tv [untitled] February 18, 2012 12:18pm-12:48pm PST
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will you do that for me, please? >> ladies and gentlemen, i consider this an honor, a pleasure. one of the things i would like to bring out that nobody has brought out so far is there is a gentleman by the name of gavin newsom. you guys, ladies and gentlemen, had enough foresight, even though there was almost a depression, but not quite -- you guys moved forward and created jobs for young men and young women in the city of san francisco and the county of san francisco, in alameda and san mateo. to me, that is the most important thing we have here, is jobs, especially for the young men and young women. it does not make any difference what union it is. one of the things i would like
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to say it is i was doing a job over in calaveras county, a tunnel job. we went down the bottom of the tunnel, the shaft of a tunnel. this young man comes up to me and says, "do you remember me?" it is hard to miss a white man with a red ". he went to the tunnel trade -- a red goatee. he went to the tunnel training school. in the bottom of the shaft, he said, "i want you to know one thing. i lost my house. but i did not lose my family." to me, you guys have done that. it also took a lot of other people. there has always been a driving force who has been there when we asked for help. mr. gray did a wonderful job.
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of course it was for the money, and not the pride. carol was always there, always pushing, always making things work. but most of all, some of the gentlemen that deserve a big round of applause more than anybody else is art shanks, training -- that is his thing. he has done an outstanding job. he has young men and women working throughout the sfpuc project. you have brian thomas, who has stepped to the plate every time we have asked him to. he has never step backwards. alonzo emery, another gentleman. a guy from arizona state. [laughter]
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he stepped forward. it goes on and on and on and on. with these ladies and gentlemen -- james bryant is another. he stepped forward. the main thing is, to me, more than anybody else -- more than anything else, i am proud we found jobs for young men and women. we trained them. but to me, they are not jobs. they are a career. [applause] and to me, that is one of the most important things you can ever do to help your brothers and sisters out there, is give them a career, give them a future, and move forward. and like i said, you guys have done an outstanding job yourselves, in the fact that you do move forward. just because there was hard times, you did not step back.
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you saw what had to be done, and you have done it. my hat is off to you, because you had the courage to step forward. i tell you what -- every time i see this stuff on tv about money here, money there, i am proud of the city of san francisco, because they always step forward. it always seems like this city is doing this, doing that. i have been here 25 years. i have never seen you take a step backwards, no matter how they criticize you, what they say about you. so what? we are the city of san francisco. get out of the way. [laughter] and i am serious. that is the way i see it. on tv every night, the thing about san francisco -- they have negative things to say about you, but it is the same thing.
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get out of the way. here we come. we are not waiting for somebody to do something. we take the bull by the horns. another gentleman who is important and has been a good friend lately, because he has lately become on the scene, is chris iglesias. [applause] he is another gentleman that actually took the bull by the horns and moved forward. but that is what you ladies and gentlemen have here. you have a group of people, a group of unions, willing to step forward, take the bull by the horns, and get it on. like i said, the city of san francisco, proud to say, is a group of ladies and gentlemen that are not afraid to move forward to create jobs and opportunities and careers for a lot of laborers, a lot of engineers, a lot of
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electricians, a whole ball of unions. you have changed a lot of lives and careers. you are moving forward. that is the main thing. god bless you for that. thank you. [applause] commissioner courtney: thank you. i did acknowledge that this is the commission resolution. i ask the president and commissioners join us up front. i will ask the general managers to also join us, and the principles for the laborers' unions, if you will indulge me, so we can take a nice big photo. come on up.
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>> will the main thing is, i am serious. you of made careers for a lot of people who would have never had an opportunity to have careers. >> mr. president, before you all leave, i just want to make a very quick comment. back in 1974, i was the only united farmworkers union members elected to the legislature, and it was because of the laborers' union in los angeles, and all the work you did to help cesar chavez over those years, all the work you have done here in san francisco, my new home town. two years ago, we honored rocco davis, who i have known for 20 years. not only do you provide a tunnel and improvement work in san francisco, but your members helped build over 12 stem cell
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labs to house scientists that are discovering and researching for cures for the most deadly diseases in our society. itwith laborers who helped to build those facilities. the laborers union goes beyond san francisco in terms of their contributions. congratulations on being a grandfather, rocco. [applause] >> do we entertain the motion to adopt the resolution? >> most certainly. >> motion to adopt a resolution honoring my brother, ronald meyers. >> all of those in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? thank you. the motion carried unanimously. [applause]
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thank you. we will now move on with the rest of the agenda. >> [unintelligible] there is just a little 3 minute video that we wanted to make sure that the commission knows about. if you do not mind. i will not speak. i had a speech for you and i never write one, but today i will surely, in the honor of ron meyer is, i've been like for you all to see just where he has taken this commission and the people that you are now responsible for. if you do not mind. >> please, go ahead.
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>> this is the training center. that is ronald. he's the head of the training center for laborers in northern california. these are the folks that got together, and those who have never graduated. we graduated 23 gentleman and one lady. the program started out doing the basic things that we do. these gentlemen in women that came through this program actually did some actual work. i wanted to make sure that the commission was able to see the actual work. there is a gentleman here that
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was a graduate of part two. this is going into the tunnel. [applause] if you look at these pictures, they are real. we wanted to give you a view of how heavy this whole program is. seriously, we were in a tunnel. in the side of the mountain. ron, who is your friend here? >> [inaudible] >> right, ryan is the professional that takes you into town. that box there? that is dynamite. those are your actual laborers from the program that learn how to set to dynamite in the side
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of the a mountain in a blow holes through the actual mountain. for the there is actual on the beat -- there is actual on-the- job training that these folks have. several of them are working on tunnels throughout the projects are here in the bay area. a lot of times, and there is actually a young lady was a part of that program. this is a tough field. they can tell you, 99% of it is men, but with your support we made sure that we had the misrepresentation in the program.
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we have more visual moments for you all, if you would like. i want you to understand that i go around the country and i tell people, these other classmates, and i go around the country and tell people -- they say they use their francisco folks always have unbelievable stories. you are representing america in a way that no one else in america represents. i want to say thank you, ron meyer is. this is your day. i want to say thank you, ron. if it would not be for you, rocco, and the rest of the laborers that went outside -- folks, my salutes.
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i have been around here for 35 years now. this is my best day. you all need to be proud of you are setting the standard for america that no one else in america is doing. thank you very much. [applause] i wanted to say that if it had not been -- i just left off to vote -- two people that i do not want to leave off, the leader of the northern california laborers. the first thing he did was get together with this young man over here. that is how the whole thing started. thank you all. >> thank you for that clip.
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it was wonderful. >> we have more for you, if you want. >> the next item, i believe, is the report of the general manager. >> actually [unintelligible] >> ok. >> i thought you would like to say nbc picture of our newest hire. -- you would like to see a picture of our newest hire. [applause] >> nice logo. >> you noticed that. she is 3 days old and maybe in the tunnel program. [laughter] >> i did not know that we had water powers to work one sees -- onesies. [laughter] >> actually, in the agenda, you
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will notice that there are no items for the general managers' report. we can move on. waxed thank you. we have a full agenda today. we have some time constraints as well. what i would like to do is try to get to the budget section, i would like to wrap up that business. >> all matters listed here in the consent calendar are considered to be routine by the san francisco public utilities commission in will be acted upon by a single vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items. first, the sunnyvale sewer tunnel project, second, approval of the right of way services, up
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three, the selection of the amount ford group for system development and maintenance of meter data management system, and the hunters point reservoir upgrade. e, except the work performed by the monterey market -- mechanical for waste water enterprise. f, except work performed by hardy pipelines for waste water enterprise. g, approve the plans and specifications and award wastewater enterprise renewal and replacement program funded
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in department of public works pavement renovation program funded contract number 500. h, rejected all proposals for water system improvement from did -- improvement program funded agreements to under 25 and authorize the general manager of public utilities to read advertise the request -- re-advertise the request and return to the commission with a recommendation for award. >> does anyone have an item that they would like to sever from the consent calendar? seeing no one, is there a motion? >> second. >> any discussion or public comment? all of those in favor? >> aye. >> those opposed?
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the motion carries. >> regular business. item number nine, discussion and possible action authorizing the commission president to execute an employment contract between the san francisco public utilities commission, acting on behalf of the city and county of sentences go, with ed harrington, as general manager, on terms consistent with the existing contract with extending the expiration date from march 16 of 2012 to august 31, 2012, with provisions for further extensions by mutual agreement to no later than december 31, 2012. >> the contract expires on march 16 in he is set to retire by the end of august. i have spoken to the mayor and he has wholeheartedly supported some of the work that he is
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involved in currently. it has been close to available for the records and 10 days. i would entertain a motion at this time. >> second. >> are there any questions from the commission or public comment? >> david [unintelligible] i am sad to see him go, but we will get to that when we get to that later in the year. perhaps the longer that he stays, the better. one technical correction for your consideration. on the third line, i believe that that should be where they carry forward the 2010 agreement. thank you. >> thank you. mr. jackson?
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>> i want to thank you for the motion that you just passed. i was sad to hear that he was going to leave. i am glad you're keeping him for an extended time. he has done in excellent job and i have been able to work well with him without having any problems at all. i will be seeing you all later on. thank you for keeping him. i need him. thank you. >> we will let him know. >> thank you so much for pointing out that incorrect date. i would like to introduce an amendment that corrects it on the record. september 28, 2010, exhibit a.
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he is providing recommendations consistent with the charter for replacements. we will be engaging in an executive search firm to bring information and candidates up for consideration. giving the mayor of time to consider the recommendations that we need, adding candidates in june or july. we will select a firm to work with us as soon as we possibly can. thank you.
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mr. secretary? >> mr. president, item number 10. discussion and possible action to adopt a framework for land management in use relating to the asset puc lands not otherwise subject to specific policy guidance including -- pieces or permits for secondary uses -- disposition of owned lands -- and acquisition land. >> what we have today, the first is a policy is the hierarchy of a policy, with procedures below that. we would consider the framework that gives you a broad document that allows you to make decisions on your lands. this is what we heard at our
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last workshop with you. we already have numerous policies that affect the land in place today. you have watershed management plans that have been approved and in place for over 10 years. we have vegetation management policies. and we also have environmental stewardship policies. as we started to write this framework, we started to think -- what are we talking about? we started to focus on the lands in three specific areas. first and foremost, most of our lands find it is for the operation of the water, power, in sewer systems. the piece of land that functions as a watershed, treatment plant, and an electric substations. that is the primary purpose of this organization that requires lands.
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but we do look at the lambs as well as their secondary uses. that is where the leases and permits, where we do issued the leases and permits for people to use them for a secondary purpose, it might be a playing field or a trail. the second area is -- what is the disposition of the land? no longer needed for the primary or secondary purpose, do you still retain those lands? under what conditions do you do that? the third thing is, when do you recall -- acquire lands? there is a property that wasn't in fill in the alameda watershed. for what quality purposes and water supply purposes? you look for those opportunities to acquire those lands. the framework is not intended so as to perform -- proposed to amend or revise the existing policies, rather bringing in a
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surface decision framework. we tried to approach it in a way, as you address it, where we look at the actual land use framework and it talks about the economic environment community issues in each of those areas where we talk about it being the disposition of land or acquisition of land. what we are trying to do is give a tool to the commission so that they can make those decisions. as staff, when we bring forward any of those people to you, we can have the findings within the framework. tying it together with existing policies in real-estate guidelines, give us an overview for a better tool across the three enterprises that you correct today. i turn it back over to you for discussion, those are just might opening remarks. >> well, i want to thank you and
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the staff for working on this land use issue. i know that it has been many years in and policies that have been developed. i know that there has been an interest in getting the understanding for what those individual pieces are, as well as providing a general framework for land use policies going forward. draining it under primary use in secondary use based on what we need as useful and what could be potentially available to dispose of, and to what end. i feel like we have several related items before us. i know that commissioner cain is interested in the questions, and we can more specifically talk about your interests and the information items that are an update from where we are on
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