tv [untitled] February 28, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm PST
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balance. you are dealing with sound as gaping -- with sound. i can speak to instances i personally witnessed your goos. the patron was left there until i instructed not security to take care of them. when security was predominantly inside and i watched patrons walk 15 or 20 feet to one of the garage doors, so giving you an idea of what we are talking
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about. crowd control is really an issue, so this is about quality of life. >> what has changed? is it that just now othey are changing the music now? what has changed? us this has been an issue for a long term. -- this has been an issue for a long time. they were cited last year on february 7. there has been lots of notices going out. we have not gotten a lot of
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responses back. with lack of response, you are not sure if they did or did not. that is a valid question. this has been an issue a long time, and neighbors have reached the breaking point. >> two other commissioners have questions? i was going to ask a question, but i can wait. >> i think it would pabe really valuable to listen to the neighbors discuss it etc. >> thank you. i need all the guidance i can get. have you had the occasion to take any sound test spars there.
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>> the sound escapes from the front to the buyer has improved -- to the back has improved. the sound going into neighbors residents on either side has not improved. i think it is important to make one comment. this permit is older than the hills, so a big part of it is by bringing this permit modern and compliant, we will probably take care a lot -- of a lot of issues. there is no security plan. there has never been a sound test of the entire club. a lot of this has never happened, so it is almost like treating it like a brand new permanent and modernizing it and
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making it compliant, but it is very important to listen to what the neighbors have to say so you have that range of what conditions you want. >> i want to say something about the residents on the side. are they attached? >> i take umbrage with the fact that a permit issued in 1988 is older than the hills. i am 47, but i would like to hear from the neighbors if you would like to respond to the issues. is there anyone here from ingleside station? >> no. >> i am one of the neighbors
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directly next to the bar. i have a copy i would like to give you that is signed, and just to give you a quick overview commo, my husband and n both of these buildings. this has been a long time coming. the out of control and intoxicated behavior at the bar results in fear for our safety and others in the neighborhood. i do not live there, but i am here representing my tenants and their children. the music is so loud it is disturbing for the immediate neighbors and for many in surrounding blocks.
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there are constant broken bottles, vomit, trash, urination. i once swept broken glass from the front of two garages. the above concerns also happened in the back of our building. there is also constant blocking of driveways, even though we have to put up no parking signs, and what happens is our tenants cannot get out of their garage, and i have received questions about what do they do. i have been to ingleside station. i have asked them to pay attention. what i want to share is the people are intimidated. the tenants are intimidated by calling the police.
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they are intimidated by the people, so i asked your help in this situation, because this is quality of life, and people do not have to live like this. thank you for your time. >> my name is dan he'ath, and i lived two doors away. we have invited the inspector to our house to witness this, and that was the incident he was talking about where the person was passed out on the street. there is a huge problem with
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over serving. these people are leaving at all hours of the evening all the way up until 2:00, yelling and screaming, vomiting, urinating on our building, trash, everything that has been explained already, and it is really tough to live and see that constantly over and over, and we have been told to call the police. they will drive by and do something, but i know there are a lot of things more important than this, so it seems like nothing is getting done. i have had e-mails, and i lost it because of my patients with putting up with the sound, trying to go to sleep until 2:00 in the morning, thursday, friday, and saturday, and sunday night when you are trying to go
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to work monday morning, and the sound is coming through two buildings into my building, and it sounds like a washing machine that is out of balance and going berserk, and you cannot do anything about isn't. you put your pillow over your head. new put earplugs in, and finally you snap. you cannot sleep. when we are in our living room, we are two doors down, and it is a little bit darker. the patrons come out. they are on their cell phones. now they are smoking, hanging out in front of our place, because it is where the cars are part. they are playing loud music, and they are acting like there is nobody else around, so what i would like to see get done, the place is so small, go back to
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the innkeeper days, and put in a jukebox. having a live band is ridiculous because you are not going to be able to contain the sound. if they close the front door, you do not hear the sound up front so far. if they close the back you do not hear it in the back alley, but literally, the sound going through the walls is enough to make you crazy, and the vomit, the urination, the debris common and and the people coming out of there, and even i have trouble. is damaging the neighborhood. >> thank you. >> hello, i am dan's wife, and i
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wanted to share some pictures of the things we are exposed to. you can see in the left corner of pile of vomit. lower picture, cigarette butts from the night before, and on another occasion you have urination in the street, in that same spot, and these are pictures i am going outside of my protected area to take these pictures, because i do not get hurt with the police department -- do not get heard with the police department with the calls i have made. here is a bottle left out by the patrons, and here is another
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occasion of urination again a. >> this is in front of the building? >> in front of our house. this is a common occurrence. what they do is they do a u- turn, and they light up, burning rubber. it is really blurry, bobut i did the best i could. cracks are they running go nuts? -- >> are they running donuts? >> they pull into a turn and do a u-turn. >> like a half donut. >> did you really just say that?
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>> the other thing i want to bring up is that i have called the police department on many occasions, and i have waited to see when they come, and on one occasion two officers were in the vehicle. they were headed south on mission street, and the officer in the passenger side yelled out the window to the guard. i do not know what they said, and he drove off, and then a second time, an officer told up front heading south on mission street and went into the venue, a passing all the loiterers and smokers, went inside with maybe two or three minutes, came back out, and none of the noise change. i want to bring up the fact that i have been working with mrs.
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smith of the public health departments for the smoke-free, and she has been there a few times, and the last time i spoke with her she said she was going to address this. here is proof that shows they are still not abiding by what they have been discussing. >> this is in front of your house? >> this is in front of our house. they come, and it is a little bit setback may be afoot, a foot and a have set back, so it has an overhang. they talk on their phone, they get away from the bar because it is too noisy, and after working with anita floras, because what they are doing is dumping their
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mock water into the street, and she has been out there several times to talk to them. for whatever reason, it is not sinking in this is not ok, so i wanted to share those things, and also, as my husband was saying, i would much rather have it go back to the amount of rentals to having a jukebox again. it also because of a lifetime of catching hopkinup to the good nr commission list of they are not abiding by, i would like to see them have to renew their or whatever is possible on an annual basis so we can discuss
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what is going on and what is not taking place because we cannot get the help from the police to take this serious, and i know there is a stabbing inside the bar of a bartender, so these kinds of things to scare me, and i have a tenant, and we are concerned we are not going to be able to keep the tenant we have. >> regardless of what the outcome of this meeting is, what i would like to recommend at this point is to seek out directly with as many neighbors as you can a meeting with the captain of ingleside station in direct contact with him, and also the same with your district supervisor, and i do not know
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who the supervisor is. >> avalos. >> that is what you need to get this to the forefront of the people that are most likely to monitor them and do something about it. >> that is how i originally got started with working with now officer mccarthy, and i sent him a video with loud music, and that became a code violation 49, and that is how it got started, but i have spoken with jocelyn back in 2005. that is how far this goes back for me. >> thank you. >> is there any other member of the public? is the owner there?
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did i understand you are the son of the owner? are you part of this operation? >> iphone 1%. -- i own 1%. as you can see, even the air i breezed they bother -- the air i breath they bother. up to these last three years. >> you are saying the complaints are warrantless? >> let me explain how this is happening. we have been there 30 years. this is a quiet neighborhood bar. everybody knows each other. there is no young people.
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we only have live events on the weekend. we are working with the inspector when they have some complaints. and we fix the wall. we put no wall in the window. it might be true it was getting the sound oxide, and the last time this came in, i put some weather in front of the door, and the music was completely reduced. according to the inspector, he said -- >> you mean the inspector last year? >> a couple conversations with
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him, and he said it sounded ok. after that, this particular neighbor -- >> it is kind of like ok. these people who live that far away are hearing this. >> like i said before, having worked with them in the past, they did improvement in the front, and the sound in those areas is contained. it is the sound coming through the walls that is a major issuer. >> you realize you're not allowed to have any sound coming out of the building? he is saying you have a problem with the sides. >> my neighbor who is complaining, i live at one house, so maybe it is my tv that
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is bothering him, because i do not see any sounds. the bars are here. i live in this house, and he lives in the next house, and i do not hear anything. maybe it is my tv because i have it in the wall, that is what it is, but the sound could be from one side or maybe in the back, but we fix those things like that. >> the walls on the side, what are they made of? what is the wall made of on the side? what material? is it would, stucco? >> i want to say it is the pro. >> there is no -- i want to say is stucco. >> have you ever tried to sound
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proves the walls? >> i have not heard anything. >> i am asking if you tried to sound proves it. >> i have not. >> the sow is leaking through the sides. -- the sound is leaking through the side. your neighbors are hearing it coming out of the sides of the buildings. that is what they are saying? >> no, i went there, and there is no sound inside my house. that is why i am suggesting maybe it is my tv that is bothering him. >> your neighbors are complaining about cigarette butts on the floor you do not clean up. >> i clean it, but he complains. >> they showed us pictures of what of cigarette butts. >> we control the cigarettes.
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we clean in the morning. >> our inspectors said somebody passed out. >> it is not the only complaint we have received. he complains about everything we do. when i was there, and we called the city department. he can have those over there. i was there -- the church that was there, he complained about that, too. >> let's not worry about the lord. what i think we need to do is a comprehensive sound test to
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resolve this once and for all, whether it is coming or not coming, and if you understand and no sound is allowed to come out. we are going to test stepthat, d if there is sound coming out, you are not going to have the music until you pass a test. do you understand that? >> yes. >> and you agree with that? >> of course. >> she you feel it is necessary to have live entertainment instead of a jukebox? >> we only have the weekends. >> what are the hours? >> meron 9:00 until 2:00 friday and saturday, and we stopped the
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music at 12 on sunday. >> how about you stop it at 1:00 friday and saturday and 10:00 on sunday? would you be agreeable? >> i would really hurt the business. people leave when the music stopped. >> yes, but you are playing it until 2:00 in the morning. >> i play it until 12 on sunday. >> that is pretty late on a sunday night, don't you think'? >> for you it is late, but not for me. >> i thought you were watching your tv. i do not know what parameters we have here. >> i have got a question. you have your permit, and that was for a jukebox.
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>> always. >> this has been increasingly at a problem. >> we never had any problems. >> you have a sound system this goes through? >> we only have three people playing. >> the you have a sound system, or is it acoustic? the you have speakers on the wall? >> we have a speaker, and we have reduced the speaker. >> you have amplifier's they plug into that goes to the speakers? >> no. >> what about the guitars? >> do you have drums hein? >> it is not electric. >> tell me the three instruments. >> guitar, drums, and piano.
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>> the you put microphones in the drums? >> no. >> it is a tiny place. >> the you know about a good neighborhood policy? >> yes, we are doing the best we can to please all the neighbors. >> you have to do it every day, the good neighbor policy every day that you are open. >> we open at 3:00 in the afternoon every day until saturday, when we open from 11:00 until 2:00. >> there is a policy. when you have neighbors you are supposed to be a good neighbor, and there is a policy.
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do you know about that? >> i do not. when the expected was coming over, we agreed. we said, we have a sound and i do my best according to his suggestions. >> what i want to say is you have a permit. a permit is issued by this commission, and the permits today in the year 2012 has requirements that you have to follow in order to get your permit, and the good neighbor policy says you have to keep your doors closed, you have to sweep your streets. you have to have a phone number available for your neighbors to call. it is a condition.
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it will become a condition of your permit. you cannot try to follow it. you must follow it every night. whatever time you are open, you have to follow all the conditions. if you do not follow the conditions, you will be in violation of your permit. if you violate your permit, we will give you a citation. if you get enough science, we can suspend your permit, so you have to follow the rules of the permits beginning today. do you understand that? >> yes, i do. >> you cannot try to follow it. you must follow it.
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