tv [untitled] March 27, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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for the record, audrey joseph is an excused absence. >> how is audrey doing? >> she is doing really well. i expect to have her back shortly. >> i am glad to hear that. item number one, public comment. members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public better within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes. this is the time for you to speak about an item that is not on the agenda. sir? >> i just want to commend the
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enforcement in this follow-up over the last month. i came to the commission during public hearing to inform the commission about some public assembling that was on permitted. it was occurring in the building, 2601 mission st. on the third floor. i would like to introduce some new activity in the building. obviously, there have not been
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any enforcement. the ninth floor decided to throw a rager this last weekend. i have copies and pictures for follow-up. there you go. that included alcohol beverage sales, a food sales, a live d.j., a public assembly, and public solicitation to the public. there was also a price tag of $14. that was a two-day event. it was a three-day event, excuse me. there is another event that should be going on in the building.
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however, it does legitimately pertained to cancer awareness. it is being put on by a cancer facility on the second floor. i do not see that as being an ongoing problem. it has just been introduced this last week. nonetheless, i wanted to highlight tonight that -- i guess you could say, there is a net -- and other event, but it is legal or not is unknown at this time. mission station is aware of it. the permit officer, who i met with today about it, said he would speak to the commission this evening about it. i will go ahead and turn it over to him.
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>> ok, thank you very much. did you want to bring this up at police comments? >> that would be more appropriate, i think. >> unless you are dying to get it off your chest. [laughter] >> and the ninth floor? >> that was the floor of the building. >> its is the u.s. bank building at 22nd and mission. the ninth floor is an open space. the other location is called wax lounge. it is an internet company. we have been in contact with them repeatedly. they have been doing cart stuffed and they have had banned and so forth. -- art stuff and they have been
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having bands and so forth. i reached out to them this afternoon about the event tonight. the event described to me fits into the category of a private party. there is no money exchanging hands. there is no amplified music. but that is true or not, we will not know unless we do an on-site visit. they have been put on notice. they know what they can and cannot do. we have been falling at this particular thing. the ninth floor is also part of this building. it is harder to follow-up on that, but we are following up on that as well. >> thank you. sir, welcome.
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>> good evening, commissioners. i am a san francisco native. i am a musician. i want to talk about live music in san francisco. i will try to do it all and three minutes. this is the first time i have come to talk about it. i think this is your territory. i really do not -- since i have been playing, since 1982 and i think san francisco needs to revamp the whole live music situation. it's is still stuck in the 1960's. it is nothing but bands. it needs to be more diverse. it needs to be a little bit more professional. there needs to be more professional music events or actual musicians can play and it
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hired -- get hired. right now, it is slanted toward the 1960's counterculture. that needs to change. sometimes the obvious needs to be put into the same. everything wants to be different in san francisco, but there are a lot of people i talked to that want to see more professionalism and more events, not always rock music. i cannot really recommend things to france because they want to hear things they are familiar with. -- friends because they want to hear things that are familiar with. the 1960's was a long time ago. there needs to be more american
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music. and more covers, non-original songs that tourists alike. like the gold dust lounge. it is not the original rock band things. it is music that everybody likes. that is too bad about the gold dust because that is a live music venue. it is doing something besides the original rock. i played in the streets now. i think you should come up with a program that supports places for musicians that can play in the city and they will not get harassed. midmarket, that to be a good place to develop in this area. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> i just wanted to say that if you are looking for venues, over on broadway, they are looking to expand their horizons. there is a group called the voice of broadway, and maybe if you contacted them, they would be able to help you out. i know they are looking for people to diversify their clientele. >> [inaudible] >> the 1960's were my formative years. [laughter] all right, moving on. item number two, review and approve the minutes of march 13. it looks like we are good to go. do we have a motion to approve the minutes of march 13? >> i vote to approve. >> thank you. >> second. do you want to call the role?
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[roll call vote] >> item #3, the highlight of our evening. the reports from the executive director. >> hello, commissioners. this is short and sweet. i was not here at the last meeting. i missed you all deeply. i wanted to update about you about where i was. i was in las vegas. i was speaking on behalf of the commission at the nightclub and barr show. -- bar show. it is primarily a show for to showcase new products and there is an educational component. i was asked to be on a panel about patrons behaving badly. something that we all know and love. it is clearly a problem all over the country.
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there were probably about 75 people in attendance at this session. that is saying a lot because the alternative was a happy hour. we accomplished a lot and i hope to go back and do that again and encourage any of your commissioners to come to that because it is interesting to hear prospectus from folks who do what our applicants do here in san francisco. how incredibly similar the issues are. i know there was a request and i would bring it up here from commissioner tan to address the commission on the economic impact study. did you get a chance to make copies? if you got a copy, you can take a look at it. it is a fairly simple lay out. if you do want more individual information on it or something more formal, i can ask the
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controller's office. after you've read this, if you want more information, maybe that will be a follow-up to this and we can put it on as a proper agenda item. again, there was a hearing, i do not know -- were you there? yes? if anyone is interested in watching the formal presentation, the short story is $55 million into the general fund every year, 48,000 employees are employed in the industry. it is substantial. those are some really easy statistics. if you are in a position to be talking about the value of entertainment as opposed to the nuisance this, which we end up
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talking about a lot, it is a way to balance those things out. that is in your packet of information. i also wanted to let you know, and this is the beginning of our little public launch, we finally got a promoter registry on the website. the promoter registry i talked about in october. i thought we would launch in october when we had our nightlife summit. it is march, oh well. it looks really good. if you are interested, it is on the left side of our homepage. it will take you to another site, which is very simple. we are encouraging everyone to come into compliance and register. you can do it 24 hours a day. create an account and become a registered promoter.
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it is super easy and hopefully, it will be a tool that we have talked about in the past in case something ever does go wrong and we need to find out who was operating and what their vital star. it will allow the public and other members of the industry to look at a list and see, to check if someone is registered. it may not be very populated right now. you may not see too much because we have not done a big press release yet. i want to make sure to get the bugs out. but it is up. so yay for me. there are no corrective actions to report. >> since last meeting, we did have st. patrick's day. st. patrick's day, this year, went off pretty well.
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friday night, we got rained out. the weather was such that a whole lot of nothing -- the streets are usually close from about 5:00 until 10:00 or 10:30. we had the streets back open at 6:45. the rain made a huge impact on friday night on the celebrations around the city. saturday night, it was much busier. with weather and everything else, the venues around the city that i talked to, everybody was busy, but no one was at capacity. st. patrick's day was a little bit flat. the contributing factor was the weather. some problems, but nothing to
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support major. -- super major. shocking, shocking. we had nothing out of the ordinary or extraordinary beyond what we expected. moving on, in the sheet you have in your binders, only one citation was issued. that was for the rocket room. municipal code 22 and 63. no notices of violations were issued. as far as instance of violence, not a lot has happened in the last few weeks. we are looking at some complaints and permit violations at the seller. we are continuing to look at the rocket room. we're looking at the chestnut street area.
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some increased inspections of that area, so we will be doing that. i would like to mention, the director and myself met with owners of businesses and bars today, this afternoon. it was a good meeting. we talked about about how the street is vibrant right now. with that comes increased responsibilities on their end. that message was meant very positively. polk street, we will do some increased presence there. we will be working very closely with the owners of those businesses. i think the outlook is very positive. i think that is all i have four
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right now. commissioner perez: i have a question for the director. $42 billion for night life industries. do we know how that relates to other industries in san francisco? where does that fall? >> a very good question. i do not have a good answer for you. i would imagine that we stacked up pretty well. billion with a b is pretty substantial. a large part of that number comes from restaurants. i would have to look and see what numbers have been drawn. it is a good question, but as a shot in the dark, i would say we
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stack up pretty damn high. i would say health care is probably up there, if i had to guess. commissioner perez: thank you. >> that report does not take on a lot of the destinations like st. ferris -- street fairs and gay pride. >> the report does not include a daytime events. one of the ways it was easier to work with the data said is we are talking about activities that happened beyond 9 to 5. each of those festivals have to count their own numbers. there are no data sets for those. some of them have counted themselves. as they go through the next few
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seasons, we will keep asking those folks to account the value so we can do the analysis on our own. >> do you think you can come back to us next time? >> i can answer your first question, absolutely. >> the restaurants, they love all restaurants. it is not split because a lot of clubs have 47s. the revenue is mixed together, so it is kind of misleading that the restaurants are the bulk of it. there are some details that have to be fixed. >> anybody else? the rocket room, are they
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scheduled to come back? >> i think we gave them three months. we are not there yet. this issue will come up again later tonight. it has not been three months. >> right, but they're still a generating problems, it sounds like. >> correct. >> ok, very good. item number -- is there any public comment on the report of the executive director? thank you. we will go to item 4. police department's comments and questions. >> i have more than three minutes, correct? >> we cut you off after an hour. >> i am from the mission police district. thank you for having me this
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evening. it has been a few years since i spoke before the board. it is good to see the new faces. i am a fan of commissioner hyde. the new thing you have are the cameras, so i'd better behave myself. the once and i want to talk about, aside from what was brought up earlier, i'd just wanted to mention to the commission some of the things that have been going on in the mission. we continue to see a significant amount of activity as it relates to petty theft and pickpocketing activity in the various clubs throughout the mission. we really want to come up with some sort of comprehensive proactive solution to this. it just continues weekend after a weekend, night after night.
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i see these reports of people being pocketed. i just read a report this morning. somebody had their key taken out of their jackets and a mercedes was stolen. that being said, i really think that this requires a proactive educational type of thing. but there it be weak condition -- whether it be weak condition those opinions but the requirement that a poster be put up, sort of an educational message, be aware of pickpocketing or something along those lines. it was mentioned some sort of coasters or something. something proactive that we can get the message out. i have identified 14 venues in the mission and the castro where they are being hit night after night after night.
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we have made a couple of arrests with regards to pickpocketing activity. there is some positive news to report. i just wanted to mention on the record that is something we are looking at. we want to reach out to the various venues where this is happening in come up with some sort of plan with your support. in addition -- congratulations on the economic impact study, by the way. we have always been a big supporter of the nightclub industry. i've always recognize the value of entertainment in san francisco, safe entertainment. we also recognize the potential negative impact that an unsafe and then you can have on this business. i think our interests are aligned. aligned. we all want these venues to be
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