tv [untitled] February 25, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PST
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fire department wins. it does not matter what the police said. they donot setoccupancy in the officeoore that was the working capacity when i called. seating city, but still "-- a total occupancy incling staff 49. herebeprocs note here about 37 incidents at jack in the box over two years. is that correct? officer moore: between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., yes. officemoor the majority wase by jack in the box. here is also a lot of talk about litterand urination in e area. o yoattrutat to the best of your knowledge -- is that attributed to thepatrons of jack in the box? istherea homeless potion
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around there? do you have any idea? there is a large homeless population. i would say the majority of the trash in the area is from jack in the box. vice chair joseph: are there other restaurants in the area that are open late at night? a donut shop? same area, but in the richmond direct -- richmond district. office moore: we do not.l atay that there is a high frequency of calls regarding crimeocrrt or near jack 6:00.e boxbetween :00 and fficermoor that is false. vice chair joseph: i guess that
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is most important question. i wanted to know if that was true or false. commissioners, do you have any questions for the police on this issue? miione, frmyointof view, late-night food in the city is veimportant. here h een lots of mention made to people being drunk. -- jack in the box does not hing food late at night help peleot tbedr certainly not as strong when commit -- police conditions, orpeal, ink late-iti latht foobetwee 2:000 and 6:00
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and 4:00 is very important, especially for people coming out ot for them closing between 2:00 a 4:00. coer it would be between 4:00 a0. certainlyno 4 does anyone else have further discussion pot of theconcentratio between 2:00 and 4:00. eople are looking fo an alteative place toeat at affordable. there are many already. affole -- it is unfortunate. state, i eati there asc well. my brother and sister lived around the corner. times have changed, obviously. nightclub owners have stepped it up. ccessio a changeske a loto
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if the place is shut down, it is quiet. at the same time, we have a reonsibili te pele that do patronize some of the businesses, even the bars across the street. whether theygoere ornot, they have a chance to go and get some coffee as well. with that, and because it is an istitution,and because th applict is willing to put his money where his mouth is and inis i woulliketo see, if only this does go through, that you would use ight if security and not corporate security. night life security knows how to handle people that are alittle intoxited. it helps keep the noise down. securi can handle such things. that is just my opinion. with that said.
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vice chair joseph: there has been also some mention of trons between 2:00 and 4:00, which would make it 25 patrons an hour. i have heard that. at a meeting, they mentioned there would be 100 patrons. their table space is to seat 18. the occupancy is 49. that is my only other thing that i noted in the comments. commissioners, i entertain a motion on jack in the box. commissioner perez: one more thing. since thereare soan motions, i propose the latest one to the security situation, the one that supervisor mar -- vice chair joseph: and the
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police commission -- conditions. you are moving to approve? commissioner perez: on those conditions, yes. vice chair joseph: you are moving to approve with the conditions? commissioner perez: if we have to go this route, which i think see it as a major problem, even though they are may be short staffed. at the same time, they are willg tobe there. supervisor mar is stepping up securityand ving ext ar eapplicant wants to pay that. i do not know how much you can if you affo that, whatever. you can do to help the community. weo that at our club. sometimes we go all the way down the block. you are just ike us now. vice chair joseph: are you adding o keepthe streets clean? commissioner perez: can that go
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on there? i am new at this. >> does that motion include that the jack in the box is closed between 2:00 and 4:00? commissioner perez: the existing that i saw, the one from a supervisor mar -- >> he said he wanted it closed. commissioner perez: i am sorry. i am talking about the police motion. >> -- vice chair joseph: the police recommended at they stay open between 2:00 and 4:00. police recommendation. ith e securis.ereye vice chair joseph: toclarify you are moving to approve,are applying the police conditions, superviso'conditions, and the additional condition that e streetof litterarounde
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their venue. neighbors should call theme manager and say there is somebody sitting on their stoops, eating a sandwich. make those calls. vice chair joseph: that is part of the good neighbor policy, which is 13 additional conditio. that is your motion? commissioner perez: that is my motion. vice chair joseph: is there a second? then we can do friendly amendments'. there is a motion and a second. i am tired. commissioner hyde: you want them open from 2:00 to 4:00? vice chair joseph: is that your motion? commissioner perez: 2:00 to 4:00
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with security. this motion right here. vice chair joseph: can i see that? commissioner perez: this is the one i was reading off. am i right or wrong? vice chair joseph: 7 days a week. 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. commissioner perez: -- 10 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. commissioner perez: yes. vice chair joseph: that is your motion to close at 4:00? commissioner perez: my motion is to close at 6:00. commissioner cavellini: i would like to make a friendly amendment that the conditions at the sfpd have provided, along with supervisor mar, be implemented, but the hours be
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extended only until 4:00. vice chair joseph: that is a friendly amendment. you can choose to accept it or not. it is up to you. commissioner perez: you are saying until 4:00? commissioner cavellini: if you need food coming out ofcertain establishments that close at 2:00, it seems you could get out of there by 3:00. but it could go until 4:00. vice chair joseph: do you accept it or not? commissioner perez: i do not commissioner hyde: can i make a friendly amendment? cleaning the sidewalks, can we say 50 feet from the boundaries of the lot? vice chair joseph: do you accept that friendly amendment? commissioner perez: i do. vice chair joseph: are you the second? you except it, obviously. -- accept it, obviously.
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>> just to be clear, you are also including supervisor mar's recommendations? ice chair joseph: yes, minuses hours of operation, obviously. ---his hours of operation, obviously. there are police conditions at they keep the streets clean. commissioner hyde: did heay second guard on saturdays and before holidays? the chaijose applicants said they were going to do that on their ow aryo clear now?tion. is everybody clear? ok. call the roll. commissioner perez: aye. comissioner lee: aye. commissioner cavellini: no. vice chair joseph: aye. it does not carry.
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did you say no? it does not carry. we have to entertain a different motion. the motion did not pass. you need a quorum of four yes notes for it to pass. commissioner cavellini: a motion to approve the extended hours with the sfpd conditions and supervisor mar's conditions, but only operating until 4:00 a.m. vice chair jose is there a second? commissioner hyde: second. i take tt ck. you are saying stay open until 4:00 a clothes from 4: to 6:00? vice chair joseph: do wehave a motion and a second? >> is that with all the conditions of the previous motion? commissioner hyde: i was assuming. vice chair joseph: donot assume. commissioner cavellini: i will
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accept the friendly amendment. vice chai joseph: and with the conditions of the police and supervisor mar, iswhat you said, and the friendly amendment of cleaning 50 feet. the motion on the floor is to grant an after-hours permit until 4:00 a.m., accepting our good neighbor policy, police conditions, the supervisor conditions, and to sweep the area within 50 feet. commissioner perez: no. commissioner lee: aye. commissioner cavellini: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. motion passes. next item on the agenda. please leave quietly, folks. i appreciate that. steve foster, doing business as lucky strike, 200 ki street.
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nicklaus, you are up. >> lucky strike is a bowling alley and place for parties with burgers and games. it is at 200 king street. an important note for the record -- this is strange for us, because the address is not under the jurisdiction of the planning department. lucky strike bowling alley use is allowed under the mission bay north redevelopment plan, specifically designated as the mission bay north retail. it allows entertainment which includes amusement, nighttime entertainment, and theater. we recommend approval. vice chair joseph: is the applicant here? come on up, lucky strike. i used to be a neighbor. art of my club was 54 king street. it is now a condo building. >> my name is stephen foster. i am the founder of lucky
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strike. with me is our administrative director. for those of you that are not familiar with the high end bowling of venue, it has a top quality restaurant and bar. we take our role seriously. we were the first one in hollywood in 2003. since then, we have opened 20 of our locations around the united states. we are involved with our community. we take pride in our food. and in pretty much everything we do. we probably have 5 million guests over the year threat united states. we almost never have an incident. when we do, we are collective. our management staff are highly trained professionals. the our guard card carriers. -- they are guard card carriers.
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i am proud of it. and i am so excited to be in san francisco. any questions? vice chair joseph: i am just glad we have a bowling alley again. we have not had one in years. commissioners questions? no questions. have a seat. i open up to public comment lucky streak -- lucky strike, 200 king street. is there any public comment? stefano, are you standing because you are going to make public comment? it is not. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, i entertain a motion. mr. king, call the rollbacks -- call the roll. congratulations. you are the fastest permit tonight. we are all going to be going down to hit some strikes and
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spares, i am sure. good luck to you. next permit. edmund chain -- edmond chang, doing buisiness as shabu pub. mr. king, you are up. what happened to mr. king? nicolas? go for it. >> there was a belated request for a cantonese interpreter. i am checking with the applicant to see if he wanted to proceed or not. vice chair joseph: do we have an interpreter? >> no. vice chair joseph: and you just got the request? does the applicant want a continuance? > i just checked with him and he said no. this is mr. chang, the owner and operator. this is a place of entertainment permit for karaoke.
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i'll turn it to him. vice chair joseph: mr. chang? do you speak english? >> a little bit. ce cirjoseph: a little bit. can you telle atbout you >> do liketaur. we jnt tgee entertainment?eph: whatustomer >> singing karaoke. ce cir joseph: ok. anybody have any questions? commissioner cavellini: have you had a karaoke bar before? ye commissioner cavellini: i am
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sorry. i do not speak chinese. in san francisco you had a karaoke bar? or you have been working at a carrier cou barefore? >> mostly, i do entertainmen around the b area for many years. tellmewherer cavellini:can yo >> san franciscoe soni center. a chinese concert over there. at the city hall. at the palace. vice chair joseph: mr. chang, unfortunately, your application is not filled out. the only way i know how. if you do not understand what i am saying, stop ubmitt, not filled out.
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outreach and talk to your neighbors. you said you did noto any of return on your application. that is part of the requirement. you need to ta to you neigors to ask about what you are going to do. tell them you are going to have >> poste a sign in front of commissioner perez: that is not enough. you actually have to reach out. vice chair joseph: mr. chang, heentertaiencoissiontaf contacted you about this permit? >> yes. vice chairjose whenid they contact you the first time? >> october. you could not erate le youyo had a permit. did you stop operating?
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restnt.want to do the iconfus that i still need an entertainment license for that. ice ai joseph do you represent him? do you want to speak into the microphone? i tryito clarify maybe a couple of things that were not made clear. has an upper ridding restaurant right now. what he wants to do is to i was not aware that it was not filled out properly. he has an existing karaoke vice cirepe dono have an existing carriers to
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business. >> in the sunset. vice chair joseph: 0 in a different location? on the caravel -- on taravel. vice chair joseph: is there anything further? anythi further? >> on the application, some areas are not filled out because i am just a restaurant. fill it to vice chair joseph: you are not just a restaurant because you are actively operate in turkey without a permit right now, and so you are more than a restaurant. >> i just wanted to usethe kaoke system. i am doing processing on the application now.
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vice chair joseph: take a seat. let me open it to public comment, and then the commissioners can talk. i would like to hear from a permit officer first, and then i would like to hear from officer moore. >> commissioners, mr. chang was visited by me on august 13 last year. at that time, we warned him he was operating in a karaoke establishment without a permit. erating wit a peitwee do any take the first ste of information and education, as you have heard many times before. on august 13, we visited and explained the process. aly forermienetos going to o he was revisited again on october 15 by myself and officer
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moore. toeratwithout peitas contui on the 15th, he was cited by officer moore for city permit reir foerating e business without a permit. he did not submit his application until october 21. we ve merous talks. we have warned him on the 13th of august. we warned him again on the 15th. fficerore is here. -- moore is here. likealcoholalesotheeconroblems floor,which is not peitted. although it is not under the commission per view, there have been questions about fire code why don't i turn it to officer more -- moore?
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vice chair joseph: his karaoke bar on taravel, has that come before us before? >> i would need an address and a name to confirm it. vice chair joseph: officer? officer moore: good evening again. the ipector jt he mentioned his first visit on aust 13, where he advised mr. and then when we cited him for the permit violation. inaddition, they have an abc every karaoke room has been
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outfitted with plastic cups of ice -- of dice. there are also gambling tiles. ater i from -- issued recotionfor a place of entertainment. the formercommanding officer at coteon ourpreviousndedenial he contied t run it as a place of entertainment. there were yelp reviews,people saying they used the karaoke rooms after the citation occurred. i visited shabu pub during the
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diotee a sign posted.saign also, one of the rooms upstairs had been converted to a bedroom. led on to the roof that theot, first level, whichhad a letter attached to eside -- a letter attached to the side to let you there was a full shower, which opened e dooren used when mr. the mirror was steamed. there was a pair of women's time iave kehi abouthe showers
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anything, he has changed his story numerous times. mecan onlymehe lyito first he said the shower was for workers, if they had to stay late. heidthebed wasfor the same thing. later, he said it was for his own personal use. i have the of reviews. riehe el aside from that, his application is far from complete. vice chair joseph: ank yo very muc can you take that from nicholas, behind you? ection may section 10 60.1, ecti
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