tv [untitled] February 24, 2012 5:00am-5:30am PST
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projects that have balances, and considering whether or not we need to complete those projects or bring some of those balances forward to address some of these needs, and we are doing that cleanup now, and we will be bringing to you a balanced capital budget proposal along with the operating budget in april. so that is our update on where we are with the operating and capital budgets with a lot coming in the next few months. chairman nolan: ms, members of the board, any comments? any members of the public? secretary boomer: david pilpell. >> there is a lot of information here, so let me be quick, and maybe i will ask a question at the end. these require a little more detailed explanation, at least to the public.
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the $2 million in management reductions, not clear what that is, the determination of the leases was not clear what and where the operating impacts would be. i want to be clear, on page 11 of the operating hand out, that charging for transfers i think it's a bad idea. similarly, charging for the clipper, that is bad. there could be a discount for multiple rides on the clipper, similar to tokens, so if somebody wants to load $40 worth of cash, i would give them more than 20 rides so there is an incentive to use multiple rides using clipper, tokens, but i would not charge more overtly
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for a cash there unless we are increasing cash fares generally, and we have had some discussions about ratios between the cash fares and the ratios. on slide 12, the automatic indexing, one of the boxes, the 13-dollar fare, i believe sometimes in the past we were told that it cannot exceed twice or anything else on the system, which is cable cars, and the staff may want to look at that. i look forward for more detail on the operating budget so i can comment more use only on that. if i can have a moment on the capital budget, it is only a few dollars billion. there are 16 program categories here, but this does not list specific projects, those things
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that are at or below the line and at risk of not being funded, that when help understand how the prioritization plays out, and i have always believed that those projects that save operating and maintenance costs should be the highest priority, and those that expand the system or increase operating costs should be correspondingly a lower priority. it appears that that is calculated in here, and i certainly see director reiskin's philosophy about breaking down crotchets explained very well here, so i look forward to more detail, and a look forward to the budget deliberations before this board. chairman nolan: thank you.
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secretary boomer: mark grueber. >> mark grueber. this was a date that we were told that we would have discussion of the tax proposals, which you may have an idea now that are very controversial, and i would really hate to see us stopped at the end of a long meeting, which will then be a very long meeting, and try to get your attention devoted to this other issue when you are probably at wit's end already. i would say to push this whole thing back to may. there is no need for you to be discussing these tax changes now. there is another round of the medallion sales that is just about to get underway, and that
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will be the thing that is going to provide your revenues going forward at this point, so give us the opportunity to have our issues discussed in an atmosphere where they may make a difference. secondly, and this is totally unorthodox, and probably any political consultant will tell you it is a harebrained scheme beyond any possibility of passage, but i see you have five revenue solutions in terms of ballot measures, and my thought was, why not put all of these before the public at once and say, "take your choice"? it is very hard to get a tax measure passed, and if you say to the public, "we have to have a solution. you take your pick." and those that do not get enough votes fall by the wayside.
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only the one that got the highest number of votes would pass. they would be receptive to that. just an idea. chairman nolan: interesting thought. there is a conversation going on around the budget proposal. it is one better than three or four, so interesting. mayor brown weighed in on this. anyone else on this one? secretary boomer: there is no one else. chairman nolan: an action item. how long do you anticipate the closed session? 10 minutes? we have a request for the break. secretary boomer: item number 12, a discussion and vote to go to closed session. chairman nolan: all in favor?
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all right, we will be back at 20 after. secretary boomer: the directors went into closed session, and i never drove in the discussion to vote to disclose or not to disclose the closed session. chairman nolan: motion to disclose? not to disclose. secretary boomer: and as you noted, at today's meeting will be adjourned in honor of hannah. chairman nolan: ok. thank you.
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captioned by the national captioning institute supervisor avalos: good morning. welcome to the transportation plans and authority -- transportation authority plans and program committee. please call item no. 1, roll call. >> item #one. [calls roll] we have a quorum. supervisor avalos: thank you.
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please call item no. 2. >> approving the minutes of the january 10 meeting. this is an action item. supervisor avalos: any public comment on item number two? seeing no one, we will -- we will close public comment. the motion to approve, we will take that without objection. >> item #3, citizens of advisory committee report. this is an information item. supervisor avalos: good morning. is there a member of the supervisor -- of the advisory committee? oh. >> good morning. excuse me.
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good morning, commissioners. my name is joseph flanagan. i am the vice chair of the citizens advisory committee. i will be providing the cac chair's report today, since the chair was unable to attend this meeting. and item number six of your agenda was considered by the cac in its january 25, 2012 meeting. the cac passed this item and discuss this item regarding the due process of the community outreach and focus on two themes.
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one, the traffic planning program, and two, what will happen -- traffic planning program and what will happen to the park -- projects in the pipeline. two, from the current length of 36 months to 48 months, potentially to 24 months, how does the sf mta plan to maintain accurate community process? in the next item, number eight on your agenda, as considered by the cac, we pass this item unanimously.
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this item is focused on the evaluation of the performance process for the funds before and after a vacation of the project, with the flexibility of the tfta funds for possible use in new projects. that concludes my report. i would be happy to answer questions. supervisor avalos: thank you, vice chair planning and. just a question on your statement on item number six. you talked about going forward on traffic calming, the question over projects in the pipeline,
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did you get a response? did you have a remaining question? it is one that we can ask, as it is presented today. with no other questions from the committee, we can go on to public comment. any member of the public that would like to comment on item number three? thank you. madam clerk, item no. 4. >> item #4. recommend appointment of one member to the citizens advisory committee. this is an action item. >> [inaudible] with authority. by way of background, the authority has 11 member committee. each member serves a two year term.
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the authority board appoints the members. neither the staff nor the citizens advisory committee makes recommendations on appointments. you can see a list of folks on the advisory committee. to qualify for appointment to the citizens advisory committee, you must be a san francisco resident and you must speak to this committee about your interest in qualifications. we currently have one vacancy that is the result of the term expiration of mr. peter cannon. he is interested in being reappointed and he is here today. with that, i can take questions. >> thank you very much. please come forward. -- supervisor avalos: thank you
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very much. please come forward. >> my name is peter cannon. i have served on the citizens advisory committee for the last four years. i have served with the asset mta, traveling by bicycle and muni every day. i feel that with my experience, i can continue to be an effective member of the committee. i would be happy to answer any questions you might have. supervisor avalos: colleagues, comments or questions? ok, thank you for your service and commitment to transit. we will take the matter up. thank you. we can open this item up for public comment.
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if anyone in the public would like to comment, please come forward. >> good morning, directors. i am with the san francisco bicycle coalition. in a couple of were the heartfelt support. i cannot think of anyone who is more qualified to be on this body. on behalf of the bicycle collision, i hope you will return him to this seat. thank you. >> commissioners, my name is francisco dicostra. the cac who plays a very important role. i see candidates coming year, and you are approving them arbitrarily, even though you get
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comments from entities who are just working with the san francisco county transportation authority to push their agenda. the coalition is like a political action committee. they take monies from their membership and push an agenda. it is their prerogative. you, board of supervisors, who sit as a commission, must pay attention to what is really happening in our city. whether it is the $700 million that was spent on the light rail, the future of the central subway, but is really happening with high-speed rail. so, in view of such types of
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projects that need a different type of experience, i have suggested and others have suggested that we need a better caliber of candidates. we have some, like candidates to have represented the same sector forever. we need infusion of new blood to make progress. thank you very much. supervisor avalos: thank you. if there are no other members of the public to comment, we will close public comment. we actually have another candidate who is here. my apologies. introduce yourself, please. >> hello, mr. chairman and members of the community.
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i am a strong supporter of public transit. muni is my primary way around the city. this coming thursday, i will be attending the next central subway community advisory group meeting. for over one year i have been coordinating with the market street railway preservation partners. as many of you know, being a docent in the downtown area has given me insight into what i believe is the cause, but also for partial solutions, saving muni millions of dollars each year. for example, tourists have the areas where approximately 1 dozen mines pass through.
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so that buses do not have to wait behind left turning cars. as a software engineer by trade, i am used to making complex decisions in compromises based on data. i think it would make me an excellent candidate member of the citizens advisory committee. thank you for the opportunity to serve the city and county of san francisco. supervisor avalos: thank you very much. is this your first time applying? >> yes, it is. supervisor avalos: i am sorry, i did not catch your name again. >> paul lukas. supervisor avalos: colleagues, we have before us several members who are interested in the citizens advisory committee. i know that i received an e-mail from supervisor wiener about
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supporting canon's reappointment to the commission in the district that the supervisor service in. is that correct? so, more or less? yes. so, colleagues, we have this item before us. any motions? commissioner calling? >> i would also like to put a motion on the floor -- supervisor cohen: i would like to put the motion on the floor to support greg doxes for this position. supervisor avalos: is there a second on the motion? supervisor olague: second. supervisor avalos: any other motion? >> can i question something --
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this is district 8c? >> there are tests -- technically not district seat, but diversity is one of the criteria that we look at through geographic equity. there is one member from each district, with the exception of district 8, at this time. supervisor avalos: thank you. supervisor farrell: i would say that, given that, i will put the motion forward for this seat. let me say that it is because of the district 8 connection. i am new to this policy, but it makes sense in that think it is something that we should support.
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supervisor avalos: thank you. supervisor olague: i think that some of the things i am concerned about is the lack of diversity on this committee. i think that a lot of the issue that we here at this level, which concern transportation, has a heavy impact on communities, particularly communities of color. to that end, i am in support of commissioner cohen's motion. i think that we really need to think about having a more representative body to represent the city. i think that the impacts are pretty significant. i just wanted to put that out there. supervisor avalos: colleagues, let's go ahead and do a wrote --
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roll-call vote on the motion. can we do that? director moskowitz? >> first of all, congratulations on your appointment to the committee. a quick clarification. as the chief deputy said, the committee over a number of years sought to get to a district by district representation pattern, because it was felt that it was important to have at least one person from each district. in addition to that, i wanted to clarify and review the concerns for what the commissioner has put on the table, which is something we have been pursuing for years. that all of these appointments are staggered. if you look at the chart on page 37 of your packet, you will see
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that there are opportunities coming out for appointments or reappointment, throughout 2012. there are two in july and one in december. in fact, they are distributed amongst several different districts. 10, 1, 4, 5, and so on. there are several opportunities per year to have this discussion. you do have a detailed representation at the bottom of the chart, on page 37. the other thing that i should clarify is, because i have been asking myself this question, what is the challenge on this
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committee member of this is a committee that gets to do a lot of work. late meetings that go three hours, at least, every month. it is hard to find people who are available to attend the meetings. you would only missed two meetings per year and otherwise would be automatically of the committee. it is a dedicated group of people. supervisor olague: i am not saying that people of a certain community cannot adequately represent the impacts, but i believe that there are plenty of people who are off of a diverse
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background that have the skills and commitment to fulfill the requirement. the skills and requirements for cup -- that the role requires. supervisor avalos: i have known greg and have worked for him -- with him for a number of years. i think he would make a great member of the committee. i also feel that it is important that we look at what the tradition has been in terms of having district seat on the cac. to me, that is an important consideration. this committee has often deferred to the supervisor. there was a request for the supervisor to continue with the appointment of the community member.
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that is just one of the many decisions that we make here as a body. but we can have a roll call that goes. commissioner cohne: n. commissioner cohen: thank you. i am not sure this is how you intended, but i feel like your comments are almost justification as to why we should not support him, and i would disagree respectfully with what you pointed out. i believe if we have several different appointments coming up, there will be another opportunity for peter tannen. what i am saying is we have an opportunity to make a decision today. why wait until june?
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why wait until june when the district can see it is expired. we have an opportunity today before us to make an incremental change that will, i believe, have a lasting impact on the southeast part of the city. thank you. commissioner avalos: madam clerk, if we could have a roll call. [calling roll] kim absent. olague, aye. two ayes. so that falls down the middle. commissioner avalos: the motion fails. a motion from commissioner farrell.
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