tv [untitled] March 3, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm PST
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ballot that attack public workers. proposition g impacted many operators. they impacted all city employees. it is sad to see people put things on the ballot that attack people that works and votes for them, who trusted them to make decisions based on what the people need, not what their own personal agenda is. my thing is a lot of issues that need to be repeled. proposition e which established the mta is taking money from the citizens of san francisco, with high fares, reduction of service, putting parking meters in front of people's houses, and charging people to park in front of their house they pay property taxes for.
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that is double dipping. another thing is proposition g needs to be repealed. it is a personal tax on minority employees. proposition c needs to be repealed because it attacks all public employees in the city and county of san francisco. these things are racially motivated, and these decisions need to be thought about. some ballot initiatives need to be put back on to repeal these propositions, effective immediately. the citizens of san francisco are disenchanted. public employees of the city and county are disenchanted with the services that the board, that they trust -- president chiu: thank you.
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next speaker. >> i am going to piggyback on what mr. maxwell was saying, asking americans being wrongfully terminated, for instance at sfmta -- if an operator has 10 plus years and is african-american, they come after you. i filed a sexual harassment charge. i went to the eeoc. i went to the dsc h -- dseh. management came after me like a lion, and i was wrongfully terminated in less than a year. i challenge you to go into sfmta and do an investigation and see what is going on. people are being wrongfully terminated who have 10 plus
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years and are african-american. i challenge you. sexual harassment -- there is wrongful retaliation. it has to stop. because you are a whistle- blower, i challenge you. do an investigation. >> steve zeltzer, united public workers for action. proposition c was supposed to defend the interests of public workers while making concessions, and change the health care structure. but we have learned with the redevelopment workers giving laid-off is including in proposition c is a clause getting rid of reciprocity, so public workers from san francisco could not transfer out and keep their health care
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benefits and their pension. workers to transfer in from other public agencies would not be able to use reciprocity. this is a serious attack on public workers. the cost did say with the board of supervisors you can accept reciprocity from the supervisors. this raises serious questions. why would the board and the mayor supports a ballot initiative, and specifically a consensus about initiative, that a tax the benefits of public workers throughout the state? who messed up? who forgot to read it? we complain about other legislators who passed legislation that have not even read. apparently in san francisco we have the same thing happening. our supervisors are not reading their own legislation the present before the public.
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secondly, there is a system now of retaliation against muni drivers for raising sexual- harassment, and osha complaints about the state of the buses. you voted $60 million for the tunnel, but the buses are falling apart. there is mismanagement and people are being killed. the have untrained drivers. it is killing the people and the public and drivers are being state code. this has to change and we have to stop it. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> this 9/11 will be 911 days from the sabbatical cycle. i this found that out sunday. the sabbatical cycle is extremely important in the first coming of jesus christ. in daniel chapter 9, the angel interrupted daniel's prayer and told him there would be 70 sabbatical cycles, or 490
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years, and the messiah would come. the first coming of jesus christ was based on a sabbatical cycle. i believe the second is related to the sabbatical cycle. harold camping does not understand the year of jubilee. he thinks he does. march 21, 1996, began the year of jubilee. it was the first state to the countdown of the second trumpet, which happened 2000 days later, which was 9/11. i predicted this event 30 days before it happened, because it is in the bible. i am not trying to toot my own horn. as far as i know, i am the only one who made this prediction. john macarthur is personally my favorite preacher. unfortunately, they did not
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teach me this. i wish they did so people would not accuse me of bragging. the point is this. the board are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. we are at the time of the in. -- of the end. i speculate the judgment day will be 1335 days into the new sabbatical cycle, based on daniel chapter 12, which talks about the blessing to the elect that will come after 1335 days. that ended at the end of the sabbaticals let go. if i had an hour, i could explain logically, consistently, mathematically to you. president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is paul.
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i come to the board of supervisors this afternoon with a simple request. i would like to have the san francisco board of supervisors facilitate the televising of the san francisco housing authority commission meetings that affect so many of us in san francisco. i live at the jfk tower, which is for seniors and disabled people. people affected by the housing commission do not have access to what is going on. it puts us at a disability. the tenants' association is not conducting monthly meetings of the tenants' associations. they are out of the loop. i would like to bring that to your attention. also, as an example, the board of supervisors back on may 24,
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2011 unanimously passed and an ordinance 111-11 that was 110- 268 that changed the zoning for the john f. kennedy power. you took away all our parking. when the towers were built in 1963, 100 units, we had 20 units of parking. now that parking has been stripped and i do not know where we are supposed to park. thank you so much. >> good afternoon, members of the board. my name is alan jones. my t-shirt says this is officially black future month. it is not for february. it is for march. i am going to be, for the entire month of march, in the bayview hunters point area, getting across a point to its residents
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that past and present city officials have used the bayview hunters point in a way that i believe is unjust. the san francisco forty-niners want to leave san francisco. they should be allowed to, of course. but for the board to sell out bayview hunters point just for the fact that they want to keep the name san francisco on the forty-niners it is not right to the bayview area, who could use a lift by keeping the forty- niners in san francisco, in that area. i have sent to all of you my approach to this protest, which
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would be all of next month. i believe officials are letting down the bayview hunters point. i say the san francisco 49ers are not leaving, because this racist deal between big corporations will fall apart. i am putting all of you on notice for the fact that you have my contact. i would appreciate it, if you read the material i gave you and understand racism should not stand, period. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i am a member of americans for safe access. i am here presenting asset united, which is a new coalition of patience, dispensary owners,
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and concerned citizens. as a medical cannabis advocate, i am here to ask you to take action and defensive access, and also to let you know we have developed a list, and we will make sure you received that at your offices soon. i will not read all of them, but i wanted to go over a couple. one is to direct the city attorney to the -- to refuse all requests for public information if it is not already available publicly. the other is to introduce and pass an amendment to article 33, establishing an emergency plan to we permit any mcd closed by the federal government that was still in good standing. i am sure you will want to know
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a lot more about these asks. i look forward to seeing you folks act soon on this. thank you. >> my name is when daniels. -- lynn daniels. i want to give my two minutes to someone else. president chiu: we do not allow that. you can say with every light. -- you can say whatever you like. >> the way the city looks at low income residents -- i believe they should be more graceful and how they look at low income people in the city who are renters throughout the city. i think it should be put on a point that the city should be
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more acceptable to low income people when it comes to renting. they are part of the city, and they should be looked at as just as important as anybody else in the city. thank you. >> hello? thank you. my name is cliff. i am going to speak about the parkmerced agreement. as a resident of san francisco and a voting citizen, an agreement has been reported by my friends and neighbors. i found it is one of the shakiest pieces of corporate dealing i have ever seen. the shenanigans would put the index in a bad crime novel to shame. the way this bill was drawn up and conducted was done with some content -- some contempt for
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everyone who would profit from it. this in tyler deal should be put in the fire. thank you. >> good evening, supervisors and members of the public. my name is pastor gavin, and i am running for supervisor in district 7 in november. president chiu: you are not allowed to campaign here, but you can make statements. >> i came to speak on behalf of an incident that happened with the commissioner on december 13, 2011. when commissioner bartholomew murphy, who is also an attorney, used a racial epithet which i consider hate speech when he was referring to
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parkmerced residents -- he used the term "tar baby." i am truly upset by the term used. i believe that in san francisco you promote liberalism and idealism. in the 21st century, hate speech should never be tolerated by any member of the city of san francisco. he said it at a public meeting in his forearm as a commissioner. i ask for your support to ask for the immediate resignation of bartholomew murphy. i have also contacted the mayor's office. i will not tolerate it. as founder and chairwoman of the minority woman contingent, i will not tolerate it. when i say i will not tolerate it, there are others who are in support of me in addition to the disability community. i will not tolerate it.
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it is resentful that he would do something like that. it does speak to his character. it could have severe consequences if he does not leave office. thank you. >> my name is thomas. i am here before the board to speak about something. i have nothing to gain financially, or anything, about this. but there is a certain situation, you know, with projects and stuff like that. and i would hope that they did to -- that david chiu, weiner, carmen chu, and malia cohen would work together to provide a condominium so this one individual i know, and there are
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some other ones -- so that we all can sort of, like, benefit. i think sometimes we talk about rent. they never really get done. i would urge carmen chu maybe -- president chiu: if you could address your comments to the full board. >> i am. i would say i might want to ask nadia, run this by her. she might think it is a good idea. and, you know, i know in district 4, kind of good things for her district. there could be good things done. maybe we can get together in sort of a closed meeting. i am being very serious about this. so that there are condominium ownership for some people, ok? condominium ownership.
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if you understand me? have i made myself clear? president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon. espinola jackson, bayview hunters point. i was watching the board of supervisors meeting last week. someone got up and pointed their fingers at you and said that you were responsible, all of you, for the forty-niners leaving san francisco. i would like to say that, for the audience and other people that are watching, this board of supervisors had nothing at all to do with the 49ers leaving, going to santa clara. this was something that was decided back in the 90's. there was a dda for the bayview
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hunters point shipyard, and most people did not read it. and they passed on it. but there was a meeting being held right in this floor, with the board of supervisors and a young man whose father is the owner of the forty-niners. he was sitting right there. when it was pointed out to me where he was sitting, i went and sat next to him. i said to him, "sweetheart, here is the materials. these are the things that are of their of the hunters point shipyard. that is a superfund site, and the city is trying to tell you if it is a ground spill site. if i were you, knowing that that is a superfund site, you should not be going there, because the city has refused to request at least $6 billion to clean up the shipyard.
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the $18 million that is given to you will not even scratched the surface of the shipyard to be clean." i just wanted to say that. i did not like what i heard. i want you all to be proud of yourselves. you were not the ones responsible for the leaving of the forty-niners. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i blew the whistle on laguna honda. a charitable patient gift fund was being used by staff to have parties. we would never have been able to take the paper trail down to find out what was actually going on without the sunshine
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ordinance. that is why i am here today, to talk about a threat to the sunshine ordinance. last fall, supervisor weiner was found in violation of the sunshine ordinance by the sunshine taskforce. two months later, he requested an audit of the sunshine ordinance by the budget analyst. it took us several information requests to find out who was behind this audit of the sunshine ordinance. e-mails between the budget analysts assured the supervisor that for all communications regarding this analysis we will only state we are conducting an analysis for the board of supervisors. what was harvey rose trying to conceal? what do they have to hide from the public? why wasn't the sunshine taskforce informed? just last month, the gao committee approved a work plan that said "provide policy analysis research reports, as
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requested by individual members of the board of supervisors. these reports may be confidential documents, at the discretion of the requesting board member." this violates the brown act and the sunshine ordinance. the board of supervisors should not approve a work plan that allows secret reports on the behalf of individuals. thank you very much. >> ray hart, director of san francisco open government. more and more citizens of this city are becoming aware of the fact that this board of supervisors and other city bodies choose to follow the law when it suits them and ignore the law when it does not. excuse my french, but we are getting screwed by some sort of process. i sat and watched many of the hearings regarding parkmerced. 8000 citizens of this city had
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their lives dismantled. most of these people have no idea where they are going, what they are going to do, how it is going to affect them. they were told not to worry, we put stuff in there to protect you. of course, we did not show it to you until the very day it was voted on, and passed the same day, by the board of supervisors. it was disgraceful. somebody earlier talked about a center for children at risk in the bayview hunters point area. one of the things i learned, growing up in the southeast during the civil rights movement, is the damage to institutions is seldom done by people on the outside trying to get in. it is normally done by people on the inside trying to keep other people out. that was aggrandized improperly. i had to go through 62 pages of supplementary material to find out that zoning issue was really a health center for risk at youth. then i heard not only was it
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next to a sewer plant, but railroad tracks and a bunch of other things. i am going to say this out loud and people are going to chastise him for it. bottom line is something i learned in the 60's, the fact that no other community in this city would put up with the fact that their children were going to be sent to a health-care facility where they had to worry about no parking, railroad trains coming through constantly, air pollution, sewage smells. if this were a white community or an asian-american community, it would not even have made it to the point it made it. i think it is nothing but racism. you can say no. when you go back and try to look at some of the things the city does, what they do is they fight you. how do they fight you? the refuse to give you access to public records, records that do not belong to the apartment -- the department, that employees, or the city, but the citizens of
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the city, records they need to make their case. the first amendment provides for an opportunity to petition government for redress of grievances. how can a city -- how can a citizen petitioned the city if we cannot get hold of the documentation that shows what we are talking about because individual members, working in collusion with the city attorney's office, evade, obfuscate, and do everything they can to keep public records from the public? >> good afternoon. here is from las vegas. i will show you. this is the tv show "pawn stars."
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i might be on the show. i don't know yet. we will see how it goes. ♪ i left my heart, board of supervisors, president chiu in 1962 high on a hill it still calls to me and we're going to be free little cable cars still climb halfway to the stars and the morning fog may still chilly air -- chill the air, still ♪ happy anniversary to that song. somebody who first comes to the city might say this after a month of bad luck. ♪ nobody told me about this city i thought i knew and i tried through and through
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it is too late to say you're sorry how would i know and why should i care please don't bother trying to find any help it's not there the way she acts, the way she looks and the color of her mardi gras here we are still looking for help somehow ♪ president chiu: thank you. if there are any other members of the public who wish to speak in public comment, please step up right now. the final speaker. >> good afternoon, members of the board of supervisors. i am with the laborers' international union local 261, on behalf of ramon hernandez and those we represent in the community. i am here to talk about the america's cup. because we have excellent
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relationships with each of you, we are not here to cast blame. but we are prepared to have hundreds of workers on the steps of city hall this very day to celebrate jobs for the community. we commend the efforts of the america's cup authority. we commend the mayor's office and all of you who worked hard on the original plan. we had a private sector agreement on the table that was going to voluntarily engage in local hiring. we are going to hire people in the private sector with contractors that are signatories to our agreements. that is not going to happen now. i represent awesome men and women. the labor movement in san francisco has an awesome reputation. the america's cup was on its way to be an awesome party that was going to benefit not just the workers, but all of san francisco. we have lost that now. we are here to appeal to you.
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