tv [untitled] March 25, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT
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following and engaging in post secondary opportunities not only for the career focus but as we heard earlier, one of the people spoke about remediation. the dual enrollment program help to affect students not having to go into remediation. they get that on the campus experience. they're getting high school and college credit and they are getting to interact with college students, students have graduated that might be going back to school after many years of being out of college. they get that kind of on the ground in-college experience. the college professors -- the students are in high school. there is adaptation of the curriculum. they are expected to perform at the same level of the college students.
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>> i was going to ask if maybe if the vice chancellor might participate in part of the discussion. >> good afternoon. i am the vice chancellor of research and policy at city college of san francisco. we're pleased to be a partner in the career academy's program. and i guess i will talk for a little bit. some of the things i provided to the committee i do not have a powerpoint. i did give the information about city college of san francisco's cte programs. one of the things i am for sharing with you is our career and technical education guide. city college has over 100 different career and technical education degree and certificate programs. and that approximately 47% of the students that are enrolled
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in credit courses at city college of san francisco are career and technical education students but also the students are similar to the students you have been talking about today in many of these other programs that have been presented. in that and we're seeing an increase on that, an increase in the number of students coming who are enrolled in career and technical education programs but we're seeing an increase in the number of career and technical education students that are eligible for the waivers. they can get their tuition based upon their economic status with -- where tuition and fees are waived for them. basically meeting we are dealing with students that are coming to us who are economically disadvantaged. just to bring you up to speed their. the other thing that i provided for you are the program guides for the dual enrollment program. this spring alone, i gave it to
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dominica. it is here. 40 different classes for the pathways program that are being offered in the spring semester. and also, a copy of the high school diploma program guide which is our transitional studies department, which is offering -- you referred to it as capturing high-school credit. being able to get that back. the other pieces of information i provided for you is our dual enrollment program in city college of san francisco academy and pathway dual enrollment program is one that actually is, the columbia teachers college research center did a case study on our program. one of the things that the strength of this partnership is, originally, many of our students in the dual enrollment program
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were coming from lincoln but we've made a conscious effort and decided to work much more carefully with your programs to focus on students at burton and mission high school to focus on the students that are not the traditional i'm going to college group and really to do a lot of our reach there. we're proud of that work. suzanne corey was not able to stay to this point. in the meeting. i also have here today with me one of our career and technical education program coordinators. he is also the director of the center of excellence and i do not have copies for everyone. there is a website and you will get this information because our center of excellence does labor market information and they are called environmental scans. we do not know what the jobs are
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yet. this one is on mobile media occupations. what is moving into mid market and san francisco, those companies. we're beginning to discover what those jobs are and we hope what is being done with unified will be preparing students for the jobs that are coming into play. the other person we have here today with me is beth cataldo, one of our technical and education coordinators. also coordinator with our graphics communications department. is a graphics? did i say right? yes. which is part of the partnership with the new grant that just came out from the feds, let's just call them the feds. the mayor just did a press
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release and it was several million dollars. city college will be providing those courses. we're looking forward to that work. i guess some of the other issues that are important to us at city college of san francisco, we are the post secondary education and training provider. what we would be looking for are ways to partner with employers to create as was mentioned, opportunities for our students for our programs to develop more robust internship programs, in many cases our programs have toward the end of the certificate and degree programs and capstone programs are these programs. in many cases with other departments that have this kind of a more well established robust program they lead into jobs but what we are not charged
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with doing, what we do not get funded to do is to do job development and job placement. we believe in talking to our industry partners on our advisory boards that our curriculum does a good job preparing our students but in terms of the development of jobs in placing students in jobs, it is not something we are funded to do. the department -- department by department and individual by individual, most it to find ways to find a strong model tof how we will
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create better job placement opportunities. i will stop there and if you have questions. supervisor campos: i definitely appreciate the presentation from sfusd and city college about what our nonprofit agencies are doing. what is missing is what you said. what is our business community doing alongside us? what can we do to increase the number of internships, and to incent folks to provide more resources. i am interested in having a conversation and have started at conversation about how we create a culture of citizens that take this seriously. that we need to invest in the next generation of our workforce. many of our employees are not necessarily san franciscans are
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not necessarily educated in san francisco. one thing i would like to ask is i am happy to meet with the folks that presented today and start thinking about what we as elected officials can propose to the business community. there is work that has been going on in this area, but we have to continue to do a more specific job of making that and making that be a specific part of what it means to be a corporate citizen. i want to recognize the good work that has already happened in this area but i feel like we have long way to go. christie supervisor olague: i attended the lunch and there seems tob e -- seems to be, i met some of the young people who had opportunities who had been made available. we need more accountability and
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that is why i asked for this hearing. there's a lot of rhetoric and a lot of potential, too. we want to be able to back up some of our enthusiasm around technology and really make sure that there is some accountability in terms of providing jobs to those who have not had those opportunities in the past. that is what i am looking to see happen. i think it can. i think the tech companies have been pretty philanthropic. some have been. sometimes it is more outreach and more dialogue. >> i think it takes some resources to come together. and find a way. again, we are doing an excellent job of providing education and training. because that is what we get funded to do. that is our job. there is this other piece and i
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agree with you. the companies that are coming to san francisco and that are here in san francisco are extremely well intended and truly do one to hire the population. that is the peace, the function we do not have. >> i wanted to also mentioned their members of the use commission in the audience. mia shackleford. and gevonte. he did help with this meeting. if you wanted to speak, there would be good to have your input. maybe we can have you stand up and share some of your thoughts with us. >> thank you. i am going to be at career day tomorrow for certain fourth
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graders and i want to encourage the supervisors to participate in any of the career days that start earlier as well to have our kids starting to think about what we want to do. the united way has been conducting these white house conversations around jobs for our youth, especially in the summer and wanting to solidify the paid internships as well as the unpaid internships. evan started conversations with us around that. i just met in vienna said they will be part of that as well. the part of the peace that is missing beyond our business community stepping up is some of the coordinated effort that we will have happened. we're having some really good conversations around how that happens. there are people that train our kids and the training is very
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different coming from the different agencies. what the school district provides, really does prepare our kids to go into jobs over the summer. we have all these internship programs throughout the city and you bring in and turns into your offices as well that range in age. who can help us coordinate all these efforts to make sure that the kids are getting a positive experience and the employer is getting a positive experience. we're looking forward to this continued conversations. supervisor olague: members of the youth commission, did you want to add something to the conversation? just give in your own expertise on the subject matter. -- given your own expertise on the subject matter. >> i am a member of the commission and a sophomore in
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high school. we are here to express our excitement to learn about what is going on today and the initiatives going on and we're working on lots of resolutions to improve employment in the city and also career preparation. we note technology is essential for the world today. because it is just more tech companies going out and not only is it important that we provide employment now, but also to provide career preparation for all the great careers that are out there in the city today. also we wanted to thank this committee for his meeting. we work really closely with the students city council on the school board and it is important this city work together with the schools to create these great programs. we wanted to thank you for having the hearing today. and if you want any help on these issues, we're here to
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help. thank you. supervisor olague: we will be looking for your collaboration in these efforts. thank you for being here. >> i am a junior at lowell high school and a member of the youth committee. i am -- one of the things that has been one of our concerns and priorities is how do we get used with the highest need to get connected to these programs because a lot of them are like, yeah, i want to get a career but they're not always the youth that have the highest needs. and so on the youth commission, one of the best ways is through empowerment, engagement, and input. because we have the knowledge of what it means to be youth today,
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we can give you input on how these can -- we can be involved. another thing i found interesting is you were talking about what it means to be a corporate citizen. recently -- these tech companies come to san francisco and we hear about them and we're excited and it never seems like there is a big commitment made specifically that there is going to be internships or punish ships. it would be great if the board of supervisors and the mayor is working on deals with these businesses to remember the use -- youth and youth would like to get in on the youth experiences. supervisor olague: thank you.
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>> i wanted to speak to the coordinated effort that commissioner mendoza was referring to. our advisory board is a great start and we pull in a lot of higher education institutions and cdos. there could be something larger based on industry. and you see the last sheet here, slide, there are potential questions. we're excited to have these conversations but moving forward, how can we continue these conversations? getting together afterwards is a fantastic idea. one of the ideas before this meeting we had was having supervisors and commissioners sitting on these different advisory boards or even sharing them. we have the business pursing tearing them -- person chairing them. we can start working on building these relationships. we have companies like apple,
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google, linkedin, facebook. we're working on having a meeting set up with the ceo for zynga but there is a lot of potential. especially when you are bringing in new companies and something we have done with the school district and construction companies working on job sites, the project labor agreements, we had another one with transbay terminal where any company they're working with on transbay terminal is required to do some amount of work with our students. i think as cities come into the city, companies come into the city, it is a fantastic way to lock that in as a guarantee and file them into the systems we already have going on in the city. -- dial the men to the systems we already have going on in the city. -- a dialed them in to the systems we already have going on in the city. -- dial athenthem into the systs we already h ave going on -- we
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have going ion in the city. >> we do have the gateway to college program. students who have dropped out and are coming back. in terms of command -- continuing education for people rushing upon skills, that is a big part of what we see students coming to us for. if there is not a specific program. as new technologies or if the industry changes, our curriculum is changing. we did not originally have courses in gaming for cell phones. those are some of the -- i think i got it right. everyone is sitting back here doing this and they might be playing angry birds, i do not know. we've -- our programs have
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industry advisory committees. they're making sure they're reflecting what is taking place. they provide information. when people need those new skills they're coming back to us and they're coming back to the community college. because unlike the uc and csu systems, it is easier for us to get new courses through and into the curriculum. you might not believe it, considering how large we are but we're much more able to adapt and to change our curriculum than to update it more quickly which we do. supervisor olague: i would like to see the demographics. of people participating. >> absolutely. we have that information. again, it is clearly -- our
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students are reflective. it is very representative of san francisco and the communities we are talking about. we can get you that. supervisor olague: i would like to see that. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you very much for the presentation. unless there is anything else to add on the part of the school district or city college. unless -- thank you, supervisor delonte -- olague, we will open it up to public comment. any member of the public who would like to speak on this item, please come forward? you each have three minutes. we want a member of the -- >> as a member of the youth
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commission -- supervisor campos: is there any member of the public? go ahead, please. >> i am part of the cte team. we are launching a new partnership with city college that coordinates the information and communication technology. i would have to call evan or james back up to give an overview. a very exciting program that allows us to align our curriculum from the high school directly into the city college i.t. programs and on to implement. we can -- on to implement. we can give you further information. supervisor campos: is there any other member of the public who would like to speak? please come up or lineup. thank you. >> hello, my name is rico, and i
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work with the magic zone. i work with transitional age youth and i am working with the youth employment coalition. we had our second meeting yesterday. what constantly kept coming up was the transitional age youth and me being a native of district 5, that is definitely something that needs to be worked on in terms of outreach for city college or the school district because a lot of them are not getting the technical skills they need or employment at all. i wanted to throw that out there. working on the outreach to those communities that are less fortunate. i know we have reached to those that are fortunate. when it is time to report, the numbers are good. we need to reach to those who need those services, especially
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for employment. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. que>> one-piece we forgot to mention is summer jobs -- one piece we forgot to mention is summer jobs plus. the obama administration has tasked united way worldwide with ticking on the private sector. speaking through the chair directly. convening the private sector and the republicans in congress, having the private sector commit to jobs. we know an announcement is coming eventually from the mayor's office but yesterday, the youth commission sent both of your respective bodies and the mayor's office and the good people from cte and the district some specifics. we're hopeful this board of supervisors and this board of education and the mayor will do
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their darndest to raise $2.25 million to try to have 900 new summer jobs and to be that coordinated through programming. we love those 900 jobs to play in to all the great cooperation and partnership and important bureaucratic alignment, right? we do not want a one off of 900 jobs. that is a little bit of specifics. summer is two months away so we're hopeful that yeah, that happens. that was the other piece that commissioner chauffeured -- shackleford wanted. supervisor campos: i think everyone got the message. >> can you get that same e-mail to the united way? that would be good for him to have. supervisor campos: any other member of the public who would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is
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closed. supervisor olague, do you want to come back to this item? if we could have a motion to continue this to the call of the chair. we have a motion by supervisor olague, seconded by president chiu, we can take that without objection. madam clerk, madam secretary, is there any other business before this joint committee? the meeting is adjourned. thank you, everyone for coming out. thank you for your patience. we look forward to our next meeting. meeting adjourned. [gavel]
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