tv [untitled] March 31, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT
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cindy, come on up here. [applause] so everyone, cindy for the past seven years has been the executive director of san francisco safe here in our city. safe for those of you who don't know, i believe most of you know of it, it's an organization focused on safety in our community, in our neighborhoods, i think probably best known for neighborhood watch and so forth over the years, and has set up hundreds in san francisco but also does a lot with personal safety protection, involved with businesses in our community, and before coming here to the board of supervisors, i had the honor of being on the board of directors at ss-safe and i see a number of the board members and our police department including chief sir and the captain and everyone who worked with cindy. to me cindy has been not only a leader within the organization
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but certainly within the mission of safe in the city of san francisco. you know, continuing to grow safe's presence not only within our neighborhoods but also as we did the community advisory boards and the different stations throughout san francisco. the block captain meetings. but really kind of continued to be a partner with our police department and cindy is going back with her family to move back to wisconsin. i think the only thing i would request is your kids don't grow up packer fans and stay niners fans. but we're going to miss you so much. it's been so much fun for me to spend time with you over the years but thanks for all that you've done and congratulations and we wish you nothing but the best. [applause]
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>> i didn't expect this. supervisor farrell: i know. >> thank you, mark. you've been a great friend and colleague over the years and your support not just of me but our organization has been tremendous. i will miss you. i will miss, of course, working with the board of supervisors, all of you have been so great and supportive in the work that safe has done. i can't tell you how important that is to us and thank you, of course, to my staff who set me up to come here today. they tried to make it a surprise but that wouldn't work with me and obviously thank you to my board of directors for their long-term support. everyone has been onboard with the organization for so long and brings me great sadness to leave the organization and this city and i'm sure i won't find anything equivalent back in madison, wisconsin. i'm also sad to leave this great city and of course one of the things i value, also, is the partnership with the police department. we wouldn't be able to do as much as we do today without their support and their partnership and their leadership and we really
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appreciate everything that they've done for us and that the board of supervisors has done for our organization. i appreciate this. i'm humbled and very surprised but thank you very much. thank you. supervisor farrell: you bet. [applause] supervisor farrell: hold on, cindy, hold on a second. >> thank you very much, supervisor farrell. colleagues, at this time why don't we go to our 4:00 p.m. special order. madam clerk, could you call
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item 6-9. >> item 6 is a public hearing of persons interested in the decision of the planning commission's january 19, 2012 approval of a conditional use authorization for property located at 1111 california street, also known as the nob hill masonic center. item 7 is the commission approving the condition at use authorization at the masonic center. item 8 is the motion disapproving the planning position. item 9 is asking the clerk to prepare finding. president chiu: as i mentioned earlier in the meeting, colleagues, both parties in this matter have agreed to a continuance of one week. there have been fruitful conversations in recent days that potentially may lead to a resolution of this matter. so with that, i'd like to first entertain a motion to continue for one week. motion by supervisor farrell. seconded by supervisor martha we continue this item to april 3. before we move with the motion to continue, if there are any members of the public who wish
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to speak on this matter, please let us know. seeing none. on the motion to continue, colleagues, if we could take that without objection. without objection, that should be the case and this matter will be continued until april 3. madam clerk, could you read the adoption calendar. >> items 12-16 are being considered for immediate and unanimous adoption without committee reference. these items will be acted upon by a single roll call vote unless a member request discussion of after matter and then will be called separately and considered. president chiu: would anyone like to start. supervisor elsbernd. supervisor elsbernd: 14. president chiu: supervisor campos? and on items 12, 15, 16, madam clerk, please call the roll. supervisor kim? >> aye. >> supervisor mar? >>i poofment >> supervisor olague? olague absent. supervisor wiener? >> aye. >> supervisor avalos? >> aye.
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>> supervisor campos? >> aye. >> president chiu? >> aye. >> supervisor chu? >> aye. >> supervisor cohen? >> aye. >> supervisor elsbernd? aye. >> supervisor farrell? >> aye. >> 10 ayes. president chiu: items are adopted. item 13. >> oaking withizing a day against homophobor and transphobia and calling on officials to lower the united nations flags in united nations plaza for a 24-hour period on may 17, 2012. supervisor campos? supervisor campos: thank you. i wanted to make a couple points on this item. this a resolution that recognizes international day of homophobia and transphobia. it's important to simply note that often here in supervise we take many things for granted. the reality is in most parts of the world, lbgb people are still suffering not only discrimination but in some of
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these countries you're talking about violence and at times even death and i think it's important for those of us who live in places like san francisco where we don't have to deal with those -- with such a horrible situation that we acknowledge the suffering that other people have and that's what this resolution is about. i think it's important for us to recognize that and i know that other countries like spain, belgium, mexico, costa rica have recognized this day and we are calling upon the city officials and specifically the director of the department of public works to lower both the american flag and the u.n. plaza flag on may 17 and i want to thank the co-sponsors of this resolution. supervisor olague, supervisor kim, and president chiu. thank you very much. president chiu: thank you, supervisor. unless there's any further discussion, colleagues, can we take this item, same call? >> mr. president, it's not the same house, we have supervisor
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olague back. president chiu: roll call vote. >> item 13, vfsor kim? >> aye. >> supervisor mar? >> aye. respect sprfors olague? >> aye. >> supervisor wiener? >> aye. >> supervisor avalos? >> aye. >> supervisor campos? >> aye. >> president chiu? >> aye. >> supervisor chu? aye. >> supervisor cohen? >> aye. >> supervisor elsbernd? >> aye. >> supervisor farrell? >> aye. >> there are 11 ayes. president chiu: the resolution is adopted. item 14. >> resolution supporting assembly bill 1831 which bans expand the box for state and employees to cover city and county workers state wythe. supervisor elsbernd? supervisor elsbernd: continue for one week. president chiu: is there a second? supervisor cohen. if we can do that without objection and continue until april 3, that shall be the case. with that could you read the
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memoriums. >> today's meeting will be adjourned in the memory of the following individual on behalf of supervisor kim, olague and avalos for the late dr. engrazia, escobar, borha. president chiu: is there any more business in front of the board? >> that concludes our business for today. president chiu: ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned. >> want to thank you all for
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coming out on this beautiful san francisco winter day. we are delighted to be here in chinatown. thank you to all of you who came out. there's going to be some noise during this event. this is a very busy street. that's one of the reasons we are doing this project. we are here today -- i am transportation director with the sfmta. thank you, boss. we're geared today to mark yet another important milestone and the steady, continued progress that we are making for the future generations of san francisco in this critically important project criticallyphase 2 of the light rail, otherwise known as the central subway. it is a project that is very important for building capacity, to move san francisco in the future. it also has benefits for current generations of san franciscans. the benefit comes in the form of
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jobs. you cannot mention the word jobs these days without thinking of our great mayor lee. out further ado, i want to ask mayor lee to come up and say a few words. mayor lee: thank you. thank you for your great leadership. we would be dryer if the subway was built. we would be right here. i'm looking forward to it for the work that is about to happen. right behind me, you see this. i cannot be prouder of our mta. they're moving on this with the funding, with the schedule. they have been working hard with the neighborhood. we have the president of the chinese society here today. she has artist and a sense of old and new and it is reflected behind me. a vision of what the station will look like, and also the
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sense of history that this represents, only in transportation, but for this community. david represents the modern san francisco as the board president and also as a our supervisor in this district. of course, clearly, the chinese- american supervisor for this district 3. very thankful to him. working with the chairman and making sure this continues to happen. we have some challenges with central subway. we have straighten them out. we step forward and continue to get really good news from our partners in the federal government. today, again, we earn the highest ranks with this central subway and all of the different federal and state agencies.
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right up to president obama's administration, to have set $150 million in his budget for this station, the central subway. that adds to the green light we have gotten through the notice to proceed with the tunnel contract that is essential to this. today, the unveiling here. this will be geared towards the end of this year. you also need to know the little story behind this. how well our mta has been working with all the elements of the community. there's a little story here that i fit a lot of attention to, simply because my background is an attorney representing low- income tenants in chinatown. living above this building -- some eight small businesses that used to be in the front.
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while they're physically gone here, what does not go unnoticed is the way in which there was a solid communication with those businesses, those business owners, the employees, those 19 households to get them to understand and agree that they had to temporarily relocate themselves. they have done that. they have done that without lawsuits, without protest, because we've taken care of their needs. i need to thank mta for this. we've had other projects in our city's history where the relationship with the impacted community was not as smooth. this is really to the credit of the whole mta family, working in concert with our community- based agencies, all these wonderful agencies that came together at a very early stage,
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identified resources that had to happen to make sure that the quality of life was going to be treated as importantly for people who are going to be displaced temporarily. we are going to find permanent homes for all of 19 households. they are in temporary places right now. we have assured them and they trust us to find them permanent homes. we're going to do that. we've gotten temporary relocation for all the businesses. that is as important as announcing that we are forging ahead with a $235 million new subway station anin chinatown. then another station at union square and another at fourth. all part of a project that will be invaluable to connecting the whole city. i am here today to not only revealed the latest chapter,
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but to kind of congratulate everybody for doing it really well to this point in utilizing our federal relationships. i need to thank president obama, a minority house leader nancy pelosi, senator boxer, all of our leaders who have been with us from the beginning. i'd like to say there's no stopping us now, but we have to get reviewed every step of the way. we are glad to do that. we've had the team together. we've done everything right. we are moving forward on it. the bid for the station is already on the street. there is a bidder's conference that will be held next week. the rest of the three stations that i just announced -- those bids go on throughout the year. i think every three months. every two months. we are on a very good pace to complete this.
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this is the moment i have been waiting for. i think this is the strongest indication. it gets stronger every time we are out here to announce it. today, it's about thanking the community. they have never lost faith. i want to thank the board of trustees, the board of directors, the mta. thank you for your great leadership on this, as well. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, mr. ma. yor. he has been a steadfast supporter of this from its inception. the board president who happens to represent this the district has also been a strong supporter of this project from the start. i want to remind folks that every single action that the board of supervisors has ever taken with respect to the central subway has been approved on an 11-0 vote. there's not a whole lot of
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things we could say sail through with that type of track record. it speaks to the city wide importance of the central subway. it brings very specific benefits and very specific impacts to this neighborhood here. the board president and his role as district supervisor has been very focused on making sure that we do do the right thing, that we did the right thing in relocating tenants. i just want to acknowledge our real estate director, the city attorney's office, and our program manager. they all worked very hard to make that progress as smooth as possible in a way that meets the expectations that president chiu has set for us. without further ado, i want to invite our board president and
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district 3 supervisor, david chiu. >> i want to welcome you all to a warm day in san francisco. first of all, the mayor has thanked many of you who have been part of this tremendous effort. i want to thank ed l foee for the work you have done. years ago, i served on the citizen advisory committee for the central subway. i remember having conversations with mayor lee when he was just a department head about the birth that we needed to do together. it is amazing and wonderful. i want to take a moment to say how excited i am because of my transit trip to get here. about 40 minutes ago, i rolled out on my bicycle and i put it away because of the rain. i then waited for a few minutes to try to catch a bus that did not come.
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i then waited for a few more minutes to catch a cab that did not come. i ended up walking about 16 blocks over the hills to get here today. i realized that if the central subway was in place, we'd have a much more dry and quick ride. we know that when the central subway comes, rather than the 3 mile per hour trips that folks have to take down stockton street, we will be able to get here from all parts of the city much faster. we know that central subway will connect our communities all over the city, all over the bay area, not only bringing millions of tourists, but making sure our families will be able to be connected to folks who live here, not just in chinatown, but north beach, and fisherman's wharf. i know there have been a lot of thanks. i want to take a moment to thank the community partners
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that helped to make this happen. we spent a lot of time working with the residential tenants and the small business tenants who are here. thank you to ccdc and your advocates for working with the mta staff and others in making sure the transition will be a smooth one. the reason we have this beautiful our work behind us is because of the work of the chinese historical society. thank you. i also want to thank the chinatown ymca. the young people helped to create the minerals. from left to right, it tells the journey from our past to our present and really to our future to a beautiful new structure that will be built. this structure is being billed with the generations of struggles and advocacy represented by all of us here and by the good work of the city, working with the private sector, working with our community. thank you for being here today. look forward to future
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announcements as we go to our milestones. thank you very much. >> thank you, president chiu. >> the other parts behind this project is the mta board. the maker referenced -- the mayor referenced some of the work they have done. we have issued two notices to proceed. that is under way. next, the $235 million chinatown station the mta board has authorized us to advertise. that will be followed by another $600 million or so of construction projects, all of which will be awarded in this calendar year. this is a big year. this is a big year for the project. that's a big responsibility that we are asking of the mta board to authorize nearly $1 billion of construction work to make
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this happen. the leader in shepherding this project along, both as a board member and as chairman of the board, mr. tom noland, who we are very happy to have here. mr. chairman. >> thank you. thank you very much. i have the opportunity to be in washington, d.c. earlier this week. everything the mayor has said is exactly right. to be able to represent the officials in the administration and in congress that this city has united the entire political leadership of san francisco -- totally behind us -- that means so much. they all understand that. on behalf of the board, i want to say how proud we are of the board of directors and the entire agency of mta. we've had a number of critics through the years to have said -- do it some other way. my question is, have you ever been to chinatown? what is another alternative? the alternatives were considered. this is clearly the best one.
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i look forward to the day of the dedication. when this is done, 35,000 more people per day will be able to take this system. it will be better for the entire community all the way around. on behalf of our board, i am very delighted to be here. i look forward to the grand opening. thank you. >> thank you, mr. chairman. you've heard a lot of talk about partnership. the board president and knowledge ccdc. i want to thank the reverend and the planning director. great partners in working with us. andy, the associate director of the chinatown ymca. i think they were going to bring a bunch of kids out, but given the weather, -- oh, it is a furlough day. my kids are home today. i forget about that. that's where they are. ymca. we have a lot of great community
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partners. the mayor mentioned we have a pre-bid conference and meet and greet. we also want to bring jobs to the community. we want to make sure the community access has jobs. we want to make sure everybody has some of the benefits. the beautiful work behind you was put up by a local contractor. we want to thank them for putting up that wrap. and then the chinese historical society. i want to thank sue lee and ask her to come up and say a few
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words. >> hello, everyone. a pleasure to be here and an honor. the historical society will be 60 years old next year. this mural is a mural that was made in 1952. on the occasion of the opening of what we would describe as one of the two significant transformational projects of chinatown. it was commissioned for the opening of the public housing in 1952. it depicts 100 years of chinese american history. it reads from left to right. the original is donated to the historical society. it was restored by the historical society. it hangs in our wells fargo
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learning center. members of the public are welcome to visit the actual mural. what i said about transformation is so important. we are standing in chinatown which was rebuilt after the earthquake and fire. virtually every building in chinatown except for old st. mary's church was rebuilt after the fire and earthquake. there have been few sites that have been we developed since that time. one exception is this building right here. it was truly transformational in that it constructed decent affordable housing for china totwon's overcrowded citizens. the advocacy for that housing took 20 years. advocacy for public housing in chinatown started in the 1930's. we are pleased that the artwork has always been a part of major
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public projects. this will be the new central subway station for chinatown, which is also transformational for chinatown. not only will it bring visitors, workers, shoppers to chinatown. it will provide much-needed transportation connections for chinatown residents to go elsewhere in the city. it is transformational because it will transform this corner. this building was built after the earthquake and will become a new gateway for chinatown. really positive things for the future of chinatown. we are not a stagnant community. history is not stagnant. we are really proud to be part of this transformational project. thank you. >> thank you. i could not have said that better. we really appreciate and acknowledged and respect and honor the history of chinatown,
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of our city, and by celebrating the installation of this wrap today, a big step forward in the progress of this project. we are honoring that. we are keeping the site looking good in the process. we're doing our part to keep chinatown as strong and vibrant as it has been for 100 years. this is a transformational historic project. we are honored to be able to participate in it and bring this great change to chinatown and to san francisco. with that, and we are concluded. there's more information on our web site. i want to thank you all and are dignitaries for joining us today
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