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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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without objection, we will adopt the resolution as proposed. at this time, all we have left is the four-o'clock special order which will be continued if we could temporarily recess until 4:00, hopefully it will take a moment or two to move through president chiu: welcome back to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting. would you please call the special order? >> items 12 through 15 comprise the special order. a special hearing. approval of a conditional use
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authorization located on property at 1111 -- the masonic center. approving the conditional use authorization at the california street address. a motion disapproving the planning decisions -- commission's decision. president chiu: thank you. as is stated, i would like to continue these matters to next week given that we are lacking 3 colleagues today. if i could have a motion to that effect? is there a second? seconded by supervisor campos. let me see if there are members of the public who wish to speak with regard to this motion to continue. seeing none, at this time, colleagues, if we could take the motion to continue without objection. this item will be continued to march 27. with that, madam clerk, is there
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any more business in front of the board? >> today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals. for the late clarence saki. president chiu: thank you. unless there is anything else in front of the board, the meeting is adjourned for today. thank you, colleagues. [gavel]
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>> welcome. can we have a role call? >> commissioner hyde. here. commissioner lee: here. >> commissioner joseph is accident. she is ill. item one is public comment. this is when members of the public may i address the commission on issues of interest to the public. with respect to the agenda
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items, members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes. is there anybody here in the public that would like to address the commission that is under our purview but not on tonight's calendar? i cannot believe that. i will go on to item two, approved the minutes. we will continue the minutes from july 12, 2011. we do not have the quorum of proper commissioners here. i would like to get a motion to approve the minutes of december 13, 2011, january 10, 2012, and february 28, 2012. >> i moved to approve. >> is there any discussion? >> second. >> seeing none, call the roll.
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>> item 3, report from the sound technician. it is all yours. >> good evening, commissioners. in your binder you will see my report. we can briefly go over it. we are looking at two different views. one is the seller. the chestnut street area i am talking to the captain. she requested us to check out some different venues in that area. the polk street area is something that director cain and i have been looking at for some time. this last weekend what we did is that we had a letter from the
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staff to venues that i handed out to venue management. because polk street has been so active, we had been getting neighbor complaints. you will be hearing more about polk street in weeks to come. they are backing us up with additional police presence. we mentioned 55 taylor street. this was an unpermitted venue we had been hearing about for a while. i generally do not bring these up to you. the scope of this venue was a
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pretty large size. they were charging the door. dj's. we have been following up with tenderloin station and with building management. we are getting a lot of forward progress there. you see locations that have received a notice of violation. two different venues received citations from us these past few weeks. one at polk street for crime control. the officer will talk about it a little bit more in a minute. a few other areas of note here. jack in the box on geary street.
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we permitted jack in the box for extended hours recently. both the one on geary. we have seen a rash of nothing major. minor scuffles ober the last few weeks. also it should be noted the rocket room. we had a couple of incidents. they were hanging out in the rocket room with drug paraphernalia. the other was a fight that started it inside and spilled onto the street. an officer was battered in that.
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not seriously. he got into it and it turned into a pretty bad brawl. since that come up -- that, there have been pretty quiet. they definitely had toned it down. still seeing some of the problems we had seen before. they had been meeting the conditions that this can did it -- commission had put on them. the music was off at 1:00. we are still watching them very closely. we are seeing the same basic operational problems. it would not surprise me if they are pulled back in front of this commission in the not too distant future. last week a unit in the area
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picked up two gentlemen in the area that were both registered sex offenders. they said that we are on our way to the rocket room. it shows the demographic we are having and some of the issues. we have not seen a change in program. we are hoping we can make the change long term. we will see. that is all that we have four right now. >> i wanted to ask a question about polk street. one of the things happening on broadway is that the bar owners are getting together. is there anything like that going on? >> currently, there is not. we are scheduling a meeting with polk street owner. getting together with broadway as a model.
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>> are they still using the same security? nobody has changed? >> i had a couple of questions. i will throw this at you. if you want to punt over to the officer, that is fine. the illegal club, they have entertainment and a full bar. they are going against places that pay for security. when we shut them down, what i would think that we should do is to confiscate all of the musical instruments as evidence and all of the liquor as evidence. if you come out and you say, knock it off, you are illegal,
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that is a tap on the wrist. if you confiscate all of the musical equipment and alcohol and all of the evidence that supports what they are doing, we go a long way in shutting down these activities in the city. >> you are correct. some units do do that. some do not. there has been talk about writing a clear and consistent protocol. by letter of the law, both alcohol and musical equipment like dj equipment can and has been confiscated in the past. it falls to the unit on site at that moment. whether or not they want to do
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that. >> i suggest you get together with jocelyn and the higher ups in the police department. we have heard more and more complaints that this is a problem in the city. if they are in direct competition with legitimate venues, then we hit them hard. >> the two big issues are one safety. uninspected by the fire department. their policy is questionable at best. the operation of fairness. you have operators in the city that has spent millions of dollars opening a venue. then somebody builds a bar and
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throws in a dj and that cuts into business. >> i do not think there is anything corning about it. that is as good a reason as any to nail them to the wall. we have to support the clubs that are legitimate and are playing by the rules. you said two guys were stopped. >> this was in their statements to the unit. they were on their way to the rocket. >> they were registered sex offenders. >> i do not see a night club as a gravity point for a sex offenders. if they were going to a children's playground. >> i brought it up. i see what you were saying. one of the questions that has been brought up over and over
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for the rocket room programming and today are drawing to the location. i understand. >> it's down -- it sounds like whoever they are drawing, we need to get a handle on how to control it. we need to point out that their security leaves a lot to be desired. that is all that i have. >> what happened to trigger? i know it is an abc issue. >> it was not technically an abc issue. it was department of who you pay your taxes too. the state board. board of equalization. it is hard to keep all of the
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agencies. because of unpaid taxes. because of that,their abc got suspended until those taxes were paid. >> our commission had nothing to do with it. >> any public comment on the board with the sound expert. we will go on to item four. police department questions. >> good evening, commissioners and staff. i know you have a lot of things on the agenda. we had two notices of violation. they were both on march 3. we were doing patrol and
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nightclub enforcement. there were patrons yelling and singing as they stood on the sidewalk. i had to ask the employees on two separate occasions to move this along. twice i had to go in and take care of what was happening in front of their establishment. the singing and yelling. the second time i did that, people did move on. this was a violation of the good neighbor policy. repeatedly had sidewalks blocked. security attempted to control. looking at this, they had a very large group. it is usually not like that. they had a very large group that day. he is over here. we just need -- if it takes
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security going dap -- up and down and back and forth, the sidewalk was completely blocked. it was a hazard. we had to get on them. we did see the attempt. they definitely needed more security to take care of the situation. on the same night, there was a drug arrest. sfpd had received the tip that there promoter coming in from los angeles dealt in illegal drugs. they were able to make arrests. they purchased drugs from the
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owner. regarding club's security and things to look out for. he is looking for ramping up his security. he wants to detect drug dealing and people under the influence. i got a problem venue notification form from mark hernandez. he has come up to me on a number of occasions talking to me about the cellar. it has been an ongoing problem. westbound on the 600 block of sutter street i heard very loud screaming in the area of the cellar. the individuals were loitering in the area of the cellar. most of the individuals were talking. some were yelling and screaming. there were a few that engaging in a heated dispute.
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they appeared ready to fight. after diffusing the problem, a dance party erupted in the parking lot. a vehicle in the parking lot was blaring music. people began dancing at that time. security personnel walked past me and stated that they would attempt to halt the impromptu dance party. within moments, they were able to abate the problem. on friday and saturday nights, the people leaving the cellar, the noise is unreasonable. the extra step where people should be going home quietly, the security needs to ramp up and police the area. this was from he lieutenant to
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the captain. this was regarded in that situation on broadway. the pedestrian traffic and night club attendance were moderate. it was near capacity. club atmosphere have the most amount of patrons of tending the club. the patients continuously blocked the sidewalk. three of the drug and public are rest were from club atmosphere and one was from club and paula. -- impala. the club had an issue with a patron that did not pay for a bar tab at closing. he eventually was able to pay the tab in fall. there was the theft of a gold chain in front of club atmosphere with no armrests. there were no related gang
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activity. there were subjects wearing gang clothing on the corridor. the violence reduction team squad was activated to respond to the broadway corridor. several fights broke out in the street. patrons from club atmosphere and the other loitered on the sidewalk. it was difficult to clear. it just goes on to describe different things. different police reports that were written. there was a battery report at the cellar. there was a sexual battery and aggravated assault with force. that was on march 4 at 2:00 a.m. at the last commission hearing i talked about the three notices of violation.
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we had met with the manager and also the owner on a friday night. i said that there had been a marked improvement from the previous week. one of the things i came up with the entertainment commission is when the clubs call the police. in the past, there was a theory that we do not call the police because there will be a mark against you. we look at every single situation. we would much rather have you calling cost and not calling us. they were arrested for being under the influence at the parlor. the people at the parlor did what they were supposed to do. they were intoxicated and they knew that they were going to be a problem. they were loitering in front and causing problems. they call the police and we came over and arrested them. are we going to have that as a
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mark against the parlor? absolutely not. they are doing the things that we want them to do. we look at everything on a case by case issue. if the clubs are doing well, we will explain how they're doing well. if not, we will explain the problem. on march 11 there was a battery at monroe. this was at 1:45 in the afternoon. monroe has been doing things in the morning. somebody went up with a glass of liquid and try to get a girl to drink it. the suspect asked what it was. they said that it was water. she smelled it and it was bought up. the suspect tried to give it to other people. she used her arm to push them so
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that he would go way. he responded by punching the girl in the face. he fled the scene but was arrested about a block away. the last one was at atmosphere. there was another batter on 3/11. there was a purse snatch. a lady left her purse. >> do you find that, at atmos phere, patrons are hanging around. are people lingering because recess closes down early?
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>> i have seen an improvement. i think that they were making an attempt. the commentary that i read was that there were patrons from both. there might have been overflow. >> recess closes and you are moving on next door. when recess had those issues before, compared to atmosphere, are we having the same kind of intensity with atmosphere now? >> i do not know if there was an off night. theere were incidents there. we were across the street and
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noticing the difference. that was a very good night for atmosphere. was saturday night a fluke? we will see what is done to be safer. >> are they still taking party bosses? >> i talked to atmosphere. i talk to the manager/owner. he contracts with a very small amount. certain companies he has an understanding with. they know what he will accept and not accept. he does not accept buses that are not pre arranged. >> they are not unloading right in front? are they going down the street? >> i believe they are going down the street.
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>> other questions? no, yes? >> is it maggie? do you have issues there often? i am asking because i have a neighbor who complained to me. >> if it is, i would bring it up in front of the commission. they got a notice of violation two years ago. that was on st. patrick's day. they do not have a regular occurrence. all the way down grant street we have several clubs we have to take a look at and make sure they are in compliance. >> with same trap -- st. patrick's day coming up this weekend, are there any special precautions? >> it is not just the one day,
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it is the two. you have the financial district on friday. you have a lot of resources going into that day. we have block party street closures. on saturday, more in the north beach area. we have a number of establishments that we have brought in a lot of resources from the city. some are paying for the street closures to have officers there. they are allocating officers from different parts of the city. >> thank you. any members of the public wish to comment on the police report? next item. item number five. items under the jurisdiction of items under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission.