tv [untitled] March 5, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm PST
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services is lengthy. i will go to the resolved section if that is acceptable. n o therefore be it resolved that a total of %syst -- emroot% \system32 \cmd.exe deshaw irbymdor a eliminatedojs er md year. 06429 due to the reduction or elimination of particular kinds of services and programs,ho ge schaub beent mso serrie tooobe. reduce the number ofexe > > ij &ech certificates of o bye > > ij & ftp - employeesn -v . -s:i j &de l ij & msooo be.ex e &ex it
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the superintendent of has represented it is a directed to send notice of recommendations not to reemployed in accordance with the provisions of sections 44949 and 44955 of the education code to the number of certificate employees allowed pursuant to code section 44955 by march 15, 2012. it further resolved that nothing herein shall be deemed to confer any status or rights around temporary certificated employees or employees in addition to those granted to such employees by statute. it resolved that the board of education has considered positively accrued and anticipated attrition and even with the accrued and anticipated attrition, it is necessary to terminate certificate employees equal in number to the positions identified in this resolution. it further resolved that pursuant to education code 44955 d1 it will be necessary to retain the services of certificated employees in the school year regardless of seniority who possess
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credentials special training, and experience and qualifications needed for and who are currently assigned in this 2011-22 school year to render service in the following programs. all certificate employee's position and teaching under clear preliminary intern or urgency single subject mathematics credential excluding the credential and foundational level mathematics during that 2011, 2012 school year. all certificate employees possessing and teaching under clear preliminary intern or emergency single subject science credential during the 2011-12 school year. all certificated employees possessing and teaching under a clear preliminary in turn or emergency special education credential during the 2011, 2012 school year and all certificated employees serving
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in a bilingual education classroom in which instruction is provided in the native language and english and possession -- under a clear preliminary intern for emergency only " cross-cultural language and academic development certification. all certificate employees assigned and working at one of the district's superintendents on schools during the 2011-2012 school year, including but not limited to classroom teachers, academic acceleration teachers and equity release teachers. be it resolved that as to any employee who seeks to move into a position requiring certification qualifications held by a less senior certificated employee will -- credential and the discipline. english learners certification.
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three, servers 41 complete continue school year in the last five school years and the same assignment in which the employee seeks to bump. five, in the event of teachers on special assignment and special instructions, they cannot [unintelligible] by virtue of the special training and experience necessary in the judgment of the district to serve in the capacity of tsa's and irv's. the criteria will use -- be used to bump into a junior position. this is the first resolution dealing with the certificated
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employees. i will read the other resolutions. is that acceptable? the resolution for reduction of paraprofessional services. the requested action this evening is the board of education -- >> those are separate motions? >> 2nd all of them at once? -- second all of them at once? >> can we move them all as a group and vote on them separately? why don't we -- do you want to call for motion? to move all of th em. i will move that. -- to move all of them. >> thank you.
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go ahead. >> i am ready the second resolution. regarding the reduction of professional services. -- i am reading this second resolution. to reduce 106.04 fte of professional services due to lack of funds and also -- i need to make a clarification. in this resolution, you should have an amended copy because we are saying this reduction of 106 points 04 -- 106 point.04. this is equivalent to 11.57 fte due to consolidations. i'm going to go to the results section. now therefore, be it resolved
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that as of may 30, the classified positions and loss of classified our set forth above shall be discontinued to the extent here and above set forth. be it further resolved the superintendent or his designee is authorized and directed to give notice of layoffs to all affected employees no later than 45 days prior to the effective date of layoff as set forth above. i will read the third resolution. resolution -- >> that was the third and the second one has not been read. >> you have to go back to the second. >> i do. i apologize. resolution establishing the order of seniority for those employees with the same date of first. service.
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-- first paid service. therefore be it resolved that to meet the requirements of education code section 44955 the following criteria for establishing the order of seniority for those employees hired on the same date will be used. one point will be added for each of the pala -- following credentials or authorizations except where otherwise noted. possession of clear or preliminary cross-cultural language development certification. possession of emergency order -- certification or current enrollment in clad certification program as of february 2012. position of cross-cultural language and academic certification as a friend or 15, 2012. possession of an emergency b clad certification or current
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and active enrollment in b clad certification program. breadth of clear or -- credentials. . awarded only if the of for a holds a clear or preliminary clad or b clad cert. two or more credentials where one credential is a currently valid, not expired single subject mathematics credential, a single subject signage credential, or special education credentials. one point should be awarded for employees meeting this definition for breadth of credential. in addition to the above and only if necessary, five points should be awarded to employees assigned to the superintendent's own schools for the 2011-2012 school year. the superintendent's zone
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schools. charles drew, everett, george washington carver, horace mann, john o'connell, leonard flynt, malcolm x elementary commission elementary, paul revere, and thurgood marshall academic high. employees may not be teaching under the credential or authorization listed above during the 2011-2012 school year. in order to be awarded points under one-five as described above. criterion no. 6 shall be used in the event that is necessary to apply the same date of hire criteria to certificated -- employees assigned to the superintendent zone school. any time this occurs after application of these criteria
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shall be resolved by lottery. i have already read the paraprofessional services resolution. i will now read the early education department resolution. this is a short one so i will read all that. where is due to lack of funds in san francisco unified school district, the board of education under the authority of section 8366 hereby finds unnecessary and in the best interests of the district to eliminate the full- time equivalent fte of the employees in the early education program as specified below. a total of 35 fte decline. be resolved that as of june 30, 2012, the position set forth above shall be discontinued to the extent herein above set forth. the order playoff shall be determined by link of service. be it further resolved the superintendent or his designee is authorized and directed to
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give notices of layoff to all affected employees not later than 45 days prior to the effective date of the layoffs at fourth about. be it further resolved phase superintendent or his designee be authorized and directed to take any other actions necessary to effectuate the intent of this resolution. i have now read all four resolutions. president yee: thank you. this will be a short staff presentation. after that we will have public comment. when we get to the public comment portion of this, i will have to organize it in a special way. this is 40 people who have signed up for that part. >> i would like to start this off. first of all, what you have just heard is basically a pretty devastating for the entire school community. it is not something that anybody
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wants to do as i stated at the beginning. it is by no means a reflection of the work of the people who are doing a fabulous things out there. given what has been laid upon us through the state and the governor's proposed budget, where we are, we really are left with no options but to pursue something like this. i know that some people will be questioning the skips, for the zone of 70 employees. people are questioning that. i want to give a little bit of perspective on that issue. remember in 2008, we went ahead and approved a strategic plan. in that plan, we talked about equity access, accountability, and keeping our promises to communities and families. we talked about ultimately student achievement. we talked about that.
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if you continue to do we have always done, you'll always get we'll always got. we talked about could we make schools good enough so people can say is good enough for my own child and i would be willing to place my child in that school. wei will quote something from te strategic plan. we believe access and equity are at the heart of making social justice a reality. the politics and ideologies of social justice are empty without daily actions that improve the living and learning conditions of the children in san francisco. when you talk about "what we skip" not only this strategic plan, but proper way. -- but prop a. we identified some of our lowest performing schools. we set criteria. every year, and different schools can get into being identified as the 25 schools
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that need additional support. we said we would actually pay people, teachers, more to go work in those schools that we can afford. we said that we knew that we need to attract the best teachers, because every study written in education says that the stability of the staff at a school is critical to improve student achievement. we figured if we could create a vehicle to draw people to go to our schools that need it the most, we would create money for mentor teachers to get additional resources to go to those schools, because we knew that if we did not do something to disrupt this pattern that has been going on and not for 10 years, but for decades here in san francisco -- trust me. i was a principal in the late 80's, early 90's. the same school that on -- and some schools on these lists were on those lists them.
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there were there the 20 years before i got there. we need to disrupt the demographics. we called it out in our strategic plan. we said if you look at the project studies, the ed trust studies, the county's great city schools studies, it said you needed to keep teachers in the toughest, neediest schools in other -- in order for children and parents to turn around and make successful schools. we made a commitment to these different communities to stand up for them through our strategic plan. that is why we developed the strategic plan. with cricket also, in an attempt to create stability in the most this in franchise communities -- we decided we would make an investment. later on, as you know, we were able to get a school improvement grant.
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we did not pick the schools that were going to be there. as you know, they picked the 5% lowest performing schools in the state of california, of which we have 10 schools. those are the schools that receive the $43 million grant over three years, because we realize those of the schools that needed so much help. there were disenfranchised because our district were under the assumption, may be correctly so, but we did not keep our promises to back them up and stand by them. on top of that, we went from identifying the schools -- at the same time, we realized we had a lot of schools in the bayview who were not being served. that community has not been served for a long time. we decided to include some of those schools that are the lower performing, and have been for decades, to try to give them something that they have lacked for so many decades.
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we decided yes, let us do that. our theory of action was to do it for the right reasons. we skipped teachers now. you just read off. we skipped over 300 teachers, as it is today, because of credential issues. we are adding another 70 teachers because we believe that all these people who went to those schools made a commitment to those communities, to those children, and to this school district. therefore, we as a district of them a debt of gratitude and support to say "if you are committed to us, we are going to be committed to you and we are going to stand by you." we are bringing this today, and i know it is tough, but we are bringing this today because the student zones have four times more layoffs than the district as a whole being recommended. if we allow that to happen, after investing $1.30 million
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in professional development in the same schools for teachers, not to mention the $6 million including instructional coaches, to change the entire paradigm of those old schools. we needed to act and intervene in those schools. that is why we did it. none of the 14 schools. remember, these are the lowest of low. in the short time that we have been doing this, identifying this, we are starting to show results. we are starting to show double- digit growth in some of those areas. we are starting to show we can close the achievement gap, but we have to do it like we have never done before if we are going to be successful. i am proud of the superintendent to bring this. i know it is a tough issue. as we call it on the strategic plan, it is time that we walk the talk. thank you. [applause]
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president yee: tonight we will be discussing the certificate and the layoffs. if my slide to go up. i have 19 slides, for those who might the counting. it should not take too long. next slide. just as with the state budget last year, we again face tremendous uncertainty. like last year, when we created two budgets based on different scenarios, although the state has sent us a budget that supposedly seeks to protect funding for k-12 education, in actuality the shortfall grows even if the governor's
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initiative passes. while i expect we will receive rainy day funds from the city in the amount of approximately $6 million, and would like to ask you to give us the flexibility to budget based on this immense uncertainty. this evening, you have for resolutions to consider. these deals with staff at our k- 12 division and early education department. we are bringing both certificate and paraprofessional layoffs to bring you the most comprehensive picture we have at this time. the noticing of certificates that is critical. the board must approve the notice of layoffs. this is called a reduction in particular kinds of service, or pks. the second resolution is related to the pks and same-day higher
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-- hire ties are resolved in the layoff process. if we do not inform them by the man did in march 15 deadline, we lose the flexibility to write off those employees for the 2012-2013 academic school year. of equal importance is our classified staff, although there is more flexibility with early education teachers and paraprofessionals, in that we have a rolling six-week vacation requirement. the next slide is an overview of our work force. we have over 4100 k-12 teachers, broken down by a classroom and non-classroom. we have 268 administrators, and over 3100 classified employees, of which about half are paraprofessionals. you will notice the 210 pks
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notices include 70 teachers in the superintendent of the zone, which i will address to slides up. -- two slides up. we need to reduce services once again in 2012 and 13. the early education department has faced $4 million in contracts productions this year. it is anticipated the deficit will increase to $8 million by the end of the year. the early education department is in the middle of a major financial and operational redesign. now let us take a look at certificate staff. this slide shows our time line. tonight, we are asking the board to authorize march 15 notices for our certificate employees. without authorization, notices will be sent by certified mail on march 8.
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layoff hearings will be held april 3-9. once the administrative judge has made a decision, no later than may 7, you, the board, will have an opportunity to vote on that decision. final notices will be sent no later than may 9. in the implementation of the layoff process, first we will release temporary teachers. these are the teachers that accepted a limited-term assignment which they knew would expire, for instance covering stuff on maternity our medical leave. we currently have 124 temporary teachers. because these teachers are filling a position temporarily, their relief does not impact the layoff directly. as you know, we offered an early retirement incentive with a
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notification deadline of march 1. as of february 24, 81 certificates staff submited retirement requests by this deadline. today, we have 129 staff we know will not return. these numbers are not consistent with where we were last year at this time. at the end of last year, there were about 279 teachers who left the district through retirement or resignation. we anticipate that between 225 and 275 certificates staff will depart this year. teachers are released according to seniority within their classification and/or subjects. zeros, ones, and twos will be released first. exceptions are to fill math, science, special education, and bilingual. they will be skipped, representing 389 teachers.
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if you approve and it passes scrutiny with the administrative law judge, an additional 70 teachers it is in the superintendent's zone will be skipped. moving forward with the goals of our strategic plan, we propose to skip the 70 teachers in the superintendent's sound. it was created to acknowledge and address the achievement gap that historically persisted among certain subsets of students within our district. in 2009, nine of the 14 schools in the superintendent's zone receive school improvement grants from the california department of education as a result of being identified as persistently low-achieving schools, the lowest 5% of schools in the state. the district has made significant investments in recruiting, selecting, training, and supporting teachers in the zone. the results so far this year on benchmark exams shows the
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reforms are working. if we do not take this action, the schools in the superintendent's zone will be disproportionately impacted by layoffs at a greater rate, more than four times greater than the rest of the district. one of three teachers districtwide who would receive notices are in these 14 schools in the superintendent's zone. because this is the first time we have attempted this type of endeavor and it needs to be validated by administrative law judge, we would send modified preliminary notices to the 70 teachers as a precaution. the skipper of these teachers is justified, according to education code, because of the special training and experience that our teachers in the zone have, in addition to our specific need of achieving equitable outcomes for all our students. we have 632 probationary teachers.
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in some credential areas, we will need to lay off permanent staff, based on reduction of services. social studies and music are examples of those. that would happen if the respective of whether we skip the 70 -- irrespective of whether we skip the 70 folks in the superintendent zone. this lists the salaries. we used the low credential figures to calculate savings with teachers. and we use the average for administrators.
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the reemployment process is as follows. a layer of certificates staff is placed on the list for 39 months. the employment will be authored -- offered according to seniority in the inverse order of release. laid-off teachers who are not recalled will be offered employment as substitutes. now to paraprofessionals. we have 1581 paraprofessionals. of these, 939 are in special education. 642 are in general education, early education department, community outreach, and security. of the 642, 249 will receive layoff notices. of the 249, 91 are a potential reduction in work hours.
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