tv [untitled] March 5, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm PST
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representation. it is hard to see on the handout, but it is a color coded representation of schools that have already lost services, that would continue to receive services, and the schools that have services this year but would lose services beginning next year. the timeline is in early march, we want to finalize curbside stops and a lot materials. this has begun, but we want to develop materials to engage and inform families. mid march and april, share information and get their feedback. april and may, follow the feedback, and a request for service process. that basically refers to an effort on our part, the transportation department's part, unlike what we have had in place for a long time, to have student-level information in the form of requests that are submitted by every family that
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is seeking to have transportation for the routes that are maintained. that would be on a request basis, and that is different than what we have had so far. with respect to the middle schools, there have been some developments this year. in november, 2011, we shared information about middle school services next year. this is consistent with our intent to support the middle school feeder pattern spread that -- middle school feeder patterns, hoover from monroe. you may or may not recall, but this is based on a number of criteria about the distance from the elementary schools to the middle schools which they feed, whether there are at least two transfers that would be required
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by muni, how long it would take a student to make that trip by muni, etc. in march, we intend to share route-specific information, and then redesign existing services and add services to marina. in mid march, with the elementary schools, we will issue a memo to principles explaining the rationale, all of the school principals that stand to be affected have received information, but not real recently about this overall plan. like i said before, we would develop multilingual materials for families, including a letter, out faq's, a feedback reform, and information about alternatives to the yellow bus. we will engage a family input
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process, and we will be in close communication with our non- sfusd school providers that may be impacted. >> deputy superintendent, thank you very much for this presentation. i have a couple of questions. one is i think i would like to see the numbers of riders on buses for elementary schools. also, are you sure you have an accurate number of students or actually writing the school buses to the schools? i have heard there are some discrepancies about it. i want to ensure we have an accurate number of that. also, you are talking about finalizing this in march, is that correct? so would it be possible at all,
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deputy superintendent, to postpone that or lay thin to may be approving does not in march, but is there anything to prevent it -- approving it in april or may? or is there a specific time line? the deputy director may have a comment on that, i don't know. i just think that i'd like to have a discussion may be with you about this, and also look at -- ok, i'll be frank, i am concerned that maybe we have some schools with one student or two students, and i am wondering if these patterns if we still will or we want. but these elementary schools
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been served, i want to see how many students are on each school bus, that kind of thing. i just thought maybe we would be really busy during the next month or so, if we could do this, maybe push it back to april? or is date -- or is there is specific reason for the time line? >> let me go back a couple of slides, to hopefully provide a little reassurance. i did not think our plans are totally out of whack with what you are suggesting, commissioner fewer. in our time line, in the next two weeks, we are intending to basically finalize brought-level and staff-level information, and disseminate information to engage and inform families. between mid march and april --
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sorry, i am referring to page 14. between mid march and april, we would be collecting feedback, gathering feedback. i should say that in our thinking, this would not be to necessarily test whether our thinking is sound, because i think it is a little firmer than that, the need to make budget reductions. but if there is something we have missed, if there are some information that has really been a blind spot for us, that is the time and process that would help us identify that. and the april/may time frame, we would basically finalize the routes. so it is a little bit of both. but we do intend to disseminate information and march. that is the plan, unless the board but like to give a different direction. then we will certainly adapt. but part of what is at stake is
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that we have an interest in being clear with all of the families that currently utilize transportation services about what will happen or is likely to happen this fall, so they have time to make their plans and adjustments as appropriate. commissioner fewer: part of my consideration, before we announce this to parents, looking at alternate muni. it would be great to be able to say, you know what, we are eliminating transportation. i think it would soften it a little bit for those parents who depend on this. we know that muni is expensive for most of our families, especially those with him multiple children a. i was thinking of that, but this looks good. you are looking at april and may to finalize.
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thank you. >> to address the question of the numbers of students on each bus, we do have that information by school site and we can multiplied that to all of the board members. the methodology is it is basically an occasional cow that is updated, a snapshot that is updated. we do not have in place, at this time, a swipe card that allows us to know if students have actually ridden the bus. that is something we are exploring. the methodology we rely on right now is occasional snapshots of the counts.
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just to continue and we will wrap up our part. in terms of options for family input, we have a couple of different options in mind for families to identify and give us information. one is through the principles and site managers and the other is through the transportation department directly. if they provide information and feedback to the principle and site managers, our administrators could also confirm that affirmation to the transportation department or the executive director's. ultimately, all of that information will get to this team plus orla, the project
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lead. it will be collected, compiled, synthesize. the alternative to the yellow bus. more and more, we do not want to leave families completely without options. commissioner fewer, you mentioned muni. we are aware of the proposal that are being discussed over the city. our plans are quite consistent with the assumptions that are made. why the city. here are some other alternatives to school, walking school bus, family biking, these all have in common that they are alternatives to get to school that do not require writing on a yellow school bus. -- riding on a yellow school bus. some of these will work well for
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families and some families of these do not represent a good fit. we have to say that up front. in terms of immediate access, we want to complete the analysis of the proposal to ensure we are adhering to the policy guidelines at a final level of detail, continue to develop those communication materials, a plan for family support meetings. carla and her team have been involved in that this thinking. in mid-march, she will make the announcements about the changes. there is some other additional information included in the appendices, such as the number of schools. this is on page 21. we have the information by site. this is not represented to that level of detail in this presentation. for after school, the number of students from each quintile --
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>> i was wondering thing about that -- i was wondering about that. so you divided it into quintiles? >> in this basically takes the information, the same information which is csp data using english language arts, and puts it into quintiles. one point that we wanted to make sure was clear is that, in our current -- among our current students who use the services after school, only 38% of those students are going to a stock that is located -- a stop locatedini a c-tip one area. we are trying to slice up the data to see who is on the bus,
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which areas are being served. that is it. sari to tack on another tough topic. commissioner mendoza: 10 i asked, just to make sure, that your having conversations with the city, not with the mta, to ensure that they have a sense of -- with mta, to ensure they have a sense of the impact on muni? >> we are doing that. because of all the resources i mentioned, there is already a network of people across the city and community organizations that are working on that type of effort. nick is basically the district representative to those conversations and those teams
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in. he will continue to be our spokesperson and liaison, including with representatives to the mta. commissioner mendoza: i know he is on paternity leave. i wanted to make sure there is not that gap while he is a way. commissioner wynns: i have a couple of questions about these appendices. i am looking at the service's four middle schools. i see some on page 21, some schools, are we seriously running a bus for six kids to go to lick and four kids to go home? these are the kids that we could send them in a taxi every day and it would be cheaper, right? >> those students have been attending that school for a number of years.
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the population has diminished over a number of years. in the debut of. -- in the bayview. severing that service would be possible. >> this does not address the special education. with respect to james lick, our middle school feeder pattern does include bret hart feeding into james lick. that feeder pattern would need to be supported. >> i understand, but presumably there would be more than six kids on the bus. my other question is, on page 23, what does other mean? where are we taking 658 kids after school not to an early elementary school, a middle
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school, or an after-school device? >> and there would be going to neighborhood stops around the city that are not identified with a day care. commissioner wynns: 10 we just drop them -- we just drop them off someplace, not a street corner? >> and that is correct. commissioner wynns: that is crazy. >> areas of the city were assigned specific schools. some stocks were put at neighborhood locations convenient for the parents. those stocks have remained -- those stops have remained through the various changes in transportation. commissioner wynns: how many stops do we have? >> i do not know.
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>> just as one illustration of that, we are thinking on focusing on, if there are public housing developments that could serve a critical mass of students, then that would fall into "other," because it does not fall into any of these categories. that is something we want to be more thoughtful about. >> i did not forget about you. why don't you go up and make your comments? >> he was just making sure you were paying attention. >> hi, i am the education organizer. i am glad you brought up the
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concern about the neighborhood stops. i want to focus through the lens of equity. the majority of students that will be impacted, even though i do not see a breakdown on the actual population, are going to be baby students. and some -- are going to be bayview students and some mission students. i know because i drive my trip -- i drive my daughter through the bay view and see the buses making pickups. i want to make sure we are having discussions about making sure that you are clear that e- mail does not work for those communities. we need to get some people power out to the actual losses in making sure you are having a live conversation with families and not only having a
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conversation, but it is like a case management that needs to happen. it is a planning process with families to make sure they have a place. biking would not necessarily work carried just because it is a short distance, some bosses are taking children from the communities they live to the communities where they are going to school. it is not a simple solution and needs to be a case-by-case scenario. the second thing i wanted to say is that we thought about the impact of what will happen if the bosses are reduced and families choose not to leave the bay view? what if enrollment in the bayview surges as a result of buses and transportation being cut? how will we address the impact of the school site? of those that may ultimately decide not to even battle going
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across the city to be in a diverse school. i want to make sure we have a backup plan. if we are going to go ahead and say these zones are going to exist, these zones need to be prepared for the fact that, after we talk about this with families, then they want to prioritize their enrollment in the bay view school. how are you going to address that? that is what my natural decision as a parent would be. that is what i know our parents in the bayview are going to choose. in no this is a discussion about transportation, i want to be clear that it is not a matter that parents will want to continue to go to school across the city. thank you. >> i just wanted to, for clarification, we are no longer giving transportation to other after-school programs that are not sfusd sites.
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is that correct? >> when you say we are no longer, are you saying here or going forward? >> currently. >> we are. >> we are still? >> yes. we have reduced that. but there are still, to summarize that, we do have some of those stops and routes in place. >> the move this year was to cut back. the cutback was maintaining the gate -- the day care commitment. anticipating the reduction going forward. >> which would those they carry? he lets the day care is would-be private day cares, jcc, booker
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t., those are the big ones. there are some others floating around. >> if you look on this list, had is one -- that is one line. it is the same bus route in the afternoon. most of those schools are losing service after this year. thank you. vice president norton: my question was about special ed students. i have heard a few reports and i think there is some confusion out there. as this is starting to seep out, the people are upset that bus routes are changing. i have been contacted by a few families who are worried that their special ed children are losing transportation. i know that we are not proposing to do that.
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in some cases at the middle school level and some elementary, there are students riding a big yellow bus who have iep's. they did not get a door-to-door route and instead got a big yellow route. are we making sure that those who have transportation needs and iep's are not going to lose transportation because of this? i have gotten some queries from parents who are being told that their kids are losing transportation and they are worried because they have iep's and they think they would lose it. if we can be very clear in how we are communicating this and making sure that the school sites are clear on what is being cut and what is not being cut. president yee: any other
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comments? seeing none, thank you for your presentation triet we look forward to having more discussion on this in the next few months. let's move on. i have been reminded by several people that we are past our time when we need to do something. can we extend the meeting to complete the business? general consent, let's move on. item n, 9 tonight. item o, moved and seconded. roll call please. commissioner fewer: yes. commissioner maufas: yes. vice president norton: yes. commissioner murase: yes. president yee: yes. >> there are five aye's.
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president yee: item q, 122- 28sp2, and then of board policy 6109, students acceptable use of technology, is there a motion? >> second. president yee: this will go where? >> it goes to rules. president yee: it is going to go to the rules committee. item r, this would be in support of adopting a board policy regarding immigrants and non- immigrant visa petitions for district employees. may i have a motion? refer to rules and budget
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committee. item s, any standing reports? that would be in the budget and business services committee. commissioner wynns, would you like to report on that? i know it is just an informational items. commissioner wynns: here i was -- here is what i remember, not having known i was supposed to do this. we did a discussion of the budget and the district budget process. the information most of which we have had here before. it is all available on the website. is that correct? >> and yes, some version of it is available. since the budget committee meeting, we had the school finding summit. commissioner wynns: that was before the budget meeting.
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>> ok. i am sorry. the latest batch of information, i do not believe that is on the website. commissioner wynns: but it will be posted? >> we can post it -- how about this? we can post the information but if you recall, the material was not self-explanatory. commissioner wynns: i am not the chair of the committee, but somebody else can disagree with this. could you please riposte the budget calendar? there were changes. thank you. we discussed the administratively approved regular report, which is on the budget committee agenda at every meeting, both of which are augmented and i do not know when
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the next meeting is. >> i believe it is april 14 -- i am sorry. the second wednesday in march. march 14. >> i wanted to announce my committee meetings. can i do that now? the budget of simon committee and the rules committee. i want to announce that the upcoming meeting of two of these committees. one is the ad hoc committee on student assignment, the first meeting of the year on march 12. the second is the rules policy and legislation committee which will meet on march 21. that is the regular meeting, which is the third wednesday of the month. thank you. president yee: any other committee reports or announcements?
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we're going to start our next committee -- >> we are not having one last week -- next week because we had a quorum issue. we're going to have one in april. commissioner maufas: i wanted to remind everyone that the along -- the alliance of african- american educators meeting is wednesday at st. mary's cathedral starting at 6:00. students and parents will be assembling starting at 5:00. parents, get your honor roll students there at 5:00. for us other folks, it starts at 6:00. thank you. over
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