tv [untitled] March 27, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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case of an alameda was featuredx tape with her drug-addicted lover, stephen, and she met in rehab for treatment of alcoholic addiction. nadia had a violent clash. president chiu: thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you. next speaker. >> hello, my name is jeff brown and an english and a u.s. citizen. thanks much for your time. thank you for your ears and your time.
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i am here basically to give you my opinion on the america's cup. president chiu: excuse me, sir. we will have public comment on the public -- from the public on the america's cup at 3:00. >> thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is david, and i moved to san francisco from oregon when i was in my 30's, and now i am in my sixties. i have been in lower nob hill for about 25 years now, and i am what would be considered a political junkie and talk politics every day, mostly but not entirely with the other day man, and i have to say that honestly, i have never known any public official in the city to be held in such contempt as melinda hague.
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melinda hague has totally disregarded the wishes of the vast majority of san franciscans regarding our medical cannabis dispensaries. i guess democracy is a concept that melinda hague has a problem with. someone should tell her that she is not in kansas anymore. this war that she is waging is an attack on all san franciscans, but more than any other segment, this is an attack on the lgbt community. the reason being because of the high infection rate of hiv/aids among gay men. they access the dispensaries at a higher rate than any other group in the city, and the reason is that cannabis, as almost everyone knows, stimulates the appetite.
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in conclusion, i would just like to say that melinda hague should do as a big favor and call a news conference, and in that news conference, she should announce that she is asking to be transferred to another jurisdiction. i think maybe alabama might be a good place for her. [bell] that would be a good place for her. i am sorry. i have run out. president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. stop the rape of the public libraries and do not give them money. it was expected to cost $105.9 million when completed in january 2010. in september 2007, the
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controllers odd family grant program to be over budget and the management out of control, and the program was have finished in january 2010, and money had been diverted from the library preservation fund. in june 2008, the civil grand jury found that at the library, nobody was, quote, in charge of the store, unquote, and there were repeated it matters of mismanagement. in 2009, another audit from the controller's office them more deficiencies, and 85% of standard's had not been complied with. with this as a background, would you have expected that they would have cleaned up their act? like everyone else, the biggest cover-up is reserved for the biggest crime. the friends of the library claimed they would raise $16 million which would be a certain
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part of the total. according to the recent quarterly report, the friends had expanded $1.10 million. during the same period, forms submitted to the california state attorneys general office by the friends showed an income of $35.70 million in the same period. if there were even a whisper of accountability, it would show that the city spent millions of dollars so private nonprofits could raise money and end up keeping it, but, of course, we know it is not really about the money because belies always cost more than the money. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is charlie papas, and i am a dispensary chairman. we have been closed for 137 days. are 12 employees with full benefits are no longer employed. half of them are parents, and our landlord was threatened with years in prison because we are around the corner from a playground which we helped lease. i have a list of requests from you folks that i will email you also. i would also like the mayor to get involved with this, so if anyone of you can help me speak with the mayor, i would appreciate that. there are some concerns, and we should be concerned with medical canada's patients in the city because i think it is important. i think our civil rights are being taken away, and i think that the fantastic legislation
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that you came up with in 2005 is denigrated by the federal government, and i hope the mayor and yourselves can do something about this or at least speak up. that is what i am requesting. thanks very much. president chiu: thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who wish to speak during general public comment? >> hello, my name is pawlenty brown. i would like to use the overhead -- my name is paulette brown. i come here every year concerning my son. it is still an unsolved case, and i am not only here for my son, you guys already know the story of my son, and i will
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continue to talk about that, but instead of talking about that, i will show pictures. my son. over his body. there is not much i can really say. i am here at city hall all of the time fighting for my child. there are new articles on that all of the time. the only person who has come out to look at me or say anything to me was ross mirkarimi. and john avalos has come out there to the knowledge that i was standing out there. i am upset about all of this stuff going on with ross mirkarimi. not only have you set him back, you have set us back. we were relying on him to help us out. he was out there when my son was
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murdered with homicide. he was out there all of the time. he was out there on the job and even after the job. he was out there. when people were tearing down my pictures, valerie brown, all of them. and here he is. can i use the overhead again? this is political. what about the fire chief? she beat her husband. she had heard kids crying. what about the fire chief? is it because of her gender? violence is violence. why are you going to do it to one and not do it to another? this is what you are doing to our kids. you get the people, but you do not get the real people. president chiu: thank you very much. are there any others that would like to speak during general public comment? at this time, public comment is closed. madam clerk, could you please call our special item, items 3
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through 5? clerk calvillo: the board of supervisors has agreed to sit as a committee as a whole forepersons looking to the amendment for the america's cup project and related transactions and a proposed resolution of intent to form the waterfront infrastructure financing district. best -- president chiu: thank you. we are here to hear about the america's cup as well as the intent to form the waterfront district. why do we not first start with a presentation from the city staff working on the america's cup? mr. martin. and, colleagues, he should have received circulated copies of the amendment as a whole that mr. marden and mr. bentsen will be speaking about.
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>> get afternoon, supervisors. i am mike martin with the office of work force development. i am very excited to be here today. it has been a tumultuous i guess four weeks since this item was on your agenda that we continue on today's agenda. we really built up a lot of thinking that went into the original proposal on the america's cup events that was before you before, and we had some really robust committee hearings on what all of that meant to the city in terms of brain the events here and also for the long term development. as we know, the long term development piece has fallen away, and we are really focusing on the event plan, and i think we have got some good thinking before you today than i will run for at a high level and also talk about some of the pieces of the resolution that will be before you, but in the meantime, i wanted to commend the committees as well as america's
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cup race management, all of whom the king together in a very short period of time to think about and put together what really is a very solid approach, and i would be very remiss without complementing and demanding city staff for bringing this forward, which many different departments were involved, the planning department, recreation and parks, muni, all coming together. during the planning commission hearings, i said something that this was a really uplifting experience to be a part of this, and i want to talk about that now, and i appreciate all of the work that has gone into what is before you today, but what is before you today is really a straightforward proposition, bringing the most venerable sailing event to san francisco. i think we have already been able to see what be sailing and the catamarans is all about. what the event of 40 has already put on at races around the country. i think what we are excited
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about is translating that to what we feel is pretty much one- of-a-kind spot for this idea, a way to really build its brand that is going to acela rate from here. we have put a lot of thought into this plan and really wanting to build a foundation for a nucleus of things that we can deliver in a feasible way and to move ahead to sort of all-out retreated -- creativity and innovation of san francisco and the san francisco bay area in general to really make this a one-of-a-kind event, so with that, i will go through a few slides. to begin with, and wanted to go
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over the changes to the event plan at a high level. really, there was the field or envelope of what was studied in the environmental review document under ceqa, and trying to use that, to understand what it would be like to deliver the events in a way that would make this waterfront event work well, so we consolidated the event of sites with the event authority for their needs going forward, but some of these were removed from the short term plans, so those sites are now still held by the port, and the revenues from renting of those sites will still accrue to the port and thus reduce the need for the general fund to backfill those revenues under what was approved last year. there is also in the configuration that would allow for a more truncated schedule and to use that area still as a great public attraction for what
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i colloquially referred to the work that goes into making this. on the part front, the focus on the northern waterfront focuses to the marina green. we have been in discussions with the park service for the use of the lands. i think we will move away from having actual programming, but as i will describe later, we are still aware of the impacts, and we are working to address those with our partners at the park service and the park conservancy. there is a new infrastructure financing plan. as i mentioned earlier, there is no longer any long term development for this proposal, so no longer is it where they are reimbursed through long term development rights. now that that has fallen away, it is a much more straightforward approach where it will be constructed using poured funds, and mr. bentsen will describe more about the
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mechanics of that, and then the remainder of the operation costs will remain as they were under the original plan, between the america's cup fundraising as well as event related tax revenues. lastly, another portion that is a change to this event plan is a new schedule for the 2012 races. instead of two event in august, the idea is to have one event in august over five days and then another event in october, hopefully coinciding with fleet week, and we are working to coordinate those efforts, we are hoping will be a really one-of- a-kind waterfront event that will serve as a stepping stone towards the excitement of the 2013 america's cup events, which, i want to say, remains the same in 2013, july and august being the challengers' series, and september being the america's cup final. as noted in the budget analyst's
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report, we have updated our cost projections to reflect the new and consolidated event plan. primarily, the changes to the costs reflect what we were referring to as the fixed costs. that was in contrast to the variable cost of operations to do with the actual services during the 2013 event, so things like muni buses on the street, police, fire, e.m.s.. those things will vary with spectator demand, and so we're trying to make sure that our event plant continues to be adaptive so that our revenues can better match expenditures. however, in these fixed cost categories, there are differences. there is an increase in preliminary and planning costs from what was proposed at the last meeting reflective of the added work we will have to do for the permit applications reflecting this new plan as well as additional work that is proceeding under the federal
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environmental review process that is being led by the park service, the army corps of engineers, the presidio trust, and others. i do want to say the we have been in contact with the america's cup organizing committee about this estimate, and they will continue to commit to provide these funds to the cities and be reimbursed. i described this earlier. this is from the retention of the three sites. this will add up to approximately a little over $3 million over the course of the event as compared with the original projections with all of the venues being occupied. the next item is reduced even- related infrastructure costs. this has to do with the financing method for some of the port infrastructure, that instead of needing a general fund transfer to deal with the crews terminal, we instead are devoting the america's cup organizing committee dollars towards very discreet improvements that will allow the
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financing to proceed, and obviously be done and it more cost-effective way. in addition, this amount includes an allowance for certain improvements to telecommunications infrastructure that are needed for the event. the next item is a reallocation of park and they mitigation responsibilities, and in the file is a memorandum of agreement as to these responsibilities. what we did is, in negotiating with the event authority, there relinquishment of the right of theirs to these piers, we would use an amount up to that amount for reimbursement and mitigating environmental impacts to the bay and parts plants, so we are continuing to be in discussions with that. the federal environmental review process goes on, but we hope this creates a nucleus for a very feasible project so our partners can move ahead and feel that they have the appropriate commitments.
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lastly, our cost projections for reduce costs for the 2012 schedule, that is due to a small reduction in the number of racing dates as well as the overlap with fleet week. we feel we can share resources in terms of getting people around the waterfront in a way that may save america's cup costs. the economic projections did not include the 2012 events, so these reconfigurations actually do not decrease this sort of dynamics behind what those projections were meant to measure. obviously, the task is on us now to move ahead and deliver on those projections, but i want to make sure it to say that that is not a loss to the city and that the television exposure has been announced but nbc broadcasting as well as hopefully a great spectacle with fleet week and allowing it to be interlocked with the america's cup events. moving to a summary of the resolution amendments as a whole that i think will be introduced
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during this hearing, i just wanted to give an overview of the key changes. really, from the prior arrangement, we had to do a number of things to recap where we are. i think one of the most prominent is the references to the agreement which called for the long term development rights to be changed to what is known as a lease disposition agreement. we have filed a version of this agreement. we have been able to negotiate. it basically focuses on the short-term leases for the event and obviously eliminates all of the long-term pieces related to the long-term peace. on a whole, they have new ceqa findings. it has been submitted to the clerk's file for this item. this also includes changes to certain uses at the event venues and other variance is under ceqa but did not create any new significant impacts or mitigation measures. one of these relates to the
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increase potential seating at any event stage act -- at piers 27 and 29, and we think it creates a potential opportunity, and so we have added a whereas clause to the resolution for the city and the event authority to work together to establish a preconditions for that stage, including number of events, timing of events, and making them available to other organizations as we really try to integrate that part of the neighborhood planning for the events along the waterfront. the next is in the work force development plan. that has now been revised to reflect the incorporation of the city local hire policies for all construction, even for construction pollock -- projects that the event authority may pursue an be reimbursed for by the port. i think that is a step forward and really reflects the hard work of the board of supervisors as well as the staff for
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delivering on these jobs, even though it is a smaller permit construction footprint, and also, the mitigation measures responsibility, primarily the change were balls around the park service mitigation that i mentioned earlier. the resolution in corporate commitments that were described at the last budget and finance committee meeting, which includes the intent to enter into an m,ou -- mou , consequently bases as well as demonstrating receipts of $12 million by the end of this fiscal year, so we are looking forward to that being a helpful planning tool and one that helps us very much to have the ongoing dialogue about the revenues and how they are really going to match up with event costs. the next item is a set of conditions to the delegation regarding the lease disposition agreement items on insurance, and then the security which is called for under the host and
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the new agreement. this stems from what really is an effort by the city to help them in filling their obligation to post a security of up to $32 million, reflective of, basically, securing the america's cup event authority with the organizing committee performance under the host agreement. and this is a way that this general fund is protected, with the insurance and the other provisions and the bond. that should the only place that recovery is sought under the agreement that the general fund would not be otherwise expos. we are working with the acoc and the office to identify the options for this shirt or insurance project. -- product. we are moving quickly because we have now redefined the actual performance of the city and limited the construction projects, as compared to the previous model where others were
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developing those projects. we hope to have that in hand in the very near future. so with that in mind, the agreement as a law creates the parameters which will be in place, and those parameters match the structure of the original host agreement and make sure that the general fund is protected. the last year, which may be hard to see but the subtitles, we adopted all the budget animalist's recommendations, and this includes budget reports quarterly back, and the fund- raising, the port infrastructure expenditures, as well as city operating expenditures. in addition, there would be a report back to the outcome of the sure did bond effort that i just described comment and then, in addition, reports back in the event that the fund-raising does not come in at the fall of $32 million, reporting back on potential changes to be the plan
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to reduce operating costs to make those match up with fundraising, so we are happy to embrace those as we move forward with this consolidated event planning. so with that overview in mind, i am here to answer questions, but i wanted to turn it over to mr. bensen. >> brad benson, representing the port and port staff. i want to extend the thanks of the port to mr. martin. he has done an amazing job leading this project effort. i want to thank the event of 40 and raise management, as well. before i get into my presentation, i want to talk about the major change here, which is switching from a development model to a capital project delivery model. we did put a lot of time in
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putting this together, and i think the port staff has found that that had a set of development opportunities that would create great improvements in the south beach area of a waterfront consistent with the waterfront plan. that said, we do understand that it was a very expensive investment. there was a great risk involved in that, and the development discussion had started to overshadow what should have been the proper focus, which was the event. and i want to say that i think it is a testament to the strong planning effort that happened over the past year that with the event authority and race management and city staff, we were able to come up with a revised plan which involves less investment but is going to support the same great racing activities along the waterfront, albeit in a slightly different configuration, support staff
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that started to think about what to do with piers 30-32, when it was not going to be used for an industrial basis. now i would like to switch to the slide. and piers 30-31, i think as we have testified in the past, it has some load restrictions. you can drive a truck on it. it had limiting functionality for parking, which was revenue generating, but there was trouble getting out to the east bay's for secondary issues, and deports staff, they started to develop an approach where the capital project expenditures, we could create that access, and we realized that there was probably a further discussion to be had with the event authority and race management and engage them in a discussion about whether or not we could pursue a smaller set of improvements there so
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that this could remain the home of the industrial basis, 2013, and what you see on the screen is the result of that effort. we think this is about an $8.50 million project at this point. it would involve improving about 90,000 square feet of the deck. building an h-20 roadway to the center depressed aisle. that was built in the 1920's and is a lot stronger than the rest. by building a driveway that connects to it, we think we can get buses out to that depressed area and returned functionality for a secondary. as part of this plan, we also propose to do marginal wharf repairs along the embarcadero, and we think that this collection of repairs will extend the life
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