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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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february 2011. after paying the initial feet and the sanford says go department 11 these, we began building capital reserve. today, with revenues collected, we of 3.2 million. this chart shows monthly revenue to date. the project is what gets us to 5 million per year. the variable star green line is what we've seen. it is a bit more variable than what we would have been dissipated. -- and what we have anticipated. the schedule, which is an attachment to on page 60, shows the optimistic tie line for the development of the strategic plan from here on out. we plan to issue a call for projects to inform the strategic plan and assistance in developing the privatization program. our goal is to have five years'
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worth of projects. based on the initial sponsor our reach, we think it is unlikely we will be able to program of five years' worth of revenue. we're looking to strike a balance between projects that are ready to go today and a year or two with developing pipeline projects that developed a clear pryor's station process. it is through the process we will be continuing to look for public input. we can share details as we move forward, and we plan to bring the draft criteria to this committee next month. the of prioritization criteria will be dependent on response to the call from sponsors. finally, we have been in contact with a number of public agencies we normally do not interact with as often, including department of public health, department of wrecks and parrec and parks.
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we have been able to identify projects that would be good for the fund, and understand the process to deliver transportation projects that are in place. we of been in contact with more traditional projects to identify potential projects. with that, i can take questions. we have representatives from a couple of the sponsored agencies i have mentioned. >> ok. any comments or questions? commissioner avalos: we will go to public comment first. >> and i the only person who does not work for an agency? i was not in favor of the prop
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delay program having these multiple categories, because i thought it will lead to this sort of bureaucracy in terms of project applications and developing a strategic plan and expanding funds on administration that i thought could go to actual projects. it is what it is. i would hope that staff can streamline the the application and review process so that it can actually go to dpw, mta and other eligible agencies. as i read the report, it suggests this would go for high impact projects that are low cost. perhaps those resurfacing projects that are single streets that cannot easily get into a long 10-block stretch but has a street that has a deteriorated road where it would seem appropriate for that. some of the more near-term improvements at mta, and perhaps
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some way finding signs and other pedestrian improvements at potentially a variety of public agencies. again, i would ask if the improvement funded here will be maintained by the agencies. i would hope so. i would hopes that would insure that as a condition of receiving the fund. as that asked for input and guidance from the committee about our reach, i think this would be an opportunity to look to others who have been involved with the authority in the past to do some outreach. i hope that is helpful, and this year questions, the cute. >> any other member of the public that would like to comment? cnn, we will close public comment this is an information item. i expect we have a plan coming
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forward. -- seeing none, we will close public comments this is an information item. there was a person that was possibly going to present? not here? ok. we can go on to the last item. item number 10, please. to the introduction of new items. commissioner avalos: 80 new items to present? public comment for this. we will close public comment on item number 10. item number 11. public comment. commissioner avalos: we will close public comment. item no. 12. we are returned. thank you very much. -- we are adjourned.
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>> let's get the party started. and i want to thank the mayor for being here and our team,
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the schoolboard. most important, my wife and son are here. i think i will read this because i don't want to get emotional. i wrote this letter, and i took some time to think about it. it is with mixed emotions, i announce my retirement on july 10. the time has come to retire so i can spend more time with friends and loved ones. i think it is important, while i
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still can ride my motorcycle. i have had the opportunity to work with some fantastic colleagues. they have done a phenomenal job . this is like a dream come true. the last five years have been an opportunity i have never had. it is nice to end my career. it has been an honor and privelege to serve this
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community. they had the wisdom to hire me. our work has restored my faith in the excellent opportunities that do exist. school boards can serve the students that are most under- served. the work has a long way to go, but if san francisco maintains its course, we will have no problem in determining student success. the freedom fighters have stood with me to make sure students
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are a priority. it is not our fault. that is a state infrastructure problem, and in spite of those cuts, as a result, we are one of the few districts that is doign well, and we are having to make tough choices, but we are going to get there. think about the fact that in 11 years we have had steady grow th. in the last three years, we have showed double digit
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growth. we had teachers and administrators who saw this as a civil rights issue. when we improve the conditions of underserved children, we serve all children, so i want to commend the work. there is a lot of work to be done, but i leave knowing the work will continue because we have quality people. the city, the partnership we have developed is like no other
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place in america. where else can we have all the other departments work hand-in-hand. where else do they go otut there and believe in children? i want to commend the community for standing up for social justice, so we have a lot of work ahead of us, and i may be a lame duck but not a dead duck. negotiating with partners, hoping we eliminate as many
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layoffs as possible, because this is one community, and we need to stand up for one another. it has been an honor and a privilege. thank you very much. [applause] >> hi, i am the president of the school board. today is a sad day for our school district to know
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superintendent garcia will be leaving after the school year. it seems like we just started this journey. what we have seen is positive growth in students. we have increased access to rigorous curriculum. this includes requriement for high school graduation, so we could say we have much to celebrate, but the board wants to continue the positive direction. there is no one single school
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board member that feels we are finished. we want to continue to support our goals and initiatives, so we made a decision to invite one person who has played a centra l role in achievements, so we are going to invite this person to take it to the next level, and that is no toher than oru current deputy superintendent. [applause] >> thank you.
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[speaknig spanish] ladies and gentlemen, i just shared a few words with you in spanish because entering schools, i only spoke spanish. i cannot tell you how proud my parents would be that we have focused on the path to be successful so they will be superintendents and doctors and lawyers. this is a labor of love, and i
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can tell you san francisco is unlike anyplace else where we believe in social justidce, and that does not happen without the leadership you see. most of all, our students, so i look forward to wroking to continue the work we started. i look forward to pushing ourselves to provide a better opportunity. my partner, my wife who is with me today, thank you for being here. i would have had my children
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here, but they are in school, but i want to thank the board for this trust you have placed i n me, so thank you very much, and i look forward to this next chapter. [applause] >> i want to bring up our mayor , who is a strong supporter o f f public schools. we are grateful to have him as co-chair, so our strong partner
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in public schools, mayor ed lee. [applause] >> thank you. i don't know how someone my age can figure out an escape so easily, but i want to congratulate you, and on behalf of city government, thank you so much for sacrificing. these days you haeear about heas of educational institutions in transition, and there are a lot of people who regard education as academic. i get a sense carlos was a
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different person, and he was always different. the first thing i noticed when i first met him, he was not speaking as an academic. he is speaking about kids and how we want them to succeed. he has championed programs and relationships, whether in the school board or toher programs, championed programs that are aimed at making kids first in our lives. that is what i liked most.
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it should not be a surprise he is leaving at a time there has been marked improvement. whether it is championing programs, these are programs i learned about, and realizing they are aimed at achievement gaps, and they have made great stridesw while the other children were enjoying the benefits, what has made it different is the special relationship with our city, one i will make sure continuses to
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happen. we are never satisfied with the status quo. if we were,w e would have gone baack to when the mayor was suffering. we care for our kids, not just in precious hours of education, but success has to do with education. that is why it has never been about a rainy day fund. we can support what goes on in and around the schools. we are always experiencing the
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cuts at the federal and state level, and we are always challenged, and it is not only those cuts beginning in kindergarten. how many express that it is about continuing all the way to college, and then to have carlos working with the dept of public health, or as a member of my cabinet, so many other
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departments engaged in the need for our kids to be successful in and out of the classroom. it is those i believe to be mroe successful, and i know richard is going to inherit this as we meet new challenges. we are going to approach them in an enthusiastic way, that is the best way we honor your leadership, to carrry those out in more increased vigor. we have been funding a ltot
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of work and going about the business of solidifying a relationship that is created, so thank you for putting kids first. thank you for expressing your love for 37 years, not only for institutions but for people when you can express your love, it gets us into saying i want to join because parents fee ll it, because school board members feel it. that is what gets me up every day, if i can get kids knowing
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education is 24/7. everything else has to be successful. we have to have academic foundations. if we can get all the others successful, we can figure out other revenue streams so we are not worried about pinnk slips. we are not going to lay off teachers. this is where we have to go. thank you for the progress. i look forward to this. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> we know you want to spend mroe time with family, but i think you want to travel the world. we are going to miss you. we made the decision, there were a lot of people who want to make comments. today is about us moving forward. we have that partnership. we have strong leadership, and i trust we will continue positive growth. weas of now, i give you an o
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pportunity to speak to us individually. thank you very much. [applause]
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