tv [untitled] March 29, 2012 5:30am-6:00am PDT
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capacity -- they did come in for some funding. geneva plaza, with some inside information -- the lighting in the design work are also included in the original allocation in terms of doing the design work. this is a funded study that will look at freeway access to the area. and what ways are available to reduce the amount of freeway access ramps in the area to reduce the impact. this grant and the study does include support for the balboa area, and the advisory committee. we will be supporting that along with the staff.
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with brisbane in daly city -- chester fung has been leading this effort to allocate the fair share of financial contributions to a large infrastructure program. we will be bringing that report to you shortly. we anticipate initiating the feasibility study, which will look at the rail conversion options to support the future will use of that infrastructure. the freeway circulation study may not be obvious that there is a connection here as well. we will reduce the contents and reduce speed -- with increasing the bicycle and pedestrian access. restoring this to the pre- central freeway, the earthquake conditions. we will be applying for planning grant, to advance these concepts.
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and there is the 19th avenue transit corridor. the operations there hopefully will improve, and allow for the more efficient allocation of the balboa area. this is part of the daily -- the line to daly city and may alleviate the demand. with the relationship between stations. and the study that is listed here also has the fair city component, looking at the potential -- the benefit of the daly city. and the -- and in addition to the line could bring him -- bring them in at balboa. the bayshore intermodal study, is on the march agenda for approval. this has established the concept for the different
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services, and how this can happen at the caltrans station. the btr is part of that plan. with that, let me take -- turn it back over to -- >> he was worth the promotion there. slide no. 10, james dunn and middle school, this is a fairly funded project -- and we do not quite have schedule information. but the obligation of the design funds -- are expected by this june so they can be used. there is a number of implementation is going on, -- this is for winter of 2013. they are cited for specific
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improvements. on the back is a map of the traffic plan area, with some of the planned improvements and a table behind that showing what is implemented already today. we see how this works and how traffic has slowed down. district 11 -- this has many projects going on. this is below the park station area. this is just to give you an idea of the full spectrum of work that is going on. we have the signal modifications that are beyond delivery -- and these are also in district 11. you can see the three district locations -- and a very interesting part of the project, this goes along with what they were talking about.
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there are a whole bunch of different brands that are very complicated. it involves rerouting the overhead to free up land for affordable housing. the executive director's report, this is one of five projects were we have to have a vote by the california transportation commission. this is the first priority and i think that we will get there. and we want to work with the mass transit authority. the federal transit administration -- all of these requirements will go away. and the project will be delivered in a timely fashion. >> i appreciate the work that has been done on this, and hopefully we can get this to the conclusion. this is actually the seven projects, and the redistricting will be in district 7.
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>> what you have just mentioned, we will have to struggle with later on, when the board will mess up all of the coding adjusted. a couple of districts, a couple of projects that are very old, from the 2008 lifeline funding cycle. the delays of the state economy and the state financial issues have the bond sales -- police was not going to be of long duration. but the access improvements -- this should get construction funds. these are both simple but important projects, dealing with access improvements. one thing -- when dealing with the uncertainty of the construction funds being available, the design has not
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been happening. the schedule has had some of those phases haping -- happening after the construction funds are advanced, to see if the project is able to be accelerated. commissioner kim: i can wait. my comment was on james dunman. >> i am all set unless you have questions. >> it wasn't a question. i am not as familiar with the project as the supervisor. balboa is located on the same block area. i would like to have them both included. i am not sure if leadership high school is there. i know it is iportant to the -- important to the families and students as they go to the area located on that site. >commissioner avalos: i am not
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familiar with this project, so can we have a brief description of what this is? there are a lot of needs around balboa high school. a lot of pedestrians crossing, and a couple of areas where there are pork chops, where cars speed fast and make it difficult for pedestrians. >> good afternoon, commissioners. currently, this is dealing with a couple of locations. we have the free right-turn -- to expand the corners. this slows down the traffic in general. i have to confirm this. this will improve the pedestrian crossing.
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we will provide more details. >> this is critical and there are thousands of you to go through their everyday. i appreciate this process. >> i think that includes the presentation but i have one general question, with some of these projects, the deadlines were the targets, the date of completion changes. i wonder if you could say how you are making sure that there are communities that are impacted and kept informed of some of those changes. >> i will give you the answer from our perspective. as i mentioned, these are divided -- and we get the quarterly progress reports.
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we will be notified if there is a change in completion date or schedule. when this is formal -- we will get a formal request to make a schedule change. on the other side, we do not get any information. this is a joint cooperation exercise. the sponsors are trying to get this information. >> commissioner of the los? >> just in these updates, they were very valuable to have here, that the full commission. i appreciate the briefing i had yesterday. i did request that we come back at the end of april, to go over thoroughly the project, and then i want to be periodically, this
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does not have to be all the people at my desk yesterday, but some of the key departments that are there to make certain we're getting these deadlines. this has happened in all of our districts, we have not been great on deadlines. with my districts, i hear about this elsewhere. those delays are significant. i want to make sure that we are on track and i appreciate the effort. i know that there are many conflicting priorities that we have, but i want to make certain the priorities of my district -- can rise to the top. >> one other thing that is clear from the exercise, we had so many different data sources. there was a web-based applications of the sponsors and the authority had access to this information. once we get this we should be able to have a public version,
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with the schedule update for everyone. >> i appreciate all the work that went into this, and it was not easy to compile this information. the sooner we can have the briefing of the internet -- the individual supervisors, the better. the idea is also that we would have the opportunity to come back when there is a need to follow up, and i think the deadlines are important and we have to make certain that the public knows what we're working on and when we will complete them. we thank you again for your presentation. mr. moscovic? >> i am respectful of the fact is quite late but i want to talk about the comments that you and commissioner of the los made. he says that he understands there are competing priorities but he wants his district work done on time.
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i think you should all aspire to that. there are competing priorities but i want to say that when you approve the five-year prioritization program, there is a process that is made over what is likely and what is possible to deliver. we should try to keep those commitments. then reality hits and all the projects have different circumstances. what i would aspire to do is increase the participation on a daily basis. your own office to help us streamline this. i think this is where we want to be on this. if this means revisiting this schedule, maybe we should do this.
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if you see progress -- and the public can see this on the web site as well, this may lower the level of frustration, and the level of satisfaction, with the sales tax, that was approved for that purpose. >> commissioner? >> it reminds me of that song, though subtle for mr. in between. >> on that note, we will openness to public comment. any member of the public can please come forward. >> commissioners, -- [inaudible] the response from the othe rside -- other side warns what has to be done. the bottom line is this. this is taxpayer's money.
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what we have in certain districts is nobody from the district, nobody really knows what is happening. even then, they have a meeting, be it whatever. this is so convoluted. what needs to be done is transparency. to have accountability. most important, we don't need diatribes and beating around the bush. if you made a mistake, you made a mistake. i have watched this and get upset, listening to the bufoonery. i listen -- to the tapes and see. the previous meetings, they spend money, they don't do something. this is the year 2012 and they don't have the software so they
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can have benchmarks and evaluations. if millions are spent, since you are there -- we need some accountability. and some people don't want to do their work. maybe they can go somewhere else. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. is there anyone else who wishes to speak? public comment is closed. i tank the staff for their presentation. and i look forward to the next meeting. can you call item 18. >> information items. >> any new items? is there any member of the public who will speak? item 19. >> item 19, public comment. >> any member of the public who
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wishes to speak on an item with the transportation committee. >> there is too much happening now. and one of the issues that we have to deal with this transportation. i would suggest that another meeting, you are talking about a lot of development in an area. but very little money is set aside -- set aside for transportation. i don't know if you read the newspaper. we had a shooting in visitation valley, in the afternoon. the san francisco county transportation authority, and you commissioners keep reviewing certain things.
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i want to bring this to your attention. safety -- he is talking over there, he does not know the difference between safety and something else. safety is lacking on muni, on all the lines. people are bringing guns. you have a right to see that -- people are safe. we have the ambassadors, the yellow hornets. most of the time you see them in cafeterias. not on the busses. we need sound safety -- on muni. at bus stops. i will be writing about this so you can read it. >> thank you.
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i am the director of the mayor's office of economic and workforce development. we are here to announce the 10- year lease for river bed at 680 folsom st.. 167,000 square foot lease. we have the mayor, ceo of river bed, the owner of the building, as well as david from jll to talk of the significance of this to the city. >> thank you, good morning. welcome to the super bowl of innovation. while we did not enjoy the other super bowl, we have been working on hours. i have always referred to san francisco -- and we continue to
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do this -- as the innovation capital of the world. riverbed's decision to sign a 10-year lease and to work with the city to renovate a building here in south market, to make sure they are staying and growing here is a reflection of not only their interest in making sure they continue to find talent that exists in the city, but that the city, working with our state interests as well as our i.t. companies, continue to do everything we can to make sure they feel comfortable and are creating jobs. every time you hear about a major company like river bed making a decision like this that is very significant, this is their headquarters, but it is their global headquarters. to suggest a 10-year lease is important. they have over 500 people working today.
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this additional new space than they have signed a 10-year lease for has 160,000 square feet that will allow riverbed to grow and potentially add over 650 additional jobs on top of their 500. i.t. work is growing in the city. certainly, we want it to grow. we have a lot of i.t. solutions to be had. riverbed's technology is important, allows technologies to have i.t. management's -- companies to have a i.t. management from the date of filing to storage, all those wonderful things that technology people will have a much better way to explain and i do. i do suggest to you that this is, yet again, another example of how we are working with
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ceo's to make sure that we sit down and talk. it was literally last fall that we sat down. we knew they were looking, they knew they were growing. it was not going to be in some other place that we would lose them to. we had some great partners. we just came together very well and focused on what we could do to make sure they stayed here. they know there is talent here. that is not a question. but are there other things that stabilized their ideas come interest to work here long term, and growing here, as we have had that philosophy. we want i.t. companies to stay here and grow. as a result, we are evolving our policies on a weekly basis to continue attracting companies like riverbed, making sure they
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feel comfortable. the end result is more people get employed. you will see numbers continue to go down in our unemployment rate. it is at 7.6%, but i am guessing that it will go down further, hopefully, with all the companies that are still talking to us about what we can do to help them. as we do, they are hiring left and right. it is exciting for me to join today with jerry, let him explain what it is they do, in a very detailed way. again, it is the team, what the city does to make sure we stay as the innovation capital of the world. thank you very much for allowing me to announce this. we will have a chance to visit their bed soon. i think, -- river bed soon. i think, once they get their release started, they will move in in 2014, and then that goes
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until 2024. i hope to see them continue to grow. we will be down there cheering them on, understanding more about the involvement of their products. >> riverbed started in 2002 and it is exceedingly gratifying from where i stand to see a company of its size and stature in the technology world, make a decision to remain in san francisco and to grow its global headquarters here. with that, i want to introduce the ceo of your bed. >> thank you. it is exciting for us -- we just announced this internally to our employees on friday. we sent around a photograph of the new building. when you work in technology in the bay area, you realize every day it is a war for talent. we are fighting to get the best and brightest. it is all about and look for
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property, and that comes from the minds of the people we attract. we found san francisco is a key location for attracting that power. my business partner and i started the company 10 years ago. we will be passing 1700 employees worldwide, over 500 in the city. that number will grow and grow. starting on our second decade in the city and hopefully for a long time to come. we are a little unusual for technology companies in the city. many of them are web-based companies. we are a deep, in the strongest drink network technology company. we make heavy-duty equipment for the largest government and corporate networks. we are more like cisco foor othr companies like that. i had to have some discussions with my early investors while i
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was not in silicon valley. i am glad we had that conversation, made the investment. we had a good run here. we just finished a quarter of $200 million, $800 million run rate. we hope to pass $1 billion soon and we soldier forward as we move into our new headquarters in downtown san francisco. >> we would not be here celebrating a police announcement without a building. i encourage you all to look at what 680 folsom street looks at today, juxtaposing it with these renderings. it is not only good for the economy, but for the urban landscape. i want to thank michael for his work to date for helping to transform this location. >> this is about the 20th project we have done in san francisco. it is visually challenged in its current state, but we think we
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have put together a great design. our partners and others have hired the best architects with som -- one of the best, sorry. we are pleased with the design. both jerry and his company had decided to go here, but it was also the mayor and city office hoping to keep technology companies here. it is a joint effort. after you take up the skin of the building, it has amazing attribute that you have read about in our press release. 35,000 feet square plates. floor to floor slabs in the city, which is unusual. that tenants in this building will have some amazing space, some amazing views, and our r ehab will be as good as anyone. we are happy to be involved with
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the city. thank you very much. >> it really did take a team of folks to bring this deal together. we had great assistance from david from lasalle in helping to close this deal for the city and riverbed. >> good morning, everyone. it was a real honor to represent their best technology in this transaction, a 14-month process. i want to thank and congratulate jerry and his real estate team for the pro-active way they have managed their headquarters, getting a head start. mike and his solid team of putting this building together. mayor lee and jennifer for the continued great work they are doing in helping us represent some of the leading technology companies, here in san francisco. it is a real pleasure to be here. thank you very much. >> we areoi
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