tv [untitled] February 28, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm PST
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that is camouflaged. >> we got it. >> i have an order of new business. sorry, john. when we were at the committee of development at western soma, there was someone who did the old "there are needles in my garbage, there are needles in my st.." i know for a fact that needles are not i would say 90% of the time -- not associated with my life. i met someone from the drug policy who went to europe, who went to a safe dance community. i think they should come here and give a presentation about what the europeans are doing
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around making drug policy part of the night life industry as well as the kind of drugs people do, so we can clear up those misnomers people are bringing to the table. if we can get the drug policy alliance night life policy person to talk to us, i think it would be really helpful. >> commissioners, i know you want to get out of your -- >> we had public comment in the beginning. unless this is chattering. [laughter] all right. that concludes the february 28 meeting in the san francisco city and county of entertainment commission. thank you all.
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>> feel like it really is a community. they are not the same thing but it really does feel like there's that kind of a five. everybody is there to enjoy a literary reading. >> the best lit in san francisco. friendly, free and you might get fed. ♪ [applause] >> this san francisco ryther created the radar reading series in 2003. she was inspired when she first moved to this city in the early 1990's and discover the wild west atmosphere of open mi it's ic in the mission. >> although there were these open mics every night of the week, they were super macho.
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people writing poems about being jerks. beatty their chest onstage. >> she was energized by the scene and proved up with other girls who wanted their voices to be heard. touring the country and sharing gen-x 7 as a. her mainstream reputation grew with her novel. theses san francisco public library took notice and asked her if she would begin carrying a monthly reading series based on her community. >> a lot of the raiders that i work with our like underground writers. they're just coming at publishing and at being a writer from this underground way.
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coming in to the library is awesome. very good for the library to show this writing community that they are welcome. at first, people were like, you want me to read at the library, really? things like that. >> as a documentary, there are interviews -- [inaudible] >> radar readings are focused on clear culture. strayed all others might write about gay authors. gay authors might write about universal experiences. the host creates a welcoming environment for everybody. there is no cultural barrier to entry. >> the demographic of people who come will match the demographic of the reader. it is very simple. if we want more people of color, you book more people of color. you want more women, your book
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more women. kind of like that. it gets mixed up a little bit. in general, we kind of have a core group of people who come every month. their ages and very. we definitely have some folks who are straight. >> the loyal audience has allowed michelle to take more chances with the monthly lineup. established authors bring in an older audience. younker authors bring in their friends from the community who might be bringing in an older author. >> raider has provided a stage for more than 400 writers. it ranges from fiction to academics stories to academic stories this service the
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underground of queer fell, history, or culture. >> and there are so many different literary circles in san francisco. i have been programming this reading series for nine years. and i still have a huge list on my computer of people i need to carry into this. >> the supportive audience has allowed michele to try new experiment this year, the radar book club. a deep explorationer of a single work. after the talk she bounces on stage to jump-start the q&a. less charlie rose and more carson daly. >> san francisco is consistently ranked as one of the most literate cities in the united states. multiple reading events are happening every night of the year competing against a big names like city arts and
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lectures. radar was voted the winner of these san francisco contest. after two decades of working for free michelle is able to make radar her full-time job. >> i am a right to myself, but i feel like my work in this world is eagerly to bring writers together and to produce literary events. if i was only doing my own work, i would not be happy. it is, like throwing a party or a dinner party. i can match that person with that person. it is really fun for me. it is nerve wracking during the actual readings. i hope everyone is good. i hope the audience likes them. i hope everybody shows up. but everything works out. at the end of the reading, everyone is happy. ♪
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>> you probably think you know all about the exploratorium. but have you ever been after dark? did you know there was a monthly party called after dark? science mixes with culture and adults mix with other adults. no kids allowed. every week there is a different theme. to tell us about the themes is melissa alexander. tell us about some of the previous themes we have had. >> we have had sex ploration sugar red, blue.
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many things. >> what is the theme tonight? >> rock, paper, scissors. we are having a tournament tonight, but we have also used as a jumping off point to explore lots of different ideas. you can find out about rock, paper, scissors as a game as a reproductive strategy. you can interact with a piece of art created by lucky dragon. you can get your hair cut from a cool place called the public barber's salon. they use scissors only. you can find out about local geology, too. >> that sounds like fun. let's check it out. >> this is the most common rock on the surface of the earth. interesting thing is most of this rock is covered over by the ocean. >> error congested a cool presentation on plate tectonics.
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tell us about what we just saw. >> we wrapped up a section of a lesson on a plate tectonics here at the exploratory and -- exploritorium. >> are you excited to see people here having fun and learning about science? >> the people that come here are some selected to begin with they actually enjoy science. i teach teachers to have fun with their kids. the general public is a great audience, too. they're interested in science. >> we have a blast every time. they have different names. >> they have a bar and a cafe. everything i need. we are excited for the speaker. >> it is nice to be in the exploratorium when there are not
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a lot of kids around. >> before tonight, i never knew there were major league rules to rock paper, scissors. i am getting ready to enter into a competition. sarah's here to give me some tips. what do i need to do to win it? >> this is a game of chance to a degree. one of the best ways to bring it home is a degree of intimidation, maybe some eye contact maybe some muscle. it is a no contact sport. sheer i contact is a good way to maybe intimidate to see if you can set them off, see if they throw something they did not mean to. >> i am going to see what happens. >> i got kicked out in the first round. [applause] >> given up for sunni. the rock paper, scissors
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champion. >> what are you going to do now? >> i have been having so much fun. i got my tattoo. before we go i want to thank melissa alexander for having us here tonight. how did you know san francisco needed a night like tonight? >> thank you for coming. everybody loves the exploratorium. we are reluctant to push the kids out of the way in the day, so i knew we needed to create one evening a month just for the rest of us to have a good time the adults. >> absolutely. where can we find out what is coming up after dark? >> that is easy exploratorium .edu/afterdark. >> thank you. thanks for watching
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president chiu: good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday february 28, 2012. please call the roll. >> supervisor avalos? supervisor campos? president chiu? supervisor chu? supervisor cohen? supervisor elsbernd? supervisor farrell? supervisor kim? supervisor mar? supervisor olague? supervisor wiener? mr. president, all members are present. president chiu: thank you. please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> [inaudible] president chiu: colleagues, do
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we have our meeting minutes from the january 10 and 24th board meetings? do i have a motion to approve those minutes? seconded by supervisor campos. approved. madam clerk, any communications? >> no. president chiu: please read the consent agenda. >> items numbers one and two. they will be acted upon by roll call vote unless requested. president chiu: would anyone like to sever these items? roll-call vote on items one and two? >> items one and two. supervisor farrell? i. -- aye. supervisor kim?
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president chiu: we are in the process of a vote. we can rescind and discuss at the end, if you like. >> supervisor olague? aye. supervisor wiener? aye. supervisor avalos? aye. supervisor campos aye. supervisor elsbernd? ay.e e. there are 11 aye.s president chiu: the motion is approved. supervisor cohen: i have made a motion to rescind. president chiu: without objection, the vote is rescinded. if we can rescind item number two. madam clerk, can the do the first item? -- can we do the first item? >> we would have to take the
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roll call. president chiu: let's do it on item number one. >> item number one. supervisor avalos? aye supervisor campos? aye president chiu? supervisor chu? supervisor cohen? supervisor elsbernd? supervisor farrell? supervisor kim? supervisor mar? supervisor olague? supervisor wiener? there are 11 ayes. president chiu: that motion is approved. item number two supervisor: cohen. supervisor cohen: may i read it? -- >> may i read it? motion appointing monetta white and william ortiz-cartagena, terms ending january 6, 2016, to the small business commission. supervisor cohen: i would like
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to extend this for one week to allow the supervisor -- to allow ms. white to contact my items -- my colleagues. president chiu: can be passed to continue without objection? this is continued until march 6. items three and four? >> items 3 and 4ordinance amending the san francisco planning code section 249.66 to: 1) create the chinatown transit station special use district at the southwest corner of stockton street and washington street (assessor block no. 211, lot no. 1); 2) permit the demolition of a mixed-use building in the chinatown residential neighborhood commercial district. president chiu: colleagues, can we do these items some house same call? items are passed. item five? >> item number 5. ordinance: 1) accepting the irrevocable offer of public infrastructure improvements associated with mission bay south blocks 2-7 and 13 phase i including acquisition facilities on portions of fourth
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street, mission rock street, china basin street, mission bay boulevard north, and mission bay boulevard south; 2) accepting additional property on portions of fourth street, mission rock street, and china basin street; 3) declaring city property and additional property as shown on official department of public works maps as open public right- of-way; 4) dedicating such improvements for public use and designating such areas and improvements for street and roadway purposes; 5) establishing street grades and sidewalk widths; 6) accepting said facilities for city maintenance and liability purposes, subject to specified limitations; 6) adopting environmental findings and findings that such actions are consistent with the city's general plan, eight priority policy findings of city's planning code section 101.1, and the mission bay south redevelopment plan; 7) accepting this ordinance. president chiu: same house, same call? this item is finally passed. item no. 6. >> item #6. resolution: 1) approving a lease of approximately 9,000 square feet at 575 polk street with the mattison family trust for an initial base rent of $25,597 per month; 2) a sublease of 575 polk. president chiu: same house, same call? this item is accepted. item #7. >> item #7. [reads item] president chiu: same house, same call. this item is adopted.
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item number eight? >> item #8. resolution approving the terminal 3, boarding area f newsstand lease, between paradies-sfo, llc, and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission. president chiu: same house call? the item is adopted. item #9. >> item #9. resolution authorizing any designee of the mayor from the mayor's office of housing to enter into a standard agreement and disbursement agreement with the california state department of housing and community development to accept and expend $4,700,000 of transit oriented development infrastructure grant program funds associated with the 1180-4th street affordable housing project; the execution of an agreement with the project sponsor for disbursement of grant funds; and the execution of any related documents necessary to participate in the transit oriented development infrastructure grant program. presidentéajfkrk kykkykyky yk kykkykykykkyk kyah kykykkykyká( kykkykykykykkykykykkykykykkykykykkykykykkykó ykyykya kkykykyoáykykkykykykkykykykk ky2g:ykykkykykyky÷f kyky kyykykykykykmkkykyah k kykykyk kykyk ah ykyk k ah "ch< ]]]]]]]i[:w q
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