tv [untitled] February 11, 2012 1:18pm-1:48pm PST
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-- do you intend on answering the most recent one as well? >> i believe we want to contest that particular one. >> the security plan you say that staffing levels will be a minimum of two staff members maintaining the entrance and patron behavior. is that what you do? >> currently we have more than two. we have three guys running the line, two guys watching our alleyway, and one guy doing protection. we have a police five guys. >> when did you start having five guys? >> 2010. >> also, i did no. 3 says to
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insure all patrons leave in a quiet ahead -- in a quiet and responsible manner. do you think you have achieved that? >> yes, we have. >> i ask you to come before us today because on december 3 i was with a friend in your neighborhood, and we got caught up when then incident in front of rhesus -- of recess. i understand they do not do cads the same way the regular stations do, and the fight came out of recess, was in front of recess common and it was pretty violent. i do not seesecurity helping in any way. could you explain that? o i will let my head
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securitypeak on that >> we try to respond as quickly as possible. we tried to get everybody out to break up the fight, but we tried to act as quickly to prevent any patronsetting caught up in this. >> just so i am clear, you said you feel like you have to get everybody out before you deal with it er of christ we try to make sure our patrons are safe who -- to get everybody out before you dealwith i >> we try to make sure all of our patrons are saved. our main concern is everyone's safety. i have you seen the pictures? i would be happy to show it to you. his is the front of your club. do you recognize it?
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is that your club, serve? >> yes, ma'am. >>here are pictures both sides. can you explain those? >> thi pushing oneide bag. -- one side and back. > they are trained to handle the situation -- they are pushing one side and back. >> do you call the police for help when things like that happen? >> there is always a very large police presence. we have had time to stay in front of the club next door, so
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they are close by. >> thank you. anybody else to embark >> how long have you been ahead of security democrats about four years. >> how long have you been head of secured -- how long have you been head of security? >> for years. >> so five of them are outside during control and cleaning sidewalks? >> as needed. i will shift them around as needed, but we try to keep the sidewalk and clear. >> this security plan was written by john windsor. would you still work for him there mark >> he was only employed for security, but he did a lot of work there. >> you read everything in his plan?
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it is very important for the neighborhood to keep that sidewalk nuclear -- clear. ertoheou if it is out of control. good >> we tried to not draw attention to us. i believe we do a good job of that. occasionally fights to happen, which i handle as quickly as possible, but we are trying to make sure of patrons' safety. >> your guards have been with you for awhile? >> yes, they have been properly trained. >> to you have a policy in terms ofholding the line and how many people you are letting in? >> our number is 297.
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we are very strict about that. if it gets to that, we hold its. we will not let people start coming in until we get 30 people out. >> are the security guards communicating it was at capacity? >> they were basically waiting. they were not going to let them in-house. we do not go over our occupancy number forafety easons. >> why would you get cited three times if you are letting people know there is no crowding the streets? >> sometimes we have higher profiles and people are very determined to see them.
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also another issue, the club next door keeps having a party bosseuses drop off, so they cros our sidewalk to get to this club. that is one issue we have. >> who is the neighbor? >> we do not take the party bosseuses, ecause it is a liability. >> they make it seem like we are taking the party buses, and they let them off in front of our venue. there are a couple of instances where they stand in front ownf
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broadway studios, and i am clear the street, and i tello them they have to move down the street. w that club on the corner? i tell them they have to leave, and theysay, the guide told us to wait here. i do not understand why would they do that. it is kiof weird.t do >> of the security guard goes june a group of people waiting to get huandto a bus, do people respond to you? >> there are 40 people. the 40 people are drunk, and you have three guards, and after they get in front of our venue,
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it is not their responsibility anymore, so every time they come down,weve tge them moving. cracks do you know that your abc license says you are responsible for 50 feet in either direction of your club? >> i do understand. that is why we are trying to get them down the street. every time i tried to move, they say, they told us to wait for the bus here. i say, you have to move. >> you are outside working security. >> you do notknow techniquesi? about moving people along the? >> we definitely move people along.
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we have such close proximity to the club next to us that once their patrons across to our club, they think it is no longer their responsibility, which is not the case. they need to work with us instead of against us. they are pushing their people in front of our club and washing their hands of the situation. we do not do that to them. >> do you speak to them there are >> i actually had an incident with them this last saturday. i was pregnant last year, so i am trying to get things back in order. we had an incident where there was this big limo party bus in front of the broadway studios. ryan said, you cannot park here, and the driver said, they said to park in front of our place-
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let them out, so i walked over to benefits. i have always been nice. i said, you need to start telling them not to park in front of our plays. he said, i did not tell them to. he had nothing to say. i am fine with not having any party buses that at all. the only club that takes them is atmosphere. i am fine with not having any at all. >> commissioners, and anybody else? >> what is your procedure when there is a fight inside your club and? >> we try to separate the parties. we secure the safety. we have one party on the way.
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we try to make sure the fight to does not continue on the street. >> how much time did you allow for that? >> generally we wait for the otherrty to clear. itaries according to how quickly we can get the other party out. >> today i witnessed a fight on your club. that is not what happened. the parties were coming out of the club fighting, and your security guards were on opof yudinosepate them inside. you did not even separate them outside. that is what i saw. i did not see that you did that. >> occasionally we are out number. we definitely do our best to secure the safety of our patrons.
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>> it is important to manage you have to have training in managing people. anybody else? >> can i ask the central station officer? party buses, they allowed? i thought there was no stopping. i am just curious about that. >> that area is of no stopping zone. occasionally they do stop. that is something we are working with m in general. as far as never going to recess, there was a report that i gave to the staff were we had a loaded weapon on one of the
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party bosses,and is said that approximately 0140, a large crowd were accident and walking back to the bus. the crowd spilled onto the broadway streets. there were numerous officers trying to advise the crowd to move back onto the sidewalk, and the crowd refused. they continue to yelp profanities. i heard the lieutenant telling them tomove by from the curve. i told them several times to move back. one of the people refused to move back and yelled. it was warned he would be arrested if he struck the officers. these things can really
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escalate. art ofwhat i wanto ta about as far as the party bus. >> to you have any other comments and? >> i like a lot of the recommendations, and the commission is going to evaluate them. it is such a big thing on the front. we talked about it on new year's eve. one club next door did not have a huge crowd in front. not just seat away in front of recess, ere was. i have met with the owners. they are nice people. hopefully you can give them the tools to help them improve what is going on. the crowd in front are not being managed. >> i want to open this to public
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comment. >> the incident described on new year's, that particular incident as we watch the sidewalk claudog, one patron was issued as he hopped the barricade and ended up being taken away by an ambulance. >> is there public comment on recess? nobody? you have three minutes. >> i actually owns this building.
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i sent them numerous e-mails. they ignored me. they do not know how to manage this crown. good >> i have one question. do you have a clause that regulates the behavior of the business? any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, i direct you to look of the suggested recommendations by staff, one through 14. this would further condition the government -- a permit. this would further condition them.
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item number one is of importance because it would limit their hours of operation, which would force them to stop entertainment early, and the probability that there crown would exit early, so we have often talked about staggered exiting on broadway. also item number nine, is it true there has been no sound complaints? >> there have been sound complaints in the past. they have done a pretty good job when their doors are closed. ive lately any complaints democrats lately, no complaints --pricte complaints, >> and lately no complaints. >> i am not sure if we want to attack in -- to put that in, but
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i am open to discussion on these conditions. anybody have any comments? if not, i would entertain a motion to adopt these. >> i have a question. oint no. 8 it says the permit holder will install cameras to monitor the van your -- the venue. are we talking about the entire club and? yi -- and exit.s entry and exit we only care about the streets. stree do not have anthee. >> that is right.ivacy?
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>> the cameras are perfectly legal. >> item number one, explain that. >> they are giving us either or? it is their recommendation. >> i am against one. whether it happens at 1 or 1:30, it is really more security training, so obviously the new security plan, i am all for that. that is the on thing i have. rities staff is , anione o no know how to manage people. they'dneto train their
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security staff in managing people. >> this recommendation for closing down a clove -- closing down the clubhous cannot be controlled so there is a time limit. after a year or six months, we can review, and if they have got their act together we can let >> if we put his condition, how long will they have to wait to come in for an amendment? >> you have wide latitude in putting conditions in these permits, so you can construct any language you feel is useful to you. it may be cleaner to not necessarily indicate a number of months or a date in the permit,
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because this is one that goes on in perpetuity. you can request a return to the commission in a certain length of time. the staff will do our best to make sure they do return for review without unnecessarily putting it as a condition. >> anybody else? on motion please. >> to the permit holders, have you been able to review this, and do you contest any of this hammond -- any of this? >> going back to commissioners, going back to number one, limiting the hours, they are on a tough streak. they are next to a much larger
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club that has issues. if you really want better security have them go and hire a security company. i think if you tie their hands behind their back, i am not going to say my client will be there, but the more you hamper an owner and take away potential revenue, the less likely you are tohavebetter cros or better security, and i agree that problems with security are going to happen at 10:00 at night, after closing, and i would ask that you strike it because it is not going to help the situation, and the situation is we want better security and on broadway everywhere, and i also agree that number nine should betruckbecause i think they have done soundproofing already, and i would also ask that the 14 days because they already have an expensive video
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system, but to go to 30 days is going to be economically unviable, and there is going to be an issue, and i kethem to protect the data. do we have anyothecomm and? thank you. we require them to have. security and a security plan. we cannot require them tovea security company. that is a business decision they make. cnotell whoo hire. i think their security is ill- trained. f ctie toe some problems they will continue to have citations, and hopefully no one will die during that process. >> ok, commissioners. how about i suggest the motion and somebody moves?
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i move to condition the permits for doing business as recess and adopting staff recommendation to excluding #9, amending #eight to be 15 days instead of 30, and to limit the hours of entertainment to end at 1:30. they can still stay open until 2:00 but to limit the entertainment to 1:30. that is my motion. >> you cannot move that. >> that is my suggestion motion. >> so moved. >> further discussion? >> i am trying to understand how that works. they can remain open until 2:00, but all music stops at 1:30?
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>> what we would define as entertainment must stop at 1:30. music coming out of the house or through an ipod is not considered entertainment. did a coolowan the ifthere dj bartenders through an ipod into edp eft, they wouldthe be in compliance and -- ended the day -- and e dj packed up and left, they would be in compliance? >> i do not see how that makes a difference. >> what is does is at 1:30, the music stops, and they turn on the front lights or whatever. they start drinking water. they can still drink, but some people will start leaving on their own, and it will not be
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such an intensity. unfortunately, it has to be this way, but this is an easier cool down, so i think it is a good compromise. >> i did not understand how that works. >> any other discussion? iraq's call the roll. -- >> call the roll. [calling votes] >> next item on the agenda is a consent calendar. all the items on the consent as one item unless one of you wants to sever one of them from the consent calendar. is there anybody in the audience
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wholiccommen or objects to permits for polk street, cafe maria,lt liv performance, interfot for a i there public comment?ar? can you tell me which item? e coencalendar.o severitoff to >> i was here to speak on item a. >> i am the executive director, and we are in support, and if i could speak, we are in support with one condition that they install -- >> there is no item e.
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