tv [untitled] March 31, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT
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questions, colleagues? supervisor avalos? supervisor avalos: an agreement with some of the trades, could you talk about that, please? >> we have got a changing free marketeer and a changing framework there. that is really a private discussion with the event of 40. obviously, there construction work is now limited under this approach, but they still let the other potential temporary work and things that may happen, so i understand that those conversations continue. president chiu: any other questions, comments? ok, thank you, mr. martin, mr. bensen. let me ask if there are any members of the public wish to speak on the matters before the board. if you could, line up, and each member of the public will have up to two minutes, and we have our first speaker. but thank you very much, board
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of supervisors. just so you know, i am english but and a u.s. citizen. i, like all citizens who follow this, i am incredibly excited. the america's cup is the oldest trophy in sport. i am very much looking forward to san francisco hosting it. one of the important elements of this is the legacy it will have on san francisco and the citizens of san francisco and the bay area. the america's cup used to be exclusive. now, it is inclusive. san francisco will enable the next generation of sailors and youngsters to enter when this is a constructive support for all. as an international citizen, i can tell you personally that the groundswell around the world about the america's cup finally being hosted in the best place
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for sailing, the san francisco bay, in the world, will be echoed. to conclude, i ask you, or i implore you as a small-business owner, the secret ingredient of every success story. faith. fade that the city will get more taxes, more revenues, more jobs, more prestige. this event is a great event for the city. thank you very much. president chiu: thank you ♪. next speaker. >> good afternoon. a consulting company. i was impressed with the aforementioned presentation. i heard scaling back. i heard reallocation. i heard allocation, building, construction, and as a minority business owner, making sure that
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women under, minority and, disabled veterans all have an opportunity to bid and win some of these contracts. the young man just said it very eloquently that this is an inclusive opportunity, as much as san francisco is a very inclusive town. i came here 24 years ago from new york city, and i came here for a two-week vacation, and i never left, said that is important for me to know that we are seriously going to take a look at this and make sure that minority owned firms, women- owned firms get the opportunity to bid and not be held outside the glass looking in. i appreciate your time. thank you very much. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> been added. my name is kendry. i was handed the reins of an
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association, and also, i'm speaking on behalf of the mission association. in 1951 when the yacht america arrived off the coast of britain. the royal yacht. in the audience was queen victoria. it came back to new york, and that is how the america's cup was born. it was not until 1983 when these young folks, let's from australia, arrived with a yacht. they had a flag with the boxing kangaroo. it was radical to win the race. they went to australia, because they had the right to select where they had the race. the place was called fremantle. i was in fremantle in 1969. it was a backwater port where the ships would pull in, both
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cargo and passenger, to refuel and replenish supplies. i went back again after the race a few years ago with my daughter. let me tell you, that town, that city is a gorgeous city now. it has got beautiful shops, parks, bars, entertainment places, just everything. this was only because the america's cup was held there. i urge you to vote in support of this event. thank you very much. president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> david, founder and president of a business related service. i have had the business and privilege of touring oracle racing with a few of my disabled sailors, thanks to a presentation by mr. stephen barkley. i have also perform a lot of work with the united states air force at one of them strategic air force bases in the world. i have seen raptors and bombers
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up close, the president's air force one, and others. the oracle racing fleet rivals of them all. there is so much more to be said about this new frontier in sailing than what we are talking about. the america's cup is a new challenge for the minds of children and young adults. not only to think creatively but to engineer marvelously. i know that the board has had wide sweeping concerns about land deals and local hiring and widespread economic impact, but it sounds to me that most of those issues have been resolved. as far as spreading economic impact across the various disadvantaged areas of the city away from the waterfront, that is what this event needs to focus on inclusion as opposed to just providing access to racing. inclusion will enable more people to reach the favorable pockets of the city and enjoy them outside of the race time. think about all of the street vendors, the prosperity, and all
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of this satellite activities that will arise from the america's cup. more importantly, i really want you to think back to june 19, 1999. rutherford new jersey, the stadium, home of the new york giants, but instead of a football game, women's soccer laid siege to the international spotlight. that game showcased. knowing what ever have thought that women's soccer or any other sporting event would have the slightest chance of filling up such a large scale. president chiu: thank you very much. thank you. next speaker. >> that afternoon. gary. two observations about the america's cup. one, seawall lot 330.
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going back to 2010, red java house is going to be thrown out of the bus. among the thousands of people who go there for every baseball game, and i am one of them, it is going to be preserved, and i think it is commendable to the board that this happened. secondly, i also heard today in the mes disposition that deawall lot 330 n is going out, as well it should have. i am glad to see that it is out, and you are to be commended on that. the sec and the general observation it pertains to the process of the america's cup from one person's point of view, mine. it seems to me that the board of supervisors and its budget analyst's and the spot on the
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analysis and figures deserves a lot of commendation, and i think that you have been a buffer against the frequent penchant for things emanating across the hall here. despite the enormous the efforts of people in this participation. the america's cup now, it seems to me, is affordable. it is a proper scale, and it should be enjoyable for all, and that the board deserves a lot of credit. it was inexcusable what went on there, and one person at least thank you. president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors. my name is -- and i come to represent one of those disadvantaged neighborhoods which we call the fillmore. as the gentleman spoke to come outside the race and come into our neighborhood to see how we can get some economic
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development also, and also, with the special permits, you know, food vendors, street vendors, the local hiring, and i think we really need to get knee deep into the meat of the rays as local hiring is just not based on construction. i work part time sometimes at the moscone center, and there are so many jobs there, u.s. security. you have the construction of the booths. we have so much employment there that i think we should have and point out line on what it is that the america's cup is going to need from a small minority contractors, security, to building stages. there are so many jobs that i think the local hiring issue needs to have a better help line and not just what was given to us. i think there should be a
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special hearing just on the jobs in this small contracts that are available beyond just construction. construction comes and goes. small businesses, as we get ready for small business week in may, they are here to stay, and we know they are the backbone of the economy. we want to know this also. president chiu: next speaker. >> i am kimball, and this is not my first time to speak as an advocate of the america's cup. i urge you to keep the faith. we have all made some adjustments. since february 2010, and the close observer of the city family, and there are some very adept, smart people working hard to make america's cup on the san francisco bay a reality. i have a better opinion of city hall than when i started in that observation, thank you for your
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efforts. there is not a lot of new stuff to say. let's get this done. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> been added. my name is dave hill. i am the vice president of the international longshoremen's union, and local located next to at&t ballpark. we are very proud of the fact that the new cruise terminal is named after our esteemed past president. his legacy was about protecting and creating jobs along this waterfront for the diverse membership. today, i speak on behalf of the international and for four locals that work is san francisco crews and cargo terminals. we support this agreement because the poor investment at the piers will create jobs for our union. it will create jobs for the races in 2013 in the short time, and in the long term, it will create jobs at the increasing
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cruise business. the facility can be used for a third cruise is the terminal. we have met with a race official, bob, and we have told him our expectations and to have members work at existing terminals. we are asking that the members work where there will be race boats and spectator boats docked. anything short of this will be a blow to our legacy and a rich history on the waterfront. on a leap of faith, we supported the america's cup altman this process, and we are still supporting it today. the america's cup, getting to finalizing their contracts for labor, we a expectations that this will be met. thank you. president chiu: 80. next speaker. >> good afternoon, president, members of the board. i am the secretary/treasury -- treasure of and local that
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provide security services to terminals and crews facilities. we credential all of the vehicles accessing marine terminals. on behalf of the members, i am here to support the america's cup development agreement today. i have been here many times. i cannot tell you how many times i've been here to speak. i have been too many meetings and have sat on the hard benches for hours, and they are very hard. but i have been doing that because i am optimistic that our members will benefit from the jobs that are created in 2012 and 2013. our local is very diverse. we are over 50% minorities. maritime security jobs are hard to find in san francisco. at the waterfront, we have a unique opportunity with this event. last year, we guarded the or always but for two months, and we look for to going back for
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the america's cup. it has been a long process, and we hope that today it can still be approved and that we can continue to work with the racing management on the many requirements where there will be raised and spectator boats. thank you. >> good afternoon, president, members of the board. veronica sanchez. i am here to support the revised america's cup development agreement and related actions. our union represents the captain on the tug, a company on the waterfront. it is an lbe company. that company has a history of doing construction work on the waterfront, including dredging. we look forward to the
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opportunity of having our captain man and a ferry charter business that may result from the america's cup, so we urge you to support the resolutions before you. thank you very much. president chiu: next speaker, please. thank you. >> i am martha, a trustee of the park's conservancy, and i also chaired a board committee. i am speaking today about that thousands of donors to contributed towards the restoration and all of the volunteers that work very hard every year, as well as all of the visitors. over six months ago, we met with the feeling of being the authority, the national park service, and the city of san francisco. all parties agreed that chrissie feels should be in better condition as before the events.
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we were to to make that a true guarantee. after six months of working with the event of 40, we were able to mutually agree to a concept of a letter of credit from the of the authority as a financial guarantee against any damage to parts plants. this was approved by many, including nancy pelosi and the event authority. just two weeks ago, we learned that the of that authority role was off the table. instead, the city would be responsible for the operating costs and potential damage and the wear and tear associated with the america's cup events on national park lands. we had constructive conversations with the city since that major change, but we are looking for a guarantee, an explicit guarantee that shows us a clear source of funding as
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well as a guaranteed mechanism to transfer those funds to the national park or to the conservancy. we must protect it. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am with a san francisco travel organization. travel is a vital to san francisco, and tourism. last year, san francisco hosted six 3.5 million visitors that spent almost $8.50 billion. that supports many jobs and contributes $525 million to the city budget. these are significant increases over the past year, and we can be happy with those numbers, but we can do even better, and the america's cup will help the city
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-- even greater benefits in many ways. in the short term, the events themselves will track the visitors that will rent hotels, eat in our restaurants, and otherwise stimulate the economy, but in the long term, the international exposure that will be provided by these events is priceless. i have a calling that goes to different places around the world, and sheet tells stories about how people will come up and say, "you are from san francisco. that is my favorite city in the world." and she will say, "why is it your favorite city?" and they often say, "i do not know. i want to go." thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, my name is john. i am a resident of san francisco district six and m eight captain of 8 group.
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it is private business and take passengers on the san francisco bay. we have taken a lavender people sailing on the base since last june, all of them are excited about the america's cup coming to sentences car and about raising on the bay and for the city. so i am here to speak in support of the resolution. i will say that speaking with , and also promoting the business by speaking to the concierges tour of the city, there is increased -- they do not understand the minutia of the discussions going on inside this building. there is increased concern about the uncertainty about the america's cup. and that is leading to fatigue. i urge the supervisors and the board to expedite this process so we have certainty for the
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races in 2013. thank you. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> good evening, good afternoon, supervisors. i am a private citizen. in 1983, i had a pivotal change in my life because that is when we lost the america's cup when i was in college. what happened then is the technology inspired me to take up an aerospace engineering degree. the america's cup is unique. it is a unique thing in sports history. you could see nothing but technological innovation. because of this, i got involved in aerospace engineering and in 1983, 1984, i joined the team in newport beach, california. we tried to bring the cup to newport beach. they were faster and we were eliminated quarterly. san francisco has registry.
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what -- has a rich history. this can be one of the most innovative and inspiring events in california history. if you want to inspire children, if you want to inspire them to see what people can do and what teams can do and what individuals can do, what you want to do is bring the america's cup here. when i was involved to have to go out in a boat and go offshore. for the first time, you will have to -- you will have the most inclusive show. they will see the excitement and technology that goes into it. tens of thousands who have never seen america's cup boats close will be able to see it. the technology is so far ahead of where we were in 1985, it is amazing to see. what the team is doing is pushing technology even farther. i would encourage you to please vote for this plan to bring america's cup to san francisco and let's move on and get the
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race is going here in the bay. thank you. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am andrea and i represent ecopress partners. i have sat through two hearings and i applaud you for your stringent cost value analysis. what i am not hearing is any intent to support the workforce development plan in -- and the america's cup has been working with me since last october to bring revenue to the small businesses of san francisco. they are very supportive of growth within our industries, i represent the printing industry. i am speaking for myself, will be hiring more people and putting money back into the economy here. i urge you to quickly pass this
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riddle -- this resolution and let's get moving along. thank you. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon. i have been a san francisco boater and resident for the last 25 years in the haight-ashbury neighborhood. i am a member of the golden gate yacht club and the manager of that ceiling program there. i am requesting your full support by voting yes today on the lease indisposition agreement between the city and america's cup planners. the america's cup will ramp of jobs for a fairly long time as visitors roll into town to see what is going on before, during, and after the main events. bring -- teams will bring their family, support groups, and their fans. they will need housing. there will go to our restaurants, the fan base i think is something that we have never seen here in the city and
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i am excited about it. i hope that you are, as well. you have the opportunity today to say yes to something that the whole world would love to have in their hometown but it is yours to have for throwaway. i urge you to vote yes. thank you for your time. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> president chiu, board members, good afternoon. today is the kind of weather we have outside that most sailors and their vessels change their course and chart for shelter. i believe san francisco bay is one of those days in the earlier times before any of the industrial economic development happened here. san francisco is a landmark and
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many uses and government's responsibility is affordability and keep in mind we already have the copier in our short. we are the defending champion -- we already have the cup her on our shore. we are the defending champion. what we are thinking is not necessarily what we have to say. you are casting a vote. more than likely of vote that is cast that unifies and with conscience. i urge you, i plead and ask for your support for the enthusiasm of the population coming to san francisco. that money can never by the happiness and the experience of generations in front of me and behind me.
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i see the opening of ribbons and welcoming of our guests. i would like you to think about your vote you have cast today. and participate with the party and be on board with everyone. again, a consensus vote is about with conscience. please do. thank you. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> good evening. i am ace washington. i am here at public comments and my colleague said, what are you going to say? you're going to get in trouble. ♪ i would like to know who
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is in control right here in san francisco ♪ the america's cup, i am for it. billions of dollars and millionaires are coming here. ♪ i would like to know who is in control, i asked the mayor but he did not care ♪ it is an issue that is going on with the african-american migration report. i'm here supporting the america's cup but a lot of people say that african- americans will get economic development. we're not part of the 10-year plan. we definitely are not part of the billionaires' plate. i, ace washington, will be watching over that. the african-american out migration is institutionalized. ♪ i would like to know who is in
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control right here in san francisco ♪ ♪ redevelopment is going, but we're is willie brown? ♪ ♪ i will talk to governor jerry brown, this is his second time around ♪ ♪ he has got to help us turn this thing around, what i am talking about ♪ ♪ the black population is coming down. when the benefit comes we will be nowhere around. ♪ i can't pay my own doggone rent ♪ ♪ let alone be a san francisco resident ♪ president chiu: thank you, next speaker. and
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