tv [untitled] February 15, 2012 5:48am-6:18am PST
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are there members of the public at which to speak on this item? >> ♪ i hope that you consulted that they are all right with fire all day and night constructed all right for fires night and day i hope you construct it there all right with budget money you paid i hope you construct it there all night for all of the fire's night and day i hope that you construct it there just fine and i hope the money you will be kind ♪ supervisor chu: thank you. are there other members of the public that which to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor chu: we have a motion to send the item for recommendation. we will do that without objection.
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item #4. >> item #4. resolution approving site access and use agreement with motorola for the san francisco sites to be used for the bay area 700 mhz public safety broadband spectrum to be managed and operated by the bay area regional interoperable communications systems for a term of 12 years; and making findings, including environmental findings. supervisor chu: this is a carryover from the meeting last week. we asked the department to come back and explained through the coordination work behind the scenes, further explaining " we were thinking regarding the two systems that we had, potentially this other 700 mhz system. i know that we have a good representation of departments who will be impacted by the system. we have the department of emergency management, the fire chief, the san francisco police commander, the of dt director --
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who can answer a lot of questions around the point, the executive director, the public safety manager of puc, and from alameda county, the under sheriff. >> thank you. it is a pleasure to be back before you today. i hope that we can answer the questions that you raised last week that i was not so confident in. i apologize for the confusion. i think if you can see from the presentation of why this project is so important to the region. i wanted to start out by talking a little bit about our 800 mhz system.
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there were questions as to whether it would be redundant. i wanted to give you a brief overview. this is a push to talk voice system for emergencies. with the radio, you can talk to 911 dispatchers. there is the ability for on scene coordination where the police can talk to each other, or to our fire fighters, sheriff's deputies, etc. it is a system that is specific to san francisco. we cannot take our radios to alameda because there is no into opera ability between the two of them. even committees that have 800 mhz videos cannot just naturally
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talk to another. this is not a regional system, this is a san francisco system. there are rules that govern the use of 800 mhz radios. when you push the button, you have to be able to make contact within like a quarter of a second. those are national and international standards. those are not our standards. who is on the 800 mhz radio system? the emergency radio system has 10 department. police, fire, sheriffs, dpm, rec, park, puc, library, medical examiner, and the police. you might wonder why the library is on there. that is because in our
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emergency system, there are more antennas are around the city said that you can talk in buildings and that is something that is necessary with the library. as i mentioned last week, we had been approved through the process last year to refresh our 800 mhz system. the system is currently a dinosaur that has been in operation 13 years. the contract was placed 50 years ago. this is an analog system, this is proprietary technology. vendors are not supporting it anymore. you cannot get parts for it. it is time that you replace it. i would dare to say that there would be public safety issues and we would not want our police
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and firefighters at risk so i believe now go imperative that we replace that system. the new system will be a digital and system. the life of the system would be 2028. i know that this gets very confusing. why do we need two systems? the system is a digital data system at this point. you can shared text and photos, video, graphics over this system. this is for regional communications. we have on nine counties who formed a joint agreement. we have been meeting since august to put together the
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agreement, which i mentioned last week. this is a system that will be a regional system for multiple counties. this is not a duplicate of 800 mhz at this time. this is a dedicated public safety for first responders. we will not be sharing this with commercial providers. we have 19 public safety departments in the safety -- in the city. we talk about public safety departments as defined by the federal government. those that respond to our center in an emergency. that would be the department of public works, the health department, the public utilities commission. people that you don't think of as first responders. we currently have 875 wireless
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devices in use today. when i say wireless, this is a little picture that i have here, it would be wireless cards, wireless modems. the modems that are in our police cars that and noallow the mobile terminals to relate back and share information. this is -- you asked us how you are going to roll this out? we would like to start with three year project in the first three years from the time this is operational which is 2013. we would be phasing this in as old devices, old modems. we would replace them with new devices on the new web system,
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the new 700 mhz system. everything would not go live day one, this would be over a period of time. >> those which you would be replacing, those are devices that have a life of how long? >> i think i would ask my i.t. folks to speak to that but i know anecdotally -- even with other devices that we have come up let this, etc. come of their own life span is not so long, so i don't know with wireless cards and modems. "generally, the life span of those types of devices are 2-3 years. you can expect after three years you will need to think about replacing it.
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>> you would expect over time as those devices would need to be changed out, you would have a new device that would speak to this system? >> correct. >> 875 devices that you mentioned, when were those purchase? >> i don't have the exact details but over the course of the last one-five years. we have seen a steady 5% increase from last year to this year in wireless devices that have been purchased by the city departments to help our folks in the field communicate better. i anticipate that the increase will continue but it was a 35% jump this year. >> thank you. >> i will go over the cost to san francisco. these are not the overall regional costs. after i speak, i will ask mr.
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frazier to go over a more detailed look at the budget of what the devices cost, etc.. if you have specific questions, if you don't mind waiting until barry can answer, he has another slide on that. the infrastructure and vagueness of this system during the life of this contract would be zero to san francisco. it would be zero. i was not clear when those talking about that. what we figured out, and this is a rough estimate, but there is roughly $100 million coming into the region for the project. we figure that about 13 million
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would be spent in a san francisco to upgrade curbsides and new sites for antennas said that we have good coverage throughout the city. i think that is a very important point to make today. that is coming through the grants that motorola has received from the department of commerce and from a match that motorola is putting in. if we don't do that, those sites are not updated. the upgrades are nothing to us, the operations, the maintenance. there is the one time costs for staff and permits. this is for the department of real estate, the department of technology, and power of permitting department, that runs about $277,000. that is of the next two years. then, there will be annual
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costs for the utilities, leases, and fees. i would like to thank mr. rose and deborah neumann forking with us in a short time over the last week to help provide these figures from last week. we believe that those would be in the range from 280,000 to 410,000. for the cost to run the system is about 600,000. said that you're comfortable with this, these costs would be coming back to the board for approval. there would be no surprises. we will continue to see you as we move forward on the project. >> the 600,000 you have identified over three years for equipment, that is money that you expect would be spent by departments over three years? >> that is correct. currently, departments are buying up on cards, modems,
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wireless devices. as part of the annual budget process, the department put money in it for those items for a new laptops, computers, and it is our assumption and we would work with the department on this that they would include these in their annual submissions to the board, the annual budget submissions. i have already mentioned this but the funding sources i of the plant that came from the department of commerce which is $52 million, motorola is matching that with $44 million. we believe there are other federal grants. in fact, we know there are. we know that there are perhaps private investments. we have about using this because the system will be operational
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in 2013. using america's cup as the first test bed for the new project. maybe the america's cup authority would help us to pitch in something. gounod's. there are many opportunities out there. -- who knows. there were questions about how we would find this 90 to thousand which is in the budget and analyst report. this is to find funding for next year and how we would come at a spread that out. this year, not the fire department has a $50,000 allocation that are moving over
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to this project, as is the police department which had a $42,000 grant fund which are for interoperable communications which they believe is the most important use of the money. what are the benefits? it is one network for the entire region. it will allow easy and efficient data sharing throughout the area. they will have access to public safety data and new applications. maybe we have so much it knowledge that maybe there was better companies.
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there is a lot of creativity involved. there is an exclusivity when we will have to not compete with commercial users on the system can tell -- on the system. this would be improve government efficiency, they will be able to share data in an easy manner. we talked last week about the rockslide pen to we could have been sending pictures. we could download diagrams of the buildings they were going into. we think it be the benefits are great to the whole bay area.
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>> i am wondering if there are other costs that we might not know about right now in terms of how we will have the system, we will have the sites within san francisco, sites in other counties, cities. in terms of that connectivity between the different sites, is that expected to be not an additional cost or is there a cost we don't quite know about? >> i don't believe there will be an additional cost. we already have the microwave system which will be the backbone. there are many options and we are exploring all of them for existing and the existing
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backbone or structure. this is the best connectivity throughout the region. will there be additional cost? maybe. i did not anticipate large ones. are we giving your are -- we are giving you our best guesses at this point. >> the city and county of san francisco seems to be doing better than a lot of other municipalities around the bay area. oakland will be hard-pressed to find new devices. there are first responder agencies, police and fire departments.
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we have approved this, where these devices are years from now, we will not be able to communicate in the system because of other places that cannot make the investment? >> we have already had site use agreements that have been approved in sonoma county, contra costa, alameda, santa clara, sunnyvale have already executed their agreement. there are many that are imminent right now. i could read the list. i believe that those members of the bainbridge apa will have this useful for the week-for the region.
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the county of alameda has sites in oakland. even if oakland is not coming up to speed quickly, they have signed the agreement. this is not something i expect in july, 2013. this is a progress. >> i have a quick follow-up question. are there any counties or cities that will not participate in the system? >> know. san jose and santa clara did not vote for the agreement on january 19th.
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morgantown do say that they will not participate at this time. marin county has their own issues. -- marin county as said they will not participate at this time. they have voted against the agreement. they are participating. they have not opted out. they continued to come and give their feedback and information and they are very much a part of the system. >> why are they voted against the agreement?
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>> i would point out that even the marin county has elected not to participate, they have actually voted for the boom agreement. they're planning to participate at a later date. they are extremely high cost states -- sites in the county. we tried to work to find some lower-cost sites that we have not been able to do. they elected to forgo the site use the commit process at this time understanding that that would mean that they would not to participate in the grand funding for this site.
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they have to use their own funding to build them later on. this is partially funding issue, impartially and site location issue and they had a lot of sensitivities to environmental issues and parts of marin county as well. >> they will not be able to participate in the grant that is being received by the federal government? >> it would be highly unlikely. >> a follow-up question to the thought about potential or anticipated cost we expect to have in the system. if we do approve it and it is move forward we have not than upgrades necessarily to the system and 13 years. there might be some conversations tehran some kind of upgrades may be on site of
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the 10 years, they turn over the assets turned over to the joint powers abilities. it would be the voting members. does there might be some conversations. -- of them might be some conversations, some kind of upgrades may be on site in 10 years. >> there will have to be upgrades at the 10 or 13 years because technology continues to fall off. i and would anticipate that but it would be the jpa looking at that and san francisco will not commit to any money without coming back to the board of supervisors for approval.
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san jose and santa clara have offered sites on the system. they are very much participating and they have made an offer of their sites. again, they have not opted out. going on with benefits, there are economic benefits. we feel that there will partly be picking hundred jobs created within the area. the chief spoke to a couple of tech companies a few weeks ago and explained what he needed. what do you need on the ground? we believe there will be many innovations. i have mentioned this already,
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reliability is an important issue, sales during disasters. we know this. we have seen this. this is what the chief was talking about last week. our voice operates well. if you are using this, you have your iphone or your blackberry. we saw this at the giants played in 2010 that we could not talk to each other. the cost issue, motta relic got to this grant and no other vendor cut the grant. we had the opportunity to bring this into the region. this is one that we should jump on. >> if any of the folks are referring to the slide, let folks know.
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the deadlines are february eighth next week, we need to have the site access and use agreement applied. but we have to go should with motorola expires next week. this coming summer, july 31st, 2012, motorola must expend 2/3 of the grant money. by july, 2013, the grant money has to be spent and the project have to be complete. there is a real reason for us to feel an urgency here, that we move quickly. the money is tied to federal grants, to stimulus money that has all sorts of different criteria with it. if we want this to happen and
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succeed, we need to work on it quickly. i thank you for the opportunity to present today. oci have other speakers i would like to introduce. calema was not able to come today and they said how very important they felt it was for the project to succeed. that being said, i would like to have a very come up and go over a more detailed explanation of the budget. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. my colleagues have been gracious
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