tv [untitled] March 17, 2012 3:00am-3:30am PDT
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dr. murase? mr. yee? >> present. >> ms. chong. >> here. please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the plag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god, indivisible with justice for all. >> some day! >> we're going to go with the approval of the board minutes for february 28th, 2012. it will take place at the next meeting. so we're not going to have any approval. item b, presentation of the
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superintendent's report. superintendent garcia. >> thank you. first of all, good evening and i want to welcome everybody for being here this evening. i wanted to report back to the board on a meeting that we had on february 29th with the governor. we thought it was going to be a one-hour meeting. we actually stayed three hours. eight other superintendents and myself the largest school districts and the state of california met with the governor to talk about the budget and to talk about his initiative and what would results be if it passed and if it didn't pass. just so the public is aware just for our school district, i think it was a good meeting for him to kind of be surprised that even with his initiative passing, a district like ours would still be cutting in the next three year, $83 million. and that's if it passes and if it doesn't pass then a district like ours would have to cut as
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much as 119 million from our budget. he was quite surprised and taken that even though he was under the assumption that by -- the things that he was proposing that that would help replace all the cuts that school districts are having to make. and what he didn't realize at the time and everybody chimed in to point out that we're in this situation a lot because there hasn't been cost of living adjustments because we've run out of stimulus money because the deficit spend us in terms of when they pay us, when they pay school districts money. all of that if that accumulates over four years and a result very few districts are finding a way that they can balance their budgets. it was -- it was really interesting to hear all the different districts chime in and the governor was quite amazed. he had all this financial business people there. and as we were talking and sharing this information, he kept saying, well, is that
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really true to his staff and his staff said yes, it is true. we caution people who think that, you know, it's great ha the governor's trying to do something. but it's not really the education initiative that's going to fix public education in the state of california because -- because it -- excuse me. excuse me. i'm sure pizza's important but -- folks -- >> excuse me, we can't keep the order here, i'm going to ask you to leave. >> you can ask. >> anyway, so after the meeting the governor was not really excited about the meeting, but all of us, all the different school districts gave him a pretty simple packet of what our budgets would look like so he has a real understanding of not only how we got into this
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mess but even if initiative is passed, it doesn't fix this mess that we're in. i think it was a good meeting. hopefully we have more with him. on a more positive note, i want to share that we had a really good successful school bond sale. i want to thank all the voter who is authorized to selling our bonds the authorization, and we're able to get good rates so that the schools will get urnway, 50 school sights we'll be working on fixing them and repairing them. 80% of our population do not have children in our schools and yet, we got 71% of the voters going out there to support schools. so that was really exciting. [applause] yeah, that's something to applaud on. the other thing i want to congratulate, really this award
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should go to gentle and a lot of people who worked on our websites who work in our school district because believe or not stran unified received a sunny for maintaining one of the greatest website. over 6,000 agencies, websites were reviewed nationwide and only 214 receives the sunny award. i'm proud to say that our school district was one of them. in 2011, we redesigned our website to make it a little bit more relevant and accessible to parents and the community members. and so this award is recognizing that our, you know, that work that was put in by a lot of folks actually did what it was supposed to do so congratulations to the folks that made this happen. on a more negative note, as if there isn't enough, you know, i mean -- i want to just let you know that there are two force
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school closures that are coming up. unfortunately, our state government, state officials are not putting the money where we need it. and as a result friday, march 16th there won't be any school and friday april 6th, 24r won't be in school -- there won't be any schools and all the district offices will be closed. >> boo! >> i agree. i agree. thank you. >> so let's go to item c recognition and resolution of recommendation. supervisor garcia. >> i think this is something that everybody in this room can agree on. and that is an opportunity people our unsung heroes who work in the district and who do great things. we're really lucky to have two special, distinguished great review awards given out. the first presenter i would like to ask is robert moss at independent high school to
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first step up to give the first award. oh, there you are. come on down. >> good evening, superintendent, board of education. i have worked with them for the last 16 years. just like these teachers are very hard-working, dedicated changed the office when she came aboard. and i would like to present you -- her to you linda samamoto.
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[applause] >> thank you very much. >> and we have one more this evening. i'd like to call on the principal of burton high school, bill copenhagen. come on up. [applause] >> so with only an honor do i have the opportunity to present an assistant principal at burton high school who joined the administrative ranks four years ago. tired of that, she was a mass department chair with a small stint as the instructional form facilitator. previous to that she was a math teacher. she came to burton high school
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from the philippines to join a special program and has never left burton. she's truly committed. i do want to say a few things about marline. she is one of the administrators that ensures the program to all students no matter what their background is. and she will keep that rigorous program of study no matter what pressure she comes across and she truly believes that students have the ability to achieve knowing that fundamentally students have to work hard and she holds them to that and with that hard work, she demonstrates that hard work. with that, i would like to present to you all, marline lakeside. [applause] >> thank you so much. the thank you so much. -- thank you so much. [speaking foreign language] thank you so much for this recognition. i just would like to say that
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when you're working around people who are so dedicated there's nothing that you can do to show your appreciation but to reciprocate tall hard work. so thank you so much for the recognition. [applause] >> so thank you. so item d, student delegates report, justin: -- joyce and clarissa. >> so yesterday we had our general meeting and the s.a.c. voted to help the parent advisory council the outreach to the sfusv students. so we are creating a focus group to show how the restore active practices are going at all the different schools and all our butte summit is coming up next thursday which is march
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22nd at fort mason. and 14 high schools are participating at this summit and about 14 to 201250u7b9s from each school will be there. there will be 10 workshops. first one is visiting the mission. the second one is planning for action in your school and neighborhood. the third one is cyber bullying, end bullying. the fourth one is culture clash family generational. the fifth one is restore active practices. the sixth one is done by the peefcack. the second one is how to get involved in politics. the second one is environmental leadership and the eighth one is on the dream act. and we'll have the keynote speaker, dr. eloise joseph from the all-stars program and we will have our own commissioner norman yee for opening remarks and our student speakers are yu goma and also antonio cruz from
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the school of the arts high school. we will have some really awesome entertainment from the lol jazz team. and i hope you guys can go as well. >> additionally, the s.a.c. is involved with the free muni for use campaign and the campaign has had its ups and downs. right now it's on the up swing. last week, there were four hours of public comment at the sfmta meeting in support for free muni for use and the board as agreed to vote at an april 3rd meeting at 1:00. directly following the meeting the coalition for free muni for use will hold a rally at the steps of city hall with lots of youth from different schools from 4:00 to 5 p.m. we're also right in the mid of s.a.c. and there are currently seven candidates.
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and over 25 candidates at several different high school on the ballot for the s.a.c. representative election. both elections will take place during our on use vote the week pryier to spring break through march 23rd. >> thank you. for the report. any comments from board members? so item e -- excuse me. item e, the pack report. there's no pack report tonight since they are having two conversations about restoreive at this time at carver. denmon middle school. item f public item on consent items. there's none on the speaker
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cards today. so item g, consent calendar. is there a motion and a second on the consent calendar? >> so moved. >> second. >> any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent? >> yes, we have one item to withdraw. it's on page 40. item 12rks, 3-13k1. >> did you say you're withdrawing that one? ok. thank you. >> any items removed by first reading by -- by the board? any items up for discussion and vote tonight? >> ms. maufas? >> i don't need the information tonight but if i could get
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further information around the k.l.w., if i could just get that? >> sure. roll call vote will take place under section o. item h, superintendent's proposal, none tonight of item i, board members proposal, none tonight. j requested speak regarding general matters. got plenty of speakers tonight. so we're going to start with -- with the u.s. department of education civil rights data report and there are six speakers that have -- that i have here. greg johnson, gayle meadows, al williams, karen johnson, john williams templeton. you have two minutes each for this part of the comments. >> first, i'd like to say thanks for the opportunity.
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by the way, my former live i was sciu. my name is greg johnson. i'm co-owner of larkis group which is the oldest bookstore in the nation. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. i saw the statistics that the secretary of the district released regarding the san francisco unified school district. 50% of out of school suspensions and 42% of in-school suspensions while we make up 11.9% of the entire population in the school district. yet only 4.3% of the students taking the s.a.t. are black. we wonder why more teachers in schools do not use our 50 years of experience and expertise and
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materials. we need to re-examine how the district is using resources to provide the instruction of our black youth today. so having said that, as a co-owner of marcus bookstore, we offer our services. we offer our expertise. by the way, i'm a product of san francisco unified school district. [cheers and applause] across the street we have a brand-new building that's named after our family. so we ask that you don't make a mockery out of our life work and bringing education to the community. thank you. [applause] >> good evening. my name is oscar james. i'm also a resident of san francisco and also a product of san francisco unified school district. and i support all the teachers
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in not being cut off. but my -- [applause] my main concern is i grew up in san francisco, born and raised. and the lack of black history being taught in our schools denies a lot of our young brothers and sisters from participating in san francisco yune tied school district. when i came up in the 1950's and was in the san francisco public schools, i moved to vernon heights where i went to paul revere. i don't know if you want to clap on that right now. i spent most of my time in paul revere in the halls. denied a lot of -- the education that i should have attended because my parents during the summer time we would go to the south and we would bring back history of my cousin and them writing letters in 1956 and 1956, and i brought
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back the history of my family being run out of texas. and i brought back the history of colfax, louisiana. at that time i was kicked out of my classes and i spent most of my time in hallways. i have a grandson who just got suspended from george washington carver. he's kindergarten. he's 5 years old. he has the -- the education of a 2 -- 2nd. he can do 2nd grade work. he speaks chinese. he speaks german and he also speaks spainish and remind you he's 5 years old. i can't say his name. i was told not to say his name. they put him in second grade. a teacher named mrs. mcgee was his teacher. he was getting good work.
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they put him in the second grade. he was performing well. they put him back into kindergarten. he is not performing because he knows his work in kindergarten. we want you to teach our kids the once that are advanced, bring them up to second grade but we want to make sure that black history is taught in our schools and that the teachers are prepared to teach black history. that is the reason a lot of our young people are not going to san francisco public schools are fallen off because they do not learn anything about themselves. >> thank you very much. two minutes are up. thank you. [applause] >> good evening. i'm randolph james. i'm speaking on behalf of al williams. i come from an organization that we have a bi law that we stand by. as i look at you and i don't know any of you from day or night, i see that your bi laws
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speaks for things that you will do for the kids and the education as needed. but your actions speaks of the lies that are in your heart that you deny the kids the right to have the education that would help them. now if you call being a child of god or a believer or just a regular old joe or miss suzy, i want you to understand your job is what you put on this piece of paper. you will treat people fairly. you would treat people with dignity. and your goals if you reach them, i pray that the kids in this city of san francisco would understand, who went to bat for them. not y'all. [applause] >> good evening, john templeton. we did a presentation for the curriculum committee in november about a new education that we'll call reunion.
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tomorrow we'll have a documentary about frin in silicon valley. and on -- about african-americans in silicon valley. and tomorrow, we will be presenting a documentary called "a king behind kings" about leroy king. so our point is that this kind of information is the kind of detail that would get our kids interested and address many of the achievement gaps that we see. but we see in action from the school administration making the information available. so those of us who have spoken tonight represent some of the longest serving institutions in the city. there are five black organizations that are celebrating their 160th anniversary, founded in 1852. "new york times" wrote about it.
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but it's not taught in our schools. so let's work together to bring our children up to where they need to be. thank you. [applause] >> so the next speakers i'm going to call on are dr. michelle clearer and helen ley. heather murdoch, tony wilson and forest gray. are you here? go ahead and step up to the podium. >> good evening, board members and public. my name is dr. michelle clearer. i have an m.a. in sports
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psychology and a p.h. in clinical psychology. part of the work i do is with folks who are struggling to lose weight, exercise and eat healthy. for them the behavior started when they were kids, now engrained patterns which they are struggling to change. if larger problem is not only do they struggle with weight, excercise but healthy eating but confidence and self-esteem which invades all areas of their life. physical activity not only helps with confidence, motivation and self-esteem but scores of studies have shown that physical activity helps to improve cognitive functioning, concentration and classroom behavior. and may ultimately contribute to closing the achievement gap in many of our schools. not only should p.e. be mandated because the state
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mandates it but because it's the right thing to do and it provides so many more benefits than is obvious. i am passionate about changing the direction of the obesity epidemic spreading across the u.s.a. which is why i have joined forces with shape up san francisco p.e. advocates. this starts with our kids. i want to thank you for listening to me tonight. and i encourage you to support the administration on continuing their efforts to improve p.e. in our element schools. thank you. [applause] >> hi, there. my name is heather murdoch. i'm an s.t. resident in the western edition of the part of the city and i'm the mother of a 4-year-old child and is caught up in the various different decisions that have been happening around transitional kindergarten. where we're right now, you are
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providing two services. that is just not an option for our family. i could not make the logistics work. there are numerous families where we are looking how are we going to get our children educated and we don't have answers right now. so i'm looking to the board and to mr. garcia to see if they can help provide whether that would be through a waiver program or through a transitional kindergarten location. i'm staggered that they feel it is acceptable to throw effectively 300 applications oits of the kindergarten process without giving the family any other option. likewise from an -- a perspective, everything i heard
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coming out of sacramento, is that one way or the other, a.v.a. would be available for those children and i don't understand why the district is happy to walk away from that money or from those children. thank you. [applause] >> hi, my name's forest gray. i spoke to you about a month ago urging you to provide my daughter who was born on december 1st who would be a kindergartener this year a waiver to get into kindergarten just as we were told that we would be allowing her to be accepted into the system. her application was accepted and on january 19th and then apparently on january 25th you rejected her application after it was accepted. we have asked for waivers. we have submitted letters from her pediatrician from her pre-k
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teacher. she actually does not need two years of kindergarten. so i was blown away by the options you're providing us. we got the letter. first legitimate notice that we apparently were rejected from the lottery just last friday. and in that package we apparently are supposed to sign off on this document that says if we do this that our choices that were previously submitted would be voided. i'm not interested in signing this. the two options are displayed here. option number one is in the entrance to the sunny dell housing project. you can see the current stats, the location, i'm not going to say that this is inconvenient, this is unsafe. i know the bay view well. i know the south part of the city well. i'm not going do send my child to the projects. option number two, is a half block away from mendel plaza
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