tv [untitled] January 27, 2012 3:18pm-3:48pm PST
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are large jugs almost that you can fill thatbeer from taps and cap them and take them home to enjoy, and they stay carbonated. with this craft their movement, these micro breweries are making 22 ounce -- larger bottles of a very nice of beer that is very hard to get, and making them accessible to customers downtown, people that do not have a lot of time to go out and find these beers and learn where they are and being able to allow them to take that home with them is something that we're looking forward to. again, at 99.9% of our business, we envision on-premises consumption, but they have the option to take these hard to find quality beer products home, and that is something we look forward to offering. supervisor chu: thank you.
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a question for our folks. is there a condition that we might be able to add on to the list that would be able to accommodate this? i do now see any problems with what you're describing, but i would hate to see people be able to bring a beer and perhaps open and across the street at the park. if that becomes a problem, given the fact we have limited resources, is there something we can say about the size of the containers that are permissible for off-sale or that we would not permit the provision of cups with ice, those kinds of things, to make sure we do not have a problem? >> we could eliminate their privilege to do off-sale if that is something you want to consider, or we could limit the size of the container to so many ounces, whatever ounces, 22 ounces or whatever size we feel is appropriate. we could certainly do that. supervisor chu: i would actually prefer that we do not
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necessarily eliminate the option for you to sell, but i would like to have restrictions that would give us some comfort in knowing people would not be opening the containers across the street. for example, there shall be no provision for containers with ice in them so people with potentially open up a cup or that they are those craft size containers. maybe the project sponsor can work with your folks on those conditions, and we can come back to that item to make sure it is appropriator >> yes, we would be happy to do that. supervisor chu: and if you could do that perhaps during the course of this meeting, even though we have one more item and it is a fairly short meeting, and we can wrap it up today. one question from the supervisor. supervisor olague? supervisor olague: yes, it just seems like such a unique situation. i am not familiar with this being a common practice here.
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i am wondering, are there any other examples of where this off-sale type license has been used on any other establishments, restaurants, or bars? >> there are not that many for the type 40. however, there are other places in the city that wish to use those jugs, in some places have the privilege of using them, so they do get to take the beer off-sale. supervisor olague: so there could be additional conditions placed on that. that is the only way i would feel comfortable. some different rules probably apply, but i know that in some instances, at least in the previous role i played in the planning commission, we would sometimes ask for a six-month report. i do not know if that is something that is done here necessarily, but some kind of status to see how it is or it is not working because it is not a
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common practice. to kind of get a sense of how, you know, if it is evolving and that sort of thing. >> ok. supervisor chu: thank you. let's skip action for this at this moment in call item number two. >> item two, hearing to consider that the issuance of a type 64 special on-sale general theater wicker licenced to jeanette carvajal for the yerba buena center for the arts located at 701 mission street will serve the convenience of the people and -- of the city and county of san francisco. >> the applicant has applied for an original type 64, a special on-sale general theater license add 701 mission street, between third street and fourth street. hours of operation, daily, 12 noon to 1:00 a.m. this is a nonprofit business currently operating as a museum for the arts and performing arts
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center. their rooms include two art galleries and two theaters, with a combined capacity of over 750 people. if approved, this license will allow the applicant to sell out -- to sell all alcoholic beverages to ticket holders. letters of protest, no record. letters of support, no record. police calls for service, from may 2010 to may 2011, 32. police reports during the same time span, no record. no opposition from southern station and the alu recommends approval with conditions. number one, the sale service and consumption of alcoholic beverages will be permitted only between 12:00 p.m., 12 noon and 1:00 a.m. each day of the week. service and consumption of alcoholic beverages is restricted it to, one, the lobby for rum and room of big ideas on the first floor of the forum
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building. two, the screening room, terrace gallery, and yaaw lounge on the second floor of the forum building. 3, the first floor novella theater main lobby. four, the second floor and the avella theatre lobby. north and south landings. private outside patio, as depicted on the abc report. sales and serving of alcoholic beverages will be limited to ticketholders only during an two hours prior to and one hour after a bonafide theater performance of the theater company, a bonafide their performance is defined as the license must actually operate a troupe of actors or other performers for the purposes of putting on a performance. sales service and consumption of manalich beverages shall be made only from stationery bars or portable bars and waiter in waitress service and shall not
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be sold, serve or delivered to customers by individual ambulatory vendors. 5, the sale of alcoholic beverage for consumption of the premise is strictly prohibited. 6, alcoholic beverages shall be served in containers clearly distinguishable from nonalcoholic beverage containers. 7, the sale about pollock beverages shall be limited to no more than two beverages person per sale. aids, the petitioner shall post signs measuring no less than 12 by 12 inches with lettering no smaller than two inches in height that read no alcoholic beverage beyond this point. at all permit it exits and entrances, stairwells, and entrances to the theater seating as depicted on depicted25. 79, an employee or security guards shall be assigned the responsibility of insuring all alcoholic beverages remain
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inside the permitted areas whenever the privileges of the abc license are being exercised. tan, at any time, the licensee utilizes a third party promoter at this premises, the licensee shall maintain control of the management, operations, and staffing of the business, and shall approve all marketing materials. 11, loitering, as defined as to stand idly by, a leader aimlessly without lawful business, is prohibited on any sidewalks or property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of the licensee as depicted on the abc 257. 12, the petitioner shall be responsible for maintaining free of litter the area adjacent to the premises. 13, the exterior the premises shall be cooked with lighting of sufficient power to eliminate -- eliminate and make discernible the appearance in conduct of all
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persons on the premises. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you very much. supervisor olague do you have a question? >supervisor olague: it is from the previous item. supervisor chu: thank you. any members of the public who wish to speak? >> good morning. i am scott, managing director for the yerba buena center for the arts. we want to thank you for considering this today. we are nonprofit arts organization. we run the museum and the performing arts centers in the yerba buena. we're very excited about this opportunity, and we appreciate it. i think the conditions explain it well. and the restrictions of how it is died to our mission of serving the community and supporting the community through our arts effort and how we support the committee through various other organizations like the ballet and other community rental organizations. we want to thank you for
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reviewing this today. that is all. supervisor chu: thank you. are there other members of the public who wish to speak on item number two? >> good morning, supervisors. my name is douglas yepp. i'd like to oppose this item, basically for the same reason, it is a brand new liquor license. in that area, i think we have plenty of places for patrons to buy liquor. i am kind of surprised that business owners do not oppose this because of a certain sense, if you're going to sell liquor at the theater, that means you're not going to get new business from the surrounding merchants. i am doing it more as a theoretical idea that this area has too many liquor licenses already. in a certain sense, it is kind of relevant to draw out of the city basically opposes cigarette
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sales aggressively all over the city, and then why, in a certain sense, it is not as aggressive when it comes to selling liquor all over the city. you kind of wonder which is more harmful, cigarette smoking or people drinking and of using lacquer all over the city? i just bring that up more as a general idea to compare how in one instance, one type of item is aggressively prohibited and the other item, in a certain sense, is allowed officially by the city. also, in regards to the previous item, number one, mr. washington brought up an interesting status on how the city is functioning right now. my own take on mr. washington's comments is that, number one, there should be more items on today's agenda other than these
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two. and, number two, given the current state of the city in regards to a lack of revenue, problems, abuses, whatever you want to talk about, i am kind of wondering why some of the other supervisors have not scheduled items on to this agenda. it seems to me like for the opera since and neighborhood, it has not been fully utilized, and i do not think it is a good sign when the committee chair is not in attendance today. is that supposed to send a message that maybe, you know, when there is only two liquor licenses, that maybe he is not required to be here since it is kind of trivial items? but i do not consider those items trivial, and neither do the people involved on items one and two. [bell rings] so i think we should send a message that this committee is going to aggressively address the items facing the city and a
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schedule more than two items on an agenda. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. >> it just to keep the game fair, because i know they're going to try to find ways to stop ace from talking. i am supporting your business is fine supportingdadny. i have a solution, but i will not reveal it, because it is led city government -- right now, this city and county, these are overall city government department heads alone, ok? i am out in the community, somewhat philosophy is, hey, we need community reform. you have reform in everything, everything but the community. how disconnected we as community people are. we have been here for a number of years. i know you politicians are new. i have seen them come and go. but i have seen this city
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deteriorated as far as government policies dealing with community. this is a committed the issue. so i will spend the next two minutes talking about it. you had the mayor here talking about a tone change here at city hall. the only tone changes with ed lee right now is the tone of skin color around the city here and the way his attitude is towards things. i have known mr. ed lee for over 27 years. i kind of parallel my reputation 20 years involved with this thing here, and i have seen a deterioration of public access to city government. so i am going to ask for a hearing on community reform. basically, how we can connect a disconnected city government back to the government taking care of our neighborhoods. i understand that the mayor's office, the neighborhood has dismantled. well, we need something else to
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replace that. committed to reform committee or something, to find out what city government is doing for our city communities. the other thing is, i think that the mayor's 10-year plan, as the gentle man said, the kennedy do not know what the hell is going on. they have no idea. there needs to be some hearings with the city and county on what this neighborhood services is doing. i go back to neighborhood services because in my community, there is a disconnect on neighborhood services. dcyf, oewd, and part bang and rec. the reason is, there's no communication amongst these department heads. [bell rings] and i am know because i am in city hall. we lack the services. therefore, community reform is the thing of the new age right now, which i am going to be,
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hopefully, getting some supervisors to put some community reforms in, so we can have these meetings. when we come here, things can be more clear to the people peter right now, i doubt people know what is going on in these processes. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. are there any other speakers who wish to comment on item number two? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have this item before us. can we entertain a motion? supervisor olague: move to approve. supervisor chu: motion with recommendations and with approval of conditions. to be clear, as we were articulating the approval with conditions, item number one, on that approval, sales and service and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted only between 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. each day of the week. thank you. ok, we do that without objection. thank you. let's return to item number one.
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>> supervisors, there's two additional conditions would like to add on to the license. the first one is that there shall be no off-sale in containers less than 32 ounces. also, all off-sale shall be restricted to craft beers. thank you. supervisor chu: ok, so the additional two conditions, note off-sale items less than 32 ounces, restricted to craft beers. and the project sponsor has agreed? ok. given those two items were those two additional conditions, do we have a motion? supervisor olague: i move to approve with conditions. supervisor chu: thank you. we have a motion to approve the items as articulated, with the conditions. we will do that without objection.
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>> good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. i am the director of the mayor's office of economic and airport development, and i'm delighted to welcome you here as we announced the recapitalization of the city's small business revolving loan fund. we are recapitalizing this bond with $1.5 million, thanks to a partnership between the city and wells fargo, and working with working solutions as our community lender. without further ado, will introduce the merit to describe these resources available for small businesses. >> thank you, jennifer. thank you for all your hard work. welcome to brenda's. i want to thank and knowledge
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board president and district supervisor david chiu for joining us this morning. scott wiener, of course, as well. for some time now, as mayor of the city, interim and elected, these two supervisors have been talking to me about the support we need to give to our small businesses. i know much of my leadership so far has been around our technology companies, and that is great. as you know, we were down even further on the unemployment rate, due in large part, to the hiring that our technology companies are giving us. we are at 7.6% unemployment, and that is fantastic, but we have always made a strong support to our local small businesses. that is why i have been working closely with the small business commission.
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i know the directors and commissioners here today, in concert with our supervisors, we wanted to announce, as jennifer indicated, a real enhancement. i would like to establish another $5 million in small- business loan programs. we need some immediate help. the very successful rebel and bond loan program and our office has been administering with working solutions for the past two years has been so successful, we drive up on the funds. we got over $740,000 in small- business loans to over 27 small businesses. they have hired over 73 people on a sustained basis. the success of that program has resonated with us, and that is why, during this campaign, and also during this period of time,
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the last time we made a commitment to revitalize this loan program. we are stepping up and announcing today, with the help of wells fargo bank, joining us with our money to do a public- private relationship, continuing a very successful effort of working solutions to lead this effort. we are announcing it today at a very successful business, brenda's, introducing to the board and $1.5 million revolving loan program as the first part of our way to the $5 million. i know it is good news, but something we have to do. we need to replenish this program. the city will put up $1 million. the other $430,000 will come from wells fargo, with their target to be the southeast
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corridor, a san bruno, our mission, third street corridor, and the likes. they have always been very strong in helping out distressed areas. those are distressed areas. they have historically been. i want to personally thank wells fargo for putting up this money and joining us in this effort to focus on our small businesses. it has been part of their tradition to help out. they have always done so, but they have taken the opportunity to join us. when brenda located herself here back in 2005 -- 2007, i believe, i think we won the playoff game, even as early as back then.
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we had her locate here, and it has been prodded ever since she came. this is the type of small businesses want to keep on supporting, but also to mixture that we want to create these opportunities all over commercial corridors throughout the city. that is what the business commission has indicated we should do, the success of our working solutions. at is what scott once in the castro, when david wants on polk street, and in the other areas as well. i wanted to announce today, as part of another early your initiative, so that we compliment the support and work we are doing with the tech companies and also giving our support to the small businesses.
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they are the backbone of our city and we need these store fronts that are vacant eliminated. i know this program will work. it will work because it is done and led by those small businesses we have been asking to advise us, and in fact, there has not been a failed loan in this program for all this time. all of these loans have been successful. i think we have already been paid back to the tune of $250,000 with the success of these programs. so with that, jennifer, thank you. this is a good announcement, consistent with everything we are doing to activate and not be sitting back while our economy tries to make sure we get a full recovery. [applause]
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>> i would like to introduce board president david chu, followed by scott wiener, two of the strong supporters of small business on the board today. >> thank you, jennifer. i wanted to come here for a couple of reasons. i made a resolution this new year's to go to the gym a little bit, in part, because of brenda's and all the food i have eaten here. also as a resident of pulp street, this establishment has been an anchor for what we are trying to do all up and down polk street. as we bring ourselves out of the great recession, what happens to small businesses will have to drive our economic success. last year, on the campaign trail, many of the candidates talk about the importance of recapitalizing this loan program. i know this has been a huge concern ever since i served on the small business commission. small businesses all over the
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city have been clamoring for help that has not been provided by financial institutions. i want to thank wells fargo for your leadership. they understand the issues that our city has, certainly in the southeast neighborhoods where we have had a record number of foreclosures, in part, driven by the lack of small businesses and the ability to get loans. many of us that the board of supervisors want to ensure this program gets as big as possible. i want to thank the mayor for your commitment. i hope in the term we are serving together, we figure out how to surpass the $5 million number. if we look to get this through the board as quickly as possible and eating many more soul food breakfasts at places like brenda's. [applause] >> thank you. the last time i was at an event
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for the revolving loan fund was in my district at a place called mission cheese. it is a very successful small business and i understand it is repaying its loan. this is one of those programs where you can invest a small amount of money and get a big bang for your buck. i also want to compliment the mayor and the full board. lots of time you hear politicians talk about helping small business, creating work force housing, repaving our road, but one of the hallmarks of this mayor and board is we do not just talk about these things and give speeches, we are actually doing these things, creating a fund, and investing in our businesses. i know we would keep on doing this work and we will make this program a huge success. thank you. [applause]
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>> i would like to know introduced tracy curtis, a san francisco regional president of wells fargo. wells fargo worked closely with our office, in coordinating the dollars, so we could have one coherent loan fund, which leverages the dollars that we are talking about introducing today, with their what -- and the wells fargo money. the business technical assistance provided by working solutions has helped. we feel this is a true partnership. it is not just two pots of money we are announcing today. >> first of all, thank you. i want to thank the mayor and supervises for being here today and to celebrate the revitalization of this loan fund. in case you did not know, wells fargo is 160 years old this week. we are still the largest and oldest
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