tv [untitled] March 27, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm PDT
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i have right to be proud of her. she visits next door shelter. not only that, for carriage forces her to spend one night with the board people. she wants to know by her eyes how they treat them. i am called same like you, like anyone else, but sometimes we have umbrella and coke to cover ourselves from this weather. but still today, i worry about the poor people who still sleep in the car, as i did many years ago.
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supervisor, ask yourself how many shelters you have in your district, and go visit them. how are you? how are you feeling? what can we do for you? to the homeless people. that makes me happy. he gave me power to come here. to give you hard time. ask jane kim what she did and copy her. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. i could remind members of the public to address all members of the board, not a specific college. >> director of san francisco open government. the following are comments made by the president of the scent francisco library commission following the february 2 meeting
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get 12 people to fucking bury him if i walked out of here today." she went on to say she grew up in the ghetto and knows how to use a straight razor. she said she would have thrown the microphone if she could have, and she could have, should have parotid me with the court. you may ask why make public the horrible things that she said. those are not all. if you want to hear the whole thing, you can go to the san francisco public library website, go to the library commission link, and the audio recordings for february 2 of this year, listen to the last six minutes. it is all posted their publicly, and it has been for the last two months. the reason i mention this is because ms. gomez had no problem following that meeting going to the san francisco police department and -- [bell rings]
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supervisor chiu: thank you very much. thank you very much, sir. >> good afternoon. my friend andrew is watching. hi, andrew. i have graphics. this is the old space shuttle and the way they thought it would look in the 1950's. i thought if they go back to the way it used a lot, if they can go back to that way. ♪ love, love, love love city american style purer than the red, white, and blue
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love american-style the city by the ocean blue take care of you and on a star spangled night my city love my city love, come to me you can rest your head on my district shoulder and under dawn's early light, my city, my city come to me i will defend your right in public comment speech love, love, love love city american-style truer than the red, white, and blue love american style that is me president chiu, supervisors, thank you ♪ supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> can i have the time on the
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counter please. supervisor chiu: we are actually looking into that right now, but you can hear the time that indicates that 15 seconds are left. >> thank you. i have lived in san francisco for 60 years. i want to take this opportunity to thank the "san francisco examiner" for their sunday cover story, mentioning prominently a pg&e whistle-blower. that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that maybe the people here at city hall should listen to the city's whistleblower rather than keep blowing them off for the past -- i think it is five and a half years now. second, in the sunday edition, it did have a very interesting article titled "sheriff's conduct hearing could snag future officials." i think the headline should read "hast officials also." it brings of certain persons in
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the article there prominently, i think by accident, leaves out the current fire chief. i think that should be examined. another thing i would like to mention is that in regards to the sheriff's situation -- and i welcome a full vetting of the so-called ethics commission -- i would like to wonder how the ethics commission handled written complaints regarding two supervisors sitting in front of me. if i remember correctly, nothing was ever done, so maybe mr. wagoner should look into that to make sure everybody is treated fairly. i think it is pretty obvious that the ethics commission has to answer for its past conduct, especially in regards to supervisor tony hall. i do not think he was the only one who was somehow manipulated by the ethics commission, so i
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agree with ross mirkarimi. ethics commission, bring it on, and let's see who is telling the real truth. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i am and member of americans for safe access, the nation's largest advocacy organization the works on medical marijuana issues. i am also a member of the medical college and a center owners, patience, and other industry types in our city that want to keep safe access, and we are requesting your help in this mission of ours. next week, tuesday, april 3, we will be having a rally here on the steps of city hall. we are asking you to join us. there are several other actions you can take as well, like joining the lawsuit to reschedule marijuana, or joining the state petition with other governors. you would be the first city to join this petition, so thank you
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for listening. please protect and defend safe access. you can find out more information by going to thanks. >> good afternoon. i am also a number of americans for safe access and president of the city college of san francisco chapter. i would also request that you introduce and pass an ordinance that directs the city attorney's office to file a brief to reschedule marijuana, and also, and introduce and pass an ordinance directing the city attorney's office to join in the state petition. the first county to join this multi-state effort and send a strong signal to california that they should follow san francisco's lead. thank you for listening. please protect and defend safe
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access. >> good afternoon. first, give an honor to god, whom i served. trayvon martin's family in florida and all the families that have suffered from homicide and violence in this country, we stand with you. we stand with all of you. to the president of the board and the board of supervisors, i am the co-founder of the human circle for the soul support group. i come to a standing with tammy, paulette, also, and all the mothers who have lost children to senseless violence. we are joining with tammy in the signing of the petition to bring back our elected sheriff, ross
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mirkarimi. the work he did is being overlooked. when you weigh it right now, the scale does not weigh it properly. we have had other elected officials in our past, including our past meier, who we all know what happened. we know what happened with his addiction, and we allowed him to go to treatment and do other things, and he got a fair shake, and now, we elected him as alan lieutenant governor. most of us even voted for him. we did not pass judgment. we ask that you take the time right now to look at all the
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good that was done in our communities regarding violence and the wonderful things he has done in preventing violence. violence went down in our communities. [bell rings] supervisor chiu: thank you very much. thank you. next speaker. >> i am here because i am concerned about how the family of ross mirkarimi is being victimized by the organization that has set itself up to protect them from violence. i feel they are being used as a upon to further their agenda. i understand their agenda is very important, but it concerns me when i read in the newspapers that the supervisors for elected officials are being pressured
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into removing share of mirkarimi because of your need to save your own political careers. whether that is true or not, i am begging for a true and honest assessment of this situation. we are sacrificing a family who wants to go back and make amends to get together to save themselves, their relationship -- will want to almost do a search and destroy by using them as an example. if this organization needs an example, this plenty of them, which is really, really bad, where restraining orders have not helped to save anyone. it is very cool to this family to continue to allow them to be the father -- it is very cruel to this family to continue to allow them to be the father -- fodder of all these tabloid
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opinions. his wife reached out for help. they ignored her, perhaps because she is a brown's sister and they do not think she can think for themselves. we need to look at how we pushed our agenda. he has done so much work for the community that he did not have to do as a supervisor. he was on the streets at every shooting in the western addition, which is very admirable. i just wanted to call upon you all to please -- [bell rings] supervisor chiu: thank you very much. >> good afternoon. i am a staff attorney with the national employment law project,
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and we are one of the sponsors ab 1831, and we appreciate your consideration of the resolution today, item 14. san francisco led the way in the country with its policy which was of limited in 2005. the city and county has been a leader in california in reducing barriers to employment for people with convictions. san francisco again must be a leader in supporting ab 1833. there could not have been a more opportune time. with an estimated 17 million people, california adults, with arrest and conviction records, and with public safety realignment now in place, our local communities must take strong measures to reduce recidivism. we must have an employment strategy for our workers with records, and both have symbolic and practical value. the bill demonstrates that our cities and counties can be model employers, and it will provide workers with records a fair
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chance here in our cities and counties will demonstrate that providing people with records, stable employment is not only necessary for public safety, but it provides the employer access to a group of workers for dedicated and committed and deserve a second chance. it is a modest baseline. sanford cisco's policy goes beyond it. the bill exempts any positions that require background checks, so it does not apply to public safety positions. it already has broad support, labor, interfaith, civil rights. to concerned citizens have all submitted letters of support. we have about 50 organizational letters of support right now, but san francisco support is going to be key, so we urge your support for the resolution. thank you. >> good afternoon. i am policy director of legal
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services for prisoners with children, which is up the street here. i am also here to talk about ab 1831, the bill that would ban the box on a local and county employment. we have been seeing, as you all know, an upsurge in unemployment and desperation from some many people really want to work, and this bill is a small attempt at trying to really create more of an even playing field for everyone, all californians who want to be working. oakland has already signed and passed a similar -- whatever it is you are doing resolution to support this bill, and we certainly hope and appreciate your doing the same because we think that you all know how to do right thing, so thanks a lot.
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>> good afternoon. equitable justice. ethical misconduct while in office is the issue because share of mirkarimi -- the act occurred christmas eve, 2011. he was sworn in with his wife and their son standing by his side on january 8, 2012, 15 days after the act. i ask you board of supervisors to hold off on your decision on mirkarimi until you summon his wife to appear and tell her side of the story. they were the only two witnesses
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behind closed doors inside their home who know precisely what went on. that is the key factor. the couple appeared to be very much in love and equally love their son. examples of misconduct is one, the open and shut case of judge hiyashi's wife, who was arrested for felony grand theft for $245,000. district attorney gascon's office supported the charge, but later, a two is changed to mr. miller. after gascon agreed, the judge sentence 33 years of unsupervised probation and $180 fines and fees. today, march 27, she was never suspended and remains state assemblywoman. two, a case of misconduct in the
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case of an alameda was featuredx tape with her drug-addicted lover, stephen, and she met in rehab for treatment of alcoholic addiction. nadia had a violent clash. president chiu: thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you. next speaker. >> hello, my name is jeff brown and an english and a u.s. citizen. thanks much for your time. thank you for your ears and your time.
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i am here basically to give you my opinion on the america's cup. president chiu: excuse me, sir. we will have public comment on the public -- from the public on the america's cup at 3:00. >> thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is david, and i moved to san francisco from oregon when i was in my 30's, and now i am in my sixties. i have been in lower nob hill for about 25 years now, and i am what would be considered a political junkie and talk politics every day, mostly but not entirely with the other day man, and i have to say that honestly, i have never known any public official in the city to be held in such contempt as melinda hague.
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melinda hague has totally disregarded the wishes of the vast majority of san franciscans regarding our medical cannabis dispensaries. i guess democracy is a concept that melinda hague has a problem with. someone should tell her that she is not in kansas anymore. this war that she is waging is an attack on all san franciscans, but more than any other segment, this is an attack on the lgbt community. the reason being because of the high infection rate of hiv/aids among gay men. they access the dispensaries at a higher rate than any other group in the city, and the reason is that cannabis, as almost everyone knows, stimulates the appetite.
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in conclusion, i would just like to say that melinda hague should do as a big favor and call a news conference, and in that news conference, she should announce that she is asking to be transferred to another jurisdiction. i think maybe alabama might be a good place for her. [bell] that would be a good place for her. i am sorry. i have run out. president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. stop the rape of the public libraries and do not give them money. it was expected to cost $105.9 million when completed in january 2010. in september 2007, the
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controllers odd family grant program to be over budget and the management out of control, and the program was have finished in january 2010, and money had been diverted from the library preservation fund. in june 2008, the civil grand jury found that at the library, nobody was, quote, in charge of the store, unquote, and there were repeated it matters of mismanagement. in 2009, another audit from the controller's office them more deficiencies, and 85% of standard's had not been complied with. with this as a background, would you have expected that they would have cleaned up their act? like everyone else, the biggest cover-up is reserved for the biggest crime. the friends of the library claimed they would raise $16 million which would be a certain
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part of the total. according to the recent quarterly report, the friends had expanded $1.10 million. during the same period, forms submitted to the california state attorneys general office by the friends showed an income of $35.70 million in the same period. if there were even a whisper of accountability, it would show that the city spent millions of dollars so private nonprofits could raise money and end up keeping it, but, of course, we know it is not really about the money because belies always cost more than the money. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is charlie papas, and i am a dispensary chairman. we have been closed for 137 days. are 12 employees with full benefits are no longer employed. half of them are parents, and our landlord was threatened with years in prison because we are around the corner from a playground which we helped lease. i have a list of requests from you folks that i will email you also. i would also like the mayor to get involved with this, so if anyone of you can help me speak with the mayor, i would appreciate that. there are some concerns, and we should be concerned with medical canada's patients in the city because i think it is important. i think our civil rights are being taken away, and i think that the fantastic legislation
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that you came up with in 2005 is denigrated by the federal government, and i hope the mayor and yourselves can do something about this or at least speak up. that is what i am requesting. thanks very much. president chiu: thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who wish to speak during general public comment? >> hello, my name is pawlenty brown. i would like to use the overhead -- my name is paulette brown. i come here every year concerning my son. it is still an unsolved case, and i am not only here for my son, you guys already know the story of my son, and i will
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continue to talk about that, but instead of talking about that, i will show pictures. my son. over his body. there is not much i can really say. i am here at city hall all of the time fighting for my child. there are new articles on that all of the time. the only person who has come out to look at me or say anything to me was ross mirkarimi. and john avalos has come out there to the knowledge that i was standing out there. i am upset about all of this stuff going on with ross mirkarimi. not only have you set him back, you have set us back. we were relying on him to help us out. he was out there when my son was
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murdered with homicide. he was out there all of the time. he was out there on the job and even after the job. he was out there. when people were tearing down my pictures, valerie brown, all of them. and here he is. can i use the overhead again? this is political. what about the fire chief? she beat her husband. she had heard kids crying. what about the fire chief? is it because of her gender? violence is violence. why are you going to do it to one and not do it to another? this is what you are doing to our kids. you get the people, but you do not get the real people. president chiu: thank you very much. are there any others that would like to speak during general public comment? at this time, public comment is closed. madam clerk, could you please call our special it
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