tv [untitled] March 30, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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some of the areas were touched upon. commissioner should have an understanding this was built by the navy. the number of ships that were built at hunters point and pier 70 contributed a lot to world war ii . in that contribution weren't any veterans from san francisco, and those children should benefit from what happens on the 7.5 mile wharf property that is public trust land. while a lot of fascination is going into building a stadium or some other building for big developers, the middle man, working man, a union man,
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families that really need the help are left out. i realized -- i am good friends with the director. i hope she incorporates it in the deliberation. you talk about project here, there, and everywhere. make sure that 10 franciscans who contributed to the building of this area, their children get some benefits. thank you very much. to go any other public comment? to g>> in light of that, i will take a point of privilege -- personal privilege. as i understand it, the executive director has been well aware of these issues, and i want to point out the port has exceeded local hire requirements, and we probably
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have not done a good enough job of getting the word out, but it has been important to the porch. at one of the prior meetings it was mentioned we exceeded the minimum requirements for local hire. it is something the port and port staff are very focused on and we should be touting it more often than we do. the key for raising the issue. >> any other comments? ok. >> item 8a, a work authorization for the construction project to bay area systems and solutions inc. in an amount not to exceed $285,040, and authorization for a contract contingency fund up 10% of the contract amount or $28,504 of total authorization not to exceed $313,544. request authorization to execute
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a contract modification to contract no. 270 -- 2005 hal52 h apron repair to extend the original contractor ration of 90 days by an additional 39 days. request direction to at port reimbursement for costs incurred by the america's cup event authority in an amount not to exceed 350,000 up for new pierce 30-32 final construction drawings to the terms of the proposed 34th america's cup please disposition agreement and authorizes the executive director to enter another agreement with the event authority to reimburse these costs. >> moved. >> second. president woo ho: any questions or comments? all in favor? resolution 1224, 12-25, and 12- 26 have been approved. >> item 9b, informational
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presentation of the city's plans to reconstruct jefferson street between powell and hyde streets in fisherman's wharf as a narrow, two-way street to better accommodate transit, motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians. >> good afternoon. poor planning and development commission. two of us will be talking about jefferson street today. we will trade office of its income back to you. i would like to tell you a bit about our very exciting project in fisherman's wharf that has been in development for a number of years. the department of public works working with the city planning department and the community benefit district is planning to reconstruct five main blocs of jefferson street through the heart of fisherman's wharf. for a bit of project history, in
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2004 of the ports with the big conversation -- with public works department worked on parking issues. the study was focused primarily on the blocks and laid the groundwork for proceeding with the reconstruction at taylor streets and a prominent project. in 2008-2010 the city planning department completed the fisherman or public realm plan, which provided the groundwork for the proposed jefferson street plan. jefferson street is the main commercial spine of the war. this extends westward for five blocks. port jurisdiction includes the entire street and sidewalks. all properties on the north side of the street and up to the building faces on the south side, which are privately owned. jefferson street plant is old.
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it calls for resolving a problem with the great majority of people there are pedestrians that are crowded onto narrow sidewalks. well the great majority of the right away is dedicated to a small number of vehicles, many of which are searching for parking that is mostly located a block away. the plan calls for taking what is the standard 37 ft. with street with to travel lanes and parking on each side and changing it to have a much stronger pedestrian orientation. first, the street has changed from being a one way to to way. this makes it easier to understand and reach destinations. next, it is narrowed by 15 feet by moving the north curve into the south, and the new found space is given to pedestrians to continue the very popular, not across the waterfront. the street would not have any parking, but would accommodate informal parking and service
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loading. the existing sidewalk on the north side that is now sidewalk and cafes face could convert to a cafe zone. the edge between the cafe spaces and the new 15 foot sidewalk has pedestrian amenities. the street would take on a distinctive appearance to fishermen work identity. -- fisherman wharf's identity. how and when will this occur? the planning department is responsible for environmental review and commission and board approvals. they are designed to provide community assistance to the concept design phase. the department of public works is preparing the construction drawings. and to g>> thank you.
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david elmbaum. i wanted to talk to you a little bit about a few points with the community participation schedule. we have been working in partnership with fisherman's wharf community, and in close partnership with fisherman's wharf cpd on the public realm of plan, and since we have been doing that since 2008, there has been a lot of process going on before that. we have been collaborating as agencies before then. earlier in discussions it became obvious we need to strengthen the economic vitality in the role on the waterfront.
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community average for the public from plan and jefferson street work has been extensive. we have been a near constant conversation with the fisherman's wharf community since we got the work in 2008. for several months early on in the progress we have a storefront in the neighborhood where we welcome the community and share our ideas and listen to theirs. we had countless public meetings and workshops, and we met individually with nearly every property owner that would listen to us or talk to us and every business owner in fisherman's wharf, many of whom we met several times. we got community feedback and zeroed in on building these blocks for strengthening the district. we met with nearly possess and property owner to explain the vision for jefferson street. we recently held to public workshops that focused on the rebuilding in the plans you see
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there are parts of the culmination of the extensive public discussion. when the america's cup came along, the idea came up of trying to build a portion of the improvements for the america's cup event in 2013, although we a voice been clear we would only undertake that construction if we knew we could completed in time for the 2013 events. we continue to monitor that idea and promise. the board and familiar approved the concept design. work very hard to do that. we have now essentially completed our work. we were joined with the assistance of the roman and design group to help and advise and assist us. and we have essentially completed our work. dpw is beginning the construction drawings. they are expected to complete packages by july of this year. if all goes as expected,
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construction will end of october 2012 and will be finished right after fleet week and will run until may of 2013. at the same time that we have worked with the city family to secure funding to build the blocks between jones and height street, just a few weeks ago the board approved funding to do the construction drawings. they are working on them. we have every expectation the city is now looking for funds to build the blocks will be successful in the search for funding. we are excited about the improvements and change this will bring to the war experience and will be happy to take any questions at the end of the presentation. >> regarding revenue impacts, the jefferson street project would remove 87 metered parking spaces with the fine loss of
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$574,000 for the complete 50 blocks. for the first space the loss would be 218,000 annually. to make up lost revenue the port would need to realize a 5.6% increase in percentage sales, including pier 39. without pier 39 jefferson street would need to increase 7.5% to beat revenue neutral. several other cities have completed projects similar to the design objectives of jefferson street. qualities found to contribute to the success of the streetscape investment are a strong pedestrian orientation to the street. a distinctive physical design. the streetscape continuity through active building from ditches and cohesive design. for, flexible public spaces that can handle events, markets, and five, public transit.
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i will go through three of these very briefly. one is the third street, not in santa monica. it is a three block pedestrian mall in downtown santa monica known for the weekly shopping and street performers. it was unsuccessful in the 1960's and deteriorated through the 1970's and 1980's. the mall was redesigned to approve. after three designed, at the crowded, not have the retail occupancy increase from 75% to almost 100 percent signed, and average rent jumped 107% in a four-year time. it has become one of the region's biggest attractions and continues to thrive after its redevelopment. the transit mall was originally
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approved in 1977. the implemented the revitalization project in 2009 making major street up scapes and read designed the scale. this tree has wide sidewalks on both sides that are bordered by consistent retail and dining. the result is strengthened retail and property investment. by the time the mall reopened approximately 1.5 billion in private investments had occurred or was in progress. the third is the 16th street mall in denver building 1982. the mall is a granite tree-lined that runs through the center of downtown and lined with cafes. the mall was planned as businesses and residents were flocking to the suburbs. now the mall is the most popular shopping area for visitors in denver. 2008 retail rents for 30% higher
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than other parts of downtown and vacancy rates enjoy similar advantages. the $13 million project cost result in a private investment 2008. as for benefits to jefferson street, the economic benefits realized by other cities suggest that jefferson street could affect -- could achieve the minimum financial goal to achieve a net loss to the port. since nothing is certain, i must say it is possible the port or not fully recover lost meter revenues. however, other public policy benefits would occur and the city would see an increase to increase sales tax and property values. the next steps for the project include the steps david explained but steps with the porter -- port waterfront and also additional meetings.
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we will continue for the final design. that includes my presentation. >> we do have a public comment. andy thornly. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am with the san francisco bicycle corps look -- coalition. i bring you support for this project. this is a key piece of the date trail. it enjoys a lot of attention, but does not function very well, purchases -- particularly for bicycling on a one-way street. to pile onto the economic engine argument that dan just reviewed with you, we're well persuaded that even embracing the bicycle rental business i believed there may be more bicycle rental facilities than
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any other place on earth. it really is rich with bicycle rental opportunities, and the bicycle lanes are pretty crummy. making this better for all of those that come to visit cannot help but rain slowed-moving hungry traffic with dollars in their pockets going past these businesses. we think this will pay for itself very quickly. we support this. we look forward to helping bring it forward. thank you. >>president woo ho: any of the public comment? commissioners? >> i think it is fantastic. i am very excited i have a question, as you were talking about the lost revenue and ways it might be made up, would we then not be charging additional rent for restaurants or others that have kept pace on the
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expanded sidewalk? this would be additional space if there were to have a sidewalk cafe or something along those lines? >> yes. i believe they have a lease for the restaurant itself and there is a license to use the space in front of the building. there is a percentage of rent as part of the business as a whole. if that business increases, that happens. several other restaurants have a license for the space, and that will present an opportunity to expand as well. we could capture more in that way. >> thank you. and i am horrible with north, south, east and west. is that on the port side? >> the north side is on the port side. that is the sunnier side of the
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street. >> how does this affect the streetcar tracks. an? >> it is planned on three of the blocks. it is not part of the first phase of approval. the graphic is not very strong on that. on the blocks from paul wolff to taylor street, the street car would continue to travel down the street and a dedicated travel way that would not be accessible to bicycle or vehicles. there would be a curve that transit -- separate the transit way for bicycles and vehicles and sidewalks. the blocks down towards that, the east end would not get as much benefit from a why didn't
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sidewalk because they would have this dedicated way. there is a block from taylor to jones street, which would region it goes in and out just a bit. that does not quite show it. and i will show the other one. and again, it stays in a dedicated travel way and eliminates the conflict that often occurs now where bicycles go over the rail tracks and there are a lot of slick and falls as wheels get caught in it. it removes the hazard and create a freer moving zone. and to dump this is a wonderful project. it looks like a lot of thought has gone into this, but as far as the funding, i thought i saw there are 900,000 available, but this will take 27 million? take a right now there is a $5 million limit. let's do with materials and finishing work.
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it is anticipated to come from the city general funds. we're not here to ask the port for money. [laughter] >> that is on the record. thank you. >> i am going to challenge you on the son of the north side of san francisco. there is very little son in san francisco. -- very little sun. >> in terms of accommodating the businesses that are along they're unloading and loading, have we put plans? >> i will refer back to the taylor street improvement plans that were done a year or so ago where a very intensely-use sidewalk along the west side of taylor street, and the entire street was reconstructed.
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we faced the project to maximize the amount of -- we major businesses have access at all times. it was done with a complicated phasing plan to address business concerns. we have the same construction manager, and a very experienced and talented people that have been given priority of this tragic to address of the same way. we did not anticipate the problems will be quite as bad, because a number of the sidewalks along the north side were recently reconstructed to handle issues that came up, in other words, the building is above street level. there have been sidewalk improvements that were done with in the past three years, and those would remain. it would allow that situation to be easier, hopefully to minimize disruptions to existing tenants. >> any other existing comments? >> item 10, new business.
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president woo ho: any new business? there is one thing i would like to comment on. that is the comments on port contrasting and the fact that we're supposed to give quarterly updates on the contracting activities. i do not think we have had one this quarter. there is not one listed. and i think it is something we need to do it so that we can lead the public know how well we're doing with the contracting activities. that would be great. any other new business? to go item 11, public comment. -- >> item 11, public comment. president woo ho: dan guzulo. >> good afternoon.
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in 1995 i signed a lease with the port on pier 45 to open up a fish distribution company. my lease expired in 2005. there were arguments going on about mezzanines and aprons. i was not involved in it. i signed my new lease and continue to pay rent. in february 20132012 i got a letter from the port saying i had not signed a new lease and that i had -- basically letting you know on a month-to-month basis that i owe them more money. also, they wanted my security deposit increase to $7,000 that they want help. i call them and set aside one of these, what are you doing?
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i guess you have change property managers quite a bit. i am not quite sure. after scrambling and me having to pay approximately $14,000 in security deposits and back of charges that they have never charged me ever, we thought it squared away. ok. we will go along with that. we go along a little bit further and i get another document saying another registered letter comes to me in february 13 from a 2012 saying i have an undocumented subtenant. they said you have a company subtenant that we know nothing about. i said i have the agreement. i had it on my first place and still have it. -- first lease. >> so i gave them a sublease
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agreement i copied from the original sublease agreement. they said that was not good enough. i said why? they gave me this forum, which is a listing application. i said you want me to give this to my tenant? i said i would tell you where to stick it did that was me. i said i am willing to try it. then they asked me to give them -- this is what they wanted. they wanted name, address, illegal composition. three years of financial statements. a list of credit references. current financial statement of the subtenants. leasing application. a sublease agreement, even though the court does not have one. my question is, why do they need three years of financial statements?
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if i do not pay, you are coming after me, not my subtenant. i am asking why i am getting these letters? i did not have time to keep getting this stuff if you people are reducing paperwork. i cannot seem to get across to them. >> thing here. i appreciate your bringing that to our attention. and thank you. mr. decasta. >> commissioners, i want to say to you all very clearly about the first people, and one of you commissioners has heard me speak about them. this land is a lonely land, the
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land of the first people. some of this think that history began to hundred years ago. the reason why i bring this to the attention of the commission is that some of us have not treated this land with respect. it is shocking. i am the director of environmental justice. it is shocking for me to read the report on pier 70. i think each one of you that our present knows about this, but i do not know if you understand the ramifications where very contaminated toxic soil is going to be kept or very because they want to save money.
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commissioners, this is wrong. this is totally wrong. they tried it at hunters point and did not work. it will not work. they tried it at mid-village. it will not work. don't you ever think you have the technology to vary that much of contaminatebury that much ofd soil and i can go on and on, because i have the record. we cannot do such a thing in the year 2012. commissioners, some of you have been supervisors. some of you have been in the union. some of you have been in non- profits. i have a long rap sheet on each one of you all. i do my homework.
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