tv [untitled] January 30, 2012 11:48pm-12:18am PST
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at what the unemployment rates are for people between 50 and 654 transgendered people and i suspect they're pretty high. there is also the unique needs around health care. obviously there is a very high rate of not being insured in the transgendered community for health care. most people now many are living in sro's. the challenges they face in those environments. i'm not saying anything that anyone here does not already know. there are some particular days around the transgendered community. it deserves further exploration in terms of on needs. in terms of cultural sensitivity training, that might be something the city should be
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exploring more. thank you. >> we have exhausted the yellow cards. is there anyone who has not filled one out who would like to speak? please come forward. in order. -- any order. >> good afternoon, supervisors. it is a great pleasure to speak here and to have you conduct this hearing. i am going to tell you a tale of two of my queer friends. les gilbert at age 92. she was under the care of onlock. every new year's eve we would go to jon's grille and drink ourselves silly. the conductor on the cable car would get her back home. she was an artist and lively and
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vital and she was still looking for the love of her life. howard grayson was a valued activist and friend and a beloved care giver of harold wallace. it took the community six days to locate his body. at kaiser. kaiser would not tell us he was dead. that could have been avoided if there were other kinds of contacts in place to let his friends or his family know his condition in hospital. every organization here today wants to be an extended research to lgbt elders in san francisco. the milk club will hold an annual elder life conference on
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my couch -- on march 24. to learn how we can act politically and foreman elder caucus. we all want to stay in san francisco. that is what they wanted and we want to work with you on this issue. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. thank you for putting this form together. i am the executive director of stepping stone and a member of the mayor's long-term care coordinating council. so much has been said, but i would like to underscore one important fact. housing is home. it is health. we cannot deliver services to
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people without stable housing. when people have it, their health improves. safe, welcoming housing. with this population, we have also heard that many are without care givers and people watching over them. so our support systems are critical to be that caregiver, to know when things are going bad. and to step in. we have heard a fact today that i urge you to pay attention to. that is about the suicide rate in the senior community and especially for lgbt seniors. i heard yesterday from san francisco suicide prevention that they believed not only is it the highest in san francisco, senior suicide, they believe it is double in the lgbt community. there are no statistics. it is double in used and they
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believe it is double in the lgbt senior community as well. -- double in youth and they belief is double in the lgbt senior community as well. >> good afternoon. i am on the lgbt advisory committee to the human rights commission and a longtime volunteer for open house. i want to say that as a gay baby boomer, i feel it is our duty, we created that castro and -- the castro. we must acknowledge and care for our aging population. it must be part of the political agenda. i am speaking for many of my neighbors. we have a grass-roots organization called friends of
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55 and we have been advocating for this site to be billed for a long time. i am putting that forward. this really needs to be the legacy of my generation to san francisco. thank you for having us today. and moving the dialogue forward. thank you. >> hello, supervisors. several organizations submitted things for me to read on their behalf. i was going to read those now if that is okay. supervisor wiener: if you could submit them in writing also. >> great, i will do that. the alleys and are -- the alexander hamilton post, which represents the lgbt-focused veterans agency. "on behalf of the 200 lgbt war veterans, alexander hamilton
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post in san francisco would like me to speak a few words on behalf of our lgbt elders. our country would not be strong or successful if it were not for them. sexual orientation does not diminish the sacrifices that made for our nation. these citizens carry the burden to ensure that our society, with all its complexities, could succeed courage to those in the 1970's and 1980's, i cannot imagine what you winter in the early years. we owe you a great deal of gratitude. thank you again and got less all of you today." -- god bleesss all of you today" "discrimination can take many forms, including discrimination of omission, refusal of rice to
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receive visitors, denial of access to hormone therapy, being threatened for expressing gender identity, being segregated, being harassed on the basis of hiv status, refused the right to visit a partner, and refusal of life-planning documents the dead -- of life-planning documents. we have worked to share with our consumers. i will submit the rest of these. supervisor elsbernd: any of the -- any other members of the public who would like to speak who has not? if anybody else would like to speak, please line up. otherwise, this will be our last public, enter. -- commenter.
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>> i am a citizen of the lgbt community and i feel is mandated to have proper facilities to reside in as we get into our golden years. i do not feel comfortable having to leave the city because i cannot afford to reside in this community. i have been here for -- since the 1970's. i feel there is a lot of discrimination even though san francisco is considered to be the liberal cities. -- city. i have been involved in a lot of hate-bashing and name-calling when i'm with other people of the lgbt community. i feel that safety is a big issue. i would feel uncomfortable having to leave the city because of financial situations. i really feel that we need a senior housing for the lgbt community. it is very vital to our survival.
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if you can do something to make it happen, i would really appreciate it. i do know a lot people who are older than me who do have a lot of situations that -- they have to move out of the city because they cannot stay here anymore. i came here to represent that situation. i think you for your time. thank you. supervisor farrell: seeing no other members of the public, public comment is closed the. supervisor wiener? supervisor wiener: i want to thank everyone who has come out today. this has been an amazing hearing. i want to thank my colleagues for listening current i noticed a lot of people who -- i have been in the city for almost 15 years and a lot of the people who came to this hearing were not seniors when i first met
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them or knew they were back in 1997 and. i was 27 and i am entering my middle years carry -- my middle years. this is so important, as our current generation of seniors, but also preparing for the future. i think every lgbt person i know who lives here really wants to stay here. it is an amazing city to live in. to age in. we all want to do this in a dignified way. this is just the beginning of the conversation. we will continue to work on these issues together. supervisor olague, do you have any concluding comments? supervisor olague: i am not sure where that conversation would take place. i am not familiar all the rules of the government body, the
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brown act and sunshine ordinance, but i think we do need to have a conversation about the next step. there was some talk of having a conversation at some point where we could work with the department of asian -- of aging and adult services and find out how they are engaged on this issue. the senior network, clay for elders, have been involved in the ihss. there are so many groups talking about senior issues in general about which the lgbt community is excited -- is affected by. we heard the particular situation around the transgendered community, which are truly unique. issues that affect transgendered situation -- seniors, we do not know what we do not know. planning for elders to have that training, that center provided
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to us, we are grateful for that. there is still more conversation and needs to happen, more planning on our part, and more collaboration from the different offices to figure out where to go. as mentioned earlier, so that we do not keep talking but actually come up with some kind of plan and schedule where we start bringing these things to fruition. i am anxious to be part of that conversation. it is just a question of when and where. president chiu: i appreciate everyone's patience as we have been dealing with all the foreign issues and all the conflicting meetings that were scheduled. i am really glad. we started a really robust and substantive conversation about the challenges that we have. i think we all know that, in general, in san francisco, we are going to be experiencing the
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fact that our senior population, the numbers are rapidly expanding. as supervisor campos said at the beginning of the hearing, i was watching on television, when you are talking about 25,000 seniors to come out of the lgbt community with all of the challenges that are, that we have for about today, it really helps to elucidate and clarify and inform a lot of us. my staff provided new is a number of records that have been put out on the needs of individuals with hiv and aids who are over 50 and 60. seniors within the lgbt community in. i want to thank those of you share your personal stories. it really helped the policy- making come to life. it impressed upon me and everyone else how important it is that we focus on this. i want to thank my colleagues for bringing this year and
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working with your leadership. a lot of this is going to take money, but it is also going to take a lot of tough and good thinking in complicated policy areas. i look forward to working with all of you in doing that. supervisor wiener: i would request that the committee -- supervisor elsbernd: absolutely. can we say that without objection? are there any other items before the committee? seeing none, this committee is adjourned.
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>> before i take role, if i could remind everyone to turn off their cell phones, pagers, and an electronic devices that may sound off during these meetings. [roll-call] we have a full commission. commissioners, the first category are items proposed court continues. item number one is 2800 sloat boulevard. that is proposed for continuance until february 9, 2012. item #2 is 44218 mission street.
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proposed for continued to february 16, 2012. item #3 is 5258 mission street, proposed for continuance until february 16, 2012. i am number four, 45234 mission st., proposed for continuance until february 16, 2012. further on your calendar, item number 19 a and b, 147 and over street, we are asking this item be continued until march 8, 2012. we cannot hear that issue today. with that, i am not aware of any other item being proposed for a continuance. president miguel: is there any
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comments on the items proposed for continuance? the item -- public comment is closed. commissioner borden: there were people that wanted item number 16 to be per boat -- to be proposed for a continuance. but we will get to that when we get there. i move that the items be moved. >> second. >> on the motion for a continuance of items one through four as they are proposed on calendar, -- [roll call] those items are continued as we just discussed. the next category on calendar is
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the consent calendar. item #5 makes up the consent calendar this week. it is considered to be routine and will be acted upon by single roll-call vote. there will be no separate of -- no separate discussion on this unless the commission or public wants to comment. this will be considered a separate item at this in future hearings. this is item number five, 3418 -- 3481 18th street. this is a request to add an outdoor activity area to an existing a limited commercial use of prized as a restaurant with endeavor mission residential transit oriented zoning district. following public comment, which would automatically remove this from consent, this matter is before you. president miguel: is there any
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public comment on the consent calendar? >> on the motion for approval, -- [roll-call] thank you, commissioners. that item has been approved. not to commission's questions -- commissioners questions and matters. commissioner antonini: i would be remiss without thinking the san francisco forty-niners for a great season. i hope you were able to hear what i was able to say -- with particular reference to that defense, not to the exclusion of the entire team, but one of the
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greatest seasons and the defense has had in the history of the nfl and that should remind us we always have to be tenacious in the defense of our traditions, institutions, and civic treasures. thank you. >> while i was meeting with him on a second item, talking about some of the things going on with planning -- that have spoken with commissioner more, previously but wondering how they can work more closely with the department on the innovative initiatives with greater transparency and more innovation. they are very interested in learning about the permit tracking system we're going to look at next week and maybe we can invite him to join us for
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that so we -- so we can no more what he is doing in that space. we're looking at how to create innovation's existing departments to make it easier for the public to go through a very serious -- various city process these and the figure at a better work with his office because he is one guy trying to figure out all the different city agencies. if there is a way we can work with him, because we interface with the public so much more frequently, that would be useful. he was eager to hear we were hiring a media person and i would like to look at how that would apply to other departments as well. commissioner moore: i would very much support what you just said. he is a terrific guy and we would have a very good ally,z in things that we are interested in
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being involved with with new technology and communication. i want to bring to the commission's attention, an article i saw and the paper only hinting at something san francisco begins to issuing medical marijuana dispenser permits again. i would like our staff to some point get less than a short- term brief of how they see it from their perspective from the newspaper article. it seems to be pointing into the direction of what the city policy is. the devil will be in bed details, but i found the article quite interesting. i would be happy to pass it around. president miguel: i recently met with people from san francisco moma and it was very
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interesting. have been talking to people at north beach regarding grocery stores and have met with the people at the metro theater which may finally come to pass. it seems a distant memory when that was before us. i was also at a public meeting at of waterfront the other day on the playground proposed. they have done an excellent job with it and there is great enthusiasm, particularly from a lot of little kids who recognize all of the play equipment and really liked it. yesterday, one of the noontime forums regarding retail fresh food and trying to get more of it into various areas of san
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francisco was a very interesting forum. >> thank you, commissioners. we can move for to the directors reports, directors announcements and the review of past week's events at the board of supervisors, board of appeals, and historic preservation commission. >> i just wanted to give you a brief review of my talk in seattle last couple of days i was there at the request of an organization that had been called the cascade of land conservancy and has recently changed their name. on not quite sure why the change except they are expanding their purview and they were more a traditional land conservancy agency and they have expanded their mission in recent years
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because with a basic understanding that's in order for them to take care of the land outside the urban areas and control urban sprawl, they need to spend more time and attention on what happens. to make those more livable and all walkable -- it is interesting to see that perspective. what happens outside cities is related to what happens inside cities and that is interesting. they started a rural to urban transit development program where the development rights are sold and transferred to the center city of seattle. it is pretty interesting. it is something we had done 15 years ago in seattle and it is very interesting.
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i wanted to report on a very interesting toward the city received this past week. it is an international award from the institute for transportation development policy granted to the city. uáp&e%ei primary projects. it's an interesting program they have put together. our program to a takeover underutilized rights of way. they mentioned those two programs and gave us a strong a claim for the works we're doing. they also made a strong point of mentioning the city's bicycle
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plant and network related to those programs, but this is a substantial reward we are interested to receive. congratulations to the staff and the department for all of the work on those things. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm here to give you the weekly pertains to planning and land use. we heard a appeal for the america's cup and northeast waterfront plaza. the appellants included san francisco tomorrow, a golden gate audubon society, telegraph your help -- telegraph hill dwellers and the sierra club san francisco. they alleged 40 different arguments in five have a long list of issues.
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neighborhood impacts, "parks impact, boat count, funding, transportation, recreation, biology, when the, hazards, and water quality. at the hearing, staff responded to the claims and answer the board questions. the project sponsor committed to not provide the jumbo drawn in the aquatic park cove and instead to look for a landside alternative. on the unanimous vote, the board upheld the commission's certification and denied the appeal. this project will be back for possible action on the agreement on february 14. also at the full board was a resolution appointing members to the successor agency oversight for the redevelopment agency projects. this was amended to address er
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