tv [untitled] March 29, 2012 1:00am-1:30am PDT
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school classes. the summer school, except for everyone but folks in special education and that is how people started noticing the traffic we were bringing in here. miss jackson came in and testified and said that we want hunters point families to be here. we have mr. walker who said that we want the family to be here. it is such a wonderful thing, when you have a cross section of the leaders who are all saying the same thing, we need to work together and we want to work together. hunters point family is here to say that we want to be here and you want to create something beautiful with our community partners and leaders to make sure that our people can take advantage of the resources that we have because lord knows they have to contend with all the other things that makes life difficult. thank you for having us and we will have our young people come and speak later.
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[applause] >> thank you. and from the john community developers, the executive director. >> good evening, commissioners and for the audience, first of all, i want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to be heard tonight and address this body as well as the community. we have the executive director of the hunters point services. this is really about synergy and what we can provide what we continue to provide these services, even without having this building. for over 39 years, the developers have been a staple in this community providing quality education and self-sufficiency services. over the years, we have been
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responsible for preparing thousands of individuals, thousands said that they can gain employment in construction, retail, hospitality, technology, and various sectors of employment and start helping careers. today in 2012, that is no different. over the last 18 months and all of you commissioners have a copy of our year end report for the past year, ycf continued to provide services through job training, solar training, utilizing evidence based curricula to make sure our participants have the highest quality of training so they can go compete with everyone in this job sector. the job sector and employment game is about competition. we have been continuing to provide services to our youth, to the mairs implementation program through our school your academic and summer academic programs. we're providing tutorial services in the schools, life
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skills and job training in the schools. we -- you'll hear from our young people who are participating in our programs. again, this is over 150 used served in the past 18 years with quality services, we continue to place over 55% of individuals and connect them with jobs in small companies such as sunborn nursery and other nonprofits and with retailers such as lowe's and walgreens. we will be unmatched. we have outgrown our space which has been dilapidated for many years as many of you know. it is time for us to be allowed to provide quality services in quality facilities.
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i believe we have a total of five minutes. i want to allow our director of operations and some of our young people to come up and speak. >> good evening. it is tough to follow that up. i am the director of operations for the young community developers, inc.. as you can see from the amazing testimony's here, it is about three things that i see here in this community. education, training, and employment. that is why ycd is and embodies. as to the other tenants who want to use the space here. for those of you who are here in the bayview, next to the money carlo, that is where we provided intake assessments. we send out over 150 referrals, and we trained over 120 participants with 90 lus -- plus of them using intensive
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counseling and case management. that is what we look at aiming to do. thank you for your time, commissioners and community. >> the -- we go three days a week, two days, we go for two during one day, we go for workshops. >> i am shannon. >> this is sara. we are [unintelligible] and after the break we plan on going to stanford and uc
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berkeley. [applause] >> we are also provided with stipends for attending the program. >> they provide us the opportunity to be leaders. for example, i was elected the head of our committee. we're planning a summit may 4 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at you cfs -- ucsf, hope to see there. thank you. [applause] >> thank you for your time. get a good look at that diversity. we have the opportunity for success. thank you. >> thank you and from the
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charter schools, the executive director. >> for those of you who do not know, we started in 2003 by our former sheriff who believed those in jail were there because of one spe the main reason, lack of education. and he believed by rampaging disenfranchised communities, those of you who have been filled by public schools to have them -- while they're in custody to give them an education would be one of the keys to keep them out of jail. of all the programs the jail runs, the school has the lowest recidivism rate at 44% compared to a statewide average of 70%. 75% in san francisco. we opened up to additional schools, with the goal of parting with community-based agencies to provide an education to folks in the community that
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are not in jail to prevent them from going to jail ever or prevent them from returning to jail. today we partner with 15 different cdos -- cbo's in san francisco. we serve transitional age youth and we have 50 students enrolled every single day. we exclusively take students who are dropped out, habitually droid, or expelled. we do not have students who are successful at traditional schools. every day we turned down students. being here we will give us the opportunity to greengage more of those students from this community that have been continuously disenfranchised, that have been failed by our regular schools. i was called and they said there is no regular summer school program. our partner is to partner with
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cbo's to provide that peace and if you can provide case management and wraparound services, with up to -- we would love to join you. there is preparation for the g d or few remaining classes for their diploma. our model is to work with cbo's. we are not the experts in case management or providing transportation, in getting housing, where are the experts in providing an education that traditional schools do not offer. our school is fully accredited. we offer a flexible schedule, we have independent study programs where students do not have to attend school all day. many of the folks who have dropped out just cannot do it because of what is going on in their lives. we provide independent study where students can make appointments with teachers one to five days a week and attend school one day to five days a week.
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we will be working with the cbo and their case manager, to make sure that student is attending school. the trustee from city college said that eight of 10 people in this community drop out of high school. our education is free, it is accredited, we pay for your test when your ready to take it. will allow flexible schedule day or night to accommodate those who cannot attend school. we are excited about coming and we are excited was working with the chancellor to be a feeder school for his program. we would support your program. specifically for the students in your program as well. i am excited to be here. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you. the ambassadors program, the
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executive director. >> good evening. thank you for letting us speak tonight. we're here to give a brief overview of the community ambassadors program. many of you have seen our ambassadors in the street. there referred to in many ways. the yellow jackets as the chief likes to refer to them. they're there for the community. we operate the ambassadors program on a full-time basis now. our office is a policy of direct services office, we work with underserved, low income, vulnerable populations, also immigrants, illegal, and limited english-speaking communities. under the umbrella of specific
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engagement, we focus on ensuring that the city's programs and policies are inclusive and fair. we are about an equal and just and save society, not just for some, but for everybody. for everyone who lives and works in san francisco. we have many partners in district 10 on this [unintelligible] ycd, our friend dr. marshall and street soldiers. we cannot do our work without the community. this neighborhood is amazing. it is the most of verse. this building and facility is so full potential. we work with a number of the residents and the community- based organizations and have done so for the past two years starting with the 2010 census with great results. thanks to people like her and her organization, we have the highest increase in response
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rates for the 2010 census. every person who got counted meant money to the city. this is a changing community, a mix of newcomers and longtime residents. with us -- this comes a lot of different responsibilities. for the last 18 months we have operated the ambassadors program, we have changed a multi-cultural, multilingual ambassadors who are behind me. and we work with the community and merchants to provide a safety presence and build bridges and trust. a role model the beaters we say i -- in the community. this was started in response to violence. the ambassador program has evolved to be a great example of how the community and the city can work together. it has provided steady employment for the community since the majority of our
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ambassadors are residents, they either live or come from the bayview. and education and training and employment are the key things, that is what we provide through this program. we're here to support longtime residents as well as newcomers. our ambassadors know the community because they are from the community. they are its people. san francisco is the responsibility of all of us. our goal is a safe and inclusive san francisco. we want everyone especially our children to thrive and we want them to be full and meaningful participants, not just at the table, but eating some of what is on that play in together. -- andplayed an together. -- plate and together. we will have some details on the
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program and expansion. >> good evening. fy to explain the ambassador program. it started in 2010. currently, there are 12 ambassadors that operate in two main areas, on the san bruno quarter and on another street. we hope to do this partnership that we can allow a dedicated presence to engage in to bring the public here. also make sure this is the safe place where the public can be and the public can use. that is essential. we look forward to partnering with the cbo's that will be here at city college and the other tenants that will be here. i wanted to introduce to the people -- introduce you to the people in yellow jackets. they grew up in this area, they went to school in this neighborhood, they are from this neighborhood, and they represent the beautiful diversity of this area. they are great individuals and i
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would like to invite them to say a quick word about her experience as community ambassador. >> i am the team leader of the line that goes along third street. we go down 20th and third and we have another person who runs on the san bruno corridor. as a community ambassador, i felt like this is ever -- a way to get back to my community. growing up in this community, i feel like i needed to get out of it. i moved out to l.a. but when i came back, i felt like how can i give back to my community, count -- how can i be part of the community and feel more connected? i have been a community ambassador and helping out as much as i can, giving back as much as i can.
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[applause] >> thank you. i wanted to recognize dwayne joines. we would not have had this program. and dr. marshall, who tried to work with the community and stem some of the violence. just to close, this is more than a building, this facility means something for the community. before coming to that city, used to run the arts and tech museum and you can have a fancy building with all the high technology that you want. it does not mean squat, she made the programs -- unless you make the programs meaningful for the people in the area. i encourage you to make sure the programs in this facility in this -- mean something to that community because they are our future. thank you, commissioners. [applause]
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>> thank you. for those who have filled out speaker cards, president kennedy is developing quite a stack. we will get to those in a minute. one more person on this list, the hsa deputy director. >> thank you, commissioners. i am the deputy director for the economic support and self- sufficiency for the human services agency. i oversee the staff of hsa that are located in this facility. i also wanted to add that i am a native san franciscan, grew up six blocks away from here, attended burnett anniversary -- elementary. what is important to me than i am sure is important to the
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residents of this community now. that is access to services, education, and jobs. i know you received a correspondence from our executive director who cannot be here tonight, he apologizes for that. our request in that letter is that we would like to stay in this facility. we would like to be part of this energy that is being developed here in this facility. if not, if that is the decision, we would ask that we be allowed to remain in this building until we find other facilities so that the services that we do provide are not interrupted. what i would like to do is take a minute or two to highlight some of the points that were made in the letter that you received.
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hss has been in this location for over 14 years. we have 30 staff here and we spend $4.30 million a year on salaries and rent. we occupy about 11,000 square feet. the staff that we have here includes employment specialists, eligibility workers, vocational counselors, social workers, job placement specialists. all of the staff assist with the benefits and the connection, the training, and job placement. we work closely with partners in operating what we call the southeast career link one-stop center. these include the employment development department, legal aid, a children's council, health care options, the national council on aging, self
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help for the elderly, department of rehab, we worked on hope sf, project brickner, we have entered into a contract with the young community developers to provide additional services. the services are provided to over 1100 individuals each month. over the past four years, our very successful jobs now program has placed over 6000 san francisco residents into subsidized employment. 22% or 1300 reside in the 94124 zip code. over 1000 families and 600 adults who live in the southeast receive public benefits, including job search training, child care, and transportation. with our recent renovation, we are able to provide more direct services to our clients,
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including employer hiring advance for both private-sector and public-sector jobs. more importantly, our renovations and expansion here has allowed our clients the ability to receive services here in the community and not have to travel to 170 otis. it has taken as years to acquire additional space. if we are asked to give back any portion of the space, we will have to look for other space. i thank you for the opportunity to address you and hope that you can consider our request. [applause] >> i have just been handed a note about and i am not sure what it means, something about a red honda and a blue car. ok.
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president kennedy. >> i would like for us before we call the cards to recognize the people who have made this room look nice today. decorative plants, we want to say thank you. we want to say thank you and san francisco fallujah -- foliage. i do not know she is gone yet or not. and the southeast commission and staff. we want to thank you for making this a wonderful day and a decorative day for all of us with these beautiful plants here. thank you. these are -- you got one more? >> thiere is a blue car behind the red honda.
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-- jones. my first job there was when i was 11. i was going to the program and then after that, in advance to be a supervisor there. i advanced to being a supervisor there. i just recently graduated the entrepreneurship program and i was helped to get my license there. i wanted to say thank you because they helped me with a lot. thank you. [applause] >> how is everybody doing? i have been a youth in the hunters point family for almost eight years and i am supporting them to this day, i am 21. this is one place i can rely on if i needed a job or the use of help. i have been incarcerated and i knew once i got out i could come to the hunters point family and
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it would help me out. i am here to support them. fink you. -- thank you. >> i know i look like oa youth but i am staff. i have been in the hunters point family in -- for two years. i want to say that we have been doing the work in the community, building relationships with the usey -- outyouth taht -- use tht last three years. we feel comfortable that they do not have to watch their back when they come here. we can give the services and some things are [unintelligible] $200 to the laker game but this is more important to me to be here to support my family and to
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leave it -- to let you know we appreciate you and please keep us here. thank you. >> what was his name? nice to see another lakers fan in the room. i want to say thank you to dea. she is very helpful but she has served with distinction in public service, former supervisor sophie maxwell. >> i'm here to support them. and and talk about how old they support us. by giving us jobs and taking us to the movie and stuff, getting us out the neighborhood, stuff
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like that. i am here to support you. thank you. [applause] >> hi, good afternoon. i am here to acknowledge the hunters point family. i started in 2000 but not -- now i am in safe haven. i wanted to show my appreciation for them helping me with my homework and helping me with internships and being researched for me to go there and research colleges and homey basically plan my life out. i know that they will support me. thank you. [applause]
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>> i am -- i attend peaceekee -- peacekeepers. i participated that. those programs are the most programs i have been to that actually helps me with life. the help you to get what you need. i feel -- i need more programs like this. i understand education is the no. 1 on the chart and no. 2, we got to think about our safety and getting us to the resources in life and not -- and others point family helps us a lot. i am working to get more jobs from it. i'm here to support them and get their name out there so people can have opportunities. thank you. [applause] >> how
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