tv [untitled] February 23, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PST
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>> i am also concerned for the children. i believe the children are easily infected by this type of drugs and it is not going to be good for them. w3man at something? ç-- may i add something? commissioner antonini: we do not answer questions. >> she still has time. >>ç [speaking foreign language] ç>> zevely people who -- i
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believe people who are under the influence of marijuana are not thinking clearly. they would have a tendency may be of going against the law. so this type of thingç, if it attacks our children is that going to be good for us. [speaking foreign language] -- >> [speaking foreign language] ç>> again, i would like to present myself to you.
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i am here today, we're here today because we're all against this. commissionerhantonini: thank you. okare there additionalç speaken favor of the d.r. against this project? >> i am on the board of the merchants and residents association. i have -- i am a third generation native and have lived in the district for all my life and my parents worked for the city. at that timeç as a city employe you have to live within city limits. i have seen the neighborhoodi] o through a lot of changes. rabin trying to work on improving the neighborhood. we come to you often with concerns and questions about certain businesses that will open and this one is a huge concern.
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not only for 4218 because this is a working-class neighborhood, there's a lot of children and youth in the area. to have this type of business i do not think is the right fit for the neighborhood. unfortunately it is in one of those areas where you have 1,000 feet and is the only place left to can open up -- you can open up an mcd. we should open one because it -- it is a value. i do not know of this is a value. i am in opposition to this item and the other ones. thank you. commissioner antonini:u you. are there additional speakers opposed to this project? if not, project sponsor? >> good evening.
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i am speaking on behalfç of the project sponsor. i would like toç thank everyone for their extra patients in state this late. theçó supporters as well as its opposition. hat, let me come to the chase. the opposition is not concerned çóabout this particular product- project. the people who now spoken against this project have done so based on a perception. i am ok or not ok with medical marijuana but i do not want one in my neighborhood. there is no medicalç marijuana dispensaries in this neighborhood. the closest is located 1.2 miles awayw3 in burkle heights. the people who oppose this project want to keep it that way. that there are no medical marijuana dispensaries in this neighborhood. q to speak about the green cross. this applicantç in particular.
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if we take that attitude that everyone who says they do not çwant, there will be no dispensaries. i will talk about this particular applicant. they have a proven track record. it has done everything to comply with ordinances, regulations, and so on. it has given money tozv chariti. = service where there have been no substantive complaints. it has helped the police solve crimes in this neighborhood. this isç an -- an important point. çóthere is a perception that if they dispense street opens that crime grows. çcrime decreases according to some studies. the applicant has proposed an extremely expensive security plan that involvest( dozens of cameras and involves --ñr it wod be monitored byç adtç securit.
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that can help solve crime, not created. in this location there was an attempted murderv and the green cross was able to provide footage to the san francisco peaceç -- please. i think it is likely if both the green cross is proven as well as more general study, the crime will decrease. for those who are concerned route crime, they should be supporting this project, not opposed. i would like to speak about the concern about children. we have concern about children as well. the green cross will do everything it can to make it as an intrusive as possible. you will not have children walking by and wonder what this is. we will make sure this not the case. if it is the case that every time there is a day care facility or ymca located within 1,000 feet of the dispensary, there would be the dispensers in
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the city. this was not unintentional. the city and the board passed planning code sectionç 7.941 which excludes these types of facilities from the 1,000 foot roll. q if they did not do that with a would be undermining their purpose. when the san francisco board passed a medical cannabis act, they were demonstratingu! their believe these are needed businesses are needed collectives for the sick and dying people who need this medicine. this complies with california state law. it is something the san francisco board of supervisors voted on and believes. the general plan -- is the general plan ofç the city. if you take that interpretation, that plan would be undermined. it is likely for this reason and the fact the green cross has done everything it can to comply with the san francisco ordinance. it has submitted everything to
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the planning department and planning has gone through the application with a fine tooth comb. planning to run has recommended this board deniedv: taking discretionary review and to grant thew3 application. discretionary review has only been used in exceptional cases and with the utmost restraint. the concept that and needed store that is not allowed to be located because people are against that service is contrary to what the board of supervisors has passed. i would urge this board to adopt the recommendation of the planning department to my discretionary review and applicants -- application. >> this evening. -- good evening. iç am a code enforcement officr for the district.
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i have been where the applicant has reached out to the community and provided numerous presentations. the commanding officer was in attendance at one of those meetings. the applicant mentioned he is willing to work with san francisco police department. on the other side we have been made aware by the community they have a lot of issues and or concerns about this type of business. specifically the close proximity to the ymca. i have no factual evidence to provide you to request to deny this application but i would respectfully request that is stipulate the applicant work closely with the police department to ensure there is not -- that there is adequate security in place as well as a surveillance system that would be approved by our forensic thank you. unit. ç>> a gentleman from sfgtvw wis
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to speak. you're speaking as an individual. i have a number of speakers in favor of the project. scott mullen, julia, tony boyles, wayne,ç if you are her, come on up. >> hello and thank you. i am speaking in strongi] suppot and favor of the green cross being permitted to open a walk- in dispensary. i am the current patient. and benefit for several years from medicinal campus which i could not find their pay from
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from other synthetic drugs for anxiety and depression and several other elements. i wanted to say that from working with them, their professionalism is striking. i cannot imaginea/a in hearing e concerns but i can understand wholeheartedly. i cannot imagine the green cross would portray anything that compassion and responsibility and a safe environment which is i do not feel this could do anything but disprove the opposition and further the neighborhood. thank you. >> i am in favor of approving -- the plan. i have been employed by the green cross for a year. it is one job i sit -- that deals with the community which is through the patients.
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many have told me that cannabis has helped them and it has helped them prolong their lives and they have said they wish they could have a walk-in facility that would benefit their choice of medicine. and that would help thethis hase community and it would benefit everyone all around. thank you. >> it afternoon. i have been at thisq few times before, four or five years ago when theç court hearings we had, i am glad to hear and see the commissioners have done more information under their belt than they did four or five years ago. i keep hearing from the opposition the same kind of complaints and issues they have. i would ask those people to ask themselves if they got seriously
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ill, my mother has been in excruciating pain for six years, taking all the top narcotics a half. foxconn, everything they have said has not done her good. she was a desperate she asked me to give her some marijuana. something for her to try to see if she could gain any relief from this six years of ongoing excruciating pain. these questions get answered to the sameç people that are opposing. what if this happened to one of your relatives? what if one of your relatives was in the same position my mother is in? would you deny that person if there were told they could receive relief, would you deny that person relief? the other side of the issue is that the green cross has been setting the example for so many years that i think when it comes time to decide who will be the model, the green cross stands out. we have proven that with a delivery service. the people in the excelsior need to have the opportunity took hae
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a dispensary. i am hearing there is no dispensers but i am hearing bars. do people stop to think what issues the bars create? do we have drunks from around the neighborhood, doing things you're not aware of? i think you need tot( take that into consideration when considering. also the fact that people in that neighborhood that are opposing may not have all the facts. i think joe aligned it fairly well. we're not talking about getting high. we're talking about a seriously ill patient. people who would find relief with that, they have the right to get relief if they want it just like -- just like my mother needed. she is still not getting relief. çi would like to say that when you are considering this, think of these things that all of us had talked about. we're not here to create fear mongering or any ofç that sortf stuff. we're here to educate and help
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çpeople understand what the grn cross is out to do. we're not here to harm people. when the green crossq 22nd that became the safest area in town. thank you. >> our next speakers. g#>> good evening, members of te board of supervisors. -- planning commission. i am here today in support of the green cross's application to obtain a permit for walk-in facility. as a medical marijuana patient, i am a current member -- current neighbor of the green cross's current delivery only location. i understand thatç some folks y
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be nervous about having a dispensary operate in proximity to where they live. i can confirm that the green cross are friendly neighbors. the staff is professional and respectful. the operation is quiet. they keep our streets clear of trash, debris, and graffiti. there is a balance cameras making me feel safe coming in and outç of my home all times f the day and night. they have helped police investigate crimes and solve them. i used -- i use the green cross for all my medical canada's needs. i have been a member since they opened their doors in two dozen for. i witnessed this organization grow from a small collective to one of the leading medical cannabis dispensaries in the bay area. i find their compassion and commitment to patients' needs unsurpassed. for example, the green cross offers expensive, impressive
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discounts for seniors and veterans. the staff is professional, extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of medical cannabis including, i urge you to grant the permit for an open facility and that this continued to provide cannabis with an excellent and friendly service. thank you. commissioner antonini: if i have called your name, please come on up. >> i have been a patient for the past three years. i personally as a patient, firsthand after getting treated by chemotherapy and radiation, i çnoticed how it affected nausea and i understand there are people out there that are of bill -- abusing the name of uq)e are
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people who are using it to get better. i personally if you would have told me to smoke five years ago, i would say you are joking. when was prescribed by dr. due to the nausea, i tried it. it really helped me. the people who are before you and in line for that location, they have been helping me but i would love to see location that i have a chance to go if i want to go today. not to wait for them to respond to a call. they are busy people. as far as the people who are opposing this location, my daughter moved to the geneva area which is already, there is graffiti everywhere. if any of these neighbors cared, they would do something right now before the pot club or dispensary gives them a bad name. if they cared about them, there
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would look at the liquor store where all kinds of busy -- ççcheesy business goes on in e back room. them and do whatever. most of my --iñ we go home and have a glass of wine. we never see a pot person being violated or drive a hundred miles an hour. a couple of glass of wine could do that to the human, give the wrong judgment and it has been proven. i am here to talk on their behalf. since they have been a model citizen as a dispensary, you should give them a chance and i hope all these people who are worried about their children, they teach their children from the house where they should be taught. but there is good or bad or drug or is not. for blaming society for the children is wrong.
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>> 120 years ago or so, the good people of many neighborhoods like this one would come to keep chinese-americans from living and working in their neighborhoods. they would tell you, we're not bigots are hateful. we're concerned about our children. it would tell you is about the safety of the children. those chinese will go some with opium and kidnap them and take them to shanghai. some years ago another neighborhood like this one, the very good people would tell you those african-americans should not live in their neighborhood. there will rapierq will drug them with heroin. 50 years ago, it would have been the gays. their child molesters. they're going to steal your children and make your children day. çit is all about the children.
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we're not bigoted. it is about the children's safety. now the new bogyman seems to be the medical marijuana patient. debate look like child molesters? are they going to blow smoke into your preschool. 's face? are they going to take some kid out of kindergarten and make him smoke a joint? do they look like they're going to do that? it is bigotry. just like racism and other forms of bigotry. when people judge, people use medical marijuana this way, it is bigotry. >> good evening. i would like to point out first if there are children in -- that there are children in every neighborhood, their neighbors in every neighborhood. there is no evidence that having an mcd in the neighborhood parks the children. there is no evidence that has
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been brought before this commission that it harms the neighbors themselves, the adults çin the neighborhood. on the other hand, there are many sick people in every neighborhood in san francisco. i believe there should be a dispensary for medicali] marijuana in every neighborhood. there is none in this neighborhood. please ignore the ignorance and the suspicions and the fear that have been generated among the neighborhood groups. kevin reed has shown this to be true. when he applied for is permit to be a delivery service on 11th street, several of his important neighbors were opposed. they soon learned within a few months they supported this project because he cleaned up the block. oksimple as that. he made it more possible for the people going in the bar across n their own neighborhood and that is important to me.
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i believe that havingç this dispensary in this neighborhood will improve the safety of the neighborhood. it will not harm the children. it will definitely help those in the neighborhood who need medical marijuana. ççthank you. commissioner antonini: thank you. >> ñrthank you for giving me the opportunity to speak. i have been a client of the green cross since 2005. at that time i had an opportunity to meet mr. reed after his earlier location had to close. i continue to be a client. i came to admire his methods as being as good as any dispensary i have ever visited. not that i visited a lot but the ones i have. i am here to speak about kevin and hisç -- the way he runs his
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cooperative. b.i appreciate the comments ofl the people who are opposed to the dispensary. i think if anybody can address their concerns and make them comfortable with thisç business in their neighborhood, it is mr. reed. thank you. >> hello. i am a medicalç marijuana advocate. speaking right now, to cover a couple of topics that have not been adequately covered. one is clustering. as you are aware there are several neighborhoods that dispensaries can operate in and we get natural clustering. more importantly is the idea that the competition is good. t(we're talking about organizations serving the needs
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of medical patients. the fact is these medical patients will have a choice of where they want to go to get their medicine. this will force the parties involved to provide better madison, better quality of service to their patients. having multiple dispensaries located close to each other is a positive thing as opposed to a negative thing. i would like to discuss the issue of children. i have worked with dispensaries all of the state and there are by andñr large well regulated especially in cities like san francisco that have such a strong regulatory framework. children do not get to walk in and buy marijuana. it was not too long ago that i was a high-school student and there were no dispensaries around and i never had any problems seeing marijuana all the plays. at parties, the street corners, it exists. can i get rid of it. the dispenser is not causing children to smoke marijuana. if anything, they're hoping
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that situation. the final point i would like to bring at often underrepresented when discussing the medical mayor, -- medical marijuana patient. people with cancer, multiple sclerosis, these are ill patients who in many cases the only way they managed to lead a quality of life worth living is through medical marijuana. there's another group, a much larger groups that almost never gets discussed. this is a group of patients to could use other medicine that may be more harmful or more addictive. but they have used marijuana instead. these medications include saks, prozac, -- adderall, ambien. these are problems people have and doctors prescribe medication. i have a lot of friends and associates and i have talked to people who have used marijuana to get off those medications.
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to stop using theç more dangers medications. thank you. -- xdto stopç using the more dangerous medications. thank you. >> i am a patient. i have three children and none of them use drugs. marijuana is a medicine. the there is separation between my use and my children's availability for them to access it. youñr keep it like you would medicine. keep away from your children. i think -- i have been tooç may dispensaries in sentences go. i keep coming back to the green cross for two reasons. they have the best quality and the best price. if you want to support what makes san francisco unique and
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interesting,w3 supporting successful good businesses, you should support the green cross. i have done the research. they're the best. that is all i have to say. thank you. commissioner antonini: thank you. >> cresskill videtsfisit does sy medication to keep fromt( using drugs that cause me were side effects. -- worst side effects. like many have said, the green cross is professional. what i love is the information they provide so i can make an informed decision about the
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prescriptions i want to use. what works best for me. i]the idea of being able to come in and talk to their staff, they're so informed to find out what strains are available. what chemical compositions they have, what works best for me and my illness. what other patients might be using that would work for me. that would be valuable. i would like to address the issue of the fear in the community. it is unfortunate. i am a patient. i am not a criminal. i am not a drug addict. t(i do not abuse or use medical marijuanaç in -- around the children. i have respect for the neighborhood. and just to say that there could possibly be more people here as well in favor of this, but well in favor of this, but cannot be here because they are
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