tv [untitled] March 6, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PST
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and industry types. we are here to ask you to take action and defend safe access. the government is undermining state and local law, going after our best dispensaries. a number of letters went out threatening landlord's. -- we appreciate the resolutions but we need more concrete action. we have a list of actions that you can take but i'm just going to give to today. one is to establish an emergency plan to read permit the dispenser is closed by the federal government in good standing with the city. the other one is to join americans for safe access amicus brief petition to reschedule cannabis. thank you very much.
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president chiu: next speaker. >> i am a young upcoming adult in the community and i found some of this stuff from the women of the city. someday workers will take possession of your city hall and when we do, no child will be sacrificed on the altar of profit or the catholic pedophile priest said. that day is march 8. as women workers and supporters shut down the business at city hall. we women all know the connection of military and mk ultra programs. we know about the true star wars program streaming subliminal messages from the satellite programs for the last 30 years to the present to maintain it subservient inaction for americans being
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assaulted by the insanity. from bush's nazi regime -- including barack obama. we will not be subservient anymore and the general strike will start on march 8, when the full moon will be our high noon. they don't belong in the church. they belong in families and families need to have more control of the school system. not the lord. -- not the board. [tone] >> good afternoon, board of supervisors. this is regarding several issues. number one is governor jerry brown. the former head of the fbi from los angeles to attorney general
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jerry brown asking him to investigate the indian roethke's -- indian reservation murders near palm springs involving cia drug and gun running. they were covered up. then gov. jerry brown has the new attorney general and we are asking her to do the same thing. number two, regarding jerry brown, he and his catholic masters have been covering up and protecting many pedophile priests throughout the state. hundreds of them. regarding the 4000 troops we have already lost in the desert wars, we have lost more than at as suicides. 18 per day. that is thousands per year. but as this is an undeclared war
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and now president obama and the leader of israel's say they are ready to go war in iran. the last issue is -- i should mention the cia director and he -- i got distracted. the secretary of defense says iran has no nuclear weapons and no ability to create them, so why are we talking about war with iran? it gets back to the nazis in america brought here from world war two under operation paper clip. you can google it on the internet. all intelligent operator -- i think i was cut off before the second minute, so i do not respect that. president chiu: thank you very
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much. next speaker. >> good afternoon. the scope and authority of the sheriff's office is the highest in the land and i'm sure many sheriffs would have already accomplished what i am about to speak to. the sheriff has a responsibility to arrest murderers and terrorists no matter their political station. sheriff, you are being called on behalf of americans to rest governor jerry brown for the verifiable cover-ups of murders and catholic pedophile priests. there is no denying this. you are also being commanded to arrest and not the terrorist and instigator in collusion with others and the asia-pac organization to murder thousands of troops to be sent to iran. arrest this terrorist.
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there is no denying this fact. in fact, if barry obama shows up in san francisco again, arrest him as well. your choice to be a hero or zero. may your wrongdoing and you will be forgiven. denied this request and you will receive no mercy in the courts, losing both your job and marriage. the almighty call for the california general strike has been made. it is march 8 for 40 days, that is our full moon. those who would dare to deny will see the shutdown of the systems throughout california. regarding the past and those who choose otherwise, they will be visited by a true wrath. i am peter, i am your servant, and i have given you this information and it be true. it is time for californians to rise up for we are the most powerful state in the country
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and that we are not here to be buffaloed by not see corruption from the white house on down on the international level by what is referred to by eristic cats posing as catholics or israelis or what have you. [tone] president chiu: thank you very much. >> i don't have anything as dramatic as that to say. i am here to remind you in case you do not know what that the central subway is not yet a completely done deal. the federal money has not been approved. it is $943 million, 60% of the
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total cost. we did receive federal money in the form of to ear marks sponsored by two of the three women who i would say run california. it is undergoing a 60-day review in congress and peter ores that has weighed in and after that it's up to the senators and representatives. i know that this board will reinforce its approval of the central subway not too long ago but one of these supervisors come i'm not going to say to, revealed in a meeting about three weeks ago that -- she thought -- and gave away -- it's a done deal. for reasons unknown to me, the manager in charge of the central
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subway project has approved the issuance of contracts to buy the machines. when asked how they would be paid for, perhaps the full grant was turned down he said we are borrowing against state and local money. issuing contracts is one thing and not getting the money to pay for his mother and i would advise you to pay -- to think about that and it is not a done deal. thank you >> good evening, supervisors. i ran the indian eatery and i am here to speak in support of the opposition to 1678. my wife and i are raising three young kids here. the youngest will attend public school year when she hits can the garden. i am very aware of the need for healthy food choices. one thing that makes this the
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great is the thriving food scene. our evolving food truck seen here is one of the most vibrant in the country. trucks are not universally healthy or unhealthy just as restaurants are not. 1678 is an inappropriate way to address childhood obesity, especially inappropriate for a dense city like san francisco. food trucks allow unique products to reach areas where economic products for don't serving these types of things in a brick and mortar establishment. this hurts small businesses and her reduces food choices for the people of san francisco and please stand up against this to ensure our city remains the best food city and california and one of the leading food cities in the world. >> thank you hello.
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i am here to state my opposition to 1678. being a father myself, i think this has good intentions but the negative impact to small- business is will far outweigh any good. thank you >> good afternoon. i'm with a minority and family owned food track here in san francisco. as a mother of a 3-year-old, we are very aware of making sure we're taking care of the children and making sure they have helped the options. we are an organic and sustainable food track and we pride ourselves on making sure we give healthy options so
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people can feel good about what they are eating even if it is from a food truck. there are so many options in san francisco that do this. i feel 1678 unfairly points out that we are not helping the children and we are contributing to obesity and i do not feel that is the case. i want to come and support supervisor wiener and say san francisco needs to be able to make its own choices and this bill does not fit what san francisco needs. thank you >> good afternoon. i work at a local nonprofit located in the mist in district.
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i'm here to speak in support of supervisor wiener's opposition to the resolution. we provide resources to low- income entrepreneurs and those businesses happen to be mobile. mobile food offers an amazing opportunity for entrepreneurs, most of them emigrants with families. it offers low capital access to market opportunities so they can have a chance to grow their businesses. we are in support of mobile food for entrepreneurs and a means of creating a livelihood for themselves and their family. thank you >> a member of the board of supervisors, i commented before this board of supervisors two weeks ago regarding the parker said fiasco's and used the term
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racism. i was not being bombastic or exaggerating. if you look at the 8000 people whose lives are being demolished, it seems as this the effort was intended to protect every possible class that could be listed. when, check. people of color, check. the disabled, check. and the list goes on. when a few of the people dared to challenge the board of supervisors by taking them before the task force and won the case is, what did the board chose it should -- what the board choose to do? they mounted a stealth attack in a truly cowardly fashion on the sunshine ordinance itself. this was a truly cowardly act. i will encourage the citizens and san francisco every time
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they attend a public meeting, pay attention to whether or not the members of the board or commission you are appearing before even show the common courtesy of sitting and paying attention or do they focus on their laptops or do they get up and walked out of the chamber? most of the public comments, if you did not see the person speaking, you would see there were members of the board of supervisors to simply left the chamber. that shows how much respect they have for public comment. it when they did park merced, they rammed it through in one day even though they themselves raise questions about the illegality, they went ahead and did it anyway and were surprised when the task force found them in violation of the ordinance. [tone] president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, board of
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supervisors. i'm a native of san francisco. i live in a four unit apartment building at the corner of 30th avenue and california street. i sent a letter to supervisor mar last month. although acknowledge as having been received, there is no response from the supervisor or his office. i would like to share this with members of the board. february 9, 2012. dear supervisor, please help me understand why mr. bob chu continues seeing clients at his residence when he has been told by the planning department multiple times that he cannot see clients at his house. he is a tax accountant and
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various people come and go to this house seven days a week, often parking in my driveway. he denies seeing clients there, but after confronting one client after he parked in my driveway blocking access, i was pushed and had my life threatened. a police report was made. a person with known pryor's admitted in the report that he was at the house for business purposes. it is now 2012 and he continues to see clients as if ignorant of any wrong. a supervisor of district 1, i asked you -- i asked you contract -- that you contact him with a simple phone call because this is a residential block and his business is a nuisance. with interest in increasing public safety, it seems that the ongoing traffic to and from
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this presence should be on a radar screen. [tone] president chiu: which is thank you. next speaker. >> hello. i'm part of a food tracked and having -- i am greatly opposing 1678 because it is unfair and tends us as being unhealthy and accuses us saying we are not supplying the community. our business has taken up a space in the tenderloin and we employ many people and to have that taken away from us,
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especially the food we serve, has greatly impacted the community and created a sense -- we are trying to help out the community and because we take up this space and we are a food truck, having this as something said by sacramento, we are greatly against it. please reconsider this law. thank you >> i would like to put this up. >> thank you for your service.
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this last 10 days has was done by for me. ever since i mentioned last week that i was figuring out how many days it was from the new sabbatical cycle 2 9/11, including weak day, it was 9/11. 911 days into the new sabbatical cycle. that is like god's small voice -- saying we are not going to have to wait until the end of this sabbatical cycle. i believe it since this worked out to 911 days that god is saying the seventh zero weill will be poured out. that is what i believe. in jeremiah 28, it came to pass the first year in the beginning of the reign of zedekiah -- the
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point this there is a chronological link. it rained a 11 years and his 11th year had to have coincided with the seventh year. the chronology was messed up for persia. immediately after the exile, he started the 70 weeks prophecy to the coming of jesus christ. it gives the precise year the lord jesus christ would be killed. [tone] jesus christ said the son of man will go as it is written of him. the sabbath year was not the year he was killed. it would have been the 407 -- it is quite incredible that i say i would say 700 years before his death that he would be cut out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people. yet the angel gabriel told us the precise year when he would
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be cut off. [tone] president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. we represent the owner of a category one significant 1908 building in which the gold dust lounges located. i understand a proposal has been made and i want to say a few things briefly and make sure you have a copy of our letter. we will have more to say when this comes before you for consideration. we urge your rejection of that proposal when it comes before you the enough -- for four reasons. first, the matter will be before the h pc this month and they are qualified to determine whether
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the goal best lounge is worthy of landmark status. second, important historic principle should not be compromised 3, the notion of the 1960's gold dust lounges misguided. does not qualify independently and has nothing to do with the architectural significance. no. 4 -- this is a about a landlord tenant dispute. the operators of the bar on the board of supervisors to manipulate historic preservation principles and aid them in avoiding contractual obligations under their release. thank you. president chiu: are there any other members of the public who wish to speak?
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seeing none, public, disclosed. could we go to our 3:30? to all of the folks in the chamber, i want to welcome you for taking part in this celebration. welcome to the celebration of women's history month. as we recognize the leadership of many women. it's the time to appreciate the contribution of women who have been courageous leaders working to improve the quality of life for all san franciscans. the department of status of women has been recognizing the contributions of women through the women's history program. i would like to invite the president of the commission to say a few words about the history of this event.
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is she here? when she gets here, we will give her a few moments to say a few words. what i would like to do is to proceed into our awards. i would like to go in alphabetical order so that a his first. supervisor avalos: supervisor avalos: it is my honor to call [unintelligible] to be -- and i would like to thank you for your great work and service in making sure we have a city that recognizes the continuous need for equality
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here in a city that is not always known for not having equal access and a recognition of women. we always need to make sure we are doing everything we can to acknowledge women power and recognition. is she here? i just saw her a moment ago. maybe -- how many years have you worked in the chamber? it's good to have you and thank you for your years of service. >> good afternoon. it is always an honor to return to this chamber, but especially today to honor women. i would like to recognize the
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director of the department of the status of women. today, we pause to celebrate women's history month and recognize women and our communities who are working to improve the lives of all san franciscans. the theme is women's education. women's economic strength and empowerment. with this annual event, we take a moment to recognize the rich and varied contributions of women in san francisco. i'm honored to be a part of such a celebration and recognize the efforts of women in the great city. we look forward to seeking funds for services for women and children in need and who have no voice. congratulations to the women and men in our communities who work every day to inspire dreams and build on visions and now i think we have all of the honorees in
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the chamber. thank you. supervisor avalos: i would like to call to the podium [reading name] great to see you here. she emigrated to the united states from guatemala in 1982 and received her aa and started her own a license eight facility. after 11 years, she took her experience in child care where she ran a preschool for migrant families. here in san francisco, she served as a liaison with the
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school district and has a single mother of two trying to insure quality education for children, brought her experience and success to the hillcrest community. she is currently the campus and engagement coordinator, working with advocates for children and youth, she developed a strong network of leaders and empower families to be outspoken advocates for their children. she has gone from a concerned parent to that effective community organizer and leader, helping struggling families improve their children's education and when city policies that protect safety net programs. in 2010, when our city faced major deficits, she was a leader in helping to win new revenue and helping to pass the proposition which brought in $50 million and preserve essential rv
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