tv [untitled] February 17, 2012 10:48pm-11:18pm PST
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public transit and most employees are anticipated to live in the area. the product meets all requirements for the planning code. our control was the standard issues of approval and is necessary and desirable with size and intensity. it is compatible with the location and will contribute to the services within the broader neighborhood. this concludes our presentation and i will answer any further questions. president miguel: thank you. project sponsor. >> hello. three weeks ago, when i spoke before the commission, i focused on my family settling into the neighborhood, are deep love of the streets and neighborhood around us. this time, i would like to speak more directly to the efforts of
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community outreach and my neighbors. a few days after a sign the lease on the space, i spoke to the head of the association discussing the project with his support over the phone. a few days later, i met with the neighbor upstairs and spoke to her about the project and gave her my cell phone number and the cell phone number of the contractor to ensure for comfort during the renovation process. i was available at the construction site every day in the middle of the dayç to speak with my neighbors. two days prior to the meeting, there was a request for a public meeting which was an initial continuance. at the publicxd meeting, there s overwhelming attendance. many familiar faces and many new faces. incredible support for the çproject based on issues of noe and parking.
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mostç particularly. i have met with those neighbors since meeting with supervisor campos. i also met with the lower 24 streetçó merchants association. we then had the hearing. in between, i met privately with rita. the hearing from three weeks ago was with the concerned neighbors and attendance for that meeting, trying toç come o a resolution. yesterday, i met again with rita to propose another possible resolution. she could not in the support of the other neighbors who were concerned and decided not to come today as a general showç f neighborly support, i guess. i realize in the initial attempt of community outreach, i
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underestimated the concerns that would be turning the store into a new establishment that would employ more people and bring more business to the street. i should have, independent ofç anything, make sure i was available to my neighbor is. thank you for your consideration. president miguel: çthank you. i have some speaker cards. joel, one with no name, and vlad a. there will be two minutes of commons because this is the third time it is before us. >> honorable members of the commission, my name is joel and i live at 2352 23rd street. i have lived there since 1983. i have seen this neighborhood
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change a great deal over time. we went from a period of time where the mood was unlivable. i was personally the victim of crimes. many times. my house is riddled with bullet holes. i do not want to see this never would turn into the ghetto that it used to be. the business proposed, the new establishment proposed is right across the street from where i live. it is a better option than the store that was there before. i cannotç think of any kind of better way to provide safety for the neighbors that having such an establishment across the street.
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as just a small incident, one of my ex-girlfriendçs, three or fr years ago, was mugged right downstairs. she was physically aggressive. it is added security if we added a business there. my main concern, and i will close on this, is to make sure that the business is successful and i would respectfully ask that the commission removed any sort -- any form of limitation on the business to ensure that this business be successful. thank you very much. president miguel: thank you. if i have called your name, please come up. >> good evening. fáçmy name ist( vlad. iç have lived and worked in the
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neighborhood for about 10 years. here, i came to talk on behalf of myself. he came to the neighborhood a few years ago and demonstrated how great he is to the neighborhood. he opened a successful restaurant. he contributed his time to the neighbors. i was present at the mediation meeting as a consols. i think he showed and demonstrated a good amount of flexibility. from a larger perspective, i believe that this business would seriously encourage our community. it will create jobs and support the improved crime situation, which is also important.
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another option, to have this on the end for gravity and everything else. i would like to support the proposed business. in terms of hours, i believe that breakfast, as a business person, it is eight hours. it is very reasonable. other restaurants i have opened have started at 7:00 or 6:00 a.m. in terms of the number of tablesç, this i do not know. from a business model perspective, it is probably for a business to stay viable and arrived in this additional economy. additional seats would help. thank you. president miguel: rob thompson
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and irena reed. >> good afternoon in -- good afternoon. my name is rob thompson. i live two blocks from the proposed site. i'm coming to you with my support for the proposal as a neighbor and a member of the community. i have been working with a small group of neighbors for the last several years with the planning department on the bryant street traffic diet project, which as been a wonderful opportunity for the neighborhood. it strikes me that a project like this is perfectly complementary to the neighborhood's efforts and enthusiasm for bringing greater life and vibrancy to this part of bryant street. i would like to voice my support andok that of my wife, o also lives with me at that
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address, for the project, that it go for without minimal restrictions -- that it go forward without minimal restrictions. >> i am here to voice my support also. i could say a lot about what i want this in my neighborhood. it will be some place that i walk by when i get off the bus or when i come home, i can walk right by it. it will make the neighborhood more fun. i will get to meet more of my neighbors and more of my neighbors will want to stay in the name of a logger, keep their families there. i personally want to see all my neighbors to have children or okwomen like myself who might be walking alone late at night, to feel safe. çthe restauranght onto the sidewalk and keeps our sidewalk clean. i'm really looking forward to the beautiful food and seeing more people with great jobs in
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the neighborhood. please support it as well. president miguel: additional public comment? >> thank you. i'm here to voice my support of the proposal as well. mostly because i am a runner and when i first moved to san francisco, i used to beq about running the streets because so many is -- so many of the streets are quiet. the vibrancy and energy that this would provide, especially with the outdoor seating, would make me feel safe and comfortable. it is of huge importance to me. i would hope to go there as often as i could, knowing that that is not the reason i'm here, i'm here for the community and vibrancy that it would allow on the streets. >> i live at 1171 alabama
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street, two blocks from the proposed site. i'm here to support the restaurant. i think he has been a positive addition to the neighborhood and i look forward to seeing additional resources being expended by someone who lives in the neighborhood and is willing to continue to build businesses within the neighborhood. i have a 1-year-old daughter and the first place we took her to is the local eatery because it he supported having children and families around but also at sustainable food that was good -- there was a good model for her. as i watched her grow up, i think about the neighborhood i want to have her live in. i envision her walking to elementary school, passing by the local corner and enjoying a restaurant where all the ingredients are sustainable and people pay -- people are paid a living wage and are hired locally. the person who started the restaurant lives across the street. that is a model that i want to
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-- i wantç my daughter to growp envisioning. thank you. president miguel: is there additional public comment on this item? if not, public comment is closed. i would like to thank not only supervisor campos, but in particular, britney. çi go to a number of these neighborhood meetings because i like to hear the questions that come up and like to look at the sites directly. this is aç site that originally had four quarters of commercial businesses, one of which has been turned into a residential units. the particular business here was a pseudo-gross restore that was actually a liquor store. i]brittany ran a great meeting, not on site, but close by. xplored all the possibilities,
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affirmatively try to get everyone to come to a consensus. 1.5 hours later, it was not a consensus. they were closer. in my mind, and between the supervisor's office and her efforts, the fact that, differently than the first two appearances, the opposition is not here today. the manner in which that has been handled, sending it back twice, is not something we like to do and keep it on our calendar. in this case, i thinksit worked andç the department did an excellent job. commissioner sugaya: staff, i have a quick question. this is kind of a dumb question. are we in control of the number of outdoor seats? >> no. commissioner sugaya: çwho
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controls that? >> the department of public works. çcommissioner sugaya: i would like to identify that the plans we have in front of us have attention -- showed 10 seats and now it is 16. at one time, it was 24. it just triggers a little problem in my mind as to the depiction we have got here. >> the intent is to show the area where the seating would occur. the number of seats for this particular project are not under the jurisdiction. but i did ask the proper response to include those on the plans because i felt that it was important that the commissioners see the full brunt of work that he was planning on. commissioner sugaya:ç to the project sponsor, can you clarify this strong for me please?
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-- this drawing for me please? >> in a last-minute addition, to add the tables into the plants, the table sizes were not -- we thought it would be square or rectangular rather than circle. it is the same footprint on either side, you'll just see additional tables. commissioner sugaya: thank you. commissioner borden: want to thank commissioner miguel and staff as well as the product sponsor for doing outreach and having another meeting to discuss issues. i never had an issue with this business. i actually love mission local eatery. it is a great restaurant in the neighborhood. u.s. showingçç you have a pron track record of doing a quality business. my issue was that we told the project sponsored to do outreach and make sure they meet with their neighbors. i'm notç saying that your prodt has to be different because they
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wanted to be different, but it has to be respectfulç and make sure that you have consulted with those people who are going to be most impacted in by the project. i want to thank the project sponsor for following the direction and doing so, i want to thank staff and commissioner miguel for being part of that. the message here is we canxd hae a lot of great things happen in the neighborhood of san francisco. i think it will be a nice attribute. and if you do what you have done elsewhere with yourç concept, e neighborhood will be much better for it. commissioner moore: i would like to add to what commissioner borden said. the power of pushing it back to the community is phenomenal. that has been good. we do not like conflict or solving conflicts. we like you to work it out
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yourself. i would like to thank the commission for sending it back twice. normally it takes a lot of time to hear public comment. sending it back twice, i think it worked out. thank you to the staff and the commission and i move that we approve. commissioner antonini: çi was going to make a motion that has already been made. president miguel: the other thing i would like to mention, and perhaps commissioner sugaya would agree, although this is not a landmark building, it is a historic resource. it is being handled in that manner, which i think is very appropriate. xd>> the motion on the floor is for approval as currently proposed. on that motion -- commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner fong: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. commissioner moore: aye. president miguel: aye.
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>> the motion passes unanimously. you are now on item number 10. 1921 vallejo st. q of this hearing, the d.r. requester has requested continuance of this item. i believe the d.r. requester is here. the matter before you is whether you want to continued the -- consider the continuance and then hear the case or -- but the d.r. requester is here. president miguel: there has been a request of continuous from the d.r. requester. not agree to buy the product sponsor. commissioner moore: could we both ask in both parties to make a brief statement?
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what is theç case? what is the reason? president miguel: the d.r. requester is present. if they could make a statement as to why they wish this hearing postponed. çcommissioner moore: come to te podium please. president miguel: two minutes each. >> i do not wish it to be closed on anymore. i did at that time. president miguel: that is all i need to hear. very good. good. >> good afternoon. i am from the department of staff 3 before i begin my presentation, i would like to bring to your attention a necessary correction in the plans for this project which the department was advised of yesterday. the projoject sponsorç has setf plans which i will pass out.
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>> the plans, as submitted, show the existing extension of the rear of the building by 5.4 inches deep by 8.10 inches wide. the corrected the matches are as follows. the corrected extension measures for foot 10 inches wide and the additional feature isç 7 feet 10 inches wide. as a result, the addition is 16 inches narrower than depicted in the original plans. i have copies that are being passed out. the project is a one story horizontal addition, approximatelyxd 5 foot 4 inches by 7 feet.
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it is located between the western property line. the existing extension is 7 feet 10 inches tall at itsñr lowestç point and 11 feet, 8 inches tall at its highest point. the addition, like t building's existing rear extension, would extend into the properties required for rear yard and have variances granted to allow theu! project o proceed. pursuant to planning code section 136.225, a 12-foot construction could be constructed into the rear yard from side property line to side propertyçç line as long as its height is limitedñr to 10 feet. it is that proportion of the proposed addition that exceeds 10 feet in height that requires the variances. çtheç subject property is a fr
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story garage on a 23 foot by 108 foot deep lot on the south side ofçó vallejo st. the adjacent property to the west is a four story overwrought to unit building. çand the other property is a four-story, over garage, single- family house. they hold the line with modest one or two-story extensions into their rear yards. the property owners of 1919 vallejo street support the project. the d.r. requester is the owner of 1923 vallejo street, the building immediately west of this property. his concerns include the products dependence on a variant
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being granted, the project's potential blockage of sunlight to his property, the project's potential impact to his privacy, and the anticipation that the project sponsor would seek to space and expanded bedroom onto the roof of the building in the future. the d.r. requester suggests that if the commission should approve the project, that the addition should beñr set back from the shared property line, reduced in height, and conditions to forbid any future additions. the residential design team viewed the project and founded to meet the standards of the residential design guidelines and the project would not result in any other impacts to neighboring properties, including the d.r. requestersw3 property. it is staff recommendation to approve the project as revised. i am available for any questions. president miguel: çóthank you.
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the d.r. requester. >> good evening, commissioners. i do not have the detailed analysis. i]it does not mention a lot of e things we have spoken about. in any case, this is a small project, especially compared to some of the items on today's this project should not and cannot be approved because it does not comply with the planning code and the design guidelines. the design guidelines say, on page 4, that all residential permit applications must comply with the planning code. this complete project is a variance. çthe planning code has to be in
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the scope of considerations and so are the design guidelines. çi disagree with the sponsor tt section 311 is along with the guidelines. secondly, according to page 16, there is talk about light and saying that dense building patterns, some reduction of light to the neighboring buildings. how do we defineç some? it is my opinion that buildings that complotç -- must comply wh the code. not products that do not comply. right next to it,ç on page 16, there is planning code section 101,ç sein the planning code wl
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provide adequate light for the convenience of access. the sponsor has submitted some solar studies thatçó are not correct. i live there and know how much light comes there. çthis concert study shows a sml window. there is no small window. there are huge doors that i cannot even find replacements for. they cover the whole wall. during the winter and summer, does that mean there are only two seasons in the year? they have not given us anything for spring or fall. it affects sunlight in the morning. morning is the onlyko time you t son. during the day, you do not get any son anyways. it is not relevant.
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it is not affecting some bathroom orç something, but the çkitchen and the family room, areas that i use most of the time. it is not some reduction of light, it is a major reduction of light. morning time is the only time anybody is home these days. you go to work and you come back late at night. xdso the project -- it is a back door entry of getting the project approved. it does not comply with the code. where does the option of variants come in? çeven on page 16, it clearly says, "particularly the building to the impact of light."
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this plan can be modified to minimize the impact of light. çtoday there are not any significantç concerns, but tomorrow, once the product is approved and variances are granted,ç the owner of the property can easily build a second floor. çi]and affect the whole privacf the area. < it is referring to dense building patterns. çif youw3 consider that san francisco, as a city, our neighborhoodsç are dense. that would not apply there.
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i have more timeç if a rebuttal is required. president miguel: çthank you. speakers in favor of the d.r. requester? you will be called back for a rebuttal. speakers in favor of the d.r. requester? if not, project sponsor. >> midafternoon, president miguel and members of the commission. çi am helping the project sponsor on this one. dr. marion peters is the project sponsor and she is here. he it -- she is available to answer questions if you would like. we have a couple of letters from the neighborhood and we could have gotten everybody in the neighborhood to support this project and oppose this discre
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