tv [untitled] February 16, 2012 1:48pm-2:18pm PST
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mysterious. and traffic along the 280 ramps nearby the balboa park station. those three things have been mentioned to me by some of my neighbors and a lot of us go way out of our way so that we don't travel on falen boulevard or the 280 ramps, anywhere nearby. it is better to drive a mile away from the traffic than to sit there and wait afor light after light. i think this committee is long overdue and they have plenty of issues to deal with. supervisor kim: i apologize for not introducing the resolution, a number of us were coming for the same event. supervisor avalos is here to talk about the advisory
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committee. any more public comment on this item? please step up so that i know that -- >> i'm a 35-year resident of engleside. i am pleased to see this advisory committee being established. i think that we have are rare opportunity at balboa park. it is probably the second most congested station in santa it is. we have cars, pedestrians -- in san francisco. we have cars, pedestrians, and i hope that it will be integrated to do something special to create a signifier statement. i am here to enthusiastically endorse it and i hope we see success here. supervisor kim: thank you. >> lisa pegon, office of
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economic and work force development. i am here in support of this legislation. on behalf of my roles in the balboa station planned area implementation, i am a project manager for the office of economic and work-force development in the area that is a series of real-estate development projects that the city is managing and i am overseeing different department works to redevelopment that area. as well as a liaison with the district, many of their priority projects, making the area to the balboa station a healthy, safe, positive experience for bicyclists and pedestrians to walk back and
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forth to the commercial district, the city college. their priority is to have the project to be implemented. it would be very useful to have a c.a.c. to check in with. they're very concerned with the station itself and that whole area. it would be useful to me to have a body in addition to them to work with, to provide updates to and get advice from in regards to project priorities as we try to go into a fund application processes to make these projects come to life. thank you. supervisor kim: any other public comment on this item? cnn, public comment is now closed. i want to go to the author of this resolution. supervisor avalos: thank you for
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coming out and speaking in support of this c.a.c. i'm sorry i was late, i got held up outside. this resolution to establish the c.a.c. comes out of many years, a decade of work coming together a round of the balboa park station area plan. it was looking to manage the land use decisions around balboa park that was the most concentrated and congested station in the bart system outside downtown san francisco. it has bart bus, light rail, mta, there is a confluence of pedestrians and buses and cars and freeways that lead to a big snarl.
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having this the advisory committee that can look at how we can manage transportation issues that can work with the mta as well as other transportation agencies like bart, we can manage development that has to happen around the area. the station itself is almost an industrial area surrounded by communities that use the station. we need to figure out how we can have a strong community presence that can assure the city departments, make sure that the city departments are moving forward to make the place safer for pedestrians. better markings for people to make their way around the area, abide by the station area plans. all these are considerations to move forward, making sure that our departments are going to be accountable in the movie got a schedule that really works for the stationary at -- and moving
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on a schedule that really works for the station area. supervisor kim: any questions or discussion on this item? i am happy to support this resolution before us today. it is incredible to get members of the community together, we have many advisory committees in district 6. we really truly engaged in meaningful input, and i am happy to support this resolution today. supervisor campos: thank you. i make a motion to move this forward with positive recommendation. supervisor kim: without opposition, we move forward item number one with positive recommendation to the full board. >> item two, and indeed the administrative code to declare said francisco to be a right to civil council city can't declare the intent of the board of
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supervisors to create a sentences go right to civil council pilot program. supervisor kim: we have the author before us today. president chiu: i want to thank you and supervisor wiener for co-sponsoring this. it will be a first in the nation proposal. i was thinking that it happens that there are four members sitting here, we are all attorneys. we are in the line of work we are in because of the interest of public service, a value that everyone that goes to law school shares. there are literally millions of americans that do not have the legal representation that they would like. in the '70s, jimmy carter pointed out the statistics that 90% of all americans are served by only about 10% of all attorneys. 90% of all members of the bars
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serve the top 10% of americans. from what we know, that statistic has only gotten worse over the years. where we are having a discussion about occupy and the 99%, i want to thank the legal community for taking seriously our charge and our duty as attorneys. this proposal addresses the situation concerning representation of low-income clients. we know that the supreme court created the right to legal counsel for individuals charged with even minor criminal offenses. if you are a parent that is at risk of losing your child buy a custody case, if you are a tenant in the process of being evicted, involved in a domestic violence case, you don't have the right to civil council. the statistics are intense. six out of 10 moderate income
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and eight out of 10 below poverty are completely unrepresented in civil proceedings. consider the fact that in these cases, the stakes are life changing. eight out of 10 civil court are represented by themselves. in san francisco, 95% of child support cases were filed by individuals that were self represented. the number of eviction lawsuits filed by the san francisco housing authority has increased 400%. providing low-income litigants with council also helps relieve government. providing civil legal services has a positive economic impact by improving the efficiency of the courts, saving state and local government millions of dollars in costs in responding to effects of the evictions,
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homelessness, and destruction of family life. i would like us to consider an ordinance that would declare san francisco to be the first right to civil council city in the united states. this is a declaration that we need to move toward foua more fair and just system. again, i want to thank the leaders of the bar that are here today. it does not immediately establish a right to counsel. it codifies the commitment. there is the creation of a pilot program that would be a partnership between the city, the court system, b and systemar. -- and the bar. it would be on a basis of by the private legal community. a quick amendment to my colleagues to insure that as we
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move forward with a one-year pilot program, we have a plan to evaluate the impact of this program so we can think about if this program has the impact we hope it will have. i will read some amendments i would like the committee to consider adopting after public comment. after commencement, a work plan for evaluation shall be developed and all parties involved in the program will be required to participate in the evaluation. i want to thank the folks that helped us get this through as well as individuals from stanford university and other academic institutions interested in looking at what the impact would be in san francisco. it further states that the evaluation will be submitted to the board of supervisors within six months of the completion of the pilot program and it would include an analysis of data, the impact of the program on demand for services, considering the
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need for the program as it relates to access to justice. and it lays the recommendations for maximizing the benefit in the future. i know there are a number of members of the public that wish to speak. speaker cards.%ek"éi will call in numbef individuals. two minutes here? i would like to ask jim, a senior partner at morrison and foerster. he has been a legal giant for his advocacy in his leadership at bart. >> two minutes is harder than 20 minutes. i am deeply moved by the fact you are considering this bill. if you will be the first city in the united states that has directly addressed, as a municipal matter, the deprivation that the people are experiencing in the courts on a daily basis.
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i know you are all lawyers, those of us in court see these people like a late-night movie wandering the halls trying to figure out the water -- the order. how can i maintain a relationship with my child, how can i get evidence of spousal abuse? what is admissible? are my papers in good order for the clerk's office? these stories would bring tears to a stone. this statute is not only aspirational, but it is practical. i think evaluation is crucial. it is a real program and it should be critically evaluated. this statute lives in a moment because i have not seen the bar. not only here in the city, but nationwide. i have not seen them on their hind legs defending the court
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because of the representation of the courts. it is also historic. why would we dare to even think of doing this? because this is san francisco, and you had tony bennett on the steps. this is a special city, and your predecessors and you have done things. if you do this, you will be the first in the country. it is a pleasure that you will hear from people that will describe the details, cost savings, how the program would work. this is a very exciting program for a lot of people. president chiu: if i could ask you one question. part of the success of the program has to rest with the private bar. and the extent to which members that up. can you give us a sense -- >> i would be happy to. i don't fear the willingness of
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the bar when properly approached. we had discussions on how best to do that to increase the amount of pro bono. every lawyer has an obligation to do pro bono. it is not that it is mandatory, but it is in the case law. more practically, there are people you will hear from a moment with the bar and others, i will participate to the extent i can to make this a professional endeavor. when you pass this statute, it will be a message to the legal profession in the city that those, and there are some, those that don't need to do wit. they will have a small trial in the family court. there are ways to convince them to do with. we need to increase that tremendously.
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the need is enormous and we have to do it. based on practicing law for 53 years and working on this problem most of the time -- [laughter] the bar always responds. i may have a romanticized view of the lawyers in san francisco, but it is based on fact. they will come and it will be real. president chiu: i would like to and by jen donado. -- invite jen donado. -- jim donado. >> i am also a former deputy city attorney and it is nice to be back with an older client. [laughter] as we think about the critical first step, it is important to be candid, forthright, and up front on if we can afford this. is this a fiscally responsible
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road to start traveling down? the answer is, we have really solid evidence that has been prepared over the last couple of years that not only can we afford it, the expenditures that we make to provide civil counsel, it pays back by multiples of five-seven times each. in new york state in 2010 and the great state of texas in 2009, both commissioned independent studies to look at this exact question. what are the fiscal impacts of paying for civil representation? in both studies, they found that for every dollar spent by the local government entity, $5-$7 was brought back to the community. one is the savings to the local
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government and the costs avoided in dealing with the disruptions from homelessness, foster care, educational issues, those savings. and federal benefit money brought back to the community. there are tons of folks out there that don't have the lawyers they need to get those benefits paid. no one is advocating that we invest in this because we have a nice return. we are doing it for the reasons that we know our rights. but as you think about it, it is a fiscally responsible thing to do as well. president chiu: i would like to invite the president of the bar association of san francisco. congratulations on your recent induction as president. >> i am president of the bar association in san francisco. you will hear from many people describing the devastating impact of the lack of representation. i would like to highlight a different aspect of that problem, the way that the
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funding of the court has exacerbated the problem and the avalanche is costing the entire system more than it can bear. first, the funding crisis.. in the last three years, the budgets have been cut roughly 33% due to realignments and a court security funding. what is meant? for starters, widespread layoffs, furloughs, reduced office hours, the closing of self-help centers, closures of san francisco -- they fail to answer the most basic questions. 11 of 12 commissioners were laid off last fall. he's extremely skilled professionals primarily handled family law and domestic violence matters. places where it was highly
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likely that the parties would be unrepresented. unrepresented litigant are experiencing dire consequences. their children, their housing, and their physical safety. you have heard the cost savings, the expense of not spending for this prevention is something that's at the it is cannot bear -- that san francisco cannot bear. that cost is picked up elsewhere. it is picked up in the health- care system and in the police. i want to assure you that the bar association's stance with you today. [chime] we intend to press our community to stand up for pro bono. what will help us in this incredibly critical moment is for the city to make this part of the public policy.
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together, we can make this different and we promise you we will join you in this effort. >> thank you, madam president. i am wondering what the bar is doing recently, the various law firms in terms of pushing for pro bono. a lot of firms are already doing pro bono, but is there a specific goal are targets that you have for these firms? is there may be an enhanced -- maybe an enhanced goal you are trying to push forward? >> yes, for many years, we have pushed to the bar to devote 3%- 5% of available hours towards pro bono. just this year, we have a current list of 31 firms that have made that pledge.
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that is not including all of the other lawyers outside of their firm that have been able to sign up individually. we had a meeting last night of the leadership council that collects a number of the pro bono coordinators' of the major san francisco law firms talking about ways to increase pro bono. the excitement was couple. people want to help, they want to plug in and realize that the community is hurting. supervisor campos: thank you. president chiu: thank you. i would like to invite robert rubin from the community for civil rights. tyler millin from the defense collaborative? beverly upton from the san francisco domestic violence consortium. >> as the supervisor said, my name is tyler millin.
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if you're unfamiliar with the edc, we are the agency that assists in 95% plus in responding to lawsuits. it is not true where it says in paragraph 12 that we are unable to meet the increased needs. we have met that need for the past 15 years. we will never turn away a tenant that is being evicted. we help everyone. the problem is with help everyone represent themselves. president carter is right. 90% go through their case without an attorney. 90% of landlords are represented by aggressive counsel. there is no question that the right to counsel does not exist for low-income people.
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there is no question that we need more representation for those tenants. there is no question it will result in fewer tenants becoming homeless as a result. however, this is where i depart slightly from the other supporters. we do not need more representation. we need 10 or 15 more attorneys doing tenant the fence now -- defense now. we need a serious commitment, not just a project or a program. a statement that this city is committed and we are bound by attorneys to defend the rights of citizens. and their house. i urge you, be courageous. do something big. [chime] this is a special city and we have a special obligation to do something big, do something brave.
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do so by funding the legal aid agencies. thank you so much for putting forward an important issue. president chiu: i would like you to provide us with statistics for how many cases you do and what would be uneder -- [talking over each other] thank you. miss upton? >> good afternoon, supervisors, executive director of the domestic violence consortium. we are here to enthusiastically support president chiu's proposed legislation. we believe that the justice system is more prepared to work for domestic violence survivors and their children when they are represented. president chiu outlined some
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of the statistics of domestic violence and family law cases going on represented -- unrepresented. we are as concerned as he is and everyone on the committee. the one caveat we have why we are supportive of this legislation moving forward, these are very complex and sometimes dangerous cases. as the project moves forward, we want to encourage everyone involved to really take the seriousness and complexity of the domestic violence cases into consideration when we look at where we are placing them and who will be representing the survivor. as you know, san francisco has a rich history of community-based legal professions that has many years of experience of working with domestic violence survivors in many languages. we have this rich resources available, and we would like to see all of that community involved.
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and closing the complexities -- having the complexities taken into consideration. president chiu: we would love you and your consortiums to give feedback on the best way to do that. a couple more names, the volunteer attorney with the services program, steve collier with the tenderloin housing clinic. if anyone else wants to testify, light up on the left- hand side. >> i'm marty mckeaver, i come to you as a third-generation san franciscan and the managing attorney of the volunteer legal services program to request your support of this ordinance. our organization provides legal services to low-income people in two ways. we have staff attorneys and also through volunteer attorneys. we are part of the bar association of san francisco, so we leverage $13 million worth of
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pro bono services every year from the private bar. just last year, we calculated 1600 attorneys provided over 45,000 hours of pro bono services to our clients. it amounts to about 25 full-time staff members. we collaborate with the domestic violence consortium and i would agree with mr. mcnolan, in the ideal society, we would have staff attorneys representing every single lead again. financially, i am not sure -- every single litigant. financially, i am not sure it is possible. we want to make sure justice is served. the volunteers represented 140 tenants and eviction cases, provided a full scope, they represented 1000 tenants in limited scope, and another 270
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people dealing with custody issues. [chime] president chiu: thank you very much. mr. collier? >> good afternoon, members of the board. i am a staff attorney at the tenderloin housing clinic. i think you are aware of the work that we do, we are one of the few organizations that will represent, without charge, people facing eviction. it is full scope representation, but we only have three attorneys that represent clients. there is a tremendous need for more full scope representation of tenants facing eviction. we would very much encouraged this bill in the hopes of expanding the amount of the eviction defense representation for low-end, and
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