tv [untitled] March 11, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT
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hopefully tonight we can make more progress about the conversation between the police and use. i am looking forward to this. >> good evening. members of the board and community. i would like to thank each of you for your presence today. it is greatly appreciated. my name is angel carrion. i am a student majoring in political science. there was a time in which i myself made many contacts with the police. i am not part of this faq. i am now older and respectful of authority. in those times i was not aware of my rights as a minor. i did not know how to properly act toward authorities. i was not aware had the right for my parents to be present
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while i was interrogated. i am much older and knowledgeable and ready to work alongside sfpd and the police commission to improve relationships. we're working to prevent resentment toward whose duty it is to serve and protect. our -- this will prevent hostility between used and -- youth and police officers. we have the -- it is imperative we improve the relationships between our youth and the police department. our youth will be equipped to know how they will be treated. thank you for listening. we look forward to working with you. thank you. >> good evening. i am javonte holloway.
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i would like to thank the members of the police commission and the youth commission and the members of the public for showing up. i am looking forward to hearing your stories and experiences. tonight's meeting is extremely important because we are not often granted the opportunity for youth to express their opinions and put -- give their input on policies that affect them. this is really powerful. we all know that historically, interactions between police and youth have not been ideal, partially due to a disconnection and -- in communication. we have that chance tonight to communicate respectfully and take everyone's ideas into account. i want to create situations that will improve the way we experience contact with the police. to give you an idea, we passed out a survey with questions that
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about a young people's experiences when coming into contact with officers and how those interactions have impacted their lives. some of the questions include, do you feel that you can effectively talk to police officers to be as good a situation? do you feel police can talk to use to successfully de escalade a situation? would you benefit from receiving tips on how to interact with police? we can improve your body language, a voice, or tone, to reduce the chances of re- confrontation? we really appreciate it if you have not already, to fill out those surveys. we have a table outside. you can check on your phone by going to twitter, sfyouth or on facebook, on twitter we have to an associated hashtag
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#sfpdyouth. this is your time. i am talking to the young people. this is your time to speak up and make your voice heard. thank you for coming out tonight. >> good evening. my name is nicholas persky, i am a mayoral appointee. i am a member of the youth important -- employment committee. this is a great new opportunity for all the staff. >> thank you. >> good evening, everyone. i am mia shackelford. i work on youth employment. our city has been leading in some many other things, our city
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is different and it is groundbreaking and move forward. i hope this cooperation works here and can work in other cities across the nation. >> hello, everyone. i am the chair of the san francisco youth commission, leah lacroix. i am studying paul -- political science. this is my third year on the commission and i am a mayoral appointee. for some background, we have been existing for 15 years. we were greeted by a charter amendment approved in the mid- 1990's by the voters. one of our duties is to identify the and that needs of youth in the city and to advise the board and the mayor on these issues as well as other city departments and agencies. the best way to advise these bodies in our city government is to hear from the young people. i feel that this meeting today
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and this hearing is the best way that we can do that and to have young people here and to hear from you. i want to thank you for coming out here today. my colleague said it best. for all the reasons we're here. i want to thank everyone again for being here. i want to thank the police commission as well. >> i am lily marshall-fricker. >> thank you. we have had introductions. it is time to hear from the police commission. i will start with commissioner terman. commissioner terman: good evening. my name is giannoulias -- julius terman. outside the police commission i am a partner and i practiced labor and employment law. commissioner slaughter: i was
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appointed to the police commission a couple of years ago by mayor newsome and confirmed by the board of supervisors and like a lot of you said, this is a tremendous opportunity for the use commission and police department and the police commission and members of the public to discuss issues that affect both groups. it is a great opportunity. in my day job, you will see i am an attorney as well. i work for law firm and i do all sorts of different kinds of litigation and thank you for coming. commissioner kingsley: i am carol kingsley, i was appointed a year and half ago by the mayor. it has been a pleasure serving the community and the police department. in this way. my day job is as a mediator. i practiced law for many years
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but now media business disputes, primarily. i am very excited about this joint meeting. i think that as so many of you so eloquently put it, this is a great opportunity to further dialogue between the youth in our community, of which represent so well, and the police department. and to further dialogue and address issues and hear from the public. thank you all very much for being here. commissioner chan: i am angela chan and i am the fourth lawyer. there are more to come. i am a staff attorney at the asian law caucus. i focus on criminal justice reform. i work with parents who are limited english proficient with children in this system. bullying and harassment at the schools and at the integration
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of the criminal-justice and integration -- immigration system. we are down here with these youth and members of the police department, to engage in an interesting and important discussion. i first -- made my first week to the -- tweet to the hashtag. commissioner dejesus: i have been on the commission five years and i was appointed by the board of supervisors. it has been a long time coming to me with the use commission -- use commission -- youth commission. vice president marshall: i am joe marshall. you do not have to be a lawyer to be on the police commission.
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my day job is i run a radio program called straight soldiers, some view said you listen to it. if nothing else, we got to do this all the time. more and portly, this gentleman over here, -- more importantly, this gentleman over here. we go and talk to people and hope they listen. i am very proud of you. you have done our remarkable job. i want to applaud you. [applause] -- to have done on a remarkable job -- you have done a remarkable job. president mazzucco: i am a graduate of university of california, berkeley. i am a lawyer. my day job is in a law firm.
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i was an assistant district attorney. the most impact i had was the year i spent at youth died in center. that is where reality struck me. -- the most impact i have was the year i spent at youth guidance center. i went to the u.s. attorney's office were was an organized crime prosecutor and now i am in private practice on the police commission where i have honorably served for four years. it has been exciting preparing this. we're looking forward to it. i cannot wait to hear when you have to say. i am impressed already from what i have seen coming from the use commissioners. i am going to announce next supervisor david campos. i would like to hear from supervisor avalos. supervisor campos: thank you.
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i also want to thank the chief for not only his presence but his leadership on these issues. i want to thank the executive director of the offices -- office of citizen complaints. we also have the chief of juvenile probation. thank you for being here. you'll be hearing from the mayor's office as well as the supervisor -- as supervisor avalos. many supervisors wanted to be here, but there are a lot of things going on tonight. their absence is in no way an indication of the lack of interest. in fact, the board of supervisors is very interested about this meeting tonight. i think it was commissioner tiveras that said it was a historic night.
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it was the first time you have the dry meeting. what does it say about this city that here we can have this kind of dialogue? i think it is truly amazing and we should be very proud of the kind of city we live in and the kind of government we have that this kind of meeting can happen. it is always a pleasure for me to come back to the police commission, having served as a member of the commission and the police commission does tremendous work. you have individuals who are dedicating their time because they want to serve. the same thing is true of the youth commission. the only negative about being on a joint meeting with the youth commission is i always feel inadequate. when you look at and listen to the eloquence with which these young people talk about the issues and the level of sophistication. i know that is something i never had at that age. it is gratifying to think that in the near future, they will be legitimately sitting as elected
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be representatives running the city and that is exciting. the main reason why it is important for us to be here and to have this discussion is that san francisco has led the way, sfpd specifically has led the way on a number of issues. we have a department general order that outlines how police department is supposed to interact with youth. we passed because of the leadership of chief sir and the board of supervisors and mayor lee a historic or ransack codified area policing. we are the first police department to do that. in thinking about the implementation of that department general order and that ordinance, it became clear that the issue of youth and how police interact should be something that we should focus on as we begin implementation.
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my hope out of this meeting is we will be able to identify the positive things that are already happening in terms of the things the police department is doing around the issue of youth. also to identify ways in which we can improve what is already happening. i know that training is already taking place. you will be hearing not only from the use commissioners but the experts from the kind of bath -- best practices training that has been implemented. my hope is we can have a dialogue about how we can incorporate some of those best practices and to what is happening here in the san francisco police department. like anything we do, we need to make sure it is done in a way that is specific to san francisco and the san francisco way. there is a way to make that happen. on the part of the board of supervisors, and i can speak to myself, it is important for us as a board, as a legislative body, to make a commitment, to make sure that to the extent additional resources are needed,
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those are resources that are provided at -- provided. not only in the city government but to the extent their partnerships which can develop without side foundations of people who are interested in making sure we with this issue for a. i want to identify president mazzucco. we would not be having this meeting without the leadership of president mazzucco. thank you, mr. president, for making that happen. tonight is not about adults speaking. it is about mainly hearing from the youth and the young people who came out. i want to knowledge i have seen firsthand all the positive things that so many police officers are doing around the issue of youth and the issue of youth. we have seen it in the eng leside district. it is about improving on the
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positive things. i will turn it over to my colleague, supervisor avalos, who i know is interested in this issue. thank you for being here. it is a very exciting night. supervisor camposr avalos: i look at the heart of community policing is about relationships. relationships have to happen at all levels of government. this is one level that is important that we engage that. that is at the commission level and the department level. we also have a lot of folks from the community as well. the crux of the relationship is we are listening and hearing from each other about our experiences and doing our worked. i cannot stay here the whole time but i wanted to be here to
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show that i am very interested in this dialogue that is going on. i can come back with the commissioner who i have appointed, commissioner yang. before i go, i do want to say there has been a lot of great work i have seen in district 9 in district 11 between young people and the police department ingleside station. we have formed together where young people and police officers have done a lot of work in getting to know one another. it has happened and shows there is a real interest. making sure we can put for the best practices in community policing we can do. there are resources. the board, we want to be able to make sure that we are funding and supporting prevention resources by resources for the police department as well, to be sure you have the tools you have
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to do your work and meet the needs of young people and the safety of our communities. thank you for coming together. i am sorry i cannot be here all night. president mazzucco: thank you, supervisor avalos. supervisor campos? supervisor campos: she and h illary in my office, thank you for helping to make this happen. [applause] president mazzucco: thank you. and now, we have mr. paul henderson from the mayor's office. i see him back there, and now he is making his way forward. >> hello. wow . i am so excited to see all of
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these people here in the court room. my name is paul anderson. i am the deputy chief of staff for the mayor. i am excited that this court room is filled with all of these young people and the police department. this is such a big deal. let me just say, from the mayor's office and for me personally, i am so excited that you guys put this meeting together to have this type of interaction, where you have people interacting not necessarily with the police but in the city. this is transformative and helpful, and for me, personally, a young gish, african-american person who grew up in this city, in the bayview, you know, i remember, my mother was a public defender here in san francisco, and i grew up and actually have a couple of issues, and i got
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arrested, and i remember my mother coming toygc and coming to get me and telling the helen paris she was for my behavior, -- coming to ygc and coming to get me and telling me how embarrassed she was for my behavior. staying in school and getting an education, interacting with law enforcement differently really was transformative for my life, and having experiences like all of you are experiencing today can be the same. that is why i am excited you all are here. ultimately, after i left school and became a prosecutor at the district attorney's office, again, another embarrassment for my mother at the public defender's office, but it was a proud embarrassment, and i have
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to say that these are the kinds of things that my parents wished i could ever participate in as a young person, so what i am hopeful for an am encouraged by is all of your presence here, and after hanging out in city hall and seeing the other side of what happens within the police commission and within law enforcement that we all go out as agents of change and talk to our community, talk to our friends, talk to our families about the things that we learned and the things that we seek to try to change perceptions and increase the partnership that i think absolutely should exist between all of the communities but particularly the young community and law enforcement, as well, so it really, it is a personal thing to me, and i am so excited that you guys are here, and i hope you get a lot out of this meeting because i think it is a great thing to see what takes place and the kinds of things that get discussed and
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how the police department actually operates and how that coincides with the interest of youth in the city. you guys are doing such a great job, and i want to commend both of the commissions are planning a meeting like this and coming together, so thank you for being here and paying attention and wanting to be in city hall and to share knowledge back and forth and having these joint meetings. of for the, it will just open the door to future partnerships. thank you for having me. thank you for being here. president mazzucco: thank you, mr. henderson. before continue, and i survived the youth commission in my house. a fellow commissioners said we need to acknowledge those who are here, so we went to a knowledge our public officials who are here tonight. >> good evening again. it is an honor today for the
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many individuals and apartments here. it is an honor for chief sir -- suhr and president mazzucco. this represents the desire in san francisco, and it is a pleasure to have them and allowing us to use their chambers. thank you to supervisor campos for his leadership on this issue, and it is always a pleasure to have many city department leaders and youth, stakeholders. thank you, chief, from dcyf, claudia anderson with eastern support services, tara reagan,
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paul. i am glad we have many influential players in the chamber tonight. i also want to set the tone of tonight's meeting. i am personally very interested to hearing all of your genuine experiences you have had in the past, however we do want to keep the conversation moving forward, so therefore, i believe the theme, the concept that we are trying to set or atone is let's advocate, let's advocate as individuals, as individuals who have experience, whether it is negative interactions with police, let's attach it to your experiences and story by identifying the root problems that we have and also providing solutions so that we can learn from each other,
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and also, we would like to hear the positive outcomes that have occurred with youth and police officers, so please share those so that we can replicate those in the future, and also, we know we have, as a youth commission, and the committee, thank you for being here today. thank you for the many, many hours on this project, preparing for it. we have some issues we would like to talk about, and if you have not received the survey, which is out in front, please fill it out. this is around some of the issues we like to talk about, training, that we would like to see for the police department, where they can involve youth,
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community-based organizations involved in the training, as well, and they can be included in real-life scenarios where we can say how these substance- based ratings can provide visual guidance of the interaction as we know the substance based training has accomplished in goals in the past, excuse me, from the procedure. it has reduced over 50%, and we would also like to talk about having a concept -- comprehensive distribution of the know your rights bulletins, because this is how you should interact, sylvia comes cannot become negative, also guiding them in knowing what their rights are and process.
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we would also like to talk about perhaps a revised mou and we understand the powers that be and the ways that police officers are given -- giving their lives to their job, and their profession, and we understand that, need be, arrests have to be made, but we also want to take into the fact that our city has been a leadership city, and taking into account the youths' perspective, and at schools where arrests may be made, and that they can be handled appropriately. the job has to be done. it also impacts the classroom
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and others. i believe with all of the leadership and attendance and all the creativity, i am confident that we will reap positive outcomes for today, so thank you, and think you to the members of the public today. we're interested in hearing your experiences and stories, but please, let's advocate. thank you. president mazzucco: thank you, commissioner ontiveros. i want to thank my fellow commissioner, commissioner chan, for her hard work. commissioner chan: it is also mario, too. president mazzucco: 01 to start with some, including the excelsior unit, and the youth. the vietnamese youth development center.
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