tv [untitled] January 24, 2012 1:18pm-1:48pm PST
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and thank you all for being here. i am district are preferred democratic leader nancy pelosi. she cannot be here today, but she did ask me to come to share some words and to express her data gratitude to mayor ed lee for his continued and outstanding leadership and continued commitment in the fight against hiv and aids. and also to supervisors winner, campos, and olague for all the work they're doing, the mayor is fantastic that, director of public health, thank you. thank you. she also wanted me to express her deep gratitude to all of the members of the community of hiv/aids service providers, some of whom are represented today, some we have lost in the last few years, but for their ongoing commitment in the fight against hiv/aids. here is leader pelosi's statement. "the fight against hiv/aids and
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for those fighting against this terrible disease has been one of my top legislative priorities for the of 25 years. san francisco was hit early and hit hard by the devastation of hiv/aids, but san franciscans responded by developing a model of care that became the model for the ryan white care act. our city shows that, bourbons of hiv/aids work saves lives by keeping people healthy and productive. today, again, san francisco leads the way for compassionate, community-based care with the supplemental budget from mayor lee. ryan white funded initiatives are saving lives. declines in aids deaths are a direct result of the '30s and services that have been made more widely available through the ryan white act to large numbers of uninsured and underinsured people here that is why it was disappointing when the bush administration first proposed severe cuts, and that
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is why i have fought continued republican efforts to sustain these cuts. for several years, i worked successfully in a bipartisan way to roll back these destabilizing cuts and their potentially devastating impact. since 2007, we have restored nearly $21 million to san francisco systems of care. every step of the way in fighting these cuts, i have found a partner in the san francisco mayor's office, beginning with mayor newsom and continued by mayor lee. today's announcement by mayor lee of $1.8 million in supplemental city funding will result in save lives. i look also like to a knowledge supervisors wiener, campos, and olague and members of the san francisco hiv/aids planning council for their leadership in this fight. together, we will uphold the spirit of the ryan white care
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act, insuring that hiv aids care, treatment, prevention and research receive increased funding and improving in strengthening those investments until hiv/aids is a painful chapter in the distant past." thank you very much. [applause] >> i now want to welcome two members of the hiv/aids provider community. the vice-president of the hiv/aids provider network, and also the executive director of the positive resource center, and the member and former co- chair of the san francisco health services planning council and who often -- also serves as the director of the drug policy alliance. >> scott is tall, and i am short. good morning, everyone. as scott said, i am had to be
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the executive director of positive resource center, but i stand before you today as a representative of the hiv/aids provider network. the hiv/aids provider network is a coalition of over 30 san francisco-based nonprofits that provide a comprehensive array of services daily to people living with hiv and aids. today is a good day for san francisco, and let me tell you why. in december when the service provider community found out about this loss of funding of over $4 million, we truly were in a state of shock, but we knew what was at stake. so we quickly got to work meeting with barbara garcia at the department of public health, supervisors campos and wiener and the mayor to figure out what solution we could put to these devastating cuts, and i am pleased to report that all of them were keenly aware -- hold on one second.
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i am pleased to report that all of them were keenly aware of these devastating cuts long before we met face to face, so we gather here today to thank and acknowledge mayor lee, supervisors wiener campos and olague for their receptive ear and nimble response to our request for support to help mitigate these devastating cuts. mayor lee and the supervisors joint request for supplemental appropriation of $1.8 million will help ensure the continuation of vital primary care and supportive services, which are essential to the health and well-being of people living with hiv and aids. san francisco has provided leadership to the entire country with an effective model of care to respond to the aids crisis. the leadership that is
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represented here today and the cooperation is reflected here today, and we rely on it in the coming years. to the remaining board members, with -- when this important piece of legislation reaches your desk, i encourage you to move forward with swiftness because the very people whose lives are impacted by it hangs in the balance. while we're pleased and grateful for the result of our collective work today, there is still so much work to do. the community of service providers, dph, the mayor, the supervisors have all made a strong commitment to continue to dialogue in an effort to design a strategy to minimize the harm in this loss of funding. in closing, i'd like to thank congresswoman pelosi and her office for her unapologetic and strident commitment of hiv issues over the years. congresswoman pelosi is passionate and true. my grandmother always said when people show you who they are, believe them. leader pelosi has shown us who
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she is, and we believe her and we believe in her, and we thank her for standing in the fight all these years. she in deed is our hero. for all of us here today, i asked that we remain focused, educated on the issues, and resolved to achieving the outcome of our choosing in making sure that people living with hiv and aids are given the necessary services and maintain a good and decent quality of life. again, thank you for your work in the community and thank you for your presence here today. [applause] >> we are going in the right order. we are the federally mandated community planning council that prioritizes and allocates the federal ryan white funds for three county areas including san francisco, san mateo, and marin counties.
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one of the things we have had to do in prioritizing and allocating those funds for the last several years is decide where and how to cut funds that we know are desperately needed by people living with hiv in san francisco. so with that, i am incredibly grateful and thankful to mayor lee, supervisors campos, wiener, and olague from saving us from had to make this difficult decisions for the next few months. there are more people living with hiv in san francisco now than there have ever been, and yet, we have fewer federal resources for the services that we know are needed. it has been going down for the last 15 years. federal funding is half of what it used to be, despite the best efforts. state funding for a chevy services has entirely evaporated, and health care reform is at best an unfunded mandate right now.
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we have to go back to where we were when the epidemic started in san francisco set the model for the nation in the world in stepping up and taking care of people here in san francisco. we are a city of compassion and justice, and we are willing to use our resources to take care of people here in san francisco, even when other governments are not living up to their responsibilities. this is san francisco stepping up to assure the people living with hiv continue to get the services and treatment that they need. also, we need to continue to invest in hiv prevention, which is also taking a cut this year. there is a sense among people who work in hiv that the end is in sight, the end of this epidemic is in sight for the first time ever, but that will only happen if we continue to fully invest in effect of it
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said the prevention efforts and if we ensure that everyone can access hiv/aids treatment and can stay on it and get the full benefit. san francisco, as we have since the beginning, in showing how to do this, but we need the resources to match our heart and brain. there is work to do. how do we continue to address this challenge into the next fiscal year? we pledged to work with the mayor's office, the board of supervisors, leader pelosi's office, the at&t/aids provider network to do everything we can to insure those resources are there and as we transition services from 11 extreme to another that it is done as seamlessly as possible. on behalf of the hiv health services planning council, i want to again thank leader pelosi for everything she has done and the mayor and the
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to show just how easy it can be to do just that, we have come up with something called the farmers' market challenge. we find someone who loves to cook, give them $20, and challenge them to create a delicious meal from ingredients found right here in the farmer's market. who did we find for today's challenge? >> today with regard to made a pot greater thanchapino. >> you only have $20 to spend. >> i know peter it is going to be tough, but i think i can do it. it is a san francisco classic. we are celebrating bay area food. we have nice beautiful plum tomatoes here. we have some beautiful fresh fish here. it will come together beautifully. >> many to cut out all this talk, and let's go shop. yeah.
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♪ >> what makes your dish unique? >> i like it spicy and smoky. i will take fresh italian tomatoes and the fresh seafood, and will bring them to other with some nice spoked paprika and some nice smoked jalapeno peppers. i am going to stew them up and get a nice savory, smoky, fishy, tomatoy, spicy broth. >> bring it on. how are you feeling? >> i feel good. i spent the $20 and have a few pennies less. i am going to go home and cook. i will text message u.n. is done. >> excellent and really looking forward to it. >> today we're going to make the san francisco classic dish
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invented by italian and portuguese fishermen. it'll be like a nice spaghetti sauce. then we will put in the fish soup. the last thing is the dungeon as crab, let it all blend together. it will be delicious. when i could, i will try to make healthy meals with fresh ingredients, whatever is in season and local. those juicy, fresh tomatoes will take about an hour to cook down into a nice sauce. this is a good time to make our fish stock. we will take a step that seems like trash and boil it up in water and make a delicious and they speed up my parents were great clerics, and we had wonderful food. family dinners are very important. any chance you can sit down together and have a meal together, it is great communal atmosphere. one of the things i like the most is the opportunity to be creative. hello. anybody with sets their mind to it can cut. always nice to start chopping
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some vegetables and x and the delicious. all this double in view is this broth with great flavor. but your heart into it. make something that you, family, and friends will really enjoy. >> i am here with a manager at the heart of the city farmer's market in san francisco. thank you for joining us. tell us a little bit about the organization. >> we're 30 years old now. we started with 14 farmers, and it has grown out to over 80. >> what is the mission of the organization? >> this area has no grocery store spiller it is all mom-and- pop stores. we have this because it is needed. we knew it was needed. and the plaza needed somebody. it was empty. beautiful with city hall in the background. >> thank you for speaking with us. are you on the web? >> yes,
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>> check them out. thank you. >> welcome. the dish is ready. >> it looks and smells amazing. >> thank you. it was not easy to meet the $20 budget. i checked everybody out and found some great produce. really lovely seafood. i think that you are going to love it. >> do not be shy. cyou know this can run you $35 to $45 for a bowl, so it is great you did this for $20. >> this will feed four to six people. >> not if you invite me over for dinner. i am ready to dig in. >> i hope you'll love it. >> mmm. >> what do you think? >> i think i am going to need more. perhaps you can have all you want. >> i am produce the that you
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have crushed this farmer's market challenge by a landslide. the first, we're going to have to tally of your shopping list and see what you actually spend that the farmer's market. >> and go for it. >> incredible. you have shown us how to make super healthy, refresh chapino from the farmers market on the budget, that for the whole family. that is outstanding. >> thank you peter i am glad that you like it. i think anybody can do it. >> if you like the recipe for this dish, you can e-mail us at or reach out to us on facebook or twitter and we
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>> good afternoon. are you ready to go? i am the transportation director for san francisco. we have a little feedback. a little high? back off a little bit? thank you all for coming out today. we're here to talk about the intersection of two things in san francisco at a very important. one is partnering and the other -- one is parking in the other is technology. parking is important in san francisco. there is a lot of competition for the public rights of way. parking is something that people in san francisco care about. it is something that we at the sfmta have to manage to make it
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work, to enable transit to flow in keeping with the city transit first policy. parking is important. to manage it, we create rules and regulations. a lot of people may not like them, but it is what we need to do to make parking and transit work. the purpose of the rules and regulations are not to get people caught up in them, but to make transit work and make transportation work in san francisco. that leads us to technology. technology is important because it helps us to be able to do things more efficiently and effectively. most san franciscans like and have technology. we are bringing technology to where people are.
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most people have cell phones come smartphones. we are adopting our systems to work with what people have in their day-to-day lives. i am joined by a great group of people behind me. they will talk about an exciting initiative we are launching today that will be one of the most significant things to hit parking in san francisco in generations. i am honored to have a man for whom this technology is not very important. that is our majoyor ed lee. the reason it is not important is because someone else has to worry about parking, it is because of something i learned about him a couple of months ago. it did not come out in the campaign or media. it turns out that ed lee has parking karma. he does not need it. but for the rest of us who do not have parking karma, we're
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here to talk about something that is really exciting for san francisco. without further ado, our mayor, ed lee. [applause] >> i never thought we would give the parking meters so much attention in this city. i want to thank ed for his leadership at sfmta, the leadership of the board, supervisors got leaner -- scott wiener. this is a great launch for the pay by phone program we are announcing today. earlier this year, i have the privilege of announcing sf park. there was a great deal of interest. we rolled that out to the
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delight of many people who started using that application to lessen the congestion when they were looking for parking. we are starting today in our castor district to want the pay by phone program that will allow you to use your smartphone and be able to pay a parking meter. then you have an electronic reminders sent to your cell phone while you are eating or shopping to remind you that the parking meter needs to be replenished so you do not suffer the consequences of a ticket. it is not to say we are decreasing revenue for muni, but ed and the board have decided
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these are conveniences' the public need to have to allow the traffic congestion to be lessened and make its smarter the way we do things. i get to announce with our partner here today with the pay by phone application and suggest to the rest of the conference of mayors that we are an even cooler city. we are one of the first in the country to do this. we think it will work and will be very exciting. who would not want to have this at their fingers and prevent a parking ticket? we can also use technology and blended the right way. i am excited we're doing this. these are the updated meters we have been able to install on
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18th and 19th. we will begin right here. we will roll it out to areas across the city including glen park, the sunset-richmond, downtown, and all the sf park areas we have been announcing. we have to change out the old leaders quickly. we have to get the smart meter technology available. the application will be available today on these streets. you will be able to see it in action. it is exciting. it is one of the things i promised that we will be able to introduce the use of technology and make it easy and family for everybody. for our shoppers to come here during the holidays for the castro area, they will be able to see it and experiment with it right away.
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the pay by phone launch is here. it is a great and cool thing to use. we will be able to use its soon all over the city. thank you to our partners in the technology world for our pay by phone technology, to our board, and our supervisor for allowing us to introduce it right here. we will see a lot of shopping and convenience, a lot of applications where there are no tickets. that can be prevented by doing this. thank you very much. [applause] >> the mayor mentioned the castro. part of managing parking is making it work for neighborhoods and commercial districts to keep the turnover moving, to make it convenient. if you are sitting in a restaurant or shopping, you do not have to run out. it is important to neighborhood businesses and residents. this neighborhood is lucky to be represented by supervisor
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wiener who has been a strong advocate for smart transportation policy. he also is one of our representatives on the metropolitan transportation commission. he is doing great things for san francisco in terms of transportation. we're happy and grateful to him for hosting us today. supervisors go scott wiener. [applause] >> not for tall people. thank you. one of our goals in having smart parking policies is to make it as easy as possible for people to pay for the street parking. i think we have seen that when we make it easy for people to pay, the number of parking
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tickets goes down and revenue goes up. that is how it should be. people paying for parking and not being penalized and coming away with a terrible feeling. we're lucky in this area. this is one of the areas to get credit card meters first. we're thrilled that the castro is the first neighborhood to get paid by phone. we are really doing innovative work that will be a model for other cities and counties in the area and across the country. i am thrilled that we're doing this. thank you very much. [applause] >> the voters in 1999 created the mta and established a board to create policies such as this. to put policies in place like sf park better groundbreaking, we
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now have new york city following our lead in terms of some of the technology we're doing. it is ground-breaking and bold step for the m -- stuff for the mta. that leadership is exemplified by the chairman of the board, mr. tom nolan. >> thank you and good morning. the board has been looking for ways to be as creative as possible in using technology to assist our customers. we think the flexibility and convenience are really important. they are putting these stickers on their. it does not cost the mta anything for this program. that is really exciting for us. so many things cost money. as an occasional driver, and one feature on this is that when feature on this is that when parking is about to expire,
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