tv [untitled] January 30, 2012 7:18pm-7:48pm PST
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who have had open-heart surgery. dr. burke has a passion for these children. the best thing about it is she listens to these patients. we know that, no matter the questions we have, she is there to support us. for her to open the bigger -- i told her that all that you really need is an eye clinic and a dentist. the need this -- it should be a one-stop for the bayview. they have the most kids coming out of bayview into foster care. she is there for referrals. whenever they need, they're they're to do it. it should be hands down. children in the bay view need their support. i would like to thank dr. burke,
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because she is there. i would never go anyplace else except bayview. thank you. i support her. [applause] supervisor cohen: thank you. >> hello, my name is jim abrams, from abrams crusher. i want to mention a couple of aspects of the notice requirements that came up in the hearing, and to clarify a few things. a notice was sent out to property owners within 300 feet of the property. that was in december. all of the property owners in the database were notified according to the address in the database. supervisor wiener: so, you are certain that mr. santana was notified? >> if he was listed at the
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correct address, he would have received a notice. i know that i received many notices from the city. sometimes we paid closer attention to them than others. we did also have a meeting with the age away of the building itself. -- hoa of the building itself. we met with the board in discuss the matter with them. we have done numerous outreach with the various owners of the commercial condominiums within the building. i wanted to mention a couple of other items. the truth foster care organization was located here for many years. i think that one of the reasons that the compatibility issue was a surprise to us was that the m1 and 2 zoning until 2009, just
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a couple of years ago, permitted all sorts of uses. that is precisely why they were there. it seems as if this building has operated for a long time without any major issues of compatibility with the railroad. and they will continue to work with them on that issue. >> ♪ now is time to fix the basin how long have they been waiting it is all right with me because you make it all brand new and i want to know they are going to thank you going to fix it up now going to fix the basin whether times are good or bad i know they will be bad -- glad
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i want to fix it up and i hope you fix it up it is all right i mean because you make it all land use you make it all brand new and i know that they will be glad in glad with you fix it up now fix it up now fix it all together through budget stormy weather whether the times are good or bad know that they will be glad don't speak i know what you are saying i know you want to fix the basement and take away the hurt don't speak i know what you are saying you want to fix the basin and put it first.
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don't speak i know what you are saying you want to fix the basin thank you for your kind heart don't speak, make it better make it start ♪ [applause] supervisor cohen: mr. maloney? thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jim maloney and i just want to say that the port is very supportive of this project. we have had the opportunity to meet with the executive director, and dr. burke. we had the opportunity to express concerns with the location. we will be working closely -- we
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have offered to work closely with the wellness center to mitigate the concerns of the community, the rail and truck traffic. investigating this project working. supervisor wiener: i just visited iper 80 -- pier 80. i know that more activity will be coming up as the america's cup comes through. what will be different in that vicinity in terms of activity? >> some of the other america's cup teams may be there. supervisor wiener: can you explain how close the site is to appear 80 -- pier 80?
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>> it is about half of a mile from the site. the more intensive use that we expect to the site would be where the port is looking to potentially export the ball products -- bulk products. there may be more trains coming through there. we express that through the community and the wellness center. we will do our best to help mitigate the issues surrounding the proposed increase in rail traffic. [applause] supervisor cohen: thank you. are there any other members of the public that would like to speak on this matter? no? not seeing any, we can close
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public comments. thank you very much, supervisor. i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came out to speak for and against this project. it is important that we continue to have transparency, and an open process. the responsibility falls on the government in noticing, as well as residents in the city and county of san francisco that must remain awake and vigilant. remaining aware at all times of when changes are happening, paying attention to the notices that are going out. i understand many of the concerns that have been raised are about compatibility with this particular use. i am here to assure you that i am in contact with the project sponsor and lead stakeholders,
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like the port, constituents, and residents. i would imagine that even dog patch could be utilizing services at the clinic. i also agree that we need to do more to address environmental injustice is in the southeast neighborhood, including sewage and waste water treatment plants. there are major changes happening to the plant. this is a very large project. $4.6 million. roughly a little over $3 million will be spent in the southeast part of the city. and i want to urge you to be vigilant as well. there will be more of a process around this particular area. i would encourage you to support the board of supervisors as we look at technologies that would help to eliminate the stench
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that exists at the waste water sewage treatment plant. however, today we are dealing with a zoning issue. the project is proposed to be 7000 square feet down from being 15,000. the zoning change that we are discussing is a slight modification. the way it had been sound was only for 5000 square feet. this is the process that we have to go through, which would accommodate project requests. i am confident that this will be inappropriate place for the location in and look forward to implementing this important project. the need is undeniable. not only for mental health, but
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support throughout the city as a community. not just our youth, but seniors who are just as vulnerable as young children. i am here to a firm support for the rail yard to make sure that safety is the number-one priority. not just the patience of the clinic, but the overall constituents of the southeast part of the cities. colleagues, i humbly request that you support this project. thank you. supervisor mar: i know that we have an amendment to deal with, but i also know that we have a comment from supervisor wiener. supervisor wiener: i was just point to make a motion to move it forward. supervisor cohen: does their need to be a motion to accept the amendment? supervisor mar: is there a motion to accept the amendment?
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i wanted to first say that night -- that i really appreciate the work of dr. burke and ms. albright. especially for the tipping point, putting tremendous faith behind it. i am just looking at a map. there is great access in the hill as well. location, location, location is critical for the success of centers that have the most vulnerable success in the city. i also see that there is transit along third street. a. davidson stopped at another stop. i hope that the parking and other issues can be worked out. a number of the people with concerns from the neighborhood raised issues that i feel passionate about. from the environment to when development happens, making sure that we are falling the
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protections for the neighborhoods that are the most polluted. but, i know that this is a zoning issue that will create a person -- first in the nation spot that will help children, that many of the activists are committed to. it is an issue of being the right location. i know that the doctor said that there were several different locations. you will have strong air quality filters and monitors within the facility. every protection will be made as they come to the clinic. i am going to weigh this in favor to the benefits in the neighborhood and children and families who have spoken out. i know that many of the environmental justice groups are not against the project itself, but had questions about it
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being the proper site. i will go with supervisor: -- supervisor cohen on this one. i hope that if the property owner that is right on the corner that was not identified, that was a big problem that the planning department did not notify everyone. i am hoping that he overlooked of the notice, or that it was a mistake. i will be going over that information as well. it is in the best interest of children, not just in this neighborhood, but others in the city, in dealing with trauma and mental health issues in the neighborhood. we have an amendment. we have already adopted that. can we support the ordinance as amended, without objection? >> i believe that this comes out of the committee report. supervisor mar: moving this
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forward for tuesday's board meeting, tomorrow, january 31. >> i would move that we move it forward -- supervisor wiener: i would move that we move it forward with a positive recommendation. supervisor mar: thank you for coming out, everyone. [applause] supervisor mar: please read ordinance no. 2. >> [reads ordinance] >> that afternoon. i am with the planning department and then happy to provide background material on this. currently, the department of public works administers the project for expanding sidewalk with.
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-- width. each change to the sidewalk required by the board of supervisors, including widening, this was established in an ordinance 1061. that was approved on may 11, 1910, and no changes have been made since that date. the action today is having the board authorized the change as to how sidewalk is approved. it would authorize the department of public works to approve these changes. these would be limited to a sidewalk ball bounce, corner bulbs, and widening projects for those that are limited to one block in length.
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anything larger than that would be reviewed under the existing process, which requires review by planning departments, staff, and staff of other city departments. again, other changes to sidewalks would not be affected by the ordinance before you today. the process would be that the department of public works would submit this material to planning and other departments, which would respond to the proposal, provide a recommendation. if the department was able to provide a general fund, that would be the recommendation. if there were concerns about that, staff could require the existing process in place, with complete general point referrals, to their board to take action.
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the department of public works and other agencies working on this, it may be longer than last year, the general fund referral is strapped ordinance before you today. they found the ordinance on balance and in conformity with the general plan. the department is determined that the project, as it is laid out, does not require environmental review, although it individual projects might require review in the future. that completes my presentation. i would be glad to answer any questions. supervisor mar: i was calling to ask if supervisor wiener, the chief on this, has any comments or questions. supervisor wiener: this will help to create more efficient improvements, so that streets are more livable and walkable,
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and multi-modal. >> thank you. the intent is to the project forward as consistent with the adopted street plan. staff would be able to review projects to make sure that those of the case before moving forward. supervisor mar: meaning that instead of coming to the board of supervisors for the minor issues that they would agree on, it gives more authority to the department of public works, consulting with other agencies as needed. correct? >> yes, thank you. supervisor wiener: thank you. >> staff and the department of public works is here as well, if you would like to hear from them.
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supervisor mar: yes, thank you. >> department of public works here. i would like to emphasize that upon adoption of the street plan, we have seen more and more projects coming through for minor sidewalk changes, with individual projects. they do not exceed one linear block. this would expedite and make the process much more efficient. we recommend -- our director has recommended in approval of this item. supervisor mar: thank you. it is there anyone from the public who would like to speak? >> two minutes? three minutes? supervisor mar: 3 minutes. you may be only one at this time.
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>> when i raise these issues about agenda items and so forth, this seems like a good example of what the public is more and more precluded from participating in. decisions are turned over to planning, planning agrees with dpw, and it is all well and good that the people who work for the city who have no vested interest, as they do not live in the community, all agreed that it is an important process. what happens when there is a project on which they are given no input and the only chance that they have is the one here, which is pretty much in one person's mind, a done deal. you already approved it, the planning department has approved its. all of you, basically, the government had approved it.
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i think that we saw this in the last agenda item. how many of those people said that they came down near because they heard about it today. it may be well and good for the public to keep track of city hall, but i do this every day of the week and i have a hard time following it. let me show you something. that is my american mensa card. i say that not just to brag, but to show that i have a modicum of intelligence. i read through this stuff and i look at the attachments that you put on your web site. i cannot tell what the heck this is. it says -- making various changes. what are the changes going to be? you get up here and you have the people do a report and they talk about ball bounce.
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you may understand this because it comes before you all the time, but do the members of the public? that last item was about a medical clinic, i know that. where was that? why was it? anything else? i do not know. basically, these things are put on the agenda -- you could say, are they properly agendaized? you waltzed on the sunshine ordinance. president chu was found to be in violation of the sunshine ordinance. the members of the public that are most affected by these issues, to have them come before you, present their pockets and give you ideas -- one of the people just remarked to me that that is the way it is amended. supervisor mar: is there anyone else that would like to speak?
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seeing no one, public comment is closed. supervisor wiener: i would like to forward this to the full board with a positive recommendation. this would be a significant improvement in making it safer for pedestrians, improving the vibrancy of our commercial district and creating more public spaces that are not for cars, for people who have a very important step forward in that process. supervisor mar: can remove this forward without objection? thank you. let's call item no. 4. >> would you like to call four, five, and six together? supervisor mar: yes, please. >> item #4. ordinance amending the san francisco planning code by: 1) adding and amending various sections to implement the glen
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park area plan, bounded generally by chenery street to the north, roanoke street to the east, san jose avenue and bosworth street to the south, and elk street to the west; 2) creating a new section 738.1, establishing zoning controls for code section 101.1. item number 5. ordinance amending the city and county of san francisco zoning map sheets zn11 and ht11 to: 1) create a new zoning district, and amend height and bulk districts within the glen park area plan, as proposed in the glen park community plan; and 2) making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the general plan and the priority policies of planning code section 101.1. item no. 6. francisco general plan by adding the glen park area plan; and making findings, including environmental findings and findings of consistency with the general plan and the priority policies of planning code section 101.1. supervisor wiener: this neighborhood began a lengthy process, that i have to say i have been involved in a number of labor brought that this and this is the most thorough and inclusive neighborhood process i have seen. there was a high level of anticipation in terms of public
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meetings, breakouts, brainstorming, not just people listening to what is going on, but people putting their ideas in, back in 2003. there was a lot of clamoring over the years about when it would move forward. well, it is finally moving forward. this plan would allow for some very positive changes to the zoning. to allow for smarter development patterns and a more transitive focus for the neighborhood. funding permitted, monday assisting some of the transit problems in the area, around the bart stations at the diamond in the bas worth, etc. i look forward to the presentation today. going forward, i ask for your support.
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the planning department, i cannot even count the number of community meetings that i have attended with them. they have the patience of job and an uncanny patients with the community. i believe that this is his last public meeting, before early retirement. after more than 20 years with the city, i wanted to thank you for your service and the products they will be presenting today. gentleman? >> good afternoon, supervisors. in the planning manager for the park community planning department. i am one half of the john and john team. the plan was unanimously approved by the commission back
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in november. we are happy to bring it before you today. today i would like to start with a background history on the plan, then give you the description of the proposal contained within. as the supervisor mentioned, this is a process that has been going on for a number of years. we have been out in the community wholeheartedly, without partner incident. we have had a series of public workshops and have met with individual neighbors and hundreds of residents to craft a vision for when park. -- glenn park. as i am sure the you are aware, it is located in south-central san francisco and is well connected to the city and the region by the bart system and
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the freeway. really, what is special about the neighborhood is that small- town feel, which is unique in a big city like san francisco. residents refer to the commercial district there as the bart village. there is also the nearby canyon park with its dramatic outcrops and hills. just a quick review of the history, this area was once ranch land back in the 1800's. it also became known as little as determined, because of the number of dairies and alpine conditions. in 1892, the city's first electric streetcar was built in the ferry building, in downtown san francisco. this was in hopes of bringing people out to the neighborhood to buy real estate.
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