revenue to the department of the past couple of years. at think about what that translates into direct services. she has also brought an incredible amount of joy to the city come into thy, to some of e special event in the city. she brought a philanthropic will geift to a center. she is help the department of fund facility renovations and programming that otherwise would not have been possible. she has an infectious laugh, a great spirit, and has done an absolutely amazing job for us, and we are truly happy for her and will also miss her whole lot. i wanted to bring out a cold and did you special recognition on behalf of the department, which
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is you have been the transaction queen. these are the deal pieces for your mantle. we have one that we would like to give to you. [applause] >> in honor of your entrepreneur real spirit on behalf of your san francisco family. [laughter] >> thank you. thank you for those exceptionally kind words. it has been an honor and privilege to serve if this department. i am so passionate about the recreation and parks department mission, and the partnership --
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the divisions role within that. i truly believe what we do here is what makes every single person in this city want to live in san francisco. but especially those that are underserved. from the tiny tots that we serve, to the kids we teach how to swim, and the seniors that we teach about in his programs, to the kids that get after-school enrichment programs, we make this city exceptionally beautiful and a wonderful place to live. so it is with the very heavy heart that we made this decision, but this is a role that deserves 150%, and so does my family. so this is where i need to focus, but it has been such a pleasure working with you all, and i am so proud of what the
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team has done, and so proud of what the department does on a daily basis. i could ask for a better experience. i will be advocating on behalf of the department. you have not seen the last of me. thank you for all of your support. [applause] >> that concludes the general manager's support, except for two worksds, go niners. you get to see the monthly video, and then we are done. ♪
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