tv [untitled] March 18, 2012 10:30am-11:00am PDT
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on the dance party. that is on kofy. also metv. coming up soon, sundays at 8:00, cable 13. welcome to year of the dragon. i found this at the flea market. i do not know if it is meeting right yet -- meteorite yet. but it is a dinosaur. and i found this great book. that brings me to my public comment. the bells of san francisco. i did not know what was sunshine week. what should we say? ♪ let the sunshine let the city sunshine and the sunshine in ♪ and with this book -- ♪ you can
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ring my city bell ring my bell dangling -- ding a ling you can make it swell. bring me said witches and food as well. -- sandwiches and food as well you can take me to mel's you can make it swell you can ring my city bell ding a ling i hope your house you do not have to in cities here sell i hope you do not have to sell ding ding i know we sold our own for $25,000 we did sell, way back when i would like to win that old bell today ♪
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you -- yo man. it is on the new york times if you want to look it up. dance party. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> my name is kathryn hill and i have a song to share. ♪ it's not just a bar closing down this kind of thing has been happening all over this town a family business closing its doors so our landlord can make a bit more leasing out space to a big box name making this neighborhood look the same i am going to put up a fight so i can say i tried to hang onto what is mine 47 years, i have been working
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here counting my dollars earning the blue-collar now i'm supposed to go without any say for these 47 years when i was a boy i came to this land i worked very hard i worked with my hands i did what i had to do loving my wife i build a better life i came for hope all those years ago before the spirit broke 47 years i've been working here counting dollars burning the blue and white collar now i'm supposed to go without any say for these 47 years sitting in the bar tonight
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looking at is crystal lights i think of how built this place all the time it takes saving pennies counting dollars burning the blue in my collar -- earning the blue in my collar ♪ [laughter] --[applause] >> i have a public document i would like to put up. it is going to be a coincidence that 9/11 this year will be 911 days into the sabbatical cycle. another coincidence is that it will be 30 months plus 11 days from the 11th anniversary. the dictionary of a coincidence is a dictionary definition is occurring at the same time, taking up the same position in
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space at the same time, in effect agreement, identical. his hobby is coincidence with his vocation. i think of an incident that happened on palm sunday. people started yelling and screaming really loudly in this incident known as palm sunday. the pharisees were not really happy about that. they told jesus to keep it down. as this incident happened, there was another incident i forgot to mention. jesus rhoden on a document -- on a donkey. they had the second incident of him riding on a donkey. i forgot the third incident that happened on palm sunday. it is recorded in some 118 -- psalm 118. this is the day the lord has
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made. i beseech thee, oh lord. send now prosperity. blessed be he that cometh in the name of the lord. jesus wept over jerusalem. he said if you had known of this divine day -- he was referring to the data had rejected the chief cornerstone. daniel said when this event would happen, the precise year this would take place. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i would just like to say that i want the citizens to stand up for what is culturally important for the city, to stand
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up for what is historically important to them, stand up for what is important to them culturally. we have an opportunity right now with the gold dust lounge which is getting a lot of press. where the dust settles, no one really knows. but this is not a turning -- this is an opportunity to save part of san francisco city. if it is going to lost, -- going to be lost, it will be lost forever. it is a topic that could change the way things are this -- arkin -- are conducted down in union square. i want the people who live here to take the stand. -- a stand. president chiu: any other members of the public want to speak in public comment? if not, public comment is closed. madam clerk -- colleagues, what
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i would like to do is to go to our closed session at the end of today's agenda. so if we can go to our adoption without committee reference. >> items 25 through 29 are being considered for unanimous adoption without committee reference, but a single roll call vote. president chiu: would anyone like to sever one of these items? i believe items 25 and 29 need to be severed. unless there is anything else, madam clerk, could you please call the roll on items 26 through 28? supervisor weiner: i severed item 25. president chiu: will call. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye.
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supervisor olague: aye. supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. item 25, opposing assembly bill 1678, regarding restrictions on food trucks' parks and in the two schools. -- in proximity to schools. supervisor weiner: i want to thank all of you for the significant support that you have all expressed over time for the opposition to this bill. fortunately, the opposition that has been able to organize in san francisco has sent a loud and clear message, and the author of the legislation, assemblywoman
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bonnie from carmel, who is a thoughtful and responsible legislator, has significantly amended the bill in a number of ways, including grandfathering in the local regulations that exist as of next january, which would include hours, and statewide reducing the required distance of school trucks from 1,500 feet to 500 feet, and making it apply only to public schools, in addition to some other changes. although there are still some changes to be worked out, this is a pretty dramatic change to the legislation. as a result, i move to table item 25. president chiu: colleagues, any further discussion? i am sorry, supervisor weiner, but i did not touch the last of what he said. supervisor weiner: i moved to
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table. president chiu: seconded by supervisor campos. without objection, that shall be the case. >> item 29 is a motion authorizing corporation of britain proponent and opponent ballot arguments and rebuttals ballot arguments for submittal to the voters at the june 5, 2012 consolidated general municipal election. president chiu: our court had solicited suggestions for this motion. no one has volunteered to right arguments for either the garbage collection disposal measure or the coit tower measure. supervisor weiner has agreed to provide arguments with regard to the garbage collection measure and supervisor elsbernd coit tower. are there other suggestions? if not, i would like to entertain a motion to that
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effect. motion by supervisor elsbernd, seconded by supervisor farrell. we would strike the words with regards to support for language and the opponent measure. supervisors elsbernd and weiner will do that. can we amend without objection? and then on the underlying case as amended? we did the last item with a unanimous vote. can we take the motion as amended to be approved, house, called? -- same call? as we have approved going into the closed session of item 27, can i have a motion without objection? >> item 24, the motion of the
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board of supervisors convene in closed session on march 13, 2012, with the mayor's office and the department of human resources regarding negotiations with labor unions representing city employees. president chiu: can we go into closed session without objection? without objection, that shall be the case. if we can ask members of
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seconded by supervisor avalos. with that, madam clerk, could you read the in memoriams? clerk: today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals on behalf of supervisor campos for the late dorra shin amonte and for the late jake wilson, bulldog mayor of haight street. president chiu: is there any more business in front of this body? clerk: that concludes the business for today, mr. president chiu chiu president chiu: . cleex, we are adjourned. >> you know, i spent this
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morning with a number of department heads, and thanking them for their wonderful contributions for the heart of the city charity contribution this morning, sharing stories about what our contributions are doing in the charity giving for the city. i registered to them the same thing that i will register to our upcoming commissioners who are about to be appointed here today. a huge thank you for you, your families, supporters. you are joining the city family, me, sean elsbernd, department heads are here today, because we love the city. we want to make it successful in every way. i need to think ahead of time. before you are sworn in, you need a big hug. you need the city's official hug. you will be in positions to hear
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about issues, challenges, but you are also going to be part of making decisions that move forward to the spirit of this city, the spirit that i felt a couple of weeks ago when we celebrated the 50 years of leaving our hearts here, that we continue doing that on a daily basis. you will be sharing responsibilities for over 14 different bodies in our city that are not only policy but are hearing the nitty gritty things that have to be done to move the agenda forward. you will be able to enjoy the challenges of the city, ones that are critical to the delivery of old promises in a city where everyone has a voice, that, through your words and wisdom, be empowered in the city. you are all part of commission that will empower people, so,
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quickly developed the attitude, agenda, schedule. we need your time. i think people are giving money in these challenging economic times. today, right now, i am thinking you because you are going to be giving more than $5 of your time. he will be sacrificing personal time over the weekends. as i do, saying, it is worth it if i can turn around attitudes of what we are doing. if i can have all of you that are here today help me with the promises we made in our redevelopment communities, as you take on things like the successor oversight agency committee, help me develop those promises for communities that depend so much on our development. tell them that we are not giving
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up on those promises, whether it is housing, economic development, workforce development, kids. when you take on responsibilities of the building inspection, and joining me to make sure that job creation is at the helm of it. when you take on small business and again, recommit it -- when you're on the human rights commission -- talking to groups that feel disenfranchised, you share the same spirit. when you join our immigrant rights commission and say to immigrants who may not have english as their first language, that they are full participants in everything that we do and they have every right to be participating in every aspect of life, the enrichments that we want to share. when you look at that big stack of permit appeals, when you are wondering, did ed asked me to do
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this going through every appeal of every permit? then i will ask you to step up again and say you have a mayor that is extremely thankful for the work you are doing, the leadership you are doing, the money in that the courts will raise to keep these wonderful talented and innovative arts and our city, keeping us vibrant. all of these commissions -- we have some 14 commissions are being appointed today. each and everyone of them are extremely important in terms of the quality of life for the city and the promises that we will fulfill to all of you. i am excited about your appointments. as we swear you in, i will ask and take the time that i know the rest of the city family wants to see -- i want you to come up come as you raise your
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hand, named a commission that you will be on. we are proud of these appointments, we are proud of the time that you will spend, the quality of life that you will improve. i want you to do that for me as we swear you in. looking at all of you, knowing where you will be, the hours you will be spending, you have to understand, you reflect a tremendous diversity in the city, one that i have the privilege of representing myself in an historic fashion. i know that all of the communities in san francisco will be so proud of your leadership and your vision, but also, i think, most importantly, we are proud of the spirit in which you take on this responsibility. because it is personal sacrifice. sometimes, for us, we can get tired of the complaints, but at the end of the day, when you know, it if you listen to
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everybody, you do the balloting required, you make the decisions, and you keep your heart focused on improving people's lives in every possible way, whether in it is in entertainment, planning, all of the things that are represented here today, you will feel really good about the city. i just want to welcome all of you to the official city family and do my best to let you know that i will help as much as i can from the mayor's office. we have a great job to do, and it will be fun, exciting, enriching, and rewarding for everybody. thank you for being here today. [applause] i know time is of the essence. we need to get to those agendas. if i may, i would like to have all of the candidates please stand up.
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>> and do solemnly swear that i will not supplant -- support and defend the constitution of the united states and constitution of the state of california against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california, that i take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and i will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which i am about to enter during such
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time as level the office of -- for the city and county of san francisco. congratulations. thank you very much for your service. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome all of our newest 31 commissioners for the city and county of san francisco. thank you. >> hello. 9 judge terri l. jackson. the court is now recruiting prospective civil grand jurors. our goal is to develop a pool of candidates that is inclusive of all segments of our city's population. >> the jury conducts
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investigations and publishes findings and recommendations. these reports them become a key part of the civic dialog on how we can make san francisco a better place to live and work. >> i want to encourage anyone that is on the fence, is considering participating as a grand jury member, to do so. >> so if you are interested in our local city government and would like to work with 18 other enthusiastic citizens committed to improving its operations, i encourage you to consider applying for service on the civil grand jury. >> for more information, visit the civil grand jury website at the civil grand jury website at or call [horns honking] [siren wails]
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