tv [untitled] March 2, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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from 19th avenue, as well as coordination with land development in the area. we have also been working on the balboa park station circulation study where we also obtained a caltrans grant to do a feasibility analysis to improve access to muni, bart, enhance pedestrian safety, and support for a citizen advisory committee to track progress of the station improvement projects. we have a number of ongoing studies and projects including travel management partnerships, octavius circulation studies, bay shore intermodal access the study, western soma neighborhood transportation plan, and major improvements to our forecasting models. we also obtained a trout -- caltrans grant for the bayview hunters point mobility solutions study. this is a seminal effort on how
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to do more with what we have and to knit the community together in the process. we're looking forward to completing the study this year. we have also made progress on the bike county study which is a multi-jurisdictional, multi- agency, multi-year study to look at the southeast corner of the city and adjacent areas in some detail county. in 2011, this effort resulted in priority projects worth over $600 million, including a geneva brt line, reconfigured candlestick interchange, and other improvements. i anticipate you will have a report on that in the next couple of months as well. the chair already mentioned the agreement on the presidio parkway second phase funding. i will not review that again. we also have underway the
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process for getting the van ness brt project on the ground, the draft eir eis was released in november 2011. the project has already been mentioned, named the top performer for small start at the federal for the third year in a row by that ftfederal transit administration. there will also be a parallel decision at the mta board. we will be working with them to have that be the best course of the city. a total expected cost of $125 million. geary corridor has also made progress. they are essentially hoping to
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present designs in spring 2012, the cost expected to be around $215 million. transbay transit center has made a lot a progress this year, $70 million demolition contract completed, 185 million contract excavation for the but his work. that is under way. above grade construction package is 90% complete. we are essentially all go on the first phase. the second phase, however, we have a shortfall. that will be the focus of commissioner wiener's initiative on high-speed rail for a unified product delivers the downtown extension of electrification and separation along the peninsula. the next slide talks about the initiative that the chair moment -- mentioned a moment ago
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related to a fast start concept to high-speed rail. we are working with the mayor's office and involved agencies, including the high-speed rail authority, a ticket to a project that serves our needs and meets the requirements of getting to the transbay in our lifetime. central subway is also making tremendous progress. a grant of $57 million in prop k this year for tunnel construction. there is a $233 million tunnel construction project awarded already. the mta received a letter of the prejudice this year from the federal transit administration, a lawman the start of construction for the tunnel boring machines. this is a $1.6 billion project which is now under way. the report covers a number of other items related to fleet renovation, radio replacement,
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and other key projects at muni, as well as a reminder that we are now providing over 900,000 trips to persons with disabilities who are unable to use regular muni service. prop k is providing about half of the total amount needed to provide that service, $9.7 million. there has been great progress in reducing fraud and trimming costs of operation through the implementation of a debit payment card. and the remaining pages look at items that are also paid out of the street and traffic safety transportation system management category of prop k, including street resurfacing, curb ramps, sidewalk repairs, street cleaning, pedestrian countdown signals, and a number of other small but important projects. finally, in terms of national reporting, we have our annual
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independent audit, which yielded an unqualified audit report. no findings, no recommendations. i think this is the eighth year in a row. as a culmination of a good year, fitch ratings upgraded the authority's credit rating from aa to aa +. that is something to celebrate, will mean lower borrowing costs for us. it is coupled with the action that he took today to significantly lower the cost -- you took to date to submit a lower-cost of our interest rate in the paper so the program. i want to thank all of you for your leadership at the local and regional level and your partnership with us in making these accomplishments possible. i also want to thank the city departments and other agencies that are recipients of prop k, as well as regional planning and funding agencies.
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i want to thank our staff, our greatest assets. i also want to have a word of thanks for our interns, who i call our greatest assets in the making, and our consultants. i would be happy to answer any questions. commissioner campos: commissioner kim? commissioner kim: i have a question on something i saw in the report. under the lifeline transportation program there is funding for the 108. curious as to what those enhancements are? >> these are enhancements to service. perhaps there is someone on staff at once to provide a more in-depth -- >> the funding from the lifeline was used to maintain the levels of service to the 108.
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commissioner campos: thank you para colleagues, any other questions? i just have a general questions. with the major projects that you reported on, just encouraging you to make sure you are communicating with any supervisor whose district is directly impacted by an individual project. i know, for instance, with van ness brt, district 3, two, would be impacted. making sure that those two supervisors provide their input as we try to figure out a preferred alternative. with respect to anything else, -- goyal drive, for instance -- doyle drive, for instance,
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making sure that the district supervisor is informed of what is happening. >> thank you. we are in the process right now of scheduling update meetings with all of the appropriate offices on van ness brt and a couple of other projects. it is a good suggestion over all, and we will be following up on that. commissioner campos: i would also encourage my colleagues, if there are any projects within your district or outside, that you are particularly interested in, make sure to reach out to us if you would like to have an additional brief or further information. thank you. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. please, come forward. >> united public workers for action. i wanted to talk about the
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ongoing retaliation by the mta against drivers who make sexual harassment complaints. also, to make osha compliance pier the problem of the health and safety on the buses, lack of proper maintenance. these workers have been victimized by the mta. in addition, the mta has been cited by the sunshine commission for not providing documentation. we feel the mta is covered up systemic violations of rights of the employees and retaliating against making health and safety complaints. that has to be addressed. there is also the issue of outsourcing by the mta to non- union people, jobs such as video equipment, and they are lying to the public about the outsourcing, which is illegal under the contract that these unions have appeared that needs to be addressed. when city employees can do the work, why is that big outsourced by the mta? i believe it has to do with nepotism and the need -- the
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want to go non-union. i also want to talk about proposition g, which has had an adverse effect on workers where they can no longer argue against working conditions at the agency. this should be repealed, in our view. it is detrimental to workers having some control over their working conditions because it prevents them from doing anything. finally, i want to address the issue of public agencies that will be impacted as a result of proposition c. prime know the mayor and all the board members here voted in favor of it. we know what is happening to the redevelopment agency. there is no reciprocity for public employees, which means public employees can now transfer out and receive data at another public agency. people who want to go to mta, work in the transportation system, will no longer have reciprocity. this is an attack on public
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employees. other public employees throughout the state have this. san francisco employees do not have this as a result of proposition c, which you all voted for. commissioner campos: thank you. this is public comment on the 2011 annual report. thank you. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. please call item 16. >> my apologies. this is an action item. i know that the house has changed. >> [roll call]
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the item passes. commissioner campos: thank you. again, we want to think the executive director and his staff for the work that went into the annual report. please call item 16. >> introduction of new items. this is an information item. commissioner campos: is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, any new items that you want to reduce? madam clerk, please call item 17. >> public comment. commissioner campos: this is an opportunity for the public to revive public comment on any item within the jurisdiction of the san francisco county transportation authority but is not otherwise on the agenda today. >> good afternoon. my name is dorian maxwell.
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i am a victim of the negligent behavior of this authority for allocating proper funding to the sfmta for proper maintenance of their transit vehicles. i have a 23% disability because i got injured a muni bus. something has to be done here. the mta has to answer to this board as far as the responsibility of making sure they have adequate funding to take care of the needs of the riding public. the public is in danger on the muni vehicles, and these issues need to be addressed. as an end result, i come before you, mr. campos, and show you pictures of muni vehicles with defective tires. i was retaliated against.
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i was terminated because i spoke out to cal osha, highway patrol, places that could help us. it is your jurisdiction to make sure that the public -- as a supervisor, it is your obligation to your constituents to make sure they have save transit vehicles in your district. but do you do that? no, you sit here and you pass b.s. litigation for the big businesses, you have got to be able to take care of your own infrastructure before you can enhance it. if you cannot do that, if you cannot make a basic decision on making sure your constituents have safe, reliable transportation, there is no need to expand it. commissioner campos: thank you very much. next speaker please.
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>> my name is cynthia carter. i am also a wrongfully terminated driver of the sfmta due to my filing a sexual harassment charge, due to me being a whistle-blower. something needs to be done. they need to go to sfmta management and see what is going on. when you file a complaint, like i did, sexual harassment charges, i was terminated. they came after me. i was terminated within a year of filing those charges. yet, the harasser still works, like it is nothing. he has arrest other women who are afraid to come forth. something has to be done at the sfmta. commissioner campos: thank you. >> united public workers for
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action. this is an example of the systematic harassment and retaliation against mta employees. the effect of this has not been addressed by supervisors and the mayor is a serious question. why aren't they being addressed? women are being harassed sexually, discriminated at the airport. sexual harassment is going on. these workers are being retaliated and are being told to shut up. where is the action by workers on the city board? additionally, there have been people murdered in san francisco on the buses as a result of criminal negligence by the mta management. they are putting on bus drivers without proper training. for you supervisors that want to reform you me, part of that is having confident management that does not put drivers on a line where people get killed as a result of the mismanagement. we are talking about criminal
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negligence, and the sport has a responsibility to address these accidents, which are caused by the mismanagement of the mta. and it's to be an independent investigation into why drivers who have not been properly trained are being put out upon driving jobs and people are killed as a result of that. who pays for that? the person killed? the driver was concluded and the city of seven cisco has to pay these lawsuits, which adds up stew -- san francisco has to pay these lawsuits, which adds up to a lawsuit. stop the deaths in san francisco caused by the mismanagement of the mta and management. commissioner campos: is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. madam clerk, please call item 18. >> adjournment. commissioner campos: meeting adjourned, thank you.
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>> you know, i spent this morning with a number of department heads, and thanking them for their wonderful contributions for the heart of the city charity contribution this morning, sharing stories about what our contributions are doing in the charity giving for the city. i registered to them the same thing that i will register to our upcoming commissioners who
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are about to be appointed here today. a huge thank you for you, your families, supporters. you are joining the city family, me, sean elsbernd, department heads are here today, because we love the city. we want to make it successful in every way. i need to think ahead of time. before you are sworn in, you need a big hug. you need the city's official hug. you will be in positions to hear about issues, challenges, but you are also going to be part of making decisions that move forward to the spirit of this city, the spirit that i felt a couple of weeks ago when we celebrated the 50 years of leaving our hearts here, that we continue doing that on a daily basis. you will be sharing
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responsibilities for over 14 different bodies in our city that are not only policy but are hearing the nitty gritty things that have to be done to move the agenda forward. you will be able to enjoy the challenges of the city, ones that are critical to the delivery of old promises in a city where everyone has a voice, that, through your words and wisdom, be empowered in the city. you are all part of commission that will empower people, so, quickly developed the attitude, agenda, schedule. we need your time. i think people are giving money in these challenging economic times. today, right now, i am thinking you because you are going to be giving more than $5 of your time. he will be sacrificing personal
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time over the weekends. as i do, saying, it is worth it if i can turn around attitudes of what we are doing. if i can have all of you that are here today help me with the promises we made in our redevelopment communities, as you take on things like the successor oversight agency committee, help me develop those promises for communities that depend so much on our development. tell them that we are not giving up on those promises, whether it is housing, economic development, workforce development, kids. when you take on responsibilities of the building inspection, and joining me to make sure that job creation is at the helm of it. when you take on small business and again, recommit it -- when you're on the human rights commission -- talking to groups
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that feel disenfranchised, you share the same spirit. when you join our immigrant rights commission and say to immigrants who may not have english as their first language, that they are full participants in everything that we do and they have every right to be participating in every aspect of life, the enrichments that we want to share. when you look at that big stack of permit appeals, when you are wondering, did ed asked me to do this going through every appeal of every permit? then i will ask you to step up again and say you have a mayor that is extremely thankful for the work you are doing, the leadership you are doing, the money in that the courts will raise to keep these wonderful talented and innovative arts and our city, keeping us vibrant.
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all of these commissions -- we have some 14 commissions are being appointed today. each and everyone of them are extremely important in terms of the quality of life for the city and the promises that we will fulfill to all of you. i am excited about your appointments. as we swear you in, i will ask and take the time that i know the rest of the city family wants to see -- i want you to come up come as you raise your hand, named a commission that you will be on. we are proud of these appointments, we are proud of the time that you will spend, the quality of life that you will improve. i want you to do that for me as we swear you in. looking at all of you, knowing where you will be, the hours you will be spending, you have to understand, you reflect a tremendous diversity in the
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city, one that i have the privilege of representing myself in an historic fashion. i know that all of the communities in san francisco will be so proud of your leadership and your vision, but also, i think, most importantly, we are proud of the spirit in which you take on this responsibility. because it is personal sacrifice. sometimes, for us, we can get tired of the complaints, but at the end of the day, when you know, it if you listen to everybody, you do the balloting required, you make the decisions, and you keep your heart focused on improving people's lives in every possible way, whether in it is in entertainment, planning, all of the things that are represented here today, you will feel really good about the city. i just want to welcome all of you to the official city family
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and do my best to let you know that i will help as much as i can from the mayor's office. we have a great job to do, and it will be fun, exciting, enriching, and rewarding for everybody. thank you for being here today. [applause] i know time is of the essence. we need to get to those agendas. if i may, i would like to have all of the candidates please stand up. please raise your right hand. as i begin, i will go through and ask you to announce your name in the boldest way you can and simply to name the
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constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california, that i take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and i will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which i am about to enter during such time as level the office of -- for the city and county of san francisco. congratulations. thank you very much for your service. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome all of our newest
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