tv [untitled] March 29, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT
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-- i will not mention him, but they but they all look to be reputable candidates, and to drill the the two from my community. i have known them for a number of years if that means anything. there are others also, by i am here specifically in support of, for my community, commissioner davis and hastert harris because i know from my work as a community activist in documenting evens in different organizations, those two in my mind from my community as well as others are people that i think should be on this board, but i am also here to talk about the accountability, responsibility, and the conflicts in which the agency
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-- which they will be overseeing. the mayor's office of economic development work force. in my opinion, they need to be monitored. there needs to be a public hearing to find out exactly what they are doing. they are in my community at the one-stop, and i will tell you one thing, in my opinion, other than saying corruption, there is no accountability there. good will is there without any accountability, and my opinion is the mayor's office of economic development work force -- i really do not know who they are. you have give we will different divisions. in our community, there were four divisions up and down the street, so i think they need to be monitored, but i am here supporting two candidates. my name is ace, and i am on the case.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is daniel landrieu, and i am at 43-year resident of the fillmore western addition -- my name is daniel landry. i am here to clearly support candidate erris edgerly. i have worked with him for years. he is a direct connect. remember when newsom was here, we kept talking about disconnect. and we need someone who is a direct connect to the community, that they will be advising to the supervisors and other parts of government, and so i think, you know, clearly, the word in this committee is community advisory -- is the clear word we need to look at. one of the things that is troubling to me by my years in the western addition, a lot of times, people work in the community, but they do not work with the community.
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our people may have addresses in the community, nonprofits, whatever, but still, that connect is not there. i think erris -- and there are other fascinating candidates today, so i do not want to knock anyone else, but i think he brings exactly what we're looking for because you have big projects in our area like the fillmore center where you had a group come in who wanted to play -- hate the place of nice, but no one knew they were and they did not know we were. from the jump, there was a problem that had to be worked out. also, it is clear that in neighborhoods that need representation, you have got to have an understanding about the redevelopment area in our district. nafta have an understanding about what does not happen so we can move forward. you have to know about community policing and something about how government works within the district so we can all be on the same page. i just want to submit that comment, and i thank you for your time.
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supervisor kim: thank you. if you would like to speak for public comment, please do step up now. >> my name is henry howard. i am here to represent pastor parrish. we have accomplished a lot in the time i have been here. we go up to the youth program and talk to the kids there. i am also the director of the art program, which we will launch june 1. i think he will be a good candidate on getting something is done in the reentry world and helping the elderly people, not just the use -- but you have to target the people that is over 25 because they need help, too, and he is the right man for the job. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. >> how do you do, folks?
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my name is robert smith. i am a native san franciscan, born and raised here in the fillmore, haight-ashbury, western addition, sun said. i have seen a lot of change. i am a baby boomers age-wise, so i have seen a lot of coming and going in san francisco. i have seen a lot of the generation that erris edgerly represents desires to leave our city, for numerous reasons, including my own children, who are now in marin and in alameda county, but i want to say that i really do ierris' initiative in founding the brothers a change and the various other programs.
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he deserves an opportunity to expand his expertise that he has developed in approaching our community. he actually walks the streets and approaches people with job opportunities and programs, and i think that this is the type of leadership that we are going to need to maintain some real representation from the community that is of the community. right now, we have people coming and going so quickly -- [bell rings] supervisor kim: thank you. is there any more public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. i forgot to recognize christina from the mayor's office of public housing. did you want to speak? >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am the oewd liaison, and i
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presented all of the members at hackett this week about the wicac. we are investing in our commitment to our cb a work force providers and want to ensure that their voice is heard throughout our work force system. we work very closely with each member, so we are definitely trying to instill new ways of addressing, you know, barriers to employment for the job seekers that come through and utilize any and all of our services. supervisor kim: thank you so much for being here. colleagues, at this time, we can open up for discussion. i do want to first of all thank all of our 10 applicants who applied for the four seats that we have available for the workforce investment community advisory committee. i read all of your applications, and i know you have also spoken to our office, and was truly impressed by the breadth of experience and also the passion
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in serving and getting our young people and our adults employed and working here in san francisco. it is one of our mayor's priorities, and i know it is a priority of many of us on the board of supervisors, so thank you. unfortunately, we only have four seats, and we clearly have 10 very qualified candidates. just to speak really briefly about some of the applicants, the two candidates that i definitely would like to see on this committee are liz jackson- simpson and winnie yu. i have been truly impressed by the outcomes of the work that you have done in getting our young people both engaged and into the job force, and i think that experience is really important, particularly given our priority in getting young people employed.
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winnie yu is an applicant who works in chinatown and also speaks cantonese, mandarin, and another dialect of chinese, and i think it is important to have representation from that community as well, and given your experience working at the one-stop the last two years, i certainly would like that perspective. originally, i was going to speak on behalf of jamie brewster, who works for asian work and design and does an amazing job of working with our young adults, particularly the ones coming out of our criminal justice system into the construction work force, but he was not able to make it today, and you know, did not have a chance to present before the committee, so for the remaining two seats, i was really impressed, of course, with sheryl davis, whose work i'm also very familiar with in the western addition, and i appreciated some clear ideas you like to prioritize on the wicac
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for your term, and thank you so much for your service. erris edgerly clearly brought a lot of folks from the community support you, but i think your work in janitorial and culinary and in the western position is an important perspective to have. i also appreciated having doug parrish here today. your work around green jobs was very interesting. again, we had a number of qualified candidates, and those were some of my initial thoughts. supervisor farrell. supervisor farrell: thanks. let me just echo your comments. everyone who came out and applied, i really appreciate it. once in awhile, we get these committees where we have one more qualified applicants than we had seats, and it is an unfortunate position, but everyone who spoke today really had something amazing to say, so thank you for all you guys do in our community. we depend on you to keep our city going. in terms of where i go, a few
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things -- one, to be consistent, it was talked about a little bit before. the notion of residency waiver requirements. that, to me, is something i have been consistent with from the get go. you have an amazing story, and obviously, what you do in our community is amazing, but i do have that fundamental issue. it is absolutely nothing personal. i have had to tell people i know that i have had to be consistent with that, but that is something where i go. the people i was totally impressed with -- i know of your work personally as well, ms. davis, from some of the school's image and and really appreciate what you do. i know when an impact you have had, and i think maintaining consistency on the body is important as well, so i would very much like to support ms. davis. mr. parrish, i thought your background was great as well, and of all the applicants today, someone who has actually worked in the private sector and
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approaching from that angle, but having your foothold in the non- profit world, i think that is really important. i would like to support you as well. the three others to talk about -- i think reverend erris -- a lot of support from the community. i do not know you personally, but i've heard a lot about your work. and ms. yu and ms. jackson- simpson as well. your reputation precedes you, and i think we would all be fortunate to have you sir. >> thank you. we had a number of illiterate applicants. i agree about the residency issue. i was impressed with your credentials, but it is really hard when you had qualified san francisco residents to tell them that we are going to appoint someone from outside the city, but i hope one day you are living in the city. that would be terrific.
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i agree that list -- liz jackson-simpson -- terrific. i support her as well. winnie yu and sheryl davis. i think matthew poland was very strong, and i support his appointment. supervisor kim: ok, i think we have consensus around ms. liz jackson-smith, ms. winnie yu, and ms. sheryl davis. we have one additional seat, and we have reticulate three different names. supervisor farrell both spoke of doug parrish and erris edgerly, and his book of matthew:.
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>> i thought mr. parish was very strong, and i would be happy to support him as well. either mr. poland or mr. parish would be terrific. supervisor kim: i think we have consensus on the fourth seed going to mr. parrish. i really do want to thank the applicants that came. i think there was fairly even support of all the applicants that came out today, and i think we would really benefit from all of your perspective being on the wicac. we encourage the applicants that do not live in san francisco to come back to our city and live here. we would love to consider you. we do encourage folks to apply again, and we really appreciate everyone's passion and commitment to workforce development, particularly in our communities where we are not employing folks, whether it is our youth community, our veterans, folks coming from out of our criminal justice system and have multiple barriers to employment -- we really appreciate your work.
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as my colleagues have said, keeping the city growing and moving along. thank you so much for everyone being here. we have a motion to move forward liz jackson-simpson, winnie yu, doug parrish and sheryl davis to the workforce advisory committee, and we can do that without opposition. thank you very much to the members of the public and the applicants for being here today. madam clerk, can you please call item two? that item two, hearing to consider appointing one member, a term ending april 29, 2014, to the children and family first commission. there is one seat and two applicants.
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supervisor kim: thank you. we still are continuing our rules committee meeting, so if you do not mind continuing discussions outside, we would appreciate it. at this time, we have two applicants for one seat. i am checking to see if either of those applicants are here today. we did try to contact both, and we were not able to get in touch with either. ok, so neither of the applicants are here. we can either motion to continue this item -- we have actually had trouble contacting these applicants. supervisor farrell: i think it is important that we have people seated as well, and to me, there are two applicants, and one has applied twice here, so i think the interest is there. one would take a residency waiver requirement. i would have trouble doing that, so i would like to make a motion
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supporting this kuo for the chair with recommendation to the full board. supervisor kim: we do have a motion to move forward. she did come to speak to the committee last year, so we did hear her speak, and he is definitely passionate. she is a pediatrician who does a lot of interesting work. carl bryant does serve as one of our assistance superintendents. we were not able to reach her and not able to hear her speak. in a stand because she is not a san francisco resident, to support moving forward anda kuo. we move anda kuo forward to the children and families first commission. we can do that without opposition. do we have any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. thank you, madam clerk, for reminding me. we have a motion to move forward anda kuo 40 children and
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families first. weekend that without opposition. please call item 3. >> hearing to consider appointing three members, terms ending march 1, 2015, to the in- home supportive services public authority. there are three seats and three applicants. supervisor kim: thank you. i will call you in or you were listed on the agenda. in same order as before. if you could list briefly your experience. i know you all currently serve on the public at 40, so if you could speak briefly to what you have a working on and what your priorities to continue another term. we do have your resume application before us, so feel free to highlight your work and priorities moving forward.
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>> hello. thank you for having me. i really am excited about being on the governing board and being able to be a voice for the young consumers, especially with the possible changes coming up with managed care and how it will affect me and others that are disabled and elderly people in the community. i am basically deciding on how i will continue on this path of deciding whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. right now, i pretty much do not like the idea, but i am still getting information, and as well as other things from the governing board, i am always willing to be objectionable and
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be willing to keep an open mind. keep an open mind about all the discussions that we have. supervisor kim: thank you, and thank you for your service on the committee thus far. next we have gustavo serina. >> i have been on the commission for aging and adult services since 2004 with its first openly gay president. currently, i am vice-president. i have been on the governing body since 2005. again interest at this time being lesbian, gay, transgendered, bisexual seniors, many of whom are invisible, many
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of whom are afraid, and many of whom need a great deal of support. we've been working on the governing body to identify clients and encourage them to be themselves and opened up with certainty that they will not be of use. i am also working with another task force are around lgbt seniors in san francisco. supervisor kim: thank you. next we have luis calderon. >> good afternoon. i would like to introduce myself. seeking reappointment. i have worked for the independent living research center in the past and and a past employees.
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at the department of public health, i supervised a staff of social workers and nurses to assist elderly people with disabilities discharge from long-term care facilities. i have been a family member for consumer action for personal assistance service to give voice for people with disabilities. i am intimately aware of the needs of people with disabilities and the need for services, and my priority for the program is to try to protect them from the threats and cuts of the state. elderly people in the community in position. without these programs, a lot of people would be facing institutionalization. that is my priority at this
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point. thank you for your presentation. supervisor kim: thank you. i see no questions from the committee, so i will open up for public comment. is there any public comment on item three? please come up. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am the executive assistant at the public authority, and i just wanted to say that luis and kenzi and gustavo are currently serving on the board and that they have the support of not only the staff, but also of their fellow board members as well. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, and thank you for being here today. >> ♪ good luck with these appointments of the angel of the morning services you come and help people that are all in need help them call them angels of the in-home services
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you help the people that are all in need in the city ♪ supervisor kim: thank you. is there any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. i wanted and the applicants for being here today and also for your previous experience on the authority. this is really important work, and we really need strong applicants that understand populations we are trying to preserve. in his den the diversity of the perspective sebring and appreciate you would like to continue serving on the authority -- i understand the perspective -- the diversity of the perspectives you bring. supervisor farrell: thank you guys for your continued service, and i look for to working to get on the commission. i would like to make a motion to
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move kenzi, gustavo, and luis forward. supervisor kim: we can do that without opposition. thank you so much for being here today. please call item four. at a hearing to consider appointing two members, terms ending december 17, 2013, to the sweatfree procurement advisory group. there are two seats and two applicants. supervisor kim: thank you. again, we have to a wheel of seats and two applicants, and both are reappointment request. i would like to call you up in the order you were listed, same format is before, maybe speak more to your experience on the task force currently. first, i will call up jason oringer.
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>> i am the coordinator for security services division for united service workers west. we represent about 5000 members in the city of san francisco and service workers, residential janitors, security officers at various sites, and screeners and other service workers at the airport. i have been a member of the advisory group for -- i guess it is three terms now, and i was a member of the original coalition in san francisco that helped work with supervisor ammiano working on implementing and making some amendments. i think it is an exciting time. we have had some challenges. it is really a precedent-setting law in a lot of ways. few laws have the possibility to increase the scope of the
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ordinance to affect a part of procurement that most cities have very little regulation on, and that is for actual purchasing of items. there is a lot of laws that cover services and construction, but this is a much less regulated, much less standard area, particularly for international procurement, and as we have seen, you know, in the last couple of years but even before that, but particularly in the last couple of years, there are egregious conditions that workers in many parts of the world still suffer, and that most products, particularly -- we know mostly about the garment industry, but if you cannot certify that things are produced in sweatfree manor, you can often assume that they are not, and there are pretty egregious conditions that affect worker health and safety, wages, discrimination, and other issues. i look forward to answering questions, and i look forward to serving in this capacity. supervisor kim: if i'm asking
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one question, one of our office's areas of interest is supporting diverse economies, and the growth of jobs in diverse industries. one area that came up to us is how can we support the garment industry here in san francisco, which used to be much richer and more vibrant, that has rapidly declined over the last 20 years. given your worked and encouraging the purchase of goods and figuring out how to provide preferences or incentives to garment industry manufacturers -- if you could speak briefly on some of your thoughts on how we can encourage the industry. of course, encouraging sweatfree and garment industries -- industry manufacturers in san francisco, but if you have some thoughts on that. >> i do have some thoughts. one member did some work in coordination with the city to both investigate the
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possibility -- i think that there are -- the garment industry has shrunk in size in sanford's is quite a bit in the last decade, but there are still some shops that do work, some of them in partnership have increased capacity -- the garment industry has shrunk in size in san francisco quite a bit in the last decade. in the industry, most of the work in the private industry, so i think what would be required is some form of public assistance to look at how they would develop a capacity to produce the items that the city needs to buy, probably in partnership with maybe a larger firm. that is kind of some of the things that we looked at, but i think -- and, you know, certainly could be a long discussion, but that incentives of 5% or 10% alone
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