tv [untitled] February 19, 2012 3:48pm-4:18pm PST
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or have an end if you were a lover, it was a view to see. her lifelong passion has been supporting the use and making things better for the next generation. she fought for school integration, battling prevailing attitudes she claimed was heartbreakingly rough, but she never lost sight of her passion and her goals. she is the mother of two daughters. one of the greatest gift she has passed on to her children has been the gift of community, and to her family, holidays were not about gifts, but understanding and sharing as a family. her career has been prodigious. she has attended howard university, the school of social work, and san francisco state university. she worked in the san francisco unified school district and was
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the community director of the education planning project. she was the executive director of the san francisco council of churches. she was a founding member and past president of the african- american historical society. she has served on various community boards including the american baptist churches, the national council of churches, church world services, a bay area girl scout council, they're celebrating their hundred year anniversary coming up soon. bayview hunters point ecumenical council. today, she has her family and community are around the temple united methodist church and i am honored to provide you with this award of our gratitude for your work in san francisco.
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[applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, this is a great day for me. i just want to say that my involvement over these years have brought much much love for a different type of people in this world. at temple united methodist church, i spent a lot of time addressing members and folks in the community. and one of the things that i have learned is that you thinking of the folks, but you really don't know them.
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and it is only through this communication are we able to get the message over about what is going on. the historical society, sure. when i got here, there was no group that seemed to -- the only place we could go and hear about black folks was at the baptist. i listened to that long enough and i said i have to get out of here and see what is going on. there are a whole lot of things going on outside. the other thing i want to say is that i want to make an appeal to the young folks. if you really want to get to know what the world is all about, volunteer at some
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organization. don't go when looking for a paycheck. work yourself up to the paycheck. volunteerism has been the sole of my life. i move around volunteering. and i learned about people, all the different ethnic groups and different classes of people. i want to say that i recommend it to the young people. volunteers. and go after the young peoplehood, give them a reward by letting them volunteered. if you never say to them, come on land, i have 50 letters i want you to address whether you
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have good handwriting or bad, you will be surprised what will happen to the kid because he is going to read the letter, and he is going to be informed of something he did not know about before. so you get information that you wouldn't have otherwise. this clearly is rich with the ethnic groups. i just love them. you know what? i can never understand all of them. i just look at them and say, i see. a lot of things i don't understand. i've got a sudden, it is time for you to shut up. and i am going to shut up. i want to thank the supervisors
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for recognizing this. there is a way of letting me know because i do have a hand where i'd go some folks are. i want to say thanks to my pastor that allows me to do a lot of things at the church. this is a very special day for me, not because i am not here. this is the day that my husband and i got married. and i know he said, all right. keep it out. i told you to keep going and don't stop.
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president chiu: i want to thank everyone for participating in this ceremony. this ceremony coincided with valentine's day, we have a lot of love in the room and a lot of admiration for the community leaders. [applause] and with that, could you please call item 14? >> authorizing the exercise of a five-year option to extend the lease of approximately 19,000 square feet of space for the share of's department. president chiu: call roll? supervisor mar: aye. supervisor olague: aye. supervisor wiener: aye.
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the cash management and baking services request and four proposal. supervisor campos: this goes back a couple years with the fair lending and working group, looking at the way it doesn't banking to try to leverage and insure greater support they encourage the treasurer to look at how they can promote the investment policies to leverage a better accountability for banking as well. also, we have a hearing back in october that led to the establishment of this resolution as well. back in october, we had the
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occupy movement installation over at the plaza. one of the big issues is about the financial institutions and about our issue specifically around foreclosures in california, the bay area, and san francisco. san francisco doesn't quite have the same kind of recognition as the central valley, having the foreclosure crisis. there are areas that have a hot spots, a large part of district 10, district 11, and even district 6 as well. we wanted to use the hearing and this resolution to look at how we can promote how we do our banking to support greater compliance from the financial institutions that we work with.
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the cash management and banking services is a for an rflp, so it will have the bid very soon. we have had a lot of conversations with the treasurer about how we can strengthen the process to leverage a better support from financial institutions to deal with the crisis around foreclosures have better accountability measures. i am really pleased with the work of the treasurer that was able to put social responsibility measures there, and also requiring the budget and finance committee, and giving us credit for banks responding to provide information about how they are dealing with small business loans, helping households against foreclosures, how many are going through, and giving extra credit for banks that provide that information, he has
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made it a requirement which is a big push from the members of the community. i want to thank his office that has been very supportive. we have been working with a span of the california reinvestment coalition, numerous residents around the city and county of san francisco. and we ensure that we got a resolution that is stronger. this is one step that we wanted to be able to make, ensuring that we are using local dollars for financial policies. president chiu: thank you, i would also like to be added as a co-sponsor. can we do this item same house, sam call? without objection, this resolution is adopted.
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>> ordnance excepting the infrastructure improvements associated with a mission they south blocks 2-7 and 13 phase one. declaring city property -- president chiu: same house, same call. item 18? >> motion appointing o superviselague -- supervisor olague tot the council. president chiu: can i get a motion to excuse supervisor olague? can we take a roll-call vote on this item? supervisor mar: aye. supervisor wiener: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu is absent.
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supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. >> nine aye's. president chiu: if we can go to the committee reports, item 19- 20. >> considered a buy the land use and economic development committee and forwarded as committee reports. item 19 has a new title amending the planning code to create the chinatown transit station special use district at the southwest corner of stockton and washington streets, preventing demolition of a mixed use in building. item 20 is an ordinance amending the planning to go to reflect the creation of the chinatown transit station special use district. and also permitting the demolition of an excuse building in the chinatown
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residential mixed use permit. president chiu: roll call, please. >> items 19 and 20 supervisor mar: aye. supervisor olague: aye. supervisor wiener: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. -- >> supervisor chu, absent. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. >> ten aye's. president chiu: these are passed on the first reading. can we go to roll call. supervisor mar: submit. >> thank you. president chiu: i have two items today. i have one item to continue to help bring our city government into the twenty first century and to address the paperwork at the city assessor's office where
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there are literally millions of paperwork that are often difficult to cement. i have an item to allow the assessor to move the records online and establish an electronic record and delivery system, this is the resolution required by state law in order to create digital electronic records. i do have fun -- have an in memoriam for mae louis, who after moving to san francisco from hong kong in 1948 built several successful businesses in chinatown and founded the chinatown merchants association, as well as the autumn moon festival. she was well-known and highly respected as an entrepreneur, a woman business leader, and activists. -- a activist. she poured it -- she supported
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civil rights and was always on the front line, fighting against unjust treatment of chinese americans. she organized against housing discrimination in the sea cliffs. she advocated for more community services in chinatown. she is someone we knew as a courageous and relentless activist. i am honored to have known her as a friend and to have an opportunity to work with her. something she often said was that nothing comes easy, but nothing is impossible if we put our hearts and minds to achieve what we believe in. she reminds all of us that we need to do more to help those in need. many of us are going to remember her for that for a long time. i also want to acknowledge supervisor mar. supervisor mar: she was a wonderful, warm person, and very generous not just a community- based organizations like -- but
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organizations from the richmond district. she was very generous to the people of the richmond district as well. president chiu: i would like to ask if we could adjourn the meeting in her memory. the rest of will submit. supervisor elsbernd: i will submit my items, save one. that is an in memoriam for diane perez. for five years, before she retired in 2004, was the executive assistant of gloria young. diana worked in the clerk's office, transitioning the board from an at-large board to a district board. i think i only had one week with her as a supervisor. otherwise, i was aboard a. she treated everybody the same, which is just the way you want it. she was a wonderful human being.
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i know her friends and colleagues have mr. since her retirement, and will miss her even more so now. she is survived by her husband, two children, and a grandchild. if we could adjourn in her memory, and of the family would very much appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor elsbernd. president chiu: did you ask this on behalf of the full board? we can do that without objection. supervisor campos: submit. supervisor avalos: submit. supervisor kim: i am requesting a hearing today on an issue that our office has been working on for a bit of time, and with a promise we had made in conjunction with many of our communities after our mid-market tax exclusion. it is a hearing to consider the findings and conclusions on the
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performance audit of the affordable housing policies and programs. district 6 continues to be a place where housing and jobs -- a place for both housing and jobs close to major transit lines. i want to make sure we continue to consider solutions for meeting the housing needs of individuals and families of various income levels, including those who are currently residents of district 6. as i mentioned, the legislative analyst's report has identified several solutions and recommendations to improve the city's ability to meet the regional housing allocation goals in the housing element. i would like to consider these recommendations at a hearing at the land use committee. we are also asking for a response from the mayor's office of housing and the planning department about waste and a timeline for implementing some of their recommendations in this report. the rest i submit. >> seeing no other names on the
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roster, that includes roll call for introduction. president chiu: why don't we go to general public comment? >> this is the opportunity for the public to address the board for up to two minutes on subject matter jurisdiction of the board, including formal policy conversation with the mayor, but excluding items which are already been considered by the board committee. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed to was the time to testify. if a member would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please state such and remove the document when the coverage should return to the meeting. president chiu: every speaker has up to two minutes, unless you are speaking in another language and bush for time to translate what you have just said. first speaker. >> [speaking a foreign language]
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ladies and gentlemen, last week, we lost to lovely people, as you see them here in the picture. both of them worked hard to help the poor people, the homeless people. they were killed by their own son, their adopted son. he killed them. the police answer today does not tell us the truth behind that. not only that, last week to
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americans have lost one of our nice voices, a woman i like her like any other. her name is whitney. as you see here, the media talk about it in different ways. i come in yesterday. i give the mayor -- i have a chance to give the mayor won in his hand today after he'd finished here. this is a copy of my proposal. i tried to make a memorial for her. and i would like to give my sympathy to her body guards, whatever he is, gavin or the real one who was there with her at this time. i would like to take advantage
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to teach our children that the money is not important, but the mind is important for the mind. she killed herself by the drugs. i wish we can teach our children. i have nine copies for our supervisors. i give one yesterday to kim, our supervisor. i hope you give an answer like the mayor. i am waiting for him. >> good evening, everyone. my name is ernestine waters wise. i bring to this meeting a seriously flawed proposition, which is called 8 washington, which is on washington street and the embarcadero. i live on the golden gateway, where they want to build a 12 story condo, which we do not need, as scott weiner recently
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wrote. it is out of the question unnecessary. it is in front of a high-rise with no setbacks from the street. it violates the waterfront land use plan, in that it does not connect the land to the water, as the recommend in the planning department. this is totally corrupt in every which way. furthermore, a garage of 500 cars underground on this corner is the craziest proposition i have ever heard in my many years working on the waterfront to beautify it. it is one of the busiest in the structures on a narrow street that cannot accommodate it. there is all the pollution from the cars. we need to get rid of cars, not
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encourage them in this city. that is what portland oregon does. i recommend it to people here. i hope you will handily defeat it unanimously, because this is one of the worst propositions ever to come across the real estate game in this city. i developed the open space park, which should be preserved. instead, it will take shows all over the place. it will destroy it 0 wonderful club at the building where i live, where people from all over the city come and use it. it is not an elite club. it is for everyone. >> stop the corporate rate of -- rape of our public library. do not give money to the france foundation. we have often said that sunshine laws and open government are important to promote democracy. it is even true that the dark
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clouds of secrecy are important to protect the influence of corporate dollars. the library has reconfirmed their defiance of democracy and open government, but the law itself. the president of the library commission violated someone's right to make public comment. the sunshine task force found the violation so egregious it is a willful violation of the requirements of the sunshine ordinance. the referred to the ethics commission for enforcement. it is required of all public officials. the ethics commission unanimously voted that president the "remove from office in light of her actions." after due process, rules of evidence, and advice from the city attorney, this was found to be the most serious finding of any sunshine violation in the history of the city and county
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of san francisco, and the entire 17-year history of the ethics commission. at the february 2 meeting, the library commission endorsed this abuse by reelecting a president to continue as their president by a unanimous vote. the privatization of our public assets goes hand in -- hand in hand with the degradation of our democracy and our traditions of open government and public participation. as we have seen many times, the public is guilty until proven innocent, but those who do corporate dirty work are innocent even after proven guilty. that is why the lies cost more than money. thank you. >> i am peter warfield, executive director of the library usersa
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