tv [untitled] January 28, 2012 3:18pm-3:48pm PST
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-- call the roll. congratulations. you are the fastest permit tonight. we are all going to be going down to hit some strikes and spares i am sure. good luck to you. next permit. edmund chain -- edmond chang doing buisiness as shabu pub. mr. king, you are up. what happened to mr. king? nicolas? go for it. >> there was a belated request for a cantonese interpreter. i am checking with the applicant to see if he wanted to proceed or not. vice chair joseph: do we have an interpreter? >> no. vice chair joseph: and you just got the request?
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does the applicant want a continuance? > i just checked with him and he said no. this is mr. chang the owner and operator. this is a place of entertainment permit for karaoke. i'll turn it to him. vice chair joseph: mr. chang? do you speak english? >> a little bit. ce cirjoseph: a little bit. can you tell me about you eratio can you telle ato? >> o liketaurt. we jusnt tgeome entertainment for the customer light dier enterment vice chair joseph: what entertainment? >> singing karaoke. ce cir joseph: ok. anybody have any questions? commissioner cavellini: have you had a karaoke bar before?
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ye commissioner cavellini: i am sorry. i do not speak chinese. in san francisco you had a karaoke bar? or you have been working at a carrier ould bar before? >> mostly, i do entertainment around the area for many years. commissioner cavellini:can yo tellmehere >> san franciscoe soni center. a chinese concert over there. at the city hall. at the palace. vice chair joseph: mr. chang, unfortunately your application is not filled out. mof igo t is the only way i know how. if you do not understand what i sayingstop m
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heplication, thepeyo smitted, is not filled out. herere manyreatou did not swer for instance what are your doorolicies describeyour plan tocontro line eleverybody to keep quiet? that is insignifican applicatio i fiat thisplicatio dooteet st. t just blank. your application is blank. robloving forward with this application. commissioner perez: you are required to do a neighborhood outreach and talk to your neighbors. you saidouid not do any of return on your application. that is part of the requirement. you need to toyou
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neighbors to ask about what you are going to do. tell them you aregoing to have entertainmen >>i poste a sign in front of the door more an 45days commissioner perez: that is not enough. you actually have to reach out. vice chair joseph: mr. chang, has any member of thestaf hetertaicommissi contacted you about this permit? >> yes. vice chairjoseen did they contact you the first time? >> october. vice chair joseph: they toyo you could not erate less you had a permit. did you stop operating? >> y i just want to do the restaurant. iconf that i still need an entertainment license for that.
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ice aijose:do you represent him? do you want to speak into the microphone? >>i amtryito clarify maybe a couple of things that were not made clear. mr.chanhas an upper ridding restaurant right now. what he wants to do is to enhance for revenue, to e for e custer i wasot aware that it was not filled out properly. he has an existing karaoke siness vice cirosepe doesno ave an existing carriers to business. >> in the sunset. vice chair joseph: 0 in a different location? do you know where at is locate on the caravel -- on taravel. vice chair joseph: is there anything further? anything further? >> on the application some
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areas are not filled out because i am just a restaurant. at w idootnohow to fill it out. vice chair joseph: you are not just a restaurant because you are actively operate in turkey without a permit right now, and so you are more than a restaurant. >> i just wanted to use the kaoke system i am doing processing on the application now. vice chair joseph: take a seat. let me open it to public comment, and then the commissioners can talk. i would like to hear from a permit officer first, and then i would like to hear from officer moore. >> commissioners, mr. chang was
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visited by me on august 13 last year. at that time we warned him he was operating in a karaoke establishment without a permit. we advised him as we o any time we comeacrosssome erating wiout a peitwe take the first step of information and education, as you have heard many times before. on august 13 we visited and explained the process. we said if he was going todo oke sinee needto a forermi he was revisited again on october 15 by myself and officer moore. at that time, he was contui toeratwit peit. o the 15th he was cited by officer moore for city permi requiredfoeratg karae business without a permit. he did not submit his application until october 21. we ve merous talks. we have warned him on the 13th of august.
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we warned him again on the 15th. a hwas cite fficer more is here. -- moore is here. he can talk about oerroblem likelcoholalesohe secon floor,which is not permitted. although it is not under the commission per view, there have been questions about fire code violationsplanniviolatio so for why don't i turn it to officer more -- moore? vice chair joseph: his karaoke bar on taravel has that come before us before? >> i would need an address and a name to confirm it. vice chair joseph: officer? officer moore: good evening again.
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the ipector jt id- he mentioned his first visit on august 13, where he advised mr. a then when we cited him for the permit violation. in addition they have an abc license but have sales coumptioon theecd floo every karaoke oom has been outfitted with plastic cups of ice -- of dice. there are also gambling tiles. i have otos. ter i ised from -- issued him the citationireceiv recoentionfor a place of entertainment. the former commding officer at the station recommendeddenial sed ourprevious encote
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he cti t n it as a place of entertainment. there were yelp reviews, people saying they used the karaoke rooms after the citation occurred. i visited shabu pub during the days he said there was aig posted outdoor diotee a sign posted. also, one of the rooms upstairs had been converted to a bedroom. ere wereeral thous dollars in cash and what not alsoalr doorat led on to the roof that the fit level, which had a letter attached to eside -- a letter attached to the side to let you get out e backdoor sill there was a full shower which had recently been used when mr.
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opened e door the mirror was steamed. there was a pair of women's panties hanging in the showers well time ie kehi about anything, he has changed his story numerous times. i caonlymehe lyito me first he said the shower was for workers, if they had to stay late hehebed wasfor the same thing. later, he said it was for his own personal use. ve thehoto i have the of reviews. -- he el rie aside from that, his application is far from complete. we recommenditets deni vice chair joseph: thank you very much. can you take that from nicholas, behind you? fore benefit of theaudienc d cosiers, ist ntto quote section 10 60.1 suection may -ecti it is unlawful to conduct,
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maintain orpeit to be onctedany place of nterinmentor one time event in the city of san francisco without first having obined the required ermifrom the irector or enterment commsi he fac that mr. chang was notifiedin ugust and octobe ateratg olatio -- thank you very much. is there any public comment on shabu pub 3809 geary? >> michael nulty. aseibooodactivist,i woul either deny this or continue it until the application was filled and th fi ifor all e violations obviously, he is no
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understanding all the business. i would talk to the city attorney about withholding his business license. vice chair joseph: thank you. is there any other public comment? seeingnone, public comment is closed. tostaff, ramificatioof the nile -- when can the applicant apply again? after nine ice ai joseph: 9 months? not a year? >> ithink it is aear. ice aijoseok commissioners, i am perplexed. if we continue this, we have to hear it atthe next meeting. if the alicant conti it would come back to us when the applicant hadurll the defect i am not sure what the address oel if we had akaoke r on arel i
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do not know if it is the same place. i am not inclined to ask, because we're doing with this location. i entertain a motion on this permit. somebody? >> i make a motion to deny. do you want to continue this or go forward with the motion? do you want to go forward? vice chair joseph: do you understand what he is asking you completely? >> i am a business. i need help. >> i am asking you if you want to o your application and come back or want us to vote now. vice chair joseph: do you want to continue? >> which one would you like? >> i want to continue. vice chair joseph: you are asking us to continue it. is that right? >> would you like to come back
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with a new application, or decide now? vice chair joseph i am really hesitant because i am not sure he completely understands us. nobody herepeaks cantonese, i am sure. guys? there is on one thing i can say in chinese. the building owner -- can you communicate with him correctly? >> he wants to continue. >> he wants a continuance or wants to continue it right now? vice chair joseph: he wants to contue ites votion itow s at whaouresayi? ok. so you wou like to continue and reapply. iam entertaining motion t grt lin's requt to continue this to the applin's -- e nexttime eapplicant notiff >so moved.
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commissioner tan: aye. commssioner lee:aye commissioner cavellini: aye. commissioner perez: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. you cano to staf and they will give you another application so you can get it to us, ok? you can call the office somebody give him a card. call the office during the day and talked to staff. they will be able to direct you either to someone who not only speakscantonese so it would help him, but also to manage the process. weve interpreters. vice chair joseph: call nicholas king of our office. do you have a card on you? thank you. next item on the agenda?
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thank you for sticking with us. 7e. forgive me if i destroy your name. anzhelika bisesi doing business as playnd. >> a new owner taking over the space would like to continue operating with live sic. marsha garland, representing the applicant. aeliknzhelika. that is jim from e seri coany. they, as you know, bought this from kino's. it it came a few problems. they have been trying to rectify those proble. e inprlewas a noise issue. they have spent significant money fixing the soundproofing.
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w thebought it, they inherited a musical lineup they did not realize they had to have a separate permitro business to business. the canceled all the acts. that included the holidays. ey have done extensive outreach and collectors of support from the merchants and residentshe community leadership alliance which has a representative here tonight to spk t at a letter of support from the lower polk neibo merchants association, and eight neutral position from the llnce mid-polik. hey vea ve good security plan. their capacity is 123. they are ere fothe lo term. the have put a lot of money into the property. they want it to besuccsful for em the soundproofing has just
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about been cplet i will let you hear from them. >> good evening. a later evening than it started. vice chair joseph: good night now. >> i am one oe new owne listening carefully throughout this hearing, i gleaned a few more thingsa his i was planning to talk about were brought up. earlier,ermentioof welcoming new owners to the area. this is what the ownership is here. i have a historyof over 100 years in san francisco, with my grandparents, my parents, and myself. my grandmother was going right where the ball park was. my parents were both going in the city. i met mywife at the san
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nccoalle i and now vice president and attorney of hewlett-packard. i came backftercolleg. i came back into san francisco in the 80's. came int the south of market area and a bodybuilding on south a ildi on south park, up from the ballpark. vice chair joseph: i was a custer >> ias a champagne and jazz cover club. full entertainment. full restaurant. 1 to 2:00 a.m. at that time obviously, there erwo oer ruran it became the center of the dotcom. we were known as the hon. we ran a successful operation at that time. circling back to sanfrcisco, i look at this place. it is a challenge.
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it has a longhistory, definite checkered but what brings it back to the ownership proper -- sff was ing e place. the owner was running the bands. our ownership has lived in san ncco every single day of his life in san francisco. he knows the city better than anybody i have ever met. anzhelika moved yourself out here and became a citizen just recently. she has been here 13 years giesti more. she has put her hard earned cash. she is going toheri hthatmakes our place. we have taken steps to outreach to the community. i have sat and talked in front of the lower poke. -- po
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we have had almost universal acceptance. we have hired a security team. are li sproofi we are cleaning that corner up. we have taken great steps to improve the neighborhood already. here were t d a lo of transients in front of the building. we chose not to be open between 6: a.m. and 2:00 a.m. we are going to be a respectable clean bar. entertainment is an important part of what we do. the entertainmentwas runmu differently. we are not planning to do seven nights a week, three bands. vice chair joseph: wp it u your life story is very interesting, but how does it apply to this permit? >> responsle owners make goo neighbors, make good club owners. the that is what i am trying to get across. vice chair joseph:you have
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hired a security company? what is their name? can i -- what is your experience with nightclubs? >> we have been ies since 1995. we have done nightclubs along the creek area, san francisco east bay, oakland. ice aijose tell me e name of two in san francisco. >> gold dust and [unintelligible] ice chair joseph: he told me two. that is all i asked for. any questions? >>it sayshours of operation 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. do you mean 2:00 a.m.? but entertainment will berom 7: in the evening until 2:00 a.m.? the pm's and am' are all mixed
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up. you would want entertainment to be able topea wenot pl on entertaien but we are not looking to get conditions on our license for entertainment. >> we are open right now only until 4:. >> are you talking about deejays, live music, or all of the above? live music? vice chair jat do to sounroof i >> we got double hung windows upstairs, and the same downstairs also. ice chaijoseph: what else did you do besides double pane windows? did you do anything to the ceiling, the walls between the windows? the you do any oer soundproofin
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>> there is soundproofing on the sides of the building already. tried to dres tha wit some quiet rock and some resilience channels. our ceiling will be sound tiles for acoustic. vice chair joseph: you have not done thisyet but you inte to do that? or are you just investigating and maybe won't do it? >> we plan on doing it. feel it already was soundproofed. vice chair joseph: we used to get a bunch of sound complaints. so maybe not so much soundproofed. anything else? >> does the windows open? >> we put in aoundproof when company. that is what they have done. it is behind the existing window 3 inches to 6 inches
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inside our building, tocreate a sound barrier. >> they basically cannot open anymore? vice chair joseph: that is actually a really good wayto sounroof. >> it what they dofor studios. it works better keeping the sound in the room. it is far superior to what they had. vice chair joseph: any oer questions? why don't you have a seat. i open the floor to public comment on playland 1351 polk street. thank you forbeing patient. it has been a long night. >> our organization was approachedrerdg is roject and subsequent to that the project sponsors did contact us to schedule community outreach prior to thatmeet -- outrage.
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prior to that meeting, we did extensive e-mail outrage -- out of reach. folks did time in we did get two who complained about previous noise issues. but the project sponsors, i think we sat for wellover an hourdiscussillointof he safety plan, as well as noise abatement issues. there was an individual who during the meeting, was looking at l
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