tv [untitled] January 31, 2012 3:48pm-4:18pm PST
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forward to working with each and every one of you at your earliest opportunity to make sure our veterans of a place to meet and have a roof over their head to conduct the business that they need to do, and as we know, appear on peer pressure -- peer on peer pressure is what works. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen and the listening audience out there in cyber land. i am here on two issues today. upstairs at 4:00 will be the last meeting of the redevelopment agency. what a phenomenon. what a historical evening. also, look on here on the screen. i do not know if some of the supervisors and the mayor has looked into what the redevelopment has done to the western division. i do not hear it nowhere. in the paper, they talk about all of the other cities and
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counties in the state. they are not talking about san francisco. the mission area. all you have to do is check your history, what they have done, how they devastated the african- american community, and that is why i am here to the my horn. if you get a copy of this, it will say in black and white. no accountability. here you are just signing this to say no redevelopment. but i want you to know, "♪ who is in control in san francisco? i asked the mayor, but he did not care and he went out the door to sacramento the board of supervisors just a bunch of liars the redevelopment
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i am going to have to sue and make a settlement and tell the government all of the money they spent we do not know where it went and it was no accident just look around, ya'll and now they are gone the black people all gone ♪ thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and on to the month of february. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i attended a meeting of the land use committee, and i try to point out that i felt i thought the agenda was not very clear. this is one of the agenda items, and if you read it, it is a bunch of gobbledygook, and i read them part of the sunshine ordinance that said it is supposed to be clear enough that
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the person -- a person of average intelligence should be able to read this to determine if they want to go to the meeting or to get information on whether or not they want to be more involved, and if you read this, you really cannot tell anything other than that it is for an outpatient medical clinic something or other. you have to go through the 62 pages of attachments before you find out this is a clinic to provide care for young people and children at risk in the bayview hunters point area. an area which we know historically, anybody in this chamber would have a hard time to nine have been underserved and underrepresented. and yet, the members of that committee were denied the ability to participate because the announcement that went out about this was so obscure and so are obtuse and so evasive, most of them probably had no idea. in fact, at least half a dozen people got up at the meeting and
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said "i only heard about this because someone told me to come." unfortunately, i am even going to go into the responses i got because they were kind of nonsensical, what i am going to say is that the buck stops here. i see the same attitude at the arts commission, who have seemed to have forgotten the fact that the arts commission is dealing with public art. i see the same attitude at the library commission, where the library commission fails to recognize the fact that they are dealing with the public library, and when you go to those meetings, what you see is in the chamber right now, most of the people not making eye contact, working on their laptops, working on their cell phones and doing everything but listening to the public. president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> thank you, supervisor chiu,
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supervisors. i am here with part of the tenderloin walking tours, and i wanted to let you know what is going on with the tenderloin. a fancy police station on sixth street. we were supposed to be getting a fancy shopping center, mid market shopping place, and it does not look like we are going to get it. that we -- three of the restaurants that moved in and have left because of violence. things do not look very good in my home town of the tenderloin. we have got a lot of new faces in the tenderloin because whoever is letting a lot of the convicts out, and guess where they are coming? the tenderloin. i live here. i want to be proud of my area. i want to be proud of the tenderloin and bayview, but we have got to do something about it.
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tenderloin walking tour from here to union square, i bet nobody would agree to go, and i cannot really blame you. things are looking real shaky right now. i talked to chief suhr and the captain of the tenderloin district, and they agree that we are starting to lose it, so i just want you to keep an eye down on downtown. this is steps from city hall. we are not talking about down in the boondocks. we are losing the area right behind city hall. we are right behind the hilton. we need to be proud of this city. this is one of the greatest cities in the world. and, supervisor kim, i commend you for your visit next door. that took a lot of heart. president chiu: thank you. if there are any more people for public comment, please line up.
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>> zechariah, i will overthrow the kingdoms and destroy the kingdoms of the heathen, and i will overthrow the chariots and those in them, and their horses and riders will come down, everyone by the sword of his brother. i have heard a lot of sermons, but i have not heard one point out that we are going to have a civil war before the end of the world before jesus christ returns, but that is what is happening in our families and in our nation right now. obama has the audacity to actually run for president again. everyone, it was agreed that want paul was slam dunking everyone. ron paul would make it in there so easy, but i know that god is in charge of everything. i kept going back the last few times i was here, to mention the terrible thing in oklahoma city, how we learned that it was an inside job.
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you can go to a website to get a dvd for $19 and learn more about it. it is hard to see what is god doing exactly, but as i mentioned before, and daniel 9, gabriel appeared to daniel and told him that the 77-year cycle until the first coming of jesus christ, and that is why jesus said "here i am." he is referring to that before the 90 years was up, and when oklahoma city happened, it was it interesting idea that when the 70 weeks of daniel started, it started in proper sequence. there were two 490-year cycles prior. looking at it from a different perspective, there were 7490's
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-- there were seven 490's before oklahoma. jesus is coming sen. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i am here to say that the paper today talks about the bridge, but i want to thank the city and county of san francisco because, you know, right here, this shows you that god, jesus wanted us to have this. you can go on-line to a website and find out about what you are really doing, because the news is talking about drugs and pills. there are a lot of people in
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pills and drugs, and there are people in sro's going through breakdowns. it is affecting me and caseworkers. even to the castro people. to stop hunger. we are in a good thing. rainbows. common save san francisco county. i am a patriot for marijuana and the rainbow. did you know that rainbow grows in a rain -- marijuana grows in a rainbow perspective before it turns green. it grows everywhere except antarctica, which is the bottom of the world. san francisco, you have done something great not only for california and the proposition, lgbt, straight, everyone. god will use this to stop hunker. so today, i am right here.
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collectives are for people you have no money, poor people cannot afford it. thank you. and i have to say to thank america's black madonna for performing at the super bowl. president chiu: thank you very much. any other members of the public want to speak in general public comment? step up, sir. >> this is what i would say. jane kim, everybody talked about you visiting a shelter, but when you look at the reports, there are shelters that were not
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monitored at all by the monitoring committee, which is their function. they are on a new quarter and a. we also have a problem because i believe the local homeless coordinator and board -- i do not think they are even trying to monitor the quarterly reports, or talk about it, or read about it, or anything. i think the other problem i am having is -- is the community partnership healthy? it seems like every time i have a problem, i have to call the department of building inspection and the department of public health to get something done. i need to go to them or somebody outside of their organization. i cannot talk to lisa blakely. i have been having a have the
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ability -- a habitability problem for over a year. they want their money. the problems are all to do with their money. i definitely believe there is a culture of silence at the essex , and at continuing partnership housing. when somebody tries to address it, they pass apologize the people making the claims, and they start playing word games -- they pathlolgize the people making the claims. i need someone to take seriously my complaints about habitability issues. i would like their name and address. it seems nobody is doing anything. president chiu: would any other members of the public wish to speak? seeing none, general public comment is closed. >> items 30 through 35 are
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considered for immediate adoption without committee reference, using a single roll call vote. if a member requests discussion, it will be called separately and considered. president chiu: i would like to sever item 30? supervisor mar: i can 31. president chiu: -- item 31. >> on items 32 through 35 -- supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor olague: aye. supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor cohen: -- supervisor chu: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. president chiu: the motion
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passes. >> item 30 is a resolution opposing the united states supreme court interpretation of the constitution in citizens united, supporting an amendment to the constitution to provide that corporations are not entitled to the integrity of protections of natural persons. president chiu: colleagues, i want to think supervisors -- thank supervisors cohen, weinr, and olague for co- sponsoring this resolution, supporting an amendment to the constitution to provide that corporations are not entitled to protection of natural persons. the u.s. supreme court in the citizens united case moved in favor of the unlimited corporate spending to influence elections and policy decisions, which in essence granted corporations the same free speech rights as human beings. two years later, this past
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week, there were demonstrations against this decision that took place in over 130 cities across the u.s., including san francisco. over 35 cities and municipalities have introduced similar measures as the one we are considering today, to call on congress to limit corporate reach. most recently, the city councils of los angeles and new york city passed almost identical resolutions to the one we are considering. i offer few resolutions that touch on national issues. but i think this is so important we need to show solidarity on this nationwide call for change. as you know, we have discussed the impact of this case on our local public finance structure. we have to do all we can to ensure our democratic right to free and fair elections is protected. supervisor farrell: i was the colleague who continued this item last week. i am in favor of it today, but
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want to explain my point of view. these resolutions -- it has nothing to do with my point of view on the underlying discussion. i completely agree with president chuy. nth - -chiu and think this is affecting everyone in the country. my objection has to do with the board of supervisors. i believe we should focus on local issues, meaning on their face that are local. the number of people i know talk about issues being germane to san francisco. the problem is it is a slippery slope. there are things germane to san francisco residents from citizens united to foreign policy in things that happen abroad. they can have -- they can affect us in san francisco. but that is the type of stuff i do not think we should do in board chambers. my preference would be to deal with local issues on their face.
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but i can also see that i could be playing a game of what the mole on a weekly basis -- whack- a-mole on a weekly basis, and it would waste time. it is not because i do not agree with the resolutions and the point behind them. it is about the general public views the board of supervisors. i want our board to be respected in san francisco. when articles get written about resolutions we promote here at the board, a think it diminishes us as a board. i am going to read a quick e- mail i got in the middle of last week's meeting. it is not from a constituent, but a resident. it says "i came across item 40, which would encourage the grammys consideration of additional music genres. i felt such a thrill out realizing homelessness, pot holes, and crime had been resolved.
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otherwise, i cannot imagine supervisors would waste taxpayer dollars considering it." when i read that and hear that from a constituent, that diminishes us and our capacity at the board of supervisors. in the future, i am not going to make a profession out of this. but i am going to continue in the future to call out the ones i think are embarrassing to our board and make sure we continue to be respected. but i am going to vote in favor of this today. thank you. supervisor kim: i want to request to be added as a co- sponsor for the citizens united resolution. supervisor mar: please add me as well. supervisor campos: colleagues, any other comments? do we need a roll call? supervisor avalos: i would also
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like to be added and i think we could have had is about a while back. supervisor campos: anyone else? can we take this same house, same call? this resolution is adopted. can we call item 31? >> resolution urging the restatement of the 31 categories of music that were eliminated by the national academy of arts and sciences for grim consideration on april 6, 2011. -- for grammy consideration on april 6, 2011. president chiu: i feel in many ways the same way as supervisor weiner, except for the people in our city who are directly impacted. it feels strong, the impact on them. i will repeat what i mentioned. at the request of local musicians, respected, grammy-
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nominated musicians, i move to table item 31. it is at their urging, because we can focus on other ways to create more diversity in the music industry, and respect for cultural forms, whether it is cajun music or native american music. i did want to also say that i am going to continue to work with the music industry, like the executive director of the recording academy, to bring awareness of how music and the industry is an economic driver for the city. i also have a hearing today for an economic study analysis of the critical role of the music industry and local artists, nightclubs, and the entertainment industry, as an economic driver of the city. i also continue to do work in our cultural centers to support the inclusion of neighborhood art in the america's cup, and
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working hard to strengthen our equity arts programs. i move that we tabled this item. president chiu: colleagues, supervisor mar has made a motion. can we do that without objection? without objection, that is the case. madam clerk, can you read the in memoriams? >> for the redevelopment agency. on behalf of supervisor olague for the late dr. robert kamen. president chiu: is there any more business in front of this body? >> that concludes our meeting for the day. president chiu: at this time, we are adjourned.
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this building is multifaceted to say the very least it's a municipal building that operates the city and county of san francisco. this building was a dream that became a reality of a man by the name of james junior elected mayor of san francisco in 1912. he didn't have a city hall because it was destroyed in the earth wake of 1906. construction began in april of 1913. in december 1915, the building was complete. it opened it's doors in january 1916. >> it's a wonderful experience to come to a building built like this. the building is built as a
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palace. not for a king or queen. it's built for all people. this building is beautiful art. those are architecture at the time when city hall was built, san francisco had an enormous french population. therefore building a palace in the art tradition is not unusual. >> jimmie was an incredible individual he knew that san francisco had to regain it's place in the world. he decided to have the tallest dome built in the united states. it's now stands 307 feet 6 inches from the ground 40 feet taller than the united states capital.
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>> you could spend days going around the building and finding something new. the embellishment, the carvings, it represents commerce, navigation, all of the things that san francisco is famous for. >> the wood you see in the board of supervisor's chambers is oak and all hand carved on site. interesting thing about the oak is there isn't anymore in the entire world. the floors in china was cleard and never replanted. if you look up at the seceiling
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you would believe that's hand kof carved out of wood and it is a cast plaster sealing and the only spanish design in an arts building. there are no records about how many people worked on this building. the workman who worked on this building did not all speak the same language. and what happened was the person working next to the other person respected a skill a skill that was so wonderful that we have this masterpiece to show the world today.>> when stephen de r
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in an area dominated by abstract expression. even his peers saw his form. >> he was able to find a middle ground in which he balanced the ideas of human figuration and representation with abstraction and found it even more meaningful to negotiate that duality. >> another challenge was to create art from a meeting that was typically viewed as kraft material. his transforming moment was an accident in the studio. an oversized vertical sculpture began to collapse under its own weight and spread onto the floor. he sought a new tradition before him, landscape sculpture. >> you feel this extended human form underneath the surface of the earth struggling to emerge. eventually, it does. it articulates
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